Anime & Manga Thread Vol. 2: Za Warudo!!!

Just got finished watching Yu-Gi-Oh Bonds Beyond Time.

It was...really bad actually. The movie moved too fast for anything to have gravity to it and the Duel itself was dreadfully boring. I actually preferred the Duel in the 4Kids movie.

It was nice seeing the regular card art (albiet in the Japanese version only) though.
It's mediocre. I never finished watch it, but I intend to.

However, I paid $26, so I personally think $33 is way too high. I'd wait, even if you decide to get it.

Don't really post in her but read it quite often for suggestions on Anime so sorry if this is a dumb question.

Would anyone recommend: Dream Eater Merry: Complete Collection?

I have never heard of it but it seems interesting, but not sure if it is worth the money for the Blu-ray.
It was a slightly, and I do mean ever so slightly above average series (aka just one tiny tiny step away from mediocre) I don't think anyone in their right might would ever recommend it, but at the same time if you are bored and have nothing better to do it's not a horrible watch... for better or worse it's just pretty forgettable lol.

Did some research and I compiled a list of anime I'm interested in:

My Little Monster

Polar Bear's Cafe



Ace of Diamond

Started up a couple others last week:

Gintama - Heard it was super funny. Watched 10 episodes and it's okay. I'll continue to watch it but I'm not feeling the hype yet.

Haikyu - Caught up on this completely. Really like it. My wife thinks it's funny I watch all the these sports anime and I don't play or watch any sports.

Say I love You - My wife actually recommended this one to me. She's been reading the manga and I noticed it was on Crunchyroll. It's defiantly a chick anime but I don't mind watching this stuff every now and then. Only 13 episodes so I'll stick with it.

Did some research and I compiled a list of anime I'm interested in:
My Little Monster
Polar Bear's Cafe
Ace of Diamond

Started up a couple others last week:
Gintama - Heard it was super funny. Watched 10 episodes and it's okay. I'll continue to watch it but I'm not feeling the hype yet.
Haikyu - Caught up on this completely. Really like it. My wife thinks it's funny I watch all the these sports anime and I don't play or watch any sports.
Say I love You - My wife actually recommended this one to me. She's been reading the manga and I noticed it was on Crunchyroll. It's defiantly a chick anime but I don't mind watching this stuff every now and then. Only 13 episodes so I'll stick with it.
Drop everything and watch Gankutsuou. So good.

Don't watch with the kids.
Watched the first episode and it was interesting. The texture effect (not really sure what to call it) is a bit distracting. I'll watch more later tonight at home. Thanks guys

Finished Cromartie High School and Spice and Wolf this weekend. I might check out the Spice and Wolf light novels since it seems like there won't be any more of the anime.

Started watching Ranma 1/2. It's pretty enjoyable so far; am not laughing my ass at it and I do think it does try too hard at points for laughs,but am enjoying the characters and their antics.
Needed a new anime hat since my previous one (Ash's hat from Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation) has been completely washed out. Ended up getting a Leaf Village Headband cap from Naruto.

Why is it simple solid-color hats with a symbol on the front are so rare? What I really want is a black cap with a red NERV logo on front. But all the Eva hats are these weird over-designed funky hats that look hideous.
Needed a new anime hat since my previous one (Ash's hat from Pocket Monsters Advanced Generation) has been completely washed out. Ended up getting a Leaf Village Headband cap from Naruto.

Why is it simple solid-color hats with a symbol on the front are so rare? What I really want is a black cap with a red NERV logo on front. But all the Eva hats are these weird over-designed funky hats that look hideous.
You're the first person I've ever seen talk about anime hats. I just wear a naruto headband everywhere I go.

I just get mine from eBay. Most are $15-$20, but my Naruto one was $9 and my old Pokemon one was $10. RightStuf also sells a bunch of them.

