April NPD Numbers

[quote name='torifile']Well, technically, all opinion polls omit large portions of the population, but the sampling error is generally low because of the randomness of the sample. That is, it can be assumed that a representative cross-section of the population has been sampled.

In this case, an entire class of sales were cut out, rendering one of the assumptions of sampling false. So any conclusions to be drawn are based on bad data. An analogous situation would be if we asked only people in New York what their opinion of the preznit is and said it is representative of the country's attitude.

Sorry for the digression. :)[/QUOTE]

More or less what I was trying to get at, but failed in saying in a caffeine-induced frenzy of "oh, shit I have a lecture to get to in 4 minutes!" ;) Thanks for the save.

[quote name='DJSteel']since the PS3 launch:

USA and Japan:
360 - 2,866,357
PS3 - 2,153,453[/QUOTE]

360 in the US alone in that time frame: 2,866,356. :lol:
[quote name='Roufuss']Getting Wii Sports with the Wii was great, reminds me of happier times when I was a kid. I could swallow $600 for a PS3 a little easier if, say, Resistance came packed into it.[/quote]

I'd love to see the pack-in return as well, but Resistance couldn't be that game (nor GoW for the 360) if there was only one SKU for the system. You just can't include a Mature rated game in the box and not give people any alternative. Hurts sales where kids/preteens are the intended users. Wii Sports works because it's rated E. Now if they split SKUs, so there were 2 different 60GB bundles, then one of them COULD come with Resistance. Motorstorm might be a good choice for the other SKU.
[quote name='geko29']I'd love to see the pack-in return as well, but Resistance couldn't be that game (nor GoW for the 360) if there was only one SKU for the system. You just can't include a Mature rated game in the box and not give people any alternative. Hurts sales where kids/preteens are the intended users. Wii Sports works because it's rated E. Now if they split SKUs, so there were 2 different 60GB bundles, then one of them COULD come with Resistance. Motorstorm might be a good choice for the other SKU.[/quote]I think Motostorm would be a great game for them to pack in with the PS3. It may not be the most spectacular game ever, but it would sure take the edge off that $600 price tag a little bit.
[quote name='daroga']I think Motostorm would be a great game for them to pack in with the PS3. It may not be the most spectacular game ever, but it would sure take the edge off that $600 price tag a little bit.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. The latest Costco bundles have Motorstorm (instead of Genji). Of course, they aren't included for free - it is only a $10 price break ($700 for PS3 + Motorstorm or Genji + extra controller).

If there's a PS3 price break AND Costco comes up with a decent bundle I might bite... I can wait though.
[quote name='mykevermin']More or less what I was trying to get at, but failed in saying in a caffeine-induced frenzy of "oh, shit I have a lecture to get to in 4 minutes!" ;) Thanks for the save.

360 in the US alone in that time frame: 2,866,356. :lol:[/quote]

actually the japanese was more like 800,000+ PS3s vs 300,000+ 360s
[quote name='DJSteel']actually the japanese was more like 800,000+ PS3s vs 300,000+ 360s[/QUOTE]

I think, maybe, JUST maybe, myke was being sarcastic when he said there was only 1 360 sold in Japan. Maybe that's just me though :)
I am so sick and tired of hearing about how the Wii is bad for "real gamers" I hope they all go back to playing dungeons and dragons and WoW and leave everyone alone already.

The most ironic thing of all is that Nintendo fans said the same thing in 1996/2002 when the N64/GameCube faltered to Sony's machines, that Sony was bad for "real gaming" and nintendo were "pure gaming" machines. Funny how things come full circle like that.

The Sony kids who grew up with Playstation are now having their hissy fits about Nintendo rising back to the top.
I definitely don't think the Wii is bad for 'real gamers'. It's not something for me, but I wouldn't go that far. I just see it as another option for 'real gamers'. As long as the Wii doesn't completely takeover, and I still have PS3/360, I'll be fine. I will probably get a Wii, but not for the 'innovative' control. I'm just too big of a SSBM, Mario, Metroid fan to miss out.
[quote name='dpatel']I think, maybe, JUST maybe, myke was being sarcastic when he said there was only 1 360 sold in Japan. Maybe that's just me though :)[/quote]

no shit...just laying out the numbers..
Let me tell everyone what the problem is. The people who don't like the Wii don't have friends, and if they do have friends, they're so bent up pretending to be badass/asshole that they just can't settle down and have some fun. It's easier to pretend that you're Superman playing Gears of War on Xbox Live while getting the best blowjob in the world from Wonder Woman than it is to actually be who you are. To them, that is what the definition of hardcore is and it's a sham.

