Assassin's Creed - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='Brian9824']It's bogus because the game is repetitive having you do the exact same tasks over and over again? That's a major game killer for me right there.

So far 1up has the least biased review by far[/quote]

Having played the game, yes I can say it is bogus. It's like taking a shooter such as gears of war and saying shooting your gun gets too repetitive. It's a game where you play an assassin, what do you expect?!

I mean come on they gave Tenchu Z a 6.5 and that game was essentially the same mission 50 times over. To put Assassin's Creed within a .5 of that game is a bunch of bull.
I think that 7 from 1Up is the most honest review I've read yet. I mean, all the other perfect/near perfect scores are from places where their opinions are typically pretty rubbish (Gamepro, anyone?). And of everyone over at 1Up/EGM, I prefer the reviews from guys like Michael Donahoe and Jeremy Parish. And keep in mind that a 7/10 from them isn't bad at all since they actually do try to use the full 1-10 scale, even if people like Shoe are just hellbent to give anything overly hyped a 10/10 every time.

I was only planning on renting this one anyway, so regardless if I personally think it ends up as a 9/10 or 6/10 or whatever based on my own tastes, that review isn't gonna deter me away from the game.

EDIT: creeeeaature, you are aware that there are various reviewers within 1Up/EGM/GFW that do have different tastes/reservations towards games. I knew before I even checked when you cited their 6.5 of Z that it was gonna be Milky reviewing it - and sure enough it was. You can't just put their reviews under this whole '' banner, and like I said before...yes, if this score came from someone like Milky or Shoe, I might find something suspect in it. But it was Donahoe, and I've consistently agreed with his I think you might not want to compare scores like that because it isn't a comparison on an even field.

Plus, I mean - I'd say their complaint is nothing like what you've stated. Shooting for example is typically fast paced and visceral. Of course it isn't going to get boring after a while. But in something like this, where you're having to tip-toe around, doing the same thing apparently over and over, when at its core it's slow and tedious to begin with - I'd say that the negativity towards those aspects are probably well founded. I'd liken this more to having to do the same 'Go here and kill X' person in a GTA game than something as broad as 'shooting in a shooter'. That isn't even remotely the same thing as what they're complaining about here. And I'd agree - GTA games stay fun because of the diversity in their missions (I'd assume, I actually personally can't stand the series myself).
I think it'll get scores around 8.5 from IGN and Gamespot, we'll see though. 1up seems to focus on the flaws while the other reviews seem to be a little to "SO COOL!"
Thanks Megaten for a good summary. The game appears to have the issues i thought it would which is why i won't get it at launch. They say its fun and a great play but point out the major flaws that mar it from being the same type of experience as a game like bioshock (and hopefully mass effect). It's a game I will definitely buy down the road but with Mass Effect coming out next week and many other good games to play it will sadly be passed over for now.

I have been expecting the non biased reviews to give the game about an 8-8.5. I mean I don't know how you can have a 10.0 or 9.5 game when they say in the review it gets repetitive. Bioshock would have been so easy to screw up and make repetitive but the nature of the enemies, your abilities, and the story fit togethor so well that you weren't bored
[quote name='Megaten']You can't just put their reviews under this whole '' banner, and like I said before...yes, if this score came from someone like Milky or Shoe, I might find something suspect in it.[/quote]
Actually, yes you can. As someone who checks review sites and doesn't pay attention to the reviewer, the review given is the review the site gives.

I don't give a shit if "Gamer Stud" gave the game a 2 when the rest of the site would have given it an 8, if a 2 is posted that is what the site gives. I understand that some people are going to have a variance in what they give (one person gives a 7.3 when another gives 7.8), but there needs to be some consistency to the scores or the trust in those scores go out the window.

