Bad News Brown and Mike Awesome's Memorial Wrestling Topic

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[quote name='tangytangerine']Okay, it's got to be asked.

Does anyone honestly watch ECW anymore?[/quote]

ofcourse! monty brown is there!!
[quote name='tangytangerine']Okay, it's got to be asked.

Does anyone honestly watch ECW anymore?[/QUOTE]

I dropped it shortly after December To Dismember.

Lashley is just about the last person I want to see on my TV.
[quote name='guyver2077']ofcourse! monty brown is there!![/quote]

I love that everyone except WWE calls him that. BTW, haven't watched it in a few weeks, have they renamed "The Pounce" yet?
[quote name='tangytangerine']I love that everyone except WWE calls him that. BTW, haven't watched it in a few weeks, have they renamed "The Pounce" yet?[/QUOTE]

Its a "shoulder block" now. :lol:
[quote name='Demolition Man']Its a "shoulder block" now. :lol:[/quote]

I wonder what WWE would the "Canadian Destroyer" if Petey Williams ever went there.

Seriously, WTF is WWE thinking? Should've at least named it something close to his Alpha Male name.
[quote name='tangytangerine']I wonder what WWE would the "Canadian Destroyer" if Petey Williams ever went there.[/quote]

"Flip Piledriver."

Then again I doubt that the WWE would let him use it either given their policy on piledrivers these days.

Seriously, WTF is WWE thinking? Should've at least named it something close to his Alpha Male name.

Lemme see....

"Alpha Block"
"Alpha Smash"
"Alpha Driver"
"Alpha Beta"
[quote name='tangytangerine']Seriously, WTF is WWE thinking? Should've at least named it something close to his Alpha Male name.[/QUOTE]
It was the one thing he could properly deliver in his promos, too.
Dusty Rhodes has successfully lobbied for WWE to add tag team titles to ECW. New belts have been ordered and are expected to be ready by the end of the month.

I don't think they even have enough guys for a tag team division.
Wrestle Kingdom is awesome. The matches are generally more satisfying than the Smackdown series and the game plays more realistically. The game has limited match types from what I've seen and pinfalls can come pretty much out of nowhere as long as you weaken your opponent enough.

It's not like Smackdown where even if you get your opponent all red, the only way you'll keep them down is after a power move. Here strike the opponent enough and you can get the pin with a simple roll-up, which may seem silly, but the game plays more into the japanese style of prowrestling.

The graphics are really incredible and the reversals don't feel like a crapshoot. Get the timing down and you will be going back and forth with your opponent. Also, lets say you're in a triple threat match. If your other two opponents are fighting and one does a powerbomb to the other, you can strike one and break the move. The guy you hit will get knocked to the floor and the person who was going to get powerbombed gets dropped on his head. It's awesome! :)

The only thing that sucks is the create-a-player. It's shit.
To build on Harry's post

[quote name='3/5 Wrestling Observer Notes via TheSmartMarks']ECW will soon be adding tag team titles. Dusty Rhodes was the one who pushed hard for this addition, as he told Vince that ECW was too "one-dimensional". La Resistance have been brought to ECW already, and Dusty wants Cade and Murdoch. Reforming the team of Vito and Guido is also being considered.

There will probably be a tag team battle royal at Wrestlemania.

Vickie Guerrero is going to be the new Smackdown GM and Teddy Long will get a new role. The original plan for Mysterio's return angle on last week's SD was Vickie apologizing to Rey, but that was changed.

WWE is considering creating a new authority figure character for ECW. The idea of bringing back Heyman for a short-term role as GM before being attacked by the new guy faction and then coming back as a manager for the old guys was brought up to vince, and he turned it down almost immediately.

Flair said in a recent interview that he plans on wrestling only for another year.

Daniel Rodimer and Vladimir Kozlov will not be getting the pushes that were originally planned for them. In the case of Kozlov, nobody was saying anything bad about him at first until a meeting when one of the agents brought up that he wasn't ready and they all agreed. At that point, Vince got all mad that no one had said anything before and asked them why they were pushing him if he was so bad. After that, the plans were dropped for Rodimer too since he isn't ready either.