Consistently, the Wii is my go to system whenever I have friends over and every single time the console has been a blast. From Wii Sports, to Bomberman '03, to Rayman, it's just a fun ass system to play with your real friends. Too bad for some people, that's just not cool enough.
[quote name='mykevermin']The 360 has sold around 250K since launch in Japan, actually.[/quote]

We can tell this because thats about how many used 360's exist in the Japanese marketplace. ;)

If the Wii is wildly successful, we wont just see more party games, we'll see more games of every type. If theres 50 million Wii's out there, and no open world, epic storyline, sandbox games, developers will make them. There wil be great racers, and fighters, and rpg's etc...
[quote name='Puffa469']We can tell this because thats about how many used 360's exist in the Japanese marketplace. ;)

If the Wii is wildly successful, we wont just see more party games, we'll see more games of every type. If theres 50 million Wii's out there, and no open world, epic storyline, sandbox games, developers will make them. There wil be great racers, and fighters, and rpg's etc...[/quote]

how many platformers are on the 360? How many rpgs are on the 360?

answer: little to none.
[quote name='DJSteel']how many platformers are on the 360? How many rpgs are on the 360?

answer: little to none.[/QUOTE]

How many Japanese developers who tradationally develop platformers and RPG's make games on the 360?

Little to none.

That is changing though... Eternal Sonata, Last Remnant, Blue Dragon, that other game from Mistwalker I can't remember the name of are all coming to the 360.
[quote name='DJSteel']how many platformers are on the 360? How many rpgs are on the 360?

answer: little to none.[/quote]

Which frustrates me to no end. Actually, the complete lack of platformers recently on any of the three systems ticks me off.

Oh, what I'd do for a sequel to "Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy."
[quote name='Plinko']Which frustrates me to no end. Actually, the complete lack of platformers recently on any of the three systems ticks me off.

Oh, what I'd do for a sequel to "Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy."[/quote]

I have seen a bunch of people say that is good but no real explanation as to why. Why is it so good?
[quote name='DJSteel']how many platformers are on the 360? How many rpgs are on the 360?

answer: little to none.[/quote]
More than the other two? Well, I don't know about platformers, haven't really been tracking those.
[quote name='The Crotch']Wow, this thread is fucking great. Strell, Emo, and Daroga VS Pyro. It's like the "handicap" matches they used to have in the Roman colosseum - three gladiators VS a woman with a broken arm.[/quote]Ok, normally I'm not real loud. But I literally laughed out loud reading that. Nice. ;)
[quote name='The Crotch']Wow, this thread is fucking great. Strell, Emo, and Daroga VS Pyro. It's like the "handicap" matches they used to have in the Roman colosseum - three gladiators VS a woman with a broken arm.[/QUOTE]

Well I think we all know how such matches ended in those days. I took the woman home and left daroga and Roufunchables to put on a...magic show or something.

The woman was not Pyro in those days. At least I hope not.
[quote name='daroga']The SNES had Mario World, the Game Boy had Tetris. Eventually the N64 and GAmecube each had packins with Donkey Kong 64, Mario Parties, Double Dash, etc.

But it is something that needs to start happening, right from the get go, and be contstant through out a console's life.[/QUOTE]
Yes, I had to leave for a few hours and realized you'd call me out on that.

What I meant to say is that the Wii is the first Nintendo console to LAUNCH with a bundled game since the NES.

My point was that no systems for a long time, that I am aware of, have bundled in games at launch.

Also I should have mentioned in my other post: the PS2 didn't bundle any games to my recollection, did it? I know there was a FFX bundle or something, but that wasn't bundled in the system, it was more a whole new special bundle.

So yeah, my point was there has never been a bundling "trend" anymore than there is right now: the 360 continues the XBX's bundling habit (though technicaly the XBX used to bundle 2 games), and the Wii follows in the GC's habbit of bundling a game (though one might argue Wii Sports is not really a true "full game", at least in the traditional way of other games... not to say it's sub-par, but simply it's five different tech-demo style games -- fantastic, mind you -- but all bundled in a paper sleeve.)

I don't expect the PS3 to join in on the bundling, because I don't remember the PS2 ever doing such a thing.
The SNES launched with Mario World BUILT IN. It was IN THE DAMN BOX.

I don't think you get much more BUILT IN than that.
[quote name='The Crotch']Wow, this thread is fucking great. Strell, Emo, and Daroga VS Pyro. It's like the "handicap" matches they used to have in the Roman colosseum - three gladiators VS a woman with a broken arm.[/QUOTE]
*Looks up past 17 entirely unrelated posts*

A little late to the part.