EDIT: This is the hat I ended up getting:

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Started watching Ranma 1/2. It's pretty enjoyable so far; am not laughing my ass at it and I do think it does try too hard at points for laughs,but am enjoying the characters and their antics.
When you start to tire of the show and stop finding it enjoyable it will be best to just stop.... Ranma doesn't really have a clear cut point where it gets meh, it's just kind of a steady decline after the third season until you sit there and think to yourself.... why in the heck am I still watching this, it's just the same 5 story lines over and over again just with some nouns replaced... in stead of martial arts sweeping it's suddenly martial arts vacuuming (note I used to examples that I don't recall as being real examples...)

When you start to tire of the show and stop finding it enjoyable it will be best to just stop.... Ranma doesn't really have a clear cut point where it gets meh, it's just kind of a steady decline after the third season until you sit there and think to yourself.... why in the heck am I still watching this, it's just the same 5 story lines over and over again just with some nouns replaced... in stead of martial arts sweeping it's suddenly martial arts vacuuming (note I used to examples that I don't recall as being real examples...)
Yeah I read that it really goes down hill after the third season; which is like most shonens that either get bloated with filler or just don't know how to switch things up too stay fresh.
Yeah I read that it really goes down hill after the third season; which is like most shonens that either get bloated with filler or just don't know how to switch things up too stay fresh.
yup ranma got bloated with filler (list here, not english but you can figure it out.)

I didn't realize how much of season 3 was actually filler lol. but as you can see there is a lot of filler, especially in season 5 and early season 6. and as I said, basically to make the filler still feel like the show all they did was take a non filler plot and then slightly alter some details and reuse it @_@

The first couple seasons are great, but Season 4 is when I stopped watching. When they introduce that stupid Hawaiian principal you know when to stop.

I third Gankutsuou.

I admit that what caught my attention was the texture art porn. Art porn makes me happy. But the anime was great.
Beautiful art + a good story is a win-win for me.

Gintama's pretty good as well. I started watching it recently and at first I wasn't into it, but after a few episodes I started to really like it.
It's a parody series so it has gags of basically everything and a lot of silly things happen, but it has a plot underneath all the gags.

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I liked Devil is a Part Timer quite a bit. Only problem is I wish there was more. The story just kinda ends. Overall a funny show with great characters. Enjoy

Not sure if this is the best place to put these but a couple of 48 hour crunchyroll all access guest passes for the weekend...



I bet you guys want to know what I'm watching. Wait. You don't? Well too bad, haters, because I'm telling you anyway.

Saint Seiya- I'm on episode 28. A little boring, but it seems to be picking up.

Cyborg 009- Saw this as a kid. Seeing it again subbed since the dub messed some stuff up. I'm around episode 33 and even though I like it, I can't bring myself to finish it due to the terrible sub quality. Haven't seen it in months. It'll be much worse though when I reach episode 75 of Saint Seiya where the sub quality takes a dive straight to hell.

Monster- On episode 20-something. Good but the pacing is so slow.

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ- On the last few episodes. I share the unpopular opinion that it was better than Zeta. God, Kamille was such a terrible protagonist. Char carried that anime.

A few more things I'm too lazy to remember.

I am also not big on Zeta, largely because of Kamille too. Though my biggest pet peeve is that the series didn't bother showing anyone on screen unless Kamille was in a 10 mile radius.
I'm about three episodes into all the airing anime I'm watching, so I figured I would update you all on what seems to be good.

