Black Ops CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @7PST/10EST

[quote name='Thekrakrabbit']Clean the disc?[/QUOTE]

cleaned the disc still happening frequently sigh...

i have a backwards compatible 80 gig ps3 maybe that has something to do with it...
I say no, but I dont think prestiging is any point especially in Black Ops. Really no great unlocks like in mw2 but then again I didnt even bother then.....
I did once. It isn't hard to level up. I probably won't again, just because getting the pro perks can be a pain. But still, a level 50 prestige I looks way better than being a regular Joe level 50. ;)
Im at the verge of 5, but im not sure if i want to prestige again. I want the specific tag at #5, looks neat.... but i dont want to re-do every single pro perk
I recall MW2 was killing a lot of older ps3 drives because it was disc intensive. Maybe it is the same with BLOPS. If you hear your drive spinning all the time then it may be your drive failing or lens issues?
woah woah woah woah. You guys are going back to MW2 and didn't even bother letting good ol' Fred know?

It really is a shame that MOH didn't work out. That seemed like such a happy compromise. I drank too much of the Elf kool aid.
Let me know either way.

Is there a zombie group that can help me get all the trophies so I can platinum this game... My name is KVM and I am a Trophy Horse...
If anyone hates Black Ops and wants to trade check out my list. I made it most of the way to removing the disc from my dead PS3 before I found out fixing the BR drive after you remove all the parts with the disc in it is troublesome.

I never got to play BFBC2 with any of you guys. Why not play more of that?
[quote name='Hostile']I never got to play BFBC2 with any of you guys. Why not play more of that?[/QUOTE]
Because you abandoned us once you discovered Bad Company 2, it was like you noticed girls for the first time and ditched all your friends to chase some EA/DICE ass.

I have been considering BC2 for a short while, I really didn't like being limited to a party of 4 which is really what killed it for us more than anything else.
I'll probably stick with Black Ops, though undecided on taking that 5th prestige or not. I've been at 50 for a day or two now.

I won my first 10k wager match. 10k -> 30k lol
I'm sticking too since I did my first prestige and now I need to get back my hardline pro back before the patch hits. And does it get any better than hearing Ice Cube call out 'Care package coming in'. Plus I just got my $30 credit for trading in MW2.
I've noticed my disc drive spinning a lot only a couple times with this game, now that I think about it, my hard drive was thrashing a lot too, more so than usual. Everything seems okay now but I haven't been playing BLOPS in a while.

And BC2 is not too slow for lulz, obviously you've never ran an ATV rigged with C4 into an enemy tank or ran into the enemy vehicle pool and rigged all their vehicles with C4 and then wait till they drive it away then blow it up across the map or rig an enemy chopper with C4 and then blow it when they are in the air. Many lulz to be had.
I'm trying to play some online multiplayer, but the frame rate is still as bad as when the game first came out. Is there a possible fix for this? Or is treyarch slowly cutting back their support for online multi...
Be careful suggesting they are cutting back on a public forum, they may just swoop in here and give you a lecture on how they are only human

Of course, that doesn't address the issue that some of these bugs (which I've encountered on numerous systems despite their dubbing it a "rare occurrence" in their patch notes) made through their QA testing for 4 months and into their final product in one of the biggest (if not the biggest) releases of the entire year.

I'd say BFGN, and I'll probably be on... but I doubt many other people will.
[quote name='dyeknom']Be careful suggesting they are cutting back on a public forum, they may just swoop in here and give you a lecture on how they are only human

Of course, that doesn't address the issue that some of these bugs (which I've encountered on numerous systems despite their dubbing it a "rare occurrence" in their patch notes) made through their QA testing for 4 months and into their final product in one of the biggest (if not the biggest) releases of the entire year.

