Bad News Brown and Mike Awesome's Memorial Wrestling Topic

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Can someone just explain what happened with that last match? I was taking a dump and reading about statistics...
[quote name='PhrostByte']Can someone just explain what happened with that last match? I was taking a dump and reading about statistics...[/QUOTE]
Flair vs. Carlito for the last MITB spot. Carlito "injured his knee" and Khali came out and wasted them both, then challenged Kane for WM.
[quote name='KaneRobot']"I only want to eat the pink, forget the brown and white."[/QUOTE]
Might as well check out the brown, too, while you're down there.
[quote name='Sporadic']Imagine Mickie going for a hurricanana, Melina doing nothing and Mickie just falling on her neck.[/QUOTE]
How the Hell did that happen?
[quote name='KaneRobot']Flair vs. Carlito for the last MITB spot. Carlito "injured his knee" and Khali came out and wasted them both, then challenged Kane for WM.[/quote]

Oh ok.. At least when I got out I got a glimpse of my favorite WWE Superstar® The Great Khali.©
I saw a bunch of Bockwinkel stuff several months back (not the AWA DVD thing, although there's some good stuff there too), and I was surprised at how good he really was. Prior to this my only real exposure to him was as the idiot WCW comissioner or whatever his title was.
By the way, I'm calling it. Daniels will be Abyss's new handler. This might be obvious but... A Last Rites match? I don't even know what that is but it sounds religious. I must say, my interest is peaked.
I just turned to the Mickie/Melina match at the end. That was a bit scary, but it looked like she tucked her head just enough at the end to avoid any serious injury.
I turned RAW off before the start of the womens match but it sounds like the botch is on Melina for not doing anything.

Also, didn't Melina and Mickie have some sort of beef with each other when they were down in OVW.
[quote name='ndshide']Did Edge really just say that?[/QUOTE]

Yes he did. I got it recorded too (since I missed the first hour of RAW due to the Jack Bower Mega Hour).
[quote name='ndshide']Did Edge really just say that?[/quote]


He didn't say that. Tell me he did NOT just say that!
[quote name='Midnite']I turned RAW off before the start of the womens match but it sounds like the botch is on Melina for not doing anything.[/QUOTE]

I don't think looks like Melina was SUPPOSED to block the move and let her crash down to the mat, but she landed wrong so they just went right to the finish.
Here ya go for those who missed it.

[quote name='']John Cena's music then hit and the kids exploded. Cena's entrance stopped, then MNM's music hit. Melina led out Nitro and Mercury to the ringside area for a closer look at the match, apparently. Edge then came out alone and Cena stood his ground in the ring fearing an attack from both sides. Edge took the mic and said he's ready to kick the hell out of Cena right now, but he's also a huge civil rights activist. He said Arizona was one of the last states to recognize Martin Luther King Day, so he can't perform in front of these bigots. He said Nitro's great, great grandmother is black and he demanded to beat down Cena tonight. Nitro then used Edge as a distraction to jump Cena and start the match. Yep, we've officially re-visited the Attitude era with a classic bait and switch to top it all off tonight.[/quote]
WSX is back on MTV next week. I'm begging them to make up their minds.

I'm sure it's going to be dead either way, but at least it'll be on TV for a while longer.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I love how Vince smirked when people first started saying "What?"[/quote]
Damn it! You guys get the feed before I do. It's just not fair.

[quote name='Demolition Man']Yes!!!


My sentiments exactly. That's exactly what I said. First time in 3 years I jumped out of my sofa and was actually interested in wrestling on more than a passive scale. fuck yes! He's probably one of top favorite wrestlers ever. Sure there are better, but none as entertaining. Austin austin austin 3:16. I want to see him stunner everyone for the next 20 weeks, plus stun everyone for his referee match and taking the belt.

[quote name='Calamityuponthee']Give me a hell yeah! I knew it was coming, but was still pretty amazing.[/quote]
I thought it was coming too, but damn you guys get the feed early


[quote name='SIUfan']Stone Cold! STONE COLD! Stone Cold! OMG! fuckin right![/quote]


[quote name='2Fast']:rofl::rofl:

I love Stone Cold![/quote]

[quote name='Purple Flames']I haven't marked out like that in ages.

fuckin' Stone Cold is back![/quote]
err... I'm on the west coast where they taped and you fucked up the feed.:bomb::bomb::bomb::bomb:
Wow, WWE actually pleasantly surprised me this week, Bockwinkel is an excellent choice for the Hall of Fame. Any guy that gets Heenan's highest praise should be there. Since Bobby is one of Bockwinkel's best friends, he'd be perfect to do the honors.