  1. Akame ga Kill - probably my favorite of the season. Good animation and solid story. Read the manga and I love it too and so far the anime is accurate to it. My friend likes to describe it as a mixture of Fullmetal Alchemist and Berserk because of faulty government and constant action. Worth a watch imo.
  2. Aldnoah Zero - entertaining enough, but I'm not entirely sure what's happening since I got it confused with Argevellon.
  3. Ao Haru Ride - boring.
  4. Barakamon - also one of my favorites.
  5. Bishoujo Sensi Sailor Moon Crystal - eh. I'm not a big fan so far, but it seems okay. Usagi's voice is annoying.
  6. DRAMAtical Murder - boring.
  7. Free! Eternal Summer - same as last season pretty much.
  8. Locodol - I'm enjoying this one so far although it's kinda out of my usual genre.
  9. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - enjoyable and funny enough. I've heard the manga is great so I'll probably read that soon enough. 
  10. Glasslip - bleh.
  11. Hanamayata - now that I think about it I don't remember anything about this. I know I've watched it. Maybe episode three will refresh my memory.
  12. Himegoto - garbage.
  13. Majimoji Ruromo - seems okay.
  14. Rail Wars! - enjoyable so far. An anime about train conductors seems kinda odd though.
  15. Re: Hamatora - eh. Liked the first season but now I'm liking it as much.
  16. Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? - decent.
  17. Space Dandy Season Two - about as enjoyable as the first season (fairly).
  18. Sword Art Online II - eh. First episode was boring as hell.
  19. Tokyo ESP - enjoyable.
  20. Tokyo Ghoul - good, overhyped. I don't like it as much as the manga (which is still overhyped).
  21. Zankyou no Terror - like it, but everyone's obsessing over it and I'm not quite sure why. The characters are interesting at least.
I'm about three episodes into all the airing anime I'm watching, so I figured I would update you all on what seems to be good.

  1. Akame ga Kill - probably my favorite of the season. Good animation and solid story. Read the manga and I love it too and so far the anime is accurate to it. My friend likes to describe it as a mixture of Fullmetal Alchemist and Berserk because of faulty government and constant action. Worth a watch imo.
  2. Aldnoah Zero - entertaining enough, but I'm not entirely sure what's happening since I got it confused with Argevellon.
  3. Ao Haru Ride - boring.
  4. Barakamon - also one of my favorites.
  5. Bishoujo Sensi Sailor Moon Crystal - eh. I'm not a big fan so far, but it seems okay. Usagi's voice is annoying.
  6. DRAMAtical Murder - boring.
  7. Free! Eternal Summer - same as last season pretty much.
  8. Locodol - I'm enjoying this one so far although it's kinda out of my usual genre.
  9. Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - enjoyable and funny enough. I've heard the manga is great so I'll probably read that soon enough.
  10. Glasslip - bleh.
  11. Hanamayata - now that I think about it I don't remember anything about this. I know I've watched it. Maybe episode three will refresh my memory.
  12. Himegoto - garbage.
  13. Majimoji Ruromo - seems okay.
  14. Rail Wars! - enjoyable so far. An anime about train conductors seems kinda odd though.
  15. Re: Hamatora - eh. Liked the first season but now I'm liking it as much.
  16. Rokujouma no Shinryakusha!? - decent.
  17. Space Dandy Season Two - about as enjoyable as the first season (fairly).
  18. Sword Art Online II - eh. First episode was boring as hell.
  19. Tokyo ESP - enjoyable.
  20. Tokyo Ghoul - good, overhyped. I don't like it as much as the manga (which is still overhyped).
  21. Zankyou no Terror - like it, but everyone's obsessing over it and I'm not quite sure why. The characters are interesting at least.
Barakamon sounds interesting, I'll have to check that one out. I agree on Akame ga Kill, that's a fun show.

I am enjoying Glasslip and Blue Spring Ride, though. Nothing spectacular so far, but I like a nice slice of life.

Overall, I would say Akame ga Kill and Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun are my favorites so far.

I can keep watching Aldnoah Zero for the soundtrack alone.

Barakamon sounds interesting, I'll have to check that one out. I agree on Akame ga Kill, that's a fun show.

I am enjoying Glasslip and Blue Spring Ride, though. Nothing spectacular so far, but I like a nice slice of life.

Overall, I would say Akame ga Kill and Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun are my favorites so far.

I can keep watching Aldnoah Zero for the soundtrack alone.
if you like slice of life, you should def check out Hanamayata

Trucking away with Ace of Diamond right now. You'd think I'd be burnt out of these high school sports anime but I just get so addicted to them.

