Attack on crowd at Denver Dark Knight Rises midnight showing

[quote name='confoosious']And there's The matter of having some courtesy for other movie goers.[/QUOTE]

People having courtesy for other people? In this day and age? Talk about dreaming.
Here my thing.

A gunman just walked into a movie theater an opened fired. His apartment is rigged like a god damn cartoon.

Topic of the day? It's so annoying when someone bring a baby to a movie. It ruins it.

With all the topics that could be disucced about this, how in the fuck did that rise to the top just half a day after it happened. Is it not possible to hold off on the "how dumb are people" until we at least figure out motive, how we acquired the weapons (actually I thought I read he bought them legally at gander mount) what's in his apartment, did the police respond well (I think so) etc etc.

I don't disagree with you guys but it fuckig blows my mind that you can murder 12 people and injure 51 and it only take a meer 12 hours before people are talking how a crying baby ruins their movie experience. It's just seems crazy to me.
Update is that they cleared the traps in the apartment and are heading in now.

It has taken up to 19 hours to confirm the deaths of many of the victims.
Again, like Syria, it's a matter of proximity. Most people can comment on babies in theaters and have been affected by them. And it was part (albeit minor) of the story.

Not many people can venture a motive for a deranged lunatic.
Update again.

They say that how the trip wire were set up were extremely complex but the bombs themselves are very amateur and easily disarmed.

I don't know what that means. Even though he is a smart guy it doesn't mean he is a bomb expert but it's interesting to know that the set up was more complex that the bomb itself.
You're also not getting that most aren't upset because the baby would be disruptive. They're upset because a responsible parent should know better than to bring a baby with very sensitive hearing to a movie with tons of loud explosions and shit.

But what should that matter to you? It's well documented that you beat up kids.
Updates, although the police suspect that there are many dangers left in the apartment but all of the trip wires have been disabled. Police also find it interesting that the set up is extremely complex but the bombs themselves are very crude.

Police are saying they will be there for another 36 hours before fully breaching the apartment. The bomb tech apparently can't go inside until the weather cools down because of the body armor is extremely hot it risks te health of the tech.

Also they tripped the wires using a water bomb. Which apparently means its a highly pressureize bomb itself that sprays water everywhere but doesn't ignite itself. That's how fox news explained it....
Triple post score!!!

Anyway, in this tragedy I do want to bring light to something that fully impressed me to the fullest. The police, the emts, the 911 ops, the hospital and doctors and nurse where fantastic.

When normally we seem to always see governor entities seems to
Screw te pooch in these types of situation I am utterly in awe that the police responded in less than 2 min with over 200 total workers.

In Detroit it take about 10min of they come at all.

School officials say Holmes was the top of the top in academics.

Jesus these profiles of the victims are brutal.
[quote name='Mixer236']It's more than annoying, it's totally irresponsible. What people don't get is if you decide to have a baby, you don't get to do whatever you want anymore. It's part of becoming a parent.

Now, you're right in that taking a baby shouldn't be as dangerous, but when you become a parent you own wants and needs come second. Find a babysitter, or wait for the movie to come out on DVD. It sucks, but it's the way it has to be. You shouldn't be allowed to have small children in theaters, especially for a movie that is nearly 3 hours long. And doubly so for a midnight showing.[/QUOTE]

This is the exact reason I won't get to see this movie until it comes out on blu ray...and I'm ok with that. My wife and I have a 7 month old, and don't have any family or friends nearby to help us out. As much as I want to see this movie, being an inconsiderate douche just isn't an option, nor is leaving our daughter with a "babysitting service" that we know nothing about. It's a sacrifice, but at some point, you grow the hell up and do things for people other than yourself.
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] It's a sacrifice, but at some point, you grow the hell up and do things for people other than yourself.[/QUOTE]

btw..what's the point of Booby trapping your apartment? The only thing I see is that he probably got his inspiration from that scene in Conspiracy Theory. Have they already charged him?
[quote name='ITDEFX']btw..what's the point of Booby trapping your apartment? The only thing I see is that he probably got his inspiration from that scene in Conspiracy Theory. Have they already charged him?[/QUOTE]

He was blasting music really loudly in hopes someone would investigate his apartment while or before the shooting spree and then that would cause an explosion and a distraction away from what he was about to do.
[quote name='Beatofficer']He was blasting music really loudly in hopes someone would investigate his apartment while or before the shooting spree and then that would cause an explosion and a distraction away from what he was about to do.[/QUOTE]
Then why not call from a cell to complain about the room? Seems like the plan was flawed.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']This is the exact reason I won't get to see this movie until it comes out on blu ray...and I'm ok with that. My wife and I have a 7 month old, and don't have any family or friends nearby to help us out. As much as I want to see this movie, being an inconsiderate douche just isn't an option, nor is leaving our daughter with a "babysitting service" that we know nothing about. It's a sacrifice, but at some point, you grow the hell up and do things for people other than yourself.[/QUOTE]

It's good to know that there really are some responsible people out there in this day & age... I applaud you. :applause: I am not a parent yet, and only recently married, but you can bet if I ever do become one that I'll be taking this route as well... There are way too many inconsiderate people out there.