Shane McMahon, among others, really wants John Laurinaitis to re-sign RVD.

The reason why Benoit hasn't been prominently featured on SD is because he might be going to Raw after WM.

Gedo and Jado got a tryout match before Smackdown on 2/20.

WWE is considering Todd Grisham for a spot as an ECW commentator.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Observer']From backstage reports at the 2/20 SmackDown/ECW tapings, it's very clear that much of the ECW cast is looked down upon. The dressing room vibe at RAW was enjoyable, but on SmackDown/ECW, everyone was on edge. Although, part of that had to do with the production side as the building they were in is much smaller than most buildings they do SmackDown/ECW tapings in.

Sabu and Sandman changed in the extras/jobbers locker room in an attempt to lessen the amount of heat they currently have.

Matt Striker has heat with JBL and thus he was hiding his bags in the extras/jobbers locker room to keep something from happening to them.

It was clear from a number of reactions that a lot of the women on roster hate Kelly Kelly. Also, most of the guys give her no respect and Joey Mercury in particular was running her down to anyone who would listen to him.[/QUOTE]
If the tag division does happen, maybe it'll breathe new life into WWECW. But, probably not. They'll have a tag title tournament and Lashley will win it by himself.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I don't think they even have enough guys for a tag team division.[/QUOTE]
Dusty's also trying to get Cade & Murdoch over to ECW, along with bringing back Vito to reform the FBI with Little Guido. If nothing else, it'll give them depth instead of seeing the same matches every other week. Send over The Highlanders as well, have Striker team with Thorn, La Resistance, and maybe even Idol and James from OVW.

There's enough talent in ECW to at least make it competitive. Realistically, the original ECW tag division only had maybe five consistent teams - aside from the Dudleys, Eliminators, Gangsters, Impact Players, and Public Enemy (and maybe Whipwreck/Tajiri), everyone else that held those belts were random teams anyways.
Maybe they'll move Cryme Tyme to ECW and turn their characters into thugs who'll beat the fuck out of you instead of ones that will sing you dirty Christmas songs.
Now there's an idea. Reprising the role of the Gangstas would be a great way to get them out of Heat hell, but sadly I don't think it fits into Vince's vision of the new ECW.

Re: The 5 seperate WWEs, it sounds like Vince is almost going back to a bastardization of the territory system that he worked so hard to destroy back in the day. I'd also be surprised if this works in areas that have a long tradition of strong promotions (Japan and Mexico, mostly).
There are a couple of Observer Live bits I'd like to bring up - Loretta Hunt was the guest for both hours and stated that she's 50 pages out of 200-250 into a Randy Couture bio and that they pitched out a movie of his life this morning to Hollywood agents. She also stated that the Fight Network will be coming to the U.S. sometime in '07, but couldn't specify a date.

WWE's global expansion was brought up and it was stated that this isn't something planned within the next three months, but we could start seeing it happen in around six months, and there's a lot of doubt as to whether or not the company can pull it off. Dave rattled off a list of the company's failures when mentioning this (like the planned hotel that never happened, the XFL, the World, the WBF, and running WCW as it's own entity), and also stated that if it happened, it would revolutionize pro wrestling throughout the world.

He also stated that it gets a lot of coverage in the next issue, which makes me think that the small bit of info about it that's been circulating throughout the web isn't the whole piece from the issue, but I won't know if that's true until I read it for myself.

My feeling on the expansion is that it is basically Vince trying to recreate his territorial success from the '80s on a truly global scale, which Meltzer mentioned tonight, but there is a very good chance this idea could flop, and with WWE finally getting hot again in the U.S., I'd hate to see them sacrifice the good stuff they've got going now for a pipe dream that could blow up in their faces. Of course, I'm sure many territorial fans said similar things 20+ years ago when WWE went national, and that turned out very well. It'd certainly an exciting change.
The global expansion will die in the planning stages. I don't even really think it's worth discussing.

