Back to the Future Trilogy Blu-Ray $25 @ Amazon, $15 @ Target


1 (100%)
UPDATE 6/15 11:06am PST: Price on Amazon is back to $24.99 and it will be in stock on Friday.

There was a bundle with a Delorian Hot Wheels car for the same price but Amazon quickly sold out of it."

Price at Target should still be $14.99, not sure of the current Best Buy price.

[quote name='toshii22']I got it from my local Target for 14.99 + Tax so the Sunday deal is for the Blu-ray set for sure.

Here is the picture I took.

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Canceled my amazon order and ended up picking one up at Target a little while ago. My friend hooked me up with his employee discount so it came out to $18 and change.
Just picked up at my Target.
Rang up and end cap was marked $19.99.

The guy selling it to me was shocked, said he was going to buy one right after I left.
Went today, it rang up $24.99 so I said "What do you mean wrong SKU?" the cashier said "Sir, this is The Mummy Trilogy on DVD, not BTTF", so I threw it across the store.

But seriously:

BE CAUTIOUS WHEN BUYING, BOTH VERSIONS ARE OUT THERE. They're identical except for the disc hubs.

My store had exactly two copies on the new release endcap, one was the old spring-type case, the other was the regular center hub version. Both were being slowly choked/bruised by the spider-wrap.

Look at the bottom of the set, if you see the normal rounded plastic it's a newer one, if you see a flat plastic strip on the bottom of each section then it's the bad spring version. (not that there's anything truly wrong with that version).

Digital copies for all 3 films, expires 11/30/11.

I'm predicting the $14.99 sale price next week will be for the DVD version.
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The source on next week's ads is, and those guys normally only post the BR prices unless specifically notated as DVD.
[quote name='Kerig']Went today, it rang up $24.99 so I said "What do you mean wrong SKU?" the cashier said "Sir, this is The Mummy Trilogy on DVD, not BTTF", so I threw it across the store.[/QUOTE]

I knew someone would try! LOL

good warning too on the different versions, the store I visited didn't have any of the old ones I guess in the general section to compare to..
[quote name='Kerig']Look at the bottom of the set, if you see the normal rounded plastic it's a newer one, if you see a flat plastic strip on the bottom of each section then it's the bad spring version. (not that there's anything truly wrong with that version).[/QUOTE]

Heh... Except that it appears that at least mine was put into the slipcase upside down, because I see the flat plastic strip across the top, along with what looks like probably the springs (haven't opened it yet). :) That being said, now that I know how the springs work, I don't think I really care one way or the other which version I got. But if you do care (and the copy you pick up is in a slipcase -- I saw one copy without one at the store I went to), you might want to check both sides.
I bought this earlier this year off of Amazon with a $10 credit. But it was at like $38.99.

I would have bought the package with the Hot Wheels, but thankfully I checked online and the Hot Wheels sell for as cheap as $5 shipped. Picking up 3 right now! (One for each packaging short and tall, and then one to open up and play with!)
I'm still sitting at "not yet shipped" at Amazon, hoping it stays like this till Sunday when Target's ad comes out. Then it will be a breeze to price adjust with an Amazon CSR, if they don't match automatically.
I just bought one at TARGET Elmhurst, NY for 19.99. I got the new case. I will definitely go back this coming Sunday to price adjust... Already canceled my order at hehe!
Just picked up a copy for $19.99. They only had 2 left.

Planning to just price adjust it next week.

[quote name='zOmBiEcLoWn']Man, I just got this last week at BB for $45...[/QUOTE]
Go buy a copy at Target and return it to BB with your BB receipt, assuming they have the same UPC.
There are two versions - one has an embossed cover, the other does not. Embossed has the digital copies as well.

For what it's worth, the sets were tagged at $14.99 (Special Deal!) today but still ring up $19.99.
[quote name='mrosnwo']I'm still sitting at "not yet shipped" at Amazon, hoping it stays like this till Sunday when Target's ad comes out. Then it will be a breeze to price adjust with an Amazon CSR, if they don't match automatically.[/QUOTE]

It probably won't. I ordered BTTF and Hard-Boiled and Hard-Boiled shipped today! So I'm glad that I canceled my order this morning. I would cancel but that's just me...
I got it from my local Target for 14.99 + Tax so the Sunday deal is for the Blu-ray set for sure.

Here is the picture I took.