I don't mean to detract from this incredible tragedy by harping on something so small, but it was brought to light by the media so I felt the need to comment on it. And as confoosious pointed out, I've experienced it before, so I know how angering it can be.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Ignorant parenting? Maybe. Disturbing? Hardly. Those fucktards whose baby died because they left it home alone while camping out for the Phantom Menace premiere was disturbing.[/QUOTE]
Actually what was more disturbing to me were the deaths of children during the recent heatwave due to moronic parents leaving them in locked/closed cars.

Or this fuckwad, who said he and his gf couldn't afford a second kid:

It's called a condom, moron. Use it or tell your gf to keep her legs closed. What annoyed me more about that case was that PA is one of the states with a Safe Haven law, where they could've simply abandoned the newborn at a hospital no questions asked.:roll:
He booby trapped his apartment because he wasn't done killing people. He got caught and told the cops his apartment was rigged cause he's a nice guy I'm assuming
[quote name='Jodou']Then why not call from a cell to complain about the room? Seems like the plan was flawed.[/QUOTE]

Still, someone is called to investigate it.
Why tell the cops that your apartment is booby trapped? If the intent is to surprise kill the intruders, then you fucked up by telling people. Anyways I am pretty sure the police would have probed the apartment before entering. Did they say where he was working before the event? I know he was a student but did he even have a job? Worked at gamestop maybe?
saw a chick on one news show the night it happened do a bit of a psych evaluation on the guy and of course one of the things she had to mention was that he was probably into 1st person shooters and couldnt wait to try it out in real life. then a bit later she quickly mentioned how games werent responsible for what people do.

i know you shouldn't laugh but all i could think was i hope he was really big into the nintendo wii. how crazy would that be to have a nut bag shooter who plays wii games 247.

btw did they ever clear up why a med student would pop off and do something like this? any info from his family or friends?
[quote name='lokizz']saw a chick on one news show the night it happened do a bit of a psych evaluation on the guy and of course one of the things she had to mention was that he was probably into 1st person shooters and couldnt wait to try it out in real life. then a bit later she quickly mentioned how games werent responsible for what people do.

i know you shouldn't laugh but all i could think was i hope he was really big into the nintendo wii. how crazy would that be to have a nut bag shooter who plays wii games 247.

btw did they ever clear up why a med student would pop off and do something like this? any info from his family or friends?[/QUOTE]
I heard someone the night it happened mention GTA and some other games and try to place blame on that.:roll:

It can't just be that someone was an unstable nutter and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. There HAS to be an underlying reason. Oh hell. Let's blame the media in all its forms.:roll:
yep blame games...........that's what we do.........blame others not ourselves because we are the victims.

Sucks though.......everyone who dresses up for future movies are going to be turned away because costume and mask banning.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I heard someone the night it happened mention GTA and some other games and try to place blame on that.:roll:

It can't just be that someone was an unstable nutter and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. There HAS to be an underlying reason. Oh hell. Let's blame the media in all its forms.:roll:[/QUOTE]

I read he loved Guitar Hero. Perhaps the marriage of rock and roll and video games is to blame. :roll: At least Jack Thompson hasn't resurrected.
[quote name='ITDEFX']yep blame games...........that's what we do.........blame others not ourselves because we are the victims.

Sucks though.......everyone who dresses up for future movies are going to be turned away because costume and mask banning.[/QUOTE]

Yeah that really does suck about the dressing up. Seeing people dressed up is one of my favorite things about midnight release.
[quote name='Vap']Yeah that really does suck about the dressing up. Seeing people dressed up is one of my favorite things about midnight release.[/QUOTE]

Come to think about it, no one is going to fuck with star wars fans at a star wars premiere....with hundreds of storm troopers, sith and you really want to fuck with them? :p
[quote name='Soodmeg']Whatever. It doesn't matter that much. People have been taking fucking kids to movies for decades now.

I went to one of the Matrix sequels and the people in front of us brought an infant. It slept through the whole thing and never made a peep.

