Anime Suggestions Wanted!

[quote name='cletus']It's because Cowboy Bebop is the best anime ever made. [/quote]That's quite a stretch. It's enjoyable, even if the story and characters are fairly one-dimensional. It had one of the better localizations and has a broad appeal. But I can't agree that it's the best anime ever made.
[quote name='guinaevere']That's quite a stretch. It's enjoyable, even if the story and characters are fairly one-dimensional. It had one of the better localizations and has a broad appeal. But I can't agree that it's the best anime ever made.[/quote]
I think Bebop was special in how the show played with tragedy and felt heavily Americanized in a culture that was defined as big breasts meet bigger robots when the only "serious" anime that mattered at the time was Ghost in the Shell, Ninja Scroll, and Neon Genesis Evangelion, at least on the American anime landscape.

The sense of classic film noir in the show has still not been matched in my honest opinion in any entertainment medium, and more than anything, despite the violence, sex, or drug use, the show was classy as hell. It's like The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson of anime.

Best anime? As I've said, to each their own. But man did that ending just KILL.

Maybe because the more you watch, the more monotonous the following series one watches become.

Considering someone like Kirin has admitedly seen sinful amounts of this form of entertainment, he tends to be aware of the "been there, done that" sort of shows.

For example, what were the....first 10 series he watched, and did he really like them, does he still like them now? or are they overshadowed by his evolved taste that developed later on?

Im enjoying escaflowne right now. First big robot anime I see, Havent ever seen gundam (or as I like to call it, "havent been gundamned")
[quote name='guinaevere']That's quite a stretch. It's enjoyable, even if the story and characters are fairly one-dimensional. It had one of the better localizations and has a broad appeal. But I can't agree that it's the best anime ever made.[/quote]
I largely agree. When the episodes are full of action and/or comedy, it's absolutely great (Mushroom Samba), but it fails to get me to care about the characters, beyond Ed, to get into the "emotional" episodes and it gets boring quickly.

To the OP: I recommend these two every time and I'll do the same for you. If you're into music, rock especially, give Beck a shot. It's just now getting released here and the dub's very well done, so you can get the first few volumes right now. Also, there's Planetes, a great space drama, with a good amount of humor in it, that's more of a realistic show than most out there.
[quote name='Liquid 2']Nigga please. Kirin is my lackey. ;)

We just both happen to have good taste.

Also, Outlaw Star is super overrated and Claymore is, judging from the manga, another typical shonen jump-esque anime, but shorter.[/quote]

Can we do without the n-word please?
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']*laughs* He needs far more help than I can offer him, I'm afraid.

People take me far more seriously on this stuff than I am, I think. Heh.[/quote]

The only true belief is your own, right? You don't know what you're talking about. Apparently I should like an anime just because you like it, and if I don't I'm somehow beneath you. I've seen Bebop on TV a few times. I couldn't stand the character art, music, atmosphere and most of all the setting.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']But I don't like campy anime - I like good anime. If I'm going to watch something crappy, I'd better be good and drunk with a bunch of friends around so we can all rip it apart. Ninja Scroll and Fist of the North Star have both gotten roasted by us in the past - so awful![/QUOTE]
Alright OP i will give you some suggestions as to what I think you might like:

If you want watch Rurouni Kenshin but DO NOT WATCH SEASON 3. EVERYTHING AFTER THE KYOTO ARC IS GARBAGE. Also you might want to try some of the gundam series. Most of its good except for the SD bs. I will give a second or third vote for Hajime no Ippo.

Here are some suggestions just in general:
Kino no Tabi
Azumanga Diaoh

Well hope that helps. ^_^
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']But I don't like campy anime - I like good anime. If I'm going to watch something crappy, I'd better be good and drunk with a bunch of friends around so we can all rip it apart. Ninja Scroll and Fist of the North Star have both gotten roasted by us in the past - so awful![/quote]
So in other words you're a baby boomer to anime and you weren't around when these shows were new, so you keep comparing whatever "new gen" anime you watch to them?