That's like saying that McDonald's is good only when Bruits is cooking, but when Harold is cooking it's bad .... there has to be consistency or all credibility goes out the window.
[quote name='archibishopthedoge']ah well gotta wait till tomorrow, none of the 5 Gamestops in town are getting it today and even if they do they're not putting it on shelves till morning...bastards[/quote]
That's interesting since I got a call last night saying my LE would be in this afternoon. I wouldn't be surprised if I called and they say it'll be in tomorrow since the ship date was today. Either way, I'm a bit psyched for this game.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']That's interesting since I got a call last night saying my LE would be in this afternoon. I wouldn't be surprised if I called and they say it'll be in tomorrow since the ship date was today. Either way, I'm a bit psyched for this game.[/quote]

They've done that to me in the past, was the call automated? I remember when Gears came out, they called me on the Monday for Tuesday pickup, wasnt there Tuesday, called me AGAIN on Tuesday for Wednesday, wasnt there Wednesday, no call Wed, there Thurs :lol:
Yeah from the review it seams that it is a little repetitive and suffers from beautiful level that don't have much variety. The combat and atmosphere sound amazing but the constant information "fetch" missions might kill this for me too.
I'll defiantly play this one but it sounds like a very good rental.

My bet is an 8.8 grom IGN and a solid 8.5 from GS.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']I'll be picking this up tonight for $35 bucks after I buy Galaxy. You can't go wrong for $35 bucks.[/quote]

Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do as well. I hope TRU has it in stock when I go to pick up Galaxy.
[quote name='Ryukahn']Yeah, that's what I'm planning to do as well. I hope TRU has it in stock when I go to pick up Galaxy.[/quote]

They'd better. My whole week has revolved around tonight...
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']They'd better. My whole week has revolved around tonight...[/quote]

Well, I'm sure you can get Assassin's Creed later in the week if they don't have it tonight. The closest TRU to me is like 35 mins away, so that's why I'm hoping they have both tonight, as I don't feel like making 2 trips, but I have to ensure I at least get Galaxy tonight for the gift card.
[quote name='lordwow']It's pretty sad when we're discussing if they spoil the twist at the beginning when everyone and their brother already knows what the twist is.[/QUOTE]

Actually no I don't. and I am glad I don't. And please keep this thread clear of spoilers.

Where are people getting this for $35?
[quote name='thrustbucket']
Where are people getting this for $35?[/QUOTE]

Buying Galaxy at Toys R Us and getting the $25 gift card. Then using the gift card to purchase Assassin's Creed for $35 instead of $60.
I don't mind the sci-fi aspect to the plot, but those goofy flashes that interrupt the gameplay so often is a real detractor. I find them very disruptive.

That said, can't wait to play this one ..
Well now I'm glad I didn't get the Collector's Edition. Although I'll have to decide that for myself once I get the game.
I'll be PM'ign Fry's at Best Buy and getting it for $39.99. I was going to go with the Collectors Edition but I'm not paying $30 more for it.
Damn, this game fell faster than Brittany Spears career.

I am not surprised that underneath the hood this games falls short.

It sound way to good to be true. I was so impressed by the preview a while back but something always irked me about it. I couldnt figure out what you did in between the assassinations. I knew the game wouldnt allow you just to go kill who ever you wanted at any time a la Crackdown but no one ever said what you were suppose to do in the down time.

I guess now I know.....the same thing over and over and over again.

I will still pick this up...but not if its over 30 bucks or so. This just fell way down on the list. Hopefully Kane and Lynch will delivery.

Hopefully in sheer irony...Assassins creed (game with tons of hype) will fail and Kane and Lynch (game with no hype at all ) will be great.
[quote name='whoknows']Sad, but I'm still getting it. Would have to get like...sub 5 for me to pass.[/quote]
Yeah, I'm still getting it since it's the only game on my radar to combine with the TRU Galaxy deal, so I don't mind paying $30 or so for it.

The fact that it seems really hit and miss with the gaming reviewers leads me to believe I'll like it too, which is another plus. :)
Ubisoft's games have a history of sometimes dropping pretty quickly in price. I think all of the PoPs went down significantly within 6-8 weeks. Along with those low review scores I will hold out buying this one for a bit.
Did IGN give it a score?