That was one smart baby.
ummm...what the fuck? protesting the funeral for people who were shot and killed for no reason other than watching a movie.
[quote name='ElwoodCuse']I went to one of the Matrix sequels and the people in front of us brought an infant. It slept through the whole thing and never made a peep.

That was one smart baby.[/QUOTE]

Maybe it was learning kung fu
[quote name='ITDEFX']ummm...what the fuck? protesting the funeral for people who were shot and killed for no reason other than watching a movie.[/QUOTE]

The Phelps family and Westboro are nothing more than a bunch of griefers posing as a church. When even the motherfucking Ku Klux Klan calls you a hatemonger, you know you're something amazingly horrible.
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well have they charged the bastard yet? Other than Murder, he will be charged as a terrorist as well...but what else? Concealed weapons, conspiracy to commit murder..destruction of property..
[quote name='ITDEFX']ummm...what the fuck? protesting the funeral for people who were shot and killed for no reason other than watching a movie.[/QUOTE]

They believe these things happen because America harbors gays etc. they are probably the worst people on earth. And their kids are so fucking brainwashed.
I use to worry years ago about something like this happening but I've always been a paranoid person. It sucks it happened. Even worse is the church that is going to attend. I really don't like them. They have no business there. Its like there not even legit. The more and more I think about it. There just attention whores with hate speech that makes no sense.

I was watching some of there videos and they had signs that said god sent the shooter and stupid stuff like that. That church pisses me off more than anything. The more I see the less I think there legit. There either insane and believe what there saying or its some big massive trolling church.

There's some terrible images floating around as well. There is one with a picture of the shooter that says they wanted the full show but all they got was clips. Who in the world does that and comes up with this morbid stuff? I assume some people think its funny but I don't find death amusing.

I read how the shooter said he was the joker. Its a wonder the guy didn't say why so serious to be a complete ass. He must have had some major mental issues to do something of this nature.

I can't get over that church going to attend. I really can't. Knowing them they will make some dumbass sign saying the people that died are burning in hell for attending a Batman movie. I could rant all day about that church. Its the only church in history that if someone set fire to it or it burned down or something terrible happened. I would be like well they deserved it.
They are the living embodiment of flamebaiting. They solely exist to feed off the media frenzy their antics whip up. The religious aspect is merely a facade to try to justify their bigotry.

If we ignored them, they would cease to exist. Sadly, that's nigh impossible when most people outside of the Phelps circle of influence has a conscience that has general empathy for others.
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so............can anyone explain to me what is their motivation for protesting a funeral? I am still scratching my head on this one.
[quote name='ITDEFX']so............can anyone explain to me what is their motivation for protesting a funeral? I am still scratching my head on this one.[/QUOTE]
Any press for them is good press. They're just doing it for the attention.
[quote name='ITDEFX']so............can anyone explain to me what is their motivation for protesting a funeral? I am still scratching my head on this one.[/QUOTE]

They're known for protesting funerals. I haven't bothered to read up on their reasoning this time, but I'd wager it either has something to do with Batman being the "devil" or that the theater was "full of queers". They'll spin it in some way that those people deserved to die. It's truly sick and depraved, but they receive recognition for it, so why stop? It would be nice if the FBI would step in in some way though and harass them for supporting terrorism. I mean, how else can you view saying that somebody who shot up a theater full of moviegoers was "sent from God"? That's a line of thinking straight from al-Qaeda's playbook.
[quote name='ITDEFX']so............can anyone explain to me what is their motivation for protesting a funeral? I am still scratching my head on this one.[/QUOTE]

Some men just want to watch the world burn.
Took me a few days to read the whole post. I wanted to add that while not from Aurora or the State of Colorado I did know a victim and was shocked to find out. John Larimer worked at the Crystal Lake theater when we were all growing up and I knew him and a bunch of the other kids that worked there. I worked at the video rental store and we would often trade movie tickets for rentals. You lose track of people when they join the military and I had no idea where he was currently stationed. I've been talking to mutual friends and we shared. All we can do now is pray from his family and the families of the other victims.
[quote name='matrix9280']So everyone in that movie theatre is getting a refund right?[/QUOTE]

And the comedians keep rolling with the material...
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Seriously, though, I'm sure the lawsuits against Century Theatres and Simon Malls will be revealed soon enough.[/QUOTE]

Sadly, True.
Well with the star wars series over...there is like little chance of having someone walk around in helmets during midnight showings anymore. If this had happened just before Episode 3......... the 501st would have been PISSED about the banning. I wonder why batman...and not Spiderman or Avengers or MIB?
bread's done