As for the rest of Raw... two thumbs down. The Edge bit was simply tasteless, and unless this leads to MNM taking the belts off Cena & Michaels, that entire segment was pointless. Again this furthers my "Edge is shit" theories, as the only reason fans boo him is because he's actually scum of the earth, it's not an act, people legitimately hate him as a person, that's not what you're supposed to do.

The rest of Raw made little sense as well, Khali running in on another MITB match made little sense. Gee, why not have him run in and clobber Duggan and Masters instead? Or does WWE suddenly have big plans for Chris Masters outside of releasing him :roll: ... I'd like to think Flair and Carlito would run a bit on Raw next week, demanding a MITB spot, but I'm guessing Orton buries Sandman tomorrow night on ECW for it instead.

The HBK run-in at the end makes no sense, unless Cena is put in the same situation next week, and doesn't make the save.

Loved the Jeff Hardy/Umaga match :roll: , pity though, haven't we already seen this twice now? Why make Jeff suffer? Did Vince just remember Hardy was in TNA? Here's an idea, instead of having Umaga beat up one of the smaller guys on the roster, why not have him beat The Highlanders or Cryme Time in a 2 on 1 match. Both teams are otherwise useless at the moment, why not get something out of them before releasing them by jobbing them off to Umaga to build him up as unstoppable. Beating two wrestlers at once, is generally more impressive than beating a much smaller wrestler, even if that guy is Jeff Hardy. No instead crush a guy with the potential to be a future main eventer.

The Mickie/Melina match was just scary. I enjoyed some of the match, but that ending was sick. I have no clue what was supposed to go down, but I'm sure it wasn't that. Melina seemed mildly hesitant to pin Mickie too, so I'm guessing the dumb bitch was supposed to do something off the top rope when Mickie went for the hurricarana, instead of just sitting there like an idiot. I'm sure Ashley vs Melina will be a 5 star match!

Then you've got the Foley bit... I thought this guy wasn't going to be back on TV? Nice/predictable swerves there. I was pissed that Foley didn't really get into it with McMahon over the KMA club. Plus what "old job" did he want back? I thought he was retired, what exactly did he do before that he isn't doing now - making random appearances to promote a book. I was pissed there were no stunners. No Lashley either, kinda odd, he'll certainly show up next week though.

There's some potential overall from the show, but I swear to God WWE writes this shit on the fly. No foresite or logic whatsoever.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Austin has been announced for ECW tonight. Highest rated ecw show ever?[/quote]

For WWEECW, probably.
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Wow, WWE actually pleasantly surprised me this week, Bockwinkel is an excellent choice for the Hall of Fame. Any guy that gets Heenan's highest praise should be there. Since Bobby is one of Bockwinkel's best friends, he'd be perfect to do the honors.

As for the rest of Raw... two thumbs down. The Edge bit was simply tasteless, and unless this leads to MNM taking the belts off Cena & Michaels, that entire segment was pointless. Again this furthers my "Edge is shit" theories, as the only reason fans boo him is because he's actually scum of the earth, it's not an act, people legitimately hate him as a person, that's not what you're supposed to do.

The rest of Raw made little sense as well, Khali running in on another MITB match made little sense. Gee, why not have him run in and clobber Duggan and Masters instead? Or does WWE suddenly have big plans for Chris Masters outside of releasing him :roll: ... I'd like to think Flair and Carlito would run a bit on Raw next week, demanding a MITB spot, but I'm guessing Orton buries Sandman tomorrow night on ECW for it instead.

The HBK run-in at the end makes no sense, unless Cena is put in the same situation next week, and doesn't make the save.

Loved the Jeff Hardy/Umaga match :roll: , pity though, haven't we already seen this twice now? Why make Jeff suffer? Did Vince just remember Hardy was in TNA? Here's an idea, instead of having Umaga beat up one of the smaller guys on the roster, why not have him beat The Highlanders or Cryme Time in a 2 on 1 match. Both teams are otherwise useless at the moment, why not get something out of them before releasing them by jobbing them off to Umaga to build him up as unstoppable. Beating two wrestlers at once, is generally more impressive than beating a much smaller wrestler, even if that guy is Jeff Hardy. No instead crush a guy with the potential to be a future main eventer.