And yeah, Ubisoft games do drop in price very quickly. I didn't really think about that, but now I'm thinking of waiting.

Eh, only a week until Uncharted if I do decide to wait.
[quote name='whoknows']Did IGN give it a score?

And yeah, Ubisoft games do drop in price very quickly. I didn't really think about that, but now I'm thinking of waiting.

Eh, only a week until Uncharted if I do decide to wait.[/quote]

No written review yet, and the video review didn't give it a score, but I didn't listen to all of it (just beginning and end since I want to avoid spoilers).

I had thought about the price drop too, but like I said before, there isn't anything else I'd really use the TRU gift card on, so it's basically getting the price drop now.
Yea, after those reviews I'm waiting on a price drop (No FRYs here). No point in picking it up when I just got Mario and Call of Duty and getting Uncharted next week.
I wouldn't consider a 7 a positive review. Average, yes. But not positive.

And Gamepro? Come on. They totally gave Jericho that same score. While the game is enjoyable, its a solid 65.
hmm IGN
despite all the negative things Hilary said about the title, he still
gave it a 7.7, which is still pretty decent in my book.

Also, Famitsu gave it a 37/40 review, though I don't know how well they rank among readers.
With all the other AAA titles coming out i'm almost glad I can hold off on this one, or at least just rent it.

Very disappointing since the hype machine for this game is almost up there with Halo 3.
suposedly there is an embargo on all reviews that were less then 90%. fuck game reviewers you cant trust them one bit.
[quote name='King']Yeah I'm still picking this one up despite some reviews.[/QUOTE]

Don't get me wrong, I'm still buying. The missus wants it. And as you can tell by my gamercard, the bad reviews for Party Animals didn't stop her from wanting it.
Here is what I dont get though.

AC is suppose to be very creative and original but as a few flaws. Repetition is one that is said the most.

But these are the same people who bust a 2 nuts and a gut when Halo 3 dropped. Halo 3 which is basically a carbon copy of one and two with a horrid storyline that ends in a cop out. Horrid AI for your team mates..but it got 9's across the board.

If you like Halo 3 or not you can not deny its basically the same thing as the first 2 games with little innovation. Adding more guns to a FPS...yeah thats super original.

This is why I hate the fucking gaming industry. Any time a producer tries to think outside the box and try something new, reviewer will rip it apart and apparently forget that its harder to make an original game so you might what to cut them a break.


FPS have been the same for 20 years but every time one comes out reviewers shit a brick at the awesomeness of it.

This is why we get 3 or 4 sequels to video games...and why 45 FPS come out a year. Producers are to scared to do anything else....FPS are the safe bet.



I just think that people forget that when you go to make an truely orignal takes some time to think up and then program each part of it. I the time they figured out how to even do the Free run programming you most likely could have thought up, programmed, and be well into the beta testing fo a FPS.

The code for FPS have been laid out for years now...most of them dont even use their own engine...they just mooch off the Unreal engine. So of course there is going to be some hiccups...but its never been done before.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Here is what I dont get though.

AC is suppose to be very creative and original but as a few flaws. Repetition is one that is said the most.

But these are the same people who bust a 2 nuts and a gut when Halo 3 dropped. Halo 3 which is basically a carbon copy of one and two with a horrid storyline that ends in a cop out. Horrid AI for your team mates..but it got 9's across the board.

If you like Halo 3 or not you can not deny its basically the same thing as the first 2 games with little innovation. Adding more guns to a FPS...yeah thats super original.

This is why I hate the fucking gaming industry. Any time a producer tries to think outside the box and try something new, reviewer will rip it apart and apparently forget that its harder to make an original game so you might what to cut them a break.


FPS have been the same for 20 years but every time one comes out reviewers shit a brick at the awesomeness of it.

This is why we get 3 or 4 sequels to video games...and why 45 FPS come out a year. Producers are to scared to do anything else....FPS are the safe bet.