Roufuss is the only one who offered any sort of argument (as usually, Roufuss is a fantastic poster). As for the rest I fail to see how they were even arguing with me at all.

I looked up "argue" on google:

Definition: present reasons and arguments

Yeah, that was just Roufuss, then.
[quote name='Strell']The SNES launched with Mario World BUILT IN. It was IN THE DAMN BOX.

I don't think you get much more BUILT IN than that.[/QUOTE]
*slaps self hard in head*

You're absolutely right. I had remembered reading that one of those was "the last" to bundle a cosole... ah, here it is:

Nine months later, in August of 1991, the Super Famicom was released in North America with a newly redesigned case as the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. Initially sold for a price of US$199, the North American package included the game Super Mario World. With the exception of the Sega Saturn which launched in the US in 1995, this was the last major console to include a game in its packaging at launch until the Wii featured Wii Sports as a pack-in in 2006.

That's what I was remembering. I should have looked it up before I posted, but I thought I remembered properly. Anyways it doesn't really matter much seeing as this just means it's been 16 years since a console packed in a game at launch, not 23 years, and 7 years hardly detracts from my point: it's been a long fucking time since a console bundled a game at launch.*

Consoles have been bundling games since then after release for a while: for instance, the Gamecube did it, the N64 did it, the XBX did it, and now the 360 is doing it.

The point is, this "trend" of including games is still going strong, in just the same way that it has been for the past 16 years, the only change is now we finally have another console that packs in a game at launch.

*excluding the SEGA Saturn, which would make it 11 years... still a fucking long time.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Yes, I had to leave for a few hours and realized you'd call me out on that.

What I meant to say is that the Wii is the first Nintendo console to LAUNCH with a bundled game since the NES. [/quote]

[quote name='daroga']That was a lot of words to "prove" a point that everyone agreed with in the first place:

Bundled games = good.[/QUOTE]

Guess what, dumbass, that wasn't the point.

Point: the "trend" that whoever originaly posted said they "wanted to come back" is still living strong. The Xbox 360 is bundling games and the Wii is bundling a game. The PS2 has never bundled games and I don't see the PS3 bundling games.

There is no "trend" that has been abandoned, games are still being bundled in EXACTLY the same way that they have been for longer than a decade. If anything consoles are being bundled with games more regularly than they ever have before, what with Nintendo bundling a game at launch for the first time in 16 years.

So how about you fuck off until you can actually contribute to a discussion.
If there's one thing this thread proves, it's that NO console has the market cornered on people willing to write book-length polemics defending their system of choice as vastly superior to everyone else's system of choice.

Of course I realize the irony of *me* posting this, so no need to bring that up. :lol:
[quote name='DJSteel']how many platformers are on the 360? How many rpgs are on the 360?

answer: little to none.[/QUOTE]

Hate to break your bubble, buddy, but there are far more Platformers and RPGs on the 360 than there are on the PS3 and the Wii.

[quote name='mykevermin']If there's one thing this thread proves, it's that NO console has the market cornered on people willing to write book-length polemics defending their system of choice as vastly superior to everyone else's system of choice.

Of course I realize the irony of *me* posting this, so no need to bring that up. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Meh, I'm the only one who has posted anything of length, and I haven't said a word considering any one of the consoles over another.

Unfortunately the moment I don't say "holy shit the Wii is the saviour of the world and perfect in every way" I have nintendo fanboys like strell screaming and whimpering that their underpowered console is the greatest thing ever and nobody could ever want anything else.

I have a Wii for Wii games, I have a 360 and will soon have a PS3 (and wish I had a PC) for awesome graphics and sound and immersive experiences.
[quote name='PyroGamer']So how about you fuck off until you can actually contribute to a discussion.[/quote]

I have a better idea. How about you don't take an discussion about video games as a personal attack and get all vulgar and defensive? We're all here to have fun, k? :)
[quote name='PyroGamer']Guess what, dumbass, that wasn't the point.[/quote]

That was completely uncalled for and you should apologize.
i really don't think any system is 100% in control of the market... the ps3 could have a stong fall, even with the release of halo 3, and catch up a little bit or they could get pushed back and the ps3 could fall further into the hole...
.. the wii could eventually lose most of the third party support because of extra development time or with amount of people getting wiis it may strengthen the development..and the 360 might get some blow back from the red ring systems..or they may get their shit straight
[quote name='daroga']

I have a better idea. How about you don't take an discussion about video games as a personal attack and get all vulgar and defensive? We're all here to have fun, k? :)[/QUOTE]If people wouldn't attack me when I'm trying to make a fucking point, and make ignorant sarcastic worthless posts that completely ignore everything I've said, then I wouldn't get so fucking mad.