I'd say BFGN, and I'll probably be on... but I doubt many other people will.[/QUOTE]

They made more than half a billion in sales, they better not slow down on support. Anytime a game makes more than a Hollywood Blockbuster on DAY ONE better support the shit out of the game (and $15 DLC for 3 online maps in not support, but nickel and dime).
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Good games jcart and 8bit. Sorry, my access point dced and dropped our game, but that's the furthest I ever got with three people.

btw, has treyarch ever acknowledged the problem with the frame rate on PS3? I know they've done so for the PC, but anything for the PS3? As the people who purchase their product, we have a right to complain. And yes, it works both ways, they have a right to do nothing. But shit like that doesn't pan out down the road. But so far, they have been doing great fixing the slew of other problems (balancing, spawning, etc.) besides the frame rate.
[quote name='j-cart']They made more than half a billion in sales, they better not slow down on support. Anytime a game makes more than a Hollywood Blockbuster on DAY ONE better support the shit out of the game (and $15 DLC for 3 online maps in not support, but nickel and dime).[/QUOTE]

Craptavision is getting $0 from me for any add-ons until this broken thing is fixed - completely. fuck them and the horse they rode in on. If they are not putting out dedicated servers for game consoles, they are not getting another penny from me for any COD game. back to our regularly scheduled programming....
[quote name='jmbreci']If they are not putting out dedicated servers for game consoles, they are not getting another penny from me for any COD game.[/QUOTE]

if they havent done it by now, they never will.

option, i was so mad and i saw a zombie running in place in front of me. i was like "NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOoOooOoOOOooOoOoOOoOoo". i knew i should have shot j-cart or you with my pack a punch crossbow for that trophy! :p
[quote name='dyeknom']Universally hated? MW2 was leaps and bounds above the original. Complain about grenade launchers all you'd like, but the grenade spam and martyrdom made MW multiplayer almost entirely unplayable.[/QUOTE]

People forget about the original MW anyway, but it seems that a lot of people liked MW1 a lot more then MW2. I didn't, but I'm not saying MW2 wasn't real frustating towards the end when I stopped playing it.
[quote name='8bitArtist']if they havent done it by now, they never will.[/QUOTE]

For BO yes, which is why I said what I did - no more purchased of COD until then. They can go a different route with the next rendition. The # of PC purchases of BO compared to either the PS3 & 360 purchases is not the same. PS3 & 360 both sold far more than the PC, yet the PC gets the dedicated servers. fuck Activision and fuck their map packs.
hey mad, kaiser, monkey. and the rest of u guys. advice for flying/ dealing with tsa/international equivilent. do what i did. when leaving the is i was patted down by tsa so in order to get a laugh /make a scene in a funny way. when the female agent started patted me down i started acting really turned on and aroused in a vocal way and i said " hey baby i may be easy but i aint cheap if you wanna touch me there it'll at least take dinner and some drinks" . and then after she was done i told her. " hey get back here and finish the job" the people in line behind me were laughing out loud even some of the tsa people were grinning but the security guy told me to move along just something funny from my flight i thought i would pass along
[quote name='teknobeavr']hey mad, kaiser, monkey. and the rest of u guys. advice for flying/ dealing with tsa/international equivilent. do what i did. when leaving the is i was patted down by tsa so in order to get a laugh /make a scene in a funny way. when the female agent started patted me down i started acting really turned on and aroused in a vocal way and i said " hey baby i may be easy but i aint cheap if you wanna touch me there it'll at least take dinner and some drinks" . and then after she was done i told her. " hey get back here and finish the job" the people in line behind me were laughing out loud even some of the tsa people were grinning but the security guy told me to move along just something funny from my flight i thought i would pass along[/QUOTE]
I prefer not sexually harassing the lowest common denominator the TSA hires in the New York/New Jersey area. I do remember hitting on some doctors and nurses when I was going in for wrist surgery though. Had a hottie Asian chicky with a southern accent, it was a weird weird thing but I kinda dug it.
CAG ID(scfan919) = PSN ID (ForeverToThee
Experience: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Availablity: Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat (nights): Depends on work schedule.
Mic: Yes/No
Additional Info: Played CoD4 and MW2 competitively on Xbox 360 (tournaments, etc.), sold my 360 because of college and then got a ps3 a little later on, level 27 right now, but havn't played too much.
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[quote name='scfan919']CAG ID(scfan919) = PSN ID (ForeverToThee
Experience: Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced
Availablity: Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat (nights): Depends on work schedule.
Mic: Yes/No
Additional Info: Played CoD4 and MW2 competitively on Xbox 360 (tournaments, etc.), sold my 360 because of college and then got a ps3 a little later on, level 27 right now, but havn't played too much.[/QUOTE]