[quote name='toshii22']I got it from my local Target for 14.99 + Tax so the Sunday deal is for the Blu-ray set for sure.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for confirming!
So, are these sets new stock coming into the stores or just the ones that have been sitting on the shelves for months? I haven't seen any of these at my Target in a long time.
I stopped by another Target store near my house after work to pick up some other stuff, and while I was there, I checked out the BttF sets there. They did have one of the new ones with the normal trays, so I was able to compare it to the old spring ones (which they had three of). Compared to the old cases, the new ones are a bit thicker and a bit taller -- not a lot, but noticeably so when they're held side-by-side. The metallic parts on the cover of the old cases seemed to be printed with a bit shinier ink than the new one. Other than that, they were pretty much identical.

I ended up deciding that since I was holding one of the new cases in my hand to go ahead and grab it and return the old case one that I had bought this morning. While I don't really mind that much one way or the other, I do still have at least some preference for the normal disc trays.

Though what is up with the condition of the copies that Target has? Even though they'd at least been spared the spider wrap, every single copy that I saw at both stores had some corner and edge damage on the slipcover -- I grabbed the best one that I could find, but it's still not nearly perfect. I figured that was just par for the course for it, being a flimsy slipcover, but then I went over to Best Buy to pick up the new Arctic Monkeys album and they had a few copies there that were in absolutely pristine condition (marked $54.99, of course). I might just wait to open the one that I bought at Target, and if it is in the ad at $14.99 this weekend, I might run over and price match at Best Buy instead.

[quote name='sobjw']So, are these sets new stock coming into the stores or just the ones that have been sitting on the shelves for months? I haven't seen any of these at my Target in a long time.[/QUOTE]

They're new stock -- neither of the stores that I went to today had them before, but today they had four copies at each store.
[quote name='arcane93']I stopped by another Target store near my house after work to pick up some other stuff, and while I was there, I checked out the BttF sets there. They did have one of the new ones with the normal trays, so I was able to compare it to the old spring ones (which they had three of). Compared to the old cases, the new ones are a bit thicker and a bit taller -- not a lot, but noticeably so when they're held side-by-side. The metallic parts on the cover of the old cases seemed to be printed with a bit shinier ink than the new one. Other than that, they were pretty much identical.

I ended up deciding that since I was holding one of the new cases in my hand to go ahead and grab it and return the old case one that I had bought this morning. While I don't really mind that much one way or the other, I do still have at least some preference for the normal disc trays.

Though what is up with the condition of the copies that Target has? Even though they'd at least been spared the spider wrap, every single copy that I saw at both stores had some corner and edge damage on the slipcover -- I grabbed the best one that I could find, but it's still not nearly perfect. I figured that was just par for the course for it, being a flimsy slipcover, but then I went over to Best Buy to pick up the new Arctic Monkeys album and they had a few copies there that were in absolutely pristine condition (marked $54.99, of course). I might just wait to open the one that I bought at Target, and if it is in the ad at $14.99 this weekend, I might run over and price match at Best Buy instead.

They're new stock -- neither of the stores that I went to today had them before, but today they had four copies at each store.[/QUOTE]

I might do that as well. They're the newer cases right? I'm picking up my copy today, and then I'll have them price adjust it Sunday. My local store has 20 in stock.

Update: Just picked up my copy and there were maybe four left. Picked up a copy with no damage to the case and it has the digital copies! Going to get that price adjustment on Sunday.
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picked up the digital copy version for $19.99 at target.

edit: mine was the original spring-disc packaging didnt see any of the new ones.
Picked up this at Target this morning. They had the newer case here. Only 2 left when I got to the store.
[quote name='shadowrage']Can I buy my BDs at Target right now and PM on Sunday?
I know I can do it at BB.[/QUOTE]

Yep, you just bring your receipt back on Sunday. I grabbed one today; there were only four on the shelf. The lady at checkout was super excited when she saw how much it was ringing at and said she was going to grab one for herself on her lunch break.
[quote name='sobjw']Yep, you just bring your receipt back on Sunday. I grabbed one today; there were only four on the shelf. The lady at checkout was super excited when she saw how much it was ringing at and said she was going to grab one for herself on her lunch break.[/QUOTE]

Thanks sobjw. Going to hit the targets(I assume at least one will be out) tomorrow.
Is the $14.99 sale price specifically in this week's Target ad? I want to try to go for a PM at Best Buy PLUS $5 off coupon = $9.88 FTMFW. No guts, no glory :lol:
[quote name='karkyco']Is the $14.99 sale price specifically in this week's Target ad? I want to try to go for a PM at Best Buy PLUS $5 off coupon = $9.88 FTMFW. No guts, no glory :lol:[/QUOTE]

Haha, you'll have to get an extremely nice CSR to get a price match and the coupon. I've never gotten them to combine a price match and a Best Buy offer like that -- I've always been told it's one or the other. Still, can't hurt to try, I guess.
I didn't wanna cancel my Amazon order until I had a copy from Target in my hands. Well, that was a mistake.