[quote name='ahmedmalik']That was completely uncalled for and you should apologize.[/QUOTE]Did I hurt his feelings? Mean guys like me make the playground scary, don't I? Boo hoo.

You've been a dipshit to me since your first post in this thread, so I'd rather not take lessons on manners from you.

To Daroga: my apologies, I'm just a bit riled up right now. This pyro has flamed enough, I should go to bed.

NOTE: I didn't realize how amazingly oblivious Nintendo fanboys are. Going back and reading this thread has enlightened me. It's like watching "Jaywalking" for the first time and having your faith in human intelligence quashed under an iron boot.
[quote name='PyroGamer']If people wouldn't attack me when I'm trying to make a fucking point, and make ignorant sarcastic worthless posts that completely ignore everything I've said, then I wouldn't get so fucking mad.[/quote]I don't remember anyone (especially myself) "attacking" you. If I came off as that way, I'm sorry. I guess disagreeing with your opinions and responding as such makes me wrong.

EDIT: Apology accepted. I wasn't hurt by it at all. This whole thread just make me laugh. :)
Pyro is the only person in the world who takes 4-5 posts to make one point, then talks about how everyone arguing with him is stupid.

You're right. This is like Jaywalking. Only somehow you managed to not get hit by a car before Leno started to ask you questions.
[quote name='PyroGamer']:lol:

Hate to break your bubble, buddy, but there are far more Platformers and RPGs on the 360 than there are on the PS3 and the Wii.

go to xbox.com do a search on platformers on the 360... 0 results.

rpgs.. 4 results... ps3 ...2 results... wow wee..
[quote name='DJSteel']go to xbox.com do a search on platformers on the 360... 0 results.

rpgs.. 4 results... ps3 ...2 results... wow wee..[/quote]The 360 has zero platformers? Isn't Kameo a platformer?
[quote name='daroga']I don't remember anyone (especially myself) "attacking" you. If I came off as that way, I'm sorry. I guess disagreeing with your opinions and responding as such makes me wrong.[/quote]No, you didn't attack me at all, but people have been. Look at the strell quote I'll reply to in this post for an example.

DJSteel, strell, and malik have been assholes. Roufuss and you are good posters, I respect you guys.

I must ask: what opinion do you disagree with? I was trying to make the friendly point that consoles are STILL bundling games like they have for the past 16 years... that's not exactly an opinion.

If you mean the "bundled games=good" opinion... well yes, I sure as hell agree (though I wasn't really thrilled with some of the Bundled games the XBX had... Clone Wars and Tetris Worlds... not so great).

[quote name='Strell']Pyro is the only person in the world who takes 4-5 posts to make one point, then talks about how everyone arguing with him is stupid.[/quote]This whole post doesn't say ONE fuckING THING about my point, or the topic at hand, your entire post is just an infantile attack on me, completely ignoring my post.

You're right. This is like Jaywalking. Only somehow you managed to not get hit by a car before Leno started to ask you questions.
Well I sure am glad I managed to not get hit by a car... not sure if I get the joke, though. Must be stupid or something.

[quote name='DJSteel']go to xbox.com do a search on platformers on the 360... 0 results.

rpgs.. 4 results... ps3 ...2 results... wow wee..[/QUOTE]
Go ask a cement block how many platformers are on the Wii and PS3 combined. It won't even respond. That must mean there are no platformers on the Wii and PS3 combined. :roll:

How about you get me a list of the platformers on the 360 instead of making worthless comments about how effectively you can use the Xbox.com site.
[quote name='PyroGamer']No, you didn't attack me at all, but people have been. Look at the strell quote I'll reply to in this post for an example.

DJSteel, strell, and malik have been assholes. Roufuss and you are good posters, I respect you guys.

I must ask: what opinion do you disagree with? I was trying to make the friendly point that consoles are STILL bundling games like they have for the past 16 years... that's not exactly an opinion.[/quote]Way back when (page 5) I disagreed with your opinion that the Wii was incapable of having epic, immersive games. Everything else has been tangential exchanges since then I think. ;)
lmao..you pass judgement without even knowing me...