The Mickie/Melina match was just scary. I enjoyed some of the match, but that ending was sick. I have no clue what was supposed to go down, but I'm sure it wasn't that. Melina seemed mildly hesitant to pin Mickie too, so I'm guessing the dumb bitch was supposed to do something off the top rope when Mickie went for the hurricarana, instead of just sitting there like an idiot. I'm sure Ashley vs Melina will be a 5 star match!

Then you've got the Foley bit... I thought this guy wasn't going to be back on TV? Nice/predictable swerves there. I was pissed that Foley didn't really get into it with McMahon over the KMA club. Plus what "old job" did he want back? I thought he was retired, what exactly did he do before that he isn't doing now - making random appearances to promote a book. I was pissed there were no stunners. No Lashley either, kinda odd, he'll certainly show up next week though.

There's some potential overall from the show, but I swear to God WWE writes this shit on the fly. No foresite or logic whatsoever.[/quote]

Every time I see Edge come out and start doing promos with those strange wide eyes of his I half expect him to pull a Scott Titleman on Randy Orton or something...

Even though pretty much everyone on forum marked out for Austin, including myself, you gotta admit, it wasn't even that great. The guy didn't even say anything. Actually, his shirt said everything: arrive, raise hell, leave. That's all he pretty much did. :\
That was the first episode of RAW I've watched in about 3 years. Kind of boring. Oh and what's this WWECW thing? When is it on TV?
[quote name='Zenithian Legend']Wow, WWE actually pleasantly surprised me this week, Bockwinkel is an excellent choice for the Hall of Fame. Any guy that gets Heenan's highest praise should be there. Since Bobby is one of Bockwinkel's best friends, he'd be perfect to do the honors.

As for the rest of Raw... two thumbs down. The Edge bit was simply tasteless, and unless this leads to MNM taking the belts off Cena & Michaels, that entire segment was pointless. Again this furthers my "Edge is shit" theories, as the only reason fans boo him is because he's actually scum of the earth, it's not an act, people legitimately hate him as a person, that's not what you're supposed to do.

The rest of Raw made little sense as well, Khali running in on another MITB match made little sense. Gee, why not have him run in and clobber Duggan and Masters instead? Or does WWE suddenly have big plans for Chris Masters outside of releasing him :roll: ... I'd like to think Flair and Carlito would run a bit on Raw next week, demanding a MITB spot, but I'm guessing Orton buries Sandman tomorrow night on ECW for it instead.

The HBK run-in at the end makes no sense, unless Cena is put in the same situation next week, and doesn't make the save.

Loved the Jeff Hardy/Umaga match :roll: , pity though, haven't we already seen this twice now? Why make Jeff suffer? Did Vince just remember Hardy was in TNA? Here's an idea, instead of having Umaga beat up one of the smaller guys on the roster, why not have him beat The Highlanders or Cryme Time in a 2 on 1 match. Both teams are otherwise useless at the moment, why not get something out of them before releasing them by jobbing them off to Umaga to build him up as unstoppable. Beating two wrestlers at once, is generally more impressive than beating a much smaller wrestler, even if that guy is Jeff Hardy. No instead crush a guy with the potential to be a future main eventer.

The Mickie/Melina match was just scary. I enjoyed some of the match, but that ending was sick. I have no clue what was supposed to go down, but I'm sure it wasn't that. Melina seemed mildly hesitant to pin Mickie too, so I'm guessing the dumb bitch was supposed to do something off the top rope when Mickie went for the hurricarana, instead of just sitting there like an idiot. I'm sure Ashley vs Melina will be a 5 star match!

Then you've got the Foley bit... I thought this guy wasn't going to be back on TV? Nice/predictable swerves there. I was pissed that Foley didn't really get into it with McMahon over the KMA club. Plus what "old job" did he want back? I thought he was retired, what exactly did he do before that he isn't doing now - making random appearances to promote a book. I was pissed there were no stunners. No Lashley either, kinda odd, he'll certainly show up next week though.