What do people think of Sword Art Online 2? I only watched the first episode so far. It was okay. I"m waiting a couple weeks so I can watch like 3 or 4 in a row.

Trucking away with Ace of Diamond right now. You'd think I'd be burnt out of these high school sports anime but I just get so addicted to them.

What do people think of Sword Art Online 2? I only watched the first episode so far. It was okay. I"m waiting a couple weeks so I can watch like 3 or 4 in a row.
ace of diamond is alright, I still prefer major (I just like Goro more than the main character in ace :p) but ace if enjoyable enough that I find it to be a shame it will be ending in 12 more eps or so.

As for sword art online 2 it's definitely taking its time to get going, but I am enjoying it. I feel like it should be mostly done with the set up through episode 4 and that things should start getting more interesting with episode 5.

I've been watching a few of those simulcasts.  But Anime News Network pretty much nailed Rail Wars in their preview guide.  It feels like the train conductor version of You're Under Arrest.  Only the characters are moe-fied in this show.

Really don't know why Crunchyroll picked up Himegoto.  Unless you want panty shots of a trap, which is just creepy.

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I've been watching a few of those simulcasts. But Anime News Network pretty much nailed Rail Wars in their preview guide. It feels like the train conductor version of You're Under Arrest. Only the characters are moe-fied in this show.

Really don't know why Crunchyroll picked up Himegoto. Unless you want panty shots of a trap, which is just creepy.
I thought this did a good job of summing up Rail Wars.

A shame too since the concept was actually interesting,but it's squandered like many other shows do with good concepts.
Oh, forgot to mention it, but if you are going to Otakon, be prepared for Downtown Baltimore to be very, very, VERY busy. The Orioles are in town and are having their 60th Season Anniversary festivities the same weekend as Otakon. Friday night includes fireworks and a ceremony where old-timey Orioles will be honored and Saturday they are giving away a Wild Bill Hagy hat. For those who have never been to Baltimore, Oriole Park at Camden Yards is literally across the street from the Baltimore Convention Center.

Though if you're lucky you may get on one of the MASN cutaway shots and will likely get picked up for highlight packages on ESPN, MLB Network, etc.

Started watching Bakuman again. Currently upto Season two episode ten. This show grew on me quite a bit, initially I wasn't feeling it at all.

Looked at Otakon's schedule. Sadly, no Battle of Gods showing, so Arundel Mills is it. Most blasphemous for me, however, is no Gundam Unicorn Episode 7. The rest of the episodes were shown at Otakon, and I was hoping for the full series.

Debating whether I want to deal with the hassle of trying to get into the Sailor Moon and/or JoJo dub premieres.

Also, one of the fan panels is an anime version of Whose Line is it Anyway. God, yes.
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Note to panel makers, if you have a panel called "Whose Line is it Anime?" then actually have some freaking improv performers!
Note to panel makers, if you have a panel called "Whose Line is it Anime?" then actually have some freaking improv performers!
This sounds like all kinds of sad.

Been watching subbed Dragon Ball. Never watched it all the way through so I'm excited to see the King Piccolo arc and the end of DB.

Also the wife and myself started watching Rurouni Kenshin. I never saw it and she only read the manga. The live action movie looked really good so I want to watch the source material first.

This sounds like all kinds of sad.
All the actual improv was done by audience members who were chosen at random to perform the games. Some of the lines were good, but most of the jokes were standard fare anime riffs without truly blending anime and Whose Line.

Plus, everything was done in front of the stage instead of on it, so you could barely see them.
Just finished viewing Sailor Moon Episodes 1, 2, 8, and 10.

The dub is so far pretty good. Mercury and Mars sounded aa good as the originals. Moon was great, but I kept hearing Orihime and loved Terri Hawkes, so it takes some getting used to. Tuxedo Mask sounds a bit too deep, but he hasn't had too many lines yet. The script was very accurate, but even inaccuracies were well written (such as Umino's "Over 9000" reference).

Overall a very good dub.
bread's done