Battlefield Bad Company 2; Vietnam (1200 points) out; plus 4 new free maps

I just got the Destruction 2.0 Achievement legit. :cool:

Capped it off with a triple kill. :cool:
Saw the balance tweaks this morning. Can't wait for that patch. Getting pretty damn tired of Microsoft's patch approval red tape.

Also, almost 1pm here and no sign of the SPECACT crap.
The only thing I think that I feel not on board for is the Tracer Dart increased speed. I think it will cause helicopters/tanks to be a death sentence if anyone could hit it with a dart (currently you only have to worry about 1-2 people that can actually hit one/match).
[quote name='lordopus99']The only thing I think that I feel not on board for is the Tracer Dart increased speed. I think it will cause helicopters/tanks to be a death sentence if anyone could hit it with a dart (currently you only have to worry about 1-2 people that can actually hit one/match).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that could be a problem..I've never missed hitting a tank with one (that I know of) although I've never hit a helicopter with one. With this increase and the AA power going up, could be bad news for choppers.

Although I guess it doesn't matter to me right now, I don't have the game anymore :whistle2:#
[quote name='lordopus99']The only thing I think that I feel not on board for is the Tracer Dart increased speed. I think it will cause helicopters/tanks to be a death sentence if anyone could hit it with a dart (currently you only have to worry about 1-2 people that can actually hit one/match).[/QUOTE]

Agreed. As I said earlier, I started getting ok with the tracer dart. It takes some skill (and some luck), but that's the whole point of the game, right?
I like this game but find it slightly on the boring end. The maps are far to big for the amount of players in it. 12 on 12 doesnt really need a 2 mile map.

3 or 4 players on each team are always going to be sniping which leaves only 8 or so people to actual play......4 or 5 are always going to be on the other side of where you are so that only leaves 3 or 4 people to actually firefight with.

I also find the maps to be too similar, other than weather and tree placement they are not unique enough for me.

The only other thing I dislike is what I call the tunnel of death. Its comparable to the single player from the first game. Although the map is huge there really is only 1 or 2 paths you can take to get to an objective. These leads to far to much super long distance fighting this combined with the super accurate guns makes it kinda boring.

Still like the game though. Needs much better maps....much much better maps.
[quote name='Soodmeg']

The only other thing I dislike is what I call the tunnel of death. Its comparable to the single player from the first game. Although the map is huge there really is only 1 or 2 paths you can take to get to an objective. These leads to far to much super long distance fighting this combined with the super accurate guns makes it kinda boring.

Still like the game though. Needs much better maps....much much better maps.[/QUOTE]

I can agree with that somewhat. And maybe it will get boring. But coming from a long stint of playing Gears 2, I am very appreciative of the distance fighting. I gave up on Gears because everyone's favorite tactic was shotgun rushing - which, whether I do well at not, is not fun to me.

I realized the only time I really enjoyed playing gears is in medium to long range fights. So BFBC2 really made me happy.
[quote name='Soodmeg']I like this game but find it slightly on the boring end. The maps are far to big for the amount of players in it. 12 on 12 doesnt really need a 2 mile map.

3 or 4 players on each team are always going to be sniping which leaves only 8 or so people to actual play......4 or 5 are always going to be on the other side of where you are so that only leaves 3 or 4 people to actually firefight with.

I also find the maps to be too similar, other than weather and tree placement they are not unique enough for me.

The only other thing I dislike is what I call the tunnel of death. Its comparable to the single player from the first game. Although the map is huge there really is only 1 or 2 paths you can take to get to an objective. These leads to far to much super long distance fighting this combined with the super accurate guns makes it kinda boring.

Still like the game though. Needs much better maps....much much better maps.[/QUOTE]

There are a lot of places where you can take different paths. Most people just stick to a couple. Panama Canal has multiple routes through buildings and on the sunken ship. Arica Harbor and Port Valdez both have ways of flanking by swimming in the water and climbing up ladders. With Port Valdez Rush I do that often, most people are focused on the road that I swim up, hide behind shipping containers and make a dive for the B M-COM. Laguna Presa and Laguna Alta in Conquest have a lot of ways to approach the flags.

Personally I'm amazed by the maps. There are usually multiple ways into a building or to an objective.
I would tend to agree. I definitely feel like most of the maps have multiple paths to take to an objective. There are a couple that do, indeed, have that "tunnel" feel, and if you are playing a really, really good team, you might barely make it out of your base, let alone get near an objective.
Yeah, I just disagree. We have all played a ton of FPS...I feel these are some easily forgettable maps.

