Yeah, I figured I could use it with my Wii U whenever I decide to get one so I can play my free copy of Tank Tank Tank!
I'd love to share my impressions, but unfortunately my visit to the store did not end well.
Which means it's time for another... Horrifying Retail Tale!
So, at the store, cust. service managed to PM Newegg for a copy of Colonial Marines which I then traded in (though it took about a century and a half because they put in my address wrong). Feeling pretty good getting my $25 credit, got a headset and my coupon, heading to checkout expecting a pain-free purchase (as the worst is over) and then out the door after being in the store so long.
The kid at the register scans the item, I tell him I have a coupon for $20 off. He scans it, looks at the screen, and then studies every single word on the back of my coupon.
Tells me that the coupon says it cannot be combined with other coupons or offers.
I tell him that coupons are supposed to stack with sales prices according to their policy, because I pay $15/year for the subscription, and that I have done this multiple times in the past without incident.
The kid just stares at me and gives me a "I don't care" look. Usually, at this point, an employee will go get their manager, because they still wanna make the sale/be helpful, but this kid did jack-shit but stand there. So, I'm forced to be an asshole and ask him to see his manager/talk to someone higher-up (because it's obvious to me the kid has no

ing clue). He quickly brings over a lady in the vicinity who scrutinizes the screen and the coupon, lost in thought for a while.
Ultimately, she concurs with the cashier with that same line of "cannot be combined with other offers". I'm trying my hardest not to be frustrated, thinking the computer's just being a pain in the ass until out of the corner of my eye, I see that it does in fact ring up as $9.99. Meaning that the computer okay'd it, but this manager (who was rather nasty) was denying it at her discretion. I ask her about this, and she admits it's not a computer denial, but doesn't say it's her personal decision, and proceeds to walk away. Of course the guy who PM'd Colonial Marines for me is next to her the whole time. The same guy who actually went to talk to Newegg Support because he thought that the $9.99 item on the website was a strategy guide and not the game.
Absolutely embarrassed. Does anyone have any solutions so I can avoid this next time?