I'll send you an friend request tonight. Things have been quite with the group as most seem to be waiting for a patch.
I enjoy this game WHEN it stays connected and the lag isn't too bad. Seriously though, they need to fix this shit. At this point it's just pathetic.
[quote name='SynGamer']I enjoy this game WHEN it stays connected and the lag isn't too bad. Seriously though, they need to fix this shit. At this point it's just pathetic.[/QUOTE]

agreed...I'm going to hook my ps3 directly to my cable modem just to see if it helps with any of the lag. 1 match I'll have a great 4 bar connection and then the next match in the same lobby it will get 2 bars at the best.
Jax, you're in Rochester!? My fiancé and I were going to move there up until about 2 weeks ago when we decided on Niagara Falls :D I live about 4 hours north of you right now.

On topic: I've tried a direct connection, it's purely host advantage when it comes to connection strength.
Jax, you're in Rochester!? My fiancé and I were going to move there up until about 2 weeks ago when we decided on Niagara Falls :D I live about 4 hours north of you right now.

On topic: I've tried a direct connection, it's purely host advantage when it comes to connection strength.
[quote name='option.iv']I'm down for some zombies. Gotta test out my new headset.[/QUOTE]

Whats your PSNid? I'll add you in a few when I get on.
Oh my, I tried to play earlier today on a TV that has some serious motion blur (it's a pretty new flat panel). I have no idea why the motion blur is so bad, but it makes the game completely unplayable. It's always had that problem, which is very strange. Then tonight, I played on my normal TV. It really makes a huge difference.

I'd like to fix his problem. Anybody ever experience really bad PS3 motion blur on a flat panel TV? I've tried use a different input, change PS3 video settings to lower and higher resolutions, etc. and the thing continues to have that problem.
New update has been released. 1.04 is ~27MB for anyone interested.

EDIT: and first game after the new update and "Lost Connection".
EDIT2: 2nd and 3rd attempts ended with "Game Lobby Closed". 4th attempt appears to be finding a game...
EDIT3: I lied. 4th attempt ended with "Lost connection to host". Room is still up though...
EDIT4: Ditto on EDIT3 except this time we got to play for about 3-4 minutes.
EDIT5: This is beyond fucking ridiculous! Seriously, who do I contact for a refund, it's been mover a month.
EDIT6: The games lose connection EVERY time someone(s) join the game. I don't know how they did it, but Treyarch has managed to break the game even further with the new update.
EDIT7: Another "Lost connection to host"...
EDIT8: asjfaskgjadfiopq99-!
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[quote name='dyeknom']Oh my, I tried to play earlier today on a TV that has some serious motion blur (it's a pretty new flat panel). I have no idea why the motion blur is so bad, but it makes the game completely unplayable. It's always had that problem, which is very strange. Then tonight, I played on my normal TV. It really makes a huge difference.

I'd like to fix his problem. Anybody ever experience really bad PS3 motion blur on a flat panel TV? I've tried use a different input, change PS3 video settings to lower and higher resolutions, etc. and the thing continues to have that problem.[/QUOTE]

Um...what make & model on the TV? I have a Sony NX810 and have no issues...ditto with my Panny Plasma.

Syn - hmmm.....maybe I'll try it out. If it is broke for someone else, maybe it will work for me. I'm just using reverse logic here....
[quote name='SynGamer']Jax, you're in Rochester!? My fiancé and I were going to move there up until about 2 weeks ago when we decided on Niagara Falls :D I live about 4 hours north of you right now.

On topic: I've tried a direct connection, it's