Might just be straight personal opinion though but it just seems like I have played much better maps in numerous other games. Again, still a good game.
Some of my friends have this game, but they don't like it. They just only play Modern Warfare 2. I'm looking for possibly a squad to play with. I was wondering if anyone wanted to play. Just add me on XBL and send me a message if you want to.
[quote name='lordopus99']Grabbed them from stats-o-matic... fantastic site if you have never visited ( ). I never claim to be the great one. I just use a variety of weapons, HELP out my team, and don't TRY to abuse weapons that arent balanced (I, when I get frustrated by the Call of Noobie combo, will also go with it and level the playing field). I am not mad... just making an observation on your bias comment. Also, I don't suck... check my stats on it... K/D ratio means crap in this game. If it was all about that, I would just boost my stats by playing Call of Noobie Medic, hardcore conquest and camping. Feel free to join my games whenever you would like...I play regular Rush. :roll:

Thank you for the site. That is cool. It's a shame that it doesn't have game type stats too, because i've probably only played a dozen or so games of conquest.

Now back to it, How is it that you say i don't help out my team? It seems i am a far better medic and engineer than you, just going by your "HELP out my team" stats. And i'm not positive but i'm sure most people would rather play with someone that actually has a much better Win/Loss Ratio 1.74 to 0.79. It seems you need to be more helpful to your teams. Especially since you've played DOUBLE the amount of time that i have. :applause:
Like MW2, I wouldn't hold the Win/Loss ratio against anyone. You may be wrecking house in the one good squad, but if the rest of the team is playing Too Many Snipers, you're likely going to lose (and not by your sucking.)
(And in retrospect, this can hurt your k/d as well depending on the situation.)

The problem is, people don't understand how to have fun. Be smart, play like an action hero, and don't be a douche.
[quote name='Metalic']So the BC2 DLC didnt add a new acheivement. Its not there.[/QUOTE]

They addressed that in the post:

UPDATE: Players obtaining the kit upgrades through the Dr Pepper promotion will not currently be able to obtain the 4 achievements. We are working to update this and any progress you make towards the achievements will be counted when the fix is available in North America. Thanks for your understanding and patience.
It's funny with the SPECACT Dr. Pepper stuff, I keep having teammates shoot at me for a bit when I spawn on them since I guess the outfits look different enough. Too bad I did not see anyone else using them to see if I could see the difference.

Also a set of the new pins for the SPECACT are kind of lame since you get 0 points for them (kill 5 people in a row with each of the 4 new guns).
[quote name='Deadpool']Thank you for the site. That is cool. It's a shame that it doesn't have game type stats too, because i've probably only played a dozen or so games of conquest.

Now back to it, How is it that you say i don't help out my team? It seems i am a far better medic and engineer than you, just going by your "HELP out my team" stats. And i'm not positive but i'm sure most people would rather play with someone that actually has a much better Win/Loss Ratio 1.74 to 0.79. It seems you need to be more helpful to your teams. Especially since you've played DOUBLE the amount of time that i have. :applause:[/QUOTE]

Like you said, you wish it would show game type stats... I played probably half of my gameplay playing Squad DM with randoms i.e. team help near impossible. Rush/Conquest is way easier to get team stats.
Also, looking at classes, your observation doesn't hold as it seems we both play "team" stats equally...
Medic - you have played two more hours than me yet i have slightly more the medic kits heals.
Assault - I played twice as much yet I have a little more than double the amount ammo supplies.
Recon - I played twice as much yet I have more than double the motion mines plus I have double the mortar strikes.
As for your other comment, people still FR me when I play with them... :roll: So I don't know how the W/L ratio adds up to who someone wants to play with...again I played Squad DM for half of my play time... typical Squad DM has 4-5 teams vs Rush/Conquest 2 teams... you do the math :roll:

On another note, I need to get to Taco Bell to get two more codes.
[quote name='Flak']So what are the new achievements?[/QUOTE]

There are 4. 1 for each kit. You have to get the pin and insigna for it. The pin is 5 in a row kills with the new version of the weapon. The insigna is for 100 kills with the new version of the weapon.
[quote name='lordopus99']There are 4. 1 for each kit. You have to get the pin and insigna for it. The pin is 5 in a row kills with the new version of the weapon. The insigna is for 100 kills with the new version of the weapon.[/QUOTE]
100 kills with the MG3, ew.
[quote name='lordopus99']Like you said, you wish it would show game type stats... I played probably half of my gameplay playing Squad DM with randoms i.e. team help near impossible. Rush/Conquest is way easier to get team stats.
Also, looking at classes, your observation doesn't hold as it seems we both play "team" stats equally...
Medic - you have played two more hours than me yet i have slightly more the medic kits heals.
Assault - I played twice as much yet I have a little more than double the amount ammo supplies.
Recon - I played twice as much yet I have more than double the motion mines plus I have double the mortar strikes.

I have 200 more revives than you. I don't spam out med kits/ammo like most in this game to rack up free points.

You have 3 times the playtime on engineer and yet are barely above me in repairs. You sure do spam mines a lot though.

Recon, well i use the mortars for vehicles not infantry so that will definitely beef up your kill stats, but there's nothing wrong with that. As for the motion mines, i always forget i have them :lol:

[quote name='Deadpool']I have 200 more revives than you. I don't spam out med kits/ammo like most in this game to rack up free points.