Moreover, I'd like to thank the WWE for reading my posts on how lousy Dan Rodimer is. You're welcome, and feel free to shoot me a PM if you want to hire me. :lol:
If they go beyond the planning stages, the worldwide expansion will definitely be worth discussing. If not, then yeah, it shouldn't get much attention, and it'll be forgotten quickly.
I actually wondered why Kozlov wasn't on WWE anymore, as he was supposed to be getting that big push. Amazing how little foresite goes into any of WWE's projects these days.

Benoit on Raw would be nice to see, but could be very bad... where does he fit in on that roster? I know they need someone else to take Triple H's spot, but why not fill it with one of the younger guys like Jeff Hardy? Lord knows Benoit isn't getting HBK or Cena's spot, making him the 3rd top face, until HHH returns and Benoit is dropped further. Unless someone is going to SD in exchange, I nominate Edge.
[quote name='JJSP']There's enough talent in ECW to at least make it competitive.[/quote]

Not to mention it'll give the other guys a belt to fight for instead of just a slot on the card.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I love how Vince smirked when people first started saying "What?"[/QUOTE]
I like how he started talking in longer fragments to try to stop people from doing it, spoiling it ahead of time.

I also like how they stopped Travolta while he was walking into his movie premiere and asked him a question about something he obviously had no interest in. He almost seemed like he didn't even know who Vince was.

I liked seeing Bischoff make Raw a bit more entertaining, even if it was only for 2 minutes.

I do not like how Kane didn't show up to tombstone the Phoenix Suns gorilla again.
WWE Globalization (and the acquisition of WCW and ECW) reminds me of the Bible's New World Order prophecy -- reference unintentional.
[quote name='Sporadic']And the crowd is dead. :lol:[/QUOTE]
This is a good crowd. They no sold Duggan's "USA" AND Foley's book plug.
[quote name='Sporadic']And the crowd is dead. :lol:[/QUOTE]
This is a good crowd. They no sold Duggan's "USA" as well as Foley's book plug.
I'm looking forward to whatever TNA's next PPV is more than Wrestlemania...

AJ vs. Rhino in a scaffold match, sure... potential death here, most likely a shitty match, but it could be good. Angle/Steiner. And Joe/Christian. What more can you want?
[quote name='PhrostByte']I'm looking forward to whatever TNA's next PPV is more than Wrestlemania[/QUOTE]

Man, I don't even know what to say to that. Ouch.
[quote name='KaneRobot']This is a good crowd. They no sold Duggan's "USA" as well as Foley's book plug.[/QUOTE]

I am a pretty big Duggan fan so that disappointed me. Seeing him on TV is one of the highlights of Raw for me.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I am a pretty big Duggan fan so that disappointed me. Seeing him on TV is one of the highlights of Raw for me.[/QUOTE]
Oh I like Duggan, he's a highlight for me as well. I just dig it when the crowd doesn't do what they're supposed to.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I am a pretty big Duggan fan so that disappointed me. Seeing him on TV is one of the highlights of Raw for me.[/quote]

I know I've said this a few times here, but Hacksaw lives in the same town as me. I see him at the movie theater every once in a while and used to go to the same church. Same goes for Bill DeMott (Hugh Morrus).
Ok, best women's match ever. This is actually entertaining.

I like how they pre-emptively went to black because it was obvious that towel was coming off.

JESUS CHRIST that botched frankensteiner looked sick, she's lucky she's not paralyzed.
Mickie James' Neapolitan panties have me hungry for love.

I missed the botch, though.
[quote name='Brak']Mickie James' Neapolitan panties have me hungry for love.

I missed the botch, though.[/QUOTE]

Imagine Mickie going for a hurricanana, Melina doing nothing and Mickie just falling on her neck.
It just struck me again how stupid "I spit in the face of people who don't want to be cool" sounds, especially as a catchphrase. What does that even mean? Is that what he's there for? Come on, at least get something that you can say quickly. Anything! "Fear the fro" or "suck my cock motherfucker" or something. I don't care.

I'm loving what they're doing with Khali, he's being used exactly how he should be.
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