Dragon Ball Z, by today's standards, is awful. So is Fist of the North Star, Ninja Scroll, Blue Seed, Speed Racer and pretty much 90% of any anime that came out back then, with Record of Lodoss War being in that 10% of anime, that was actually SO good it could last years to come. I'll even go as far as to say Gundam back then isn't good to watch NOW. And it's true. If you watch Gundam Seed/Destiny and then turn around and watch Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, you'll have a hard time as a first time viewer, finding the latter just as entertaining.

What you don't get is, just because Lodoss was good, doesn't mean that's the standard for good anime back in the day. Certain anime, are so good in their element that they can last years, because they were executed perfectly.

Bebop isn't one of them. Boohoo for you. Bebop won't last the years to come. When it was released, it was a solid 9/10 or even 10/10. But good enough to outlast its age? Not likely.

Naruto, Fate/Stay Night, Evangelion, Gurren Lagann and even Claymore are what I would consider "Really good, but mediocre" anime in the grand scheme of things. An anime that'll hold its weight even in the years to come, that's released recently? Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi. Full Metal Alchemist. As for good anime-

If you don't like Naruto and Bebop, I'm assuming you want an anime that doesn't try too hard to either drag things on, or disappoint you.

Claymore is good. If it would've stuck to the manga story, it would've been better, but at least they didn't give it a bittersweet ending, so pick it up! It's an anime where these monsters called Yoma run around that look like humans, but turn into themselves and eat human guts. These warriors called "Claymores" are females with armor and a huge sword that run around killing them. The story focuses on Clare, a claymore that meets a younger boy Raki when she saves him.
D.Grayman is very good. There's a small episodic period of filler that occurs, look up on Wiki where it is specifically. The anime is getting close to the ending. It's an anime about basically, a group of people with special powers that are fighting against an evil man that turns people into "Akuma". Akuma are basically machines that kill, that use the body/look of the person they took over. The way they are made, has significance to the story and I won't spoil it.
Full Metal Alchemist is one of those lasting anime. This is one of those anime that'll make you laugh, feel excited, keep you at the edge of your seat and even make you cry. It's literally my vision of what today's perfect anime should be. It's about a boy with a younger brother, they try to use alchemy to bring someone back from the dead, in the process Edward (older brother) loses his arm and leg, Alphonse (younger brother) loses his entire body. Edward uses Alchemy to put Alphonse's spirit in the body of a suit of armor. This anime has a really strong brotherhood aspect to it.
Darker Than Black is very decent. It kind of follows a concept similar to Bebop, but in my opinion done well. An anime about a gate appearing in Tokyo called Hell's Gate. Ever since it showed up, weird things happen to people. People get special powers, they have to make a contract to use them. Secret organizations have "Contractors" to do missions for them. When a person dies because of a contractor, an organization creates a doll to replace them so people don't notice they're gone. It follows the sort of, "I was doing missions for money but now I have more important things to worry about". Another anime that follows that preset rather well is...
Black Lagoon - Kind of a mercenary style anime. A woman named Levy/Reby (Rebecca) is a Chinese woman working in a mercenary operative called Lagoon. A Japanese businessman somehow gets caught in the mix with them, and his joining them affects everyone in a sort of impacting way. He's by no means a fighter, Reby does the fighting, but he is constantly torn between the side of being good or being bad, always being put in positions that question his ambiguity.

Those are all really good and should hold you over for a while!

And sorry, but I won't take anyone seriously that thinks Cowboy Bebop is the "greatest anime ever made". No, it's not, sorry. Was it great? Yes, I agree with that. It was REALLY good, but it wasn't the "greatest" ever made. To be perfectly honest with you, we don't have a lot of diversity to even make statements like that. Anime itself is too broad a genre to crown anything the greatest. Is there a movie out there that's the greatest movie ever made? I'd like to see you pick one, and convince 100 movie enthusiasts of it. There'll be at least 10-15 that disagree with you, and another 20-25 that say, "Well it's really good, but not the greatest". That alone, makes the entire statement null and void.