You have 3 times the playtime on engineer and yet are barely above me in repairs. You sure do spam mines a lot though.

Recon, well i use the mortars for vehicles not infantry so that will definitely beef up your kill stats, but there's nothing wrong with that. As for the motion mines, i always forget i have them :lol:


I might spam med kits like others do but I don't spam ammo. I only drop them when I see people in need, which I wish more people would do for me. And yes, you do more revives. Most of the games I play are littered with medics so getting a revive, means you need to be next to people dying (which I am normally not around) since other medics will get the revives.

For Engineer, I don't follow vehicles hoping for repairs. I only do them if they are in my area. Plus, most of the time the vehicles I am in either A) never get touched or B) get completely destroyed. Most of my work is on the defensive side. I go for vehicle kills via mines. Once my mines are down, then I switch to rockets for heli kills. Spamming them takes more effort than you think since I place them in very good areas (i.e. not just all in the base); never too far from being able to get back to disarm m-coms if needed.

I only use Mortar for the following:
1) When attacking... I drop mortar on freshly armed m-coms. This helps teams by not having people able to disarm them.
2) In addition (on maps that have it), I drop them on m-com station homes to drop the house. I hardly ever (.01%) play recon on defense as they are a waste of space.
3) Taking out Heavy MGs.
[quote name='whiptcracker']But I bet I can piss farther than either of you.[/QUOTE]


This is probably really bad, but I'll drop out of a game now right at the end if we're about to lose, I'm sick of having a shitty win loss ratio. I'll bet a lot of other people do the same.
I must say, since I havn't unlocked the M16A2, I am a freaking monster with it. I love the gun so much. Also, I don't really mind losing. It's all part of the game anyways. I get more pist at how people boast about there K/D ratio.
This game is brutal when the attackers dont actually attack. I wish they made a way to make them continue moving forward.
[quote name='moojuice']Sweet, no more stupid Red Beret headshot magnet.[/QUOTE]

The new kits were bad luck for me.

I seriously got my ass-handed to me so hard last night, to the point where I was like WTF is going on? I wasn't even pissed, just confused at how bad I was doing.

This guy knifed me literally 4x in a row on Snow Pass. I also felt like the FOV had changed? But I know that's not true. But something just felt way off about how the game felt, and it showed in how shitty I did.

I then started to play Chime, where I proceeded to get shit on even more. I thought to myself, "IDK what's going on." and shut off the 360 and went to bed.
I was wary of getting it at first. I had the first Battlefield: Bad Company and the online gameplay was horrible and the single player was repetitive and not exciting. However, they seemed to have realized their mistakes from the first game and changed it all up because this has been awesome! I loved it after the first 20 minutes of playing.
I really want to believe that people cannot honestly be as stupid as they appear when they use tanks in this game. I have to believe they are just being jerks, because if people are honestly this stupid, I fear the rest of my days.

And I want to amend something I said earlier. I am now sort of in favor of increasing the speed of the tracer dart. It is definitely possible to hit a transport chopper. An attack chopper with a skilled pilot, though, is impossible, and they can just circle around, way above you, and just reign down hell.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I really want to believe that people cannot honestly be as stupid as they appear when they use tanks in this game. I have to believe they are just being jerks, because if people are honestly this stupid, I fear the rest of my days.

What are they doing?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
And I want to amend something I said earlier. I am now sort of in favor of increasing the speed of the tracer dart. It is definitely possible to hit a transport chopper. An attack chopper with a skilled pilot, though, is impossible, and they can just circle around, way above you, and just reign down hell.[/QUOTE]

The only ones I have problems with are the ones that go up and down as they circle (I only see this 1% of the time). To me that doesn't validate increased tracer dart. In addition to the ways I use to take them down (that I mentioned previously), I also go tank gunning... you can take any chopper down faster than it can take you down in a T90 or Bradley.

Speaking of which... my buddy and I are great with the chopper but yesterday someone got one of the best shots I have ever seen against me... he shot the T90 rocket from the between the first and second area of Port Valdez (around where A had stood) while we were flying over between the third and fourth area (around the silos in the back; we were cleaning up the side road). It was an instant kill when we were at 100% health. So it isn't impossible.
[quote name='A Happy Panda']I then started to play Chime, where I proceeded to get shit on even more. I thought to myself, "IDK what's going on." and shut off the 360 and went to bed.[/QUOTE]
Granted I only played the demo of Chime, but how the heck do you get shit on by Chime?
[quote name='moojuice']Granted I only played the demo of Chime, but how the heck do you get shit on by Chime?[/QUOTE]

I chose the 3 minute mode....and only got like an extra 30 seconds :(
[quote name='moojuice']Granted I only played the demo of Chime, but how the heck do you get shit on by Chime?[/QUOTE]

Wow, that is SO Quote worthy. Thanks! :applause: :lol:
Looks like achievements are finally up.

Also, I'm loving the M95 + red dot sight. I'm close enough to use motion sensors and I can usually hit a guy dead center while under fire.
bread's done