I think you are extremely incorrect. This game has a metacritic average of 83 so far... That is a great score. You are taking this way out of hand. Why do you give a fuck anyway? If you like a game get it, it not, don't... Reviews have nothing to do with you.
[quote name='linkpwns']I think you are extremely incorrect. This game has a metacritic average of 83 so far... That is a great score. You are taking this way out of hand. Why do you give a fuck anyway? If you like a game get it, it not, don't... Reviews have nothing to do with you.[/quote]

Alrightly there buck o.

No I am not taking this way out of hand. I was simply stating my opinion on what I feel the gaming industary does. No matter how you look at that are truely orignal are reviewed harshly because most of the time they have some irks in them. Thats fine.

The problems that FPS which are a dime a million seem to get graded pretty high even if it doesnt bring anything but more levels and different guns to the table.

Now as for reviews...I rarely ever consider reason are stated above. As for the genric dumbass "Why the fuck do you care" statement as comes whenever anyone ask a question about reviewers.....uhh were on a video game website...talking about videogames. I care enough to visit this seem to also since you are here to.


By the way. Anyone who says, "why the fuck do you care...dont listen to reviewers" that is really a small minded outlook. Yes its true that I could really care less about what a reviewer has to say......but Game Companies do. Reviews are a critical part in the gaming industry. You can see as well as I do when companies go crazy over reviews. Lair for example had horrid reviews and Sony when insane because of it. Even sending out "How to review Lair" books to websites.

Its not that I care what reviews have to say....its Companies do. So every time an original game gets a bad review (and I am not saying that AC reviews are that bad yet....but in general) it makes companies less willing to risk doing other original games. Hence we get 50 FPS a year. Hence my whole problem with reviews.
I think sales of AC will do well enough to support the creation of a sequel and a correction to all of the gripes gamers/reviewers have of this title. The game engine is built and the team has a great platform to start a sequel or build another game off of the work done in AC.
[quote name='MadFlava']I think sales of AC will do well enough to support the creation of a sequel and a correction to all of the gripes gamers/reviewers have of this title. The game engine is built and the team has a great platform to start a sequel or build another game off of the work done in AC.[/quote]


Thats all I was saying. When you make an original game that you actually have to kinda invent programming for it might take 1 or 2 games to become perfect.

Reviewers might want to just cut some games a bit of a break and not label it the most disappointing game of the year thus making developers less likely to venture out of the box next go round.

Especially when they hand out 9's and 10's to FPS like hot cakes.

Just think of all the titles like phyconaunts (sp) Grim Fandago that didnt even get off the idea page because some big wig FPS get an average of 9's and 10's make another one of thus but set it in space so it seems new.

All I am saying.
I was just out looking for this game no place has it or can sell it till tomorrow at 2 pm. If I cant get the limited edition I think I'm just going to hold off. However after looking at a pic of the case for it on amazon it looks like it is about what Gears of War came in and that sucked. I dont like the large metal tins. GameStops page for it is down so can anyone that has it let me know what type of case the LE for the 360 is in?
You have to keep in mind, FPS is a very well established genre, and theres only so many improvements or advances that can be made. Assassins Creed may be new, and in certain areas groundbreaking, however, its still very flawed, and of course the scores are going to reflect that.
Gamespot really raves about it. Makes me wonder if they played a different game then IGN did.

Either way, I was going to buy the LE.

Probably won't get a chance to play it until I beat Mario Galaxy, but it's something to look forward to.
Seriously, WTF? Are these guys even playing the same game?

What really irks me was something I saw in the GT review. While in "casual" mode, you see him come up to a guard and just stab him in the back right in the light of sight of the other guard and yet, the guard acted like his buddy just fell down. He goes over to check his buddy with Alier (sp?) standing RIGHT NEXT TO HIS BUDDY! Then he gets stabbed in the back because the A.I looks to be so stupid.
bread's done