Full Metal Alchemist comes WAY closer to holding that crown.
Here are a few more... although Hajime no Ippo is my favorite...


BECK - Awesome story great characters. 2nd favorite
Yakitate Japan - Baking bread meets crazy.
Slam Dunk! - A lil slow at the start, but still really good
I recommend Big O.

The story is confusing, yet interesting to talk about. Roger Smith is James Bond and Bruce Wayne rolled into one. R. Dorothy Wayneright is a very awesome character.

The music...oh God the music is great.

Big O is one of my top two all-time favorites.
[quote name='ch3zyp00fs']Here are a few more... although Hajime no Ippo is my favorite...


BECK - Awesome story great characters. 2nd favorite
Yakitate Japan - Baking bread meets crazy.
Slam Dunk! - A lil slow at the start, but still really good[/quote]

Yeah I forgot Slam Dunk. Wonderful show.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Can we do without the n-word please?[/QUOTE]My apologies.

[quote name='ch3zyp00fs']Here are a few more... although Hajime no Ippo is my favorite...


BECK - Awesome story great characters. 2nd favorite
Yakitate Japan - Baking bread meets crazy.
Slam Dunk! - A lil slow at the start, but still really good[/QUOTE]The Yakitate! Japan manga is fantastic, and the Beck manga is pretty good too; I'm not sure how that translates to the anime though.

NamelessMC: read the FMA manga so you know what the anime could have been. The anime is an absolute joke in comparison.
Also, the Bebop anime >>>> FMA anime.
[quote name='Aegith']The only true belief is your own, right? You don't know what you're talking about. Apparently I should like an anime just because you like it, and if I don't I'm somehow beneath you. I've seen Bebop on TV a few times. I couldn't stand the character art, music, atmosphere and most of all the setting.[/QUOTE]
Again, you're taking my comments far too seriously. But you can still go to hell for not liking Bebop. :D

[quote name='NamelessMC']So in other words you're a baby boomer to anime and you weren't around when these shows were new, so you keep comparing whatever "new gen" anime you watch to them?

Dragon Ball Z, by today's standards, is awful. So is Fist of the North Star, Ninja Scroll, Blue Seed, Speed Racer and pretty much 90% of any anime that came out back then, with Record of Lodoss War being in that 10% of anime, that was actually SO good it could last years to come. I'll even go as far as to say Gundam back then isn't good to watch NOW. And it's true. If you watch Gundam Seed/Destiny and then turn around and watch Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ, you'll have a hard time as a first time viewer, finding the latter just as entertaining.[/QUOTE]
Obviously you don't pay much attention to what I post. I don't care what year an anime was released. My only expectations are that it tells a good story and has interesting characters. All of the shows that you've mentioned thus far, Lodoss included, I consider to be garbage - and not because they're old, but because I thought they were genuinely uninteresting, forumulaic, poorly written, or any combination of the above. On the other hand, I love Future Boy Conan. I also love Rose of Versailles. Don't lecture me on how to appreciate the "oldies" - when I saw these crappy 90's shows, I saw them IN THE 90'S, and they were still crap. This has nothing to do with comparing old to new.

[quote name='NamelessMC']What you don't get is, just because Lodoss was good, doesn't mean that's the standard for good anime back in the day. Certain anime, are so good in their element that they can last years, because they were executed perfectly.

Bebop isn't one of them. Boohoo for you. Bebop won't last the years to come. When it was released, it was a solid 9/10 or even 10/10. But good enough to outlast its age? Not likely.[/QUOTE]
I beg to differ - Lodoss has been dead and gone in Japan for a very long time, and those who know of it in America are mostly people who watched it back when it was new and there wasn't much to choose from. It's not memorable, it's not interesting, it's not fun. Bebop, in comparison, remains popular with the otaku crowd here in Japan, and is fondly regarded by most in America for being able to satisfy both hardcore anime fans and mainstream viewers alike.