There's some potential overall from the show, but I swear to God WWE writes this shit on the fly. No foresite or logic whatsoever.[/quote]

:applause: Basically said everything I wanted to say, except I hope to god that Orton doesn't beat such a deserving legend like Sandman. Oh and Steve Austin seems like a perfect fit for ECW. Maybe he'll actually spice it up a bit instead of the droll its been in. I just want to see him come in and be liek "you punks call this extreme!", and then just turn the whole place on its head.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I'm still waiting for Triple H's name. :roll:[/quote]

If he was taking them, he'd have 6 pack abs instead of a keg.

[quote name='naes']That was the first episode of RAW I've watched in about 3 years. Kind of boring. Oh and what's this WWECW thing? When is it on TV?[/QUOTE]

WWE revived the ECW brand back in june and it's been a absolute disaster with ratings and sales(it was so bad, that they merged the Smackdown & ECW house shows into one show). It's on tuesday at 10 p.m.(eastern time) on the Sci-Fi channel.
[quote name='Psykoboy2']Wasn't Austin part of the original ECW way ass back when? The Hollywood Blondes or something, right?[/quote]

Yeah, he was. He was most famous there for doing to promos bashing WCW. One of my favorites is where he paraphrases WCW's motto by saying "WCW: where the big boys play with each other".

As for the Hollywood Blondes, that was a tag team he was in with Brian Pillman during his WCW days.
If we're lucky, Melina and Ashley will actually kill each other in the ring, and we'll be done with it. That botch (if you can even call it that, it's more like "here, I'm going to fall from about 12 or 13 feet on my head") was ugly - it's a damn good thing Mickie's been around long enough to know how to save that.

Apparently CM Punk is now even further in the doghouse for asking if he was in the doghouse. Amazing.

Dude, Bad News Brown/Allen died. What the fuck is going on lately?

Someone may as well do a BNB thread and close this one down. Man, we're just jumping from one to the next.

Still, he lived to be 63, which is like 95 in wrestler years. This sucks, he was one of the few heels that was legitimately scary.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Link

Dude, Bad News Brown/Allen died. What the fuck is going on lately?

Someone may as well do a BNB thread and close this one down. Man, we're just jumping from one to the next.

Still, he lived to be 63, which is like 95 in wrestler years. This sucks, he was one of the few heels that was legitimately scary.[/quote]

Another wrestler died in a memorial thread.. what the fuck..
Allen J. Coage (October 22, 1943 – March 6, 2007), also known as Bad News Brown and Bad News Allen, was an American professional wrestler with the WWF among many other companies. He was also the 1976 Olympic Bronze Medal winner in Judo, in the Heavyweight division. Wrestling fans know him best as Bad News Brown, but he had that nickname before entering the squared circle.

Prior to his training as a wrestler, Coage trained in Judo for the better part of two decades, earning a spot of the United States Olympic Team at the Games in Montreal. He even trained in Japan with judoka masters, living in near poverty and continuing on solely for the love of his sport. After his bronze medal victory, Coage attempted to open his own Judo school. Later, he decided to try his hand at professional wrestling. He began training with Antonio Inoki around 1978.

After short stints with New Japan Pro Wrestling and the then-World Wide Wrestling Federation, Bad News Allen found a long-term home in Stu Hart's Stampede Wrestling, centered in Allen's home city of Calgary. Allen would remain with Stampede from 1982 until 1988, with some tours of Australia and Florida during that time, and would have matches with wrestlers like The Dynamite Kid and Owen Hart. He often referred to himself in interviews as "the Ultimate Warrior," a name that was later used more famously by wrestler Jim Hellwig.

Allen returned to the World Wrestling Federation in 1988 as Bad News Brown, and it was during this time that he would achieve his greatest notoriety. While the roster was mostly filled with ultra-virtuous babyfaces and cowardly and monster heels, Bad News was something entirely different; a tough loner who stood on his own and fought to his last breath. While booked as a heel, Bad News Brown was more a tweener, and his character would become the template for later characters such as Stone Cold Steve Austin. Some memorable moments from his WWF tenure included winning the battle royal at WrestleMania IV by sneak-attacking and eliminating Bret Hart, a brief feud with then-champion Randy Savage in early 1989 which lead to matches in the main event, feuding with Roddy Piper (starting before the Royal Rumble 1990 and culminating at Wrestlemania VI) and with Jake "The Snake" Roberts (where Bad News had a sewer rat against Jake's snake) along with other moments like attacking WWF President Jack Tunney on The Brother Love Show. Bad News would also have a brief run challenging Hulk Hogan for the WWF Championship. Bad News would eventually leave the WWF in 1990 due to, as he claims, Vince McMahon's failure to live up to his promises, as McMahon had originally promised to make him the company's first black champion.