[quote name='Puffa469']We can tell this because thats about how many used 360's exist in the Japanese marketplace. ;)

If the Wii is wildly successful, we wont just see more party games, we'll see more games of every type. If theres 50 million Wii's out there, and no open world, epic storyline, sandbox games, developers will make them. There wil be great racers, and fighters, and rpg's etc...[/quote]

my initial post pointing out the rpgs and platforms were pointed towards this comment...
[quote name='DJSteel']lmao..you pass judgement without even knowing me...

my initial post pointing out the rpgs and platforms were pointed towards this comment...[/QUOTE]
Not sure what you're talking about.

My post was pretty point-blank obvious: finding no results when searching "platformer" on Xbox.com doesn't mean jack-shit.

[quote name='The Crotch']This has gone from hilarious to so embarrassing it makes me uncomfortable just to read. Somebody tell me when Pyro gets a bit of work done on his "people skills", 'cause he's going on The List.[/QUOTE]
So far I have never read a worthwhile reply from you, so please, if this "list" is the ignore list, put me on there tout de suite.

[quote name='daroga']Way back when (page 5) I disagreed with your opinion that the Wii was incapable of having epic, immersive games. Everything else has been tangential exchanges since then I think. ;)[/QUOTE]
Oh yeah, I forgot we were talking about that at one point xD

I personally just don't see it. The Wii's whole idea was to appeal to non-"hardcore"-gamers. An underpowered system that doesn't aim for realistic graphics or immersive sound. Now if we start seeing some more fantastic immersive titles on it, that would be great... of course, like I've said already: show me that type of game on the Wii and I'll show you a game that would have been better suited on the 360 or PS3.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Not sure what you're talking about.

My post was pretty point-blank obvious: finding no results when searching "platformer" on Xbox.com doesn't mean jack-shit.

So far I have never read a worthwhile reply from you, so please, if this "list" is the ignore list, put me on there tout de suite.

Oh yeah, I forgot we were talking about that at one point xD

I personally just don't see it. The Wii's whole idea was to appeal to non-"hardcore"-gamers. An underpowered system that doesn't aim for realistic graphics or immersive sound. Now if we start seeing some more fantastic immersive titles on it, that would be great... of course, like I've said already: show me that type of game on the Wii and I'll show you a game that would have been better suited on the 360 or PS3.[/quote]

You apparently don't like anyone here so why don't you leave the community. As for your various insults, I'll let the mods deal with that.
of course not.... you took my post towards someone else and blew it out of proportion... my whole point to the post was that the guy wants the best system to have the most diverse games.. I was pointing out that the 360 isn't very versatile.. even though I wish it were...
[quote name='ahmedmalik']You apparently don't like anyone here so why don't you leave the community. As for your various insults, I'll let the mods deal with that.[/quote]

it's sad to see people post in this fashion isn't it?
[quote name='daroga']The 360 has zero platformers? Isn't Kameo a platformer?[/quote]
Kameo is more like a Zelda game then a platformer.
[quote name='DJSteel']of course not.... you took my post towards someone else and blew it out of proportion... my whole point to the post was that the guy wants the best system to have the most diverse games.. I was pointing out that the 360 isn't very versatile.. even though I wish it were...[/QUOTE]
I don't remember "blowing it out of proportion"... but whatever.

The 360 is pretty versatile, it just doesn't have the JRPG support behind it yet. There are alot more Japanese titles for it that haven't been released here in the US, though, alot of great ones at that. And there are relatively plenty of platformers announced for it, any shortage of platformers is just a trend that we've been seeing across the board on all systems.

Well, actually I suppose the PS2 has been pretty strong on all fronts for a while. But hoping for the 360 to have the game selection of the PS2 at this point is crazy.

[quote name='Kaijufan']Kameo is more like a Zelda game then a platformer.[/QUOTE]
Kameo is definitely a mix between 3D Zelda and Banjo-Kazooie. Ocarina of Time had many many platforming segments.
don't get me wrong.. the PS2's fps couldn't even hold the xbox fps's jock..that seems to be the console niche.. and it is follow it to this generation.. and atleast to me I'd like to see less fps and more versatile games...
Super Paper Mario is a platformer. Probably the best one of this current generation too, but then again - this generation just started.

The 360 and PS3 have Sonic the Hedgehog.

[quote name='DJSteel']it's sad to see people post in this fashion isn't it?[/quote]
I just don't appreciate being called a 'dipshit' and then being taunted on the fact. I'm not here to start flame wars and so I've turned it over to the mods.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Super Paper Mario is a platformer. Probably the best one of this current generation too, but then again - this generation just started.[/quote]
It's an RPG-platformer.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']The 360 and PS3 have Sonic the Hedgehog.[/QUOTE]
And Tomb Raider.

PS3 has Ratchet and Clank coming and 360 has Banjo.
bread's done