Oh, and finally - your love for the Fullmetal Alchemist anime is baffling. While I did enjoy it, it's a mere shell of what it *could* have been had it followed the path that the manga had taken. The last few episodes (and the subsequent movie) were chock-full of those "terrible ideas" that I mentioned in a previous post. Definitely far from the perfect show you seem to regard it as.
Ok, so I have to admit, I'm not the biggest anime fan, but I've become more into it over the last year. My favorites so far are currently:

Samurai Champloo

I'm also currently getting into:

Full Metal Panic
Cowboy Bebop

But, I'm wondering what good anime's am I missing out on? Any suggestions would be nice.
[quote name='SL4IN']sorry if this is a repetitious thing. I'm hardly ever in this part of CAG to begin with.[/QUOTE]

There are 2 other anime threads at the top of the forum, but alright, here are some real suggestions:

--Perfect Blue (movie)
--FLCL (ova)

on the topic of anime, RightStuf sent me a catalog since I ordered from them once a while ago-- the cover prominently features lolis. quite embarrassing when the mail lady handed it to me today and wasn't her usual nice self. :lol:
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']My current favorites:

Ego Proxy and Black Lagoon[/QUOTE]
I think I've come to hate Black Lagoon far more than I normally would because people keep erroniously recommending it as something that's worth watching. It's NOT. It's AWFUL. Awful storylines, awful dialogue, awful characters, awful music! The only saving grace is its animation.

[quote name='Deefuzz']Berserk is all you really need.

Also currently digging Death Note.[/quote]

In addition to those two, Code Geass:Lelouch of the Rebellion.
[quote name='Apossum']--Perfect Blue (movie)
--FLCL (ova)[/QUOTE]
Win and super win.

If we're going to blow his mind, we might as well recommend Paranoia Agent and Paprika to him too. :lol:
[quote name='Liquid 2']Win and super win.

If we're going to blow his mind, we might as well recommend Paranoia Agent and Paprika to him too. :lol:[/QUOTE]

how about the first few episodes of Paranoia Agent (before the weird rpg stuff comes in), then Paprika, since it's essentially on the same theme as the last few episodes of Paranoia Agent, but without the awkwardness. :lol:
It's not "anime" per se, but Avatar: the Last Airbender is actually a really good show. Airs Fridays on Nickelodeon, 8:30PST. It has many influences from martial arts films to the works of Miyazaki (i.e. Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away).

If you really want only anime or animation from Japan, I'd suggest Miyazaki films.

I too do not recommend Black Lagoon, my friends keep telling me to watch it but it's crap. Actually most if not all of the anime these days are crap. I tried getting back into the present animes, but after watching Gundam 00 (which is just Gundam Wang all over again), I said fuck it.
[quote name='crystalklear64']
Golden Boy.
[/quote] seconded, very perverted but provides some great laughs at the same time
Is there anything that's like Appleseed and Patlabor in terms of looks of the anime or in terms of military based? I'll go for stuff that looks like [SIZE=-1]Hayao Miyazaki's work as well.[/SIZE]I'm pretty much a nOOb to anime but I'm particular of what I can stand.

I just started coming to this section of the site myself. Anyways, anime I would suggest:

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Excel Saga
Elfen Lied
Please Teacher
Cowboy Bebop
Outlaw Star

Those would probally be my current top 10, however I like alot of anime.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']My current favorites:

Ego Proxy and Black Lagoon[/quote]

Yes. Black Lagoon is a fun show. It's like a Hollywood R-rated action flick in anime form.

Ergo Proxy is very cool too.

Once again, I recommend Big O cause Roger Smith is the shit. The story is convoluted, but Roger and Dorothy are two of my all-time favorite characters. It the only show with a mecha that I like.

option.iv is right, Avatar is an american show, but it is very influenced by anime and is REALLY fun to watch. It really is a gorgeous show.
Rolled Help me find some good animes to watch! into this thread. We don't need individual threads for the same sort of question.

If you want to ask for suggestions, post what you do and don't like in here and ask for advice along those lines. And guys, try to offer series that align with what the asker says he likes. Just because I'm partial to Anime X doesn't mean everyone else will enjoy it.
bread's done