Coage continued to work in independent promotions for several more years, including Japan's stiff-style UWFi promotion. Coage retired in 1998 due to knee damage. He continued occasionally working independent shows for friends while living in Calgary with his wife, and had considered starting a promotion himself. Additionally, he taught wrestling, and worked as a security officer in Airdrie, Alberta.

Coage died early in the morning of March 6, 2007 in Calgary at Rockyview Hospital, having been rushed to the hospital after complaining of chest pains.

Bad News' attitude in the WWF was almost a precursor to what Steve Austin did in the late 90's. He would often double cross both faces and heels and was "allies" with no one. His two most memorable feuds were with Jake Roberts and Randy Savage.

During the former, Bad News claimed he was not afraid of Jake's python Damien, and even came up with pets of his own to counter the snake - "Harlem Sewer Rats." Unfortunately, the animals never came into play.

He also had a main event feud with Randy Savage, which was set off by Bad News giving one of the more memorable interviews of the late 80's, where he accused WWF president Jack Tunney of giving Randy Savage preferential treatment due to Savage's manager (and wife) Elizabeth "doing favors" for Tunney. He obviously never won the title, but he was still one of the scariest heels of that period.

The Dynamite Kid praised him in his autobiography as one of the toughest bad-asses he ever met in wrestling.

R.I.P. "Bad News" Allen Coage.
[quote name='KaneRobot']I've got a Bad News memorial post ready...I'll put it up as long as everyone thinks it's ok to move on from this one.[/quote]

Well normally we take this to 1000.. why not just contact Myke, let him add your stuff about BNB.. it could be the first joint memorial wrestling topic.
[quote name='Scorch'] about not reading replies[/QUOTE]

You oughta change your custom rank to "Miss Manners of CAG."

That Mickie spot looks awful; I haven't seen Raw yet, but I hope she's all right. Strange that, of all the women who wrestle on Raw, one who is actually trained takes a scary fall.

That's a shame about Bad News. At 63, I don't think you can really chalk it up to drugs or substance abuse. I hope not anyway, as he seemed to be a level-headed guy who was above all of that. He did an interview a few months back where he talked very frankly about wrestling, and I gained a whole new level of respect for him at that point. I know he hasn't been on TV in over a decade, but he'll be missed regardless.
Can we go 1 whole wrestling topic without someone dying? There is some irony in the fact that two wrestlers died during what was supposed to be the Jake the Snake wrestling topic, and neither one of them were Jake.

I was watching my WMIV dvd the other day, and Bad News Brown stunningly wins a big battle royal, eliminating Bret Hart at the end - I was almost sure Hart won that one, maybe Vince had the crew go back and edit the ending as he would've still been upset with Bret Hart at the time the dvd came out. Seriously though, pretty f'd up about BNB. Rip Bad News.
Never actually seen Bad News Brown wrestle... oh well at least he made it past 50 right? :\

Damn Lashley didn't look bad for once. Anyone find it funny his name is L + Ashley? :D
[quote name='Psykoboy2']Wasn't Austin part of the original ECW way ass back when? The Hollywood Blondes or something, right?[/quote]

Yaeh he was, but just knowing Austin's persona, he seems like a perfect fit to revamp ECW and maybe bring it back to its glory days or at least make it bearable to watch.

[quote name='2Fast']I cannot fucking wait until Austin gives Umaga a Stone Cold Stunner.[/quote]

Me too.

[quote name='JJSP']If we're lucky, Melina and Ashley will actually kill each other in the ring, and we'll be done with it. That botch (if you can even call it that, it's more like "here, I'm going to fall from about 12 or 13 feet on my head") was ugly - it's a damn good thing Mickie's been around long enough to know how to save that.

Apparently CM Punk is now even further in the doghouse for asking if he was in the doghouse. Amazing.[/quote]

There's another wrestler that I hate as part of the current WWE/ECW lineups, Melina. Bleh. I don't find her hot in any sense, though that ring entrance sure is nice;) Still, I don't really see her as talented as a wrestler and she not that entertaining either. I like Mickie James:drool::drool: and Ashley isn't half bad either. I hope they kick Melina out of WWE for that.
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