I came back from Target with my $19.99 Back to the Future set (in the new packaging) this afternoon and ready to price-adjust come Sunday, and once I got home, the email from Amazon came saying my order's been shipped. (And that was after my estimated arrival date was still two weeks away.) Sigh...worth returning the Amazon one now? Do I have to eat the shipping cost if it was free two-day with Prime?
[quote name='MICHAE2414']I didn't wanna cancel my Amazon order until I had a copy from Target in my hands. Well, that was a mistake.

I came back from Target with my $19.99 Back to the Future set (in the new packaging) this afternoon and ready to price-adjust come Sunday, and once I got home, the email from Amazon came saying my order's been shipped. (And that was after my estimated arrival date was still two weeks away.) Sigh...worth returning the Amazon one now? Do I have to eat the shipping cost if it was free two-day with Prime?[/QUOTE]

Just refuse the shipment. It will get sent back to amazon and they'll refund the price. I just leave a note at the door asking UPS to return the shipment with tracking number XXXXX.
So I found an interesting idea from the dvd forums. Grab a Target ad, price match at Best Buy and then use their $5 off coupon. Making the movie just under $10 before tax. Here's the link for the coupon. ( )
I like the price, but I wonder if I should just by the DVD set, if it also receives a price decrease on Sunday, and wait to see whatever they're planning in 2015.
[quote name='CheapAssHustla']So I found an interesting idea from the dvd forums. Grab a Target ad, price match at Best Buy and then use their $5 off coupon. Making the movie just under $10 before tax.[/QUOTE]

Erm, look four posts above yours, as someone mentioned the exact same thing. As I replied to them, you can try it, but I wouldn't count on it. I've tried combining a price match with a Best Buy coupon or other promotion a few times in the past, and I always got shot down and told that I could either have the price match or the Best Buy promotion, but not both.

[quote name='detectiveconan16']I like the price, but I wonder if I should just by the DVD set, if it also receives a price decrease on Sunday, and wait to see whatever they're planning in 2015.[/QUOTE]

Erm...why? There's been no word on the DVD going on sale as well, but even if it did, it's not going to be much cheaper than $15 (maybe it'll be $10 if you're really lucky). For the minimal difference, why wouldn't you get the blu-ray if you're going to buy it anyway? Even if you're among the crowd that doesn't think they did as good a job as they could have with the blu-ray, the blu-ray is still noticeably better than the DVD.

And what makes you think they're planning anything for 2015?
Went to Target yesterday and only saw the DVD copies. Just going to keep my order with Amazon before I waste any more time or money trying to get it for a couple dollars less.
yeah, I'm not surprised stores are running out. I'm sure this was even hard for the soccer moms and pops out there to pass up..."Let me just check the new release endcap this week while I'm buying makeup and stuff for the bathroom..OHHH..Back to the Future for $20?!? I'll get this for the kiddos and introduce them to the way movies were and are supposed to be made!"

I'm voting for this as one of the cheapest BD boxsets/triology we've seen..amirite? (B&N sale flukes/coupons exlcuded of course :lol:)
Presumably, if it is in the sale ad for Sunday, they'll restock at that time. They're not going to advertise a sale nationally and then not have any stock in the stores. So if you've missed it up to this point and your store is out, Sunday morning (or possibly Saturday night) is probably the time to check back. Though of course it's hard to say how long that stock will be around before it sells out, so I wouldn't wait on it.

Also, remember that Target will do rainchecks, though of course that's presuming that they are going to get more in at a later date.
Sould I return my Amazon copy? Just arrived today. Even eating the $5 shipping cost would still save me money with the Sunday sale. I kind of want the easier to remove discs.
[quote name='arcane93']Presumably, if it is in the sale ad for Sunday, they'll restock at that time. They're not going to advertise a sale nationally and then not have any stock in the stores. So if you've missed it up to this point and your store is out, Sunday morning (or possibly Saturday night) is probably the time to check back. Though of course it's hard to say how long that stock will be around before it sells out, so I wouldn't wait on it.

Also, remember that Target will do rainchecks, though of course that's presuming that they are going to get more in at a later date.[/QUOTE]Not always the case. There's a good possibility that this will be sold out and as stated in the ad, they are not doing any rainchecks for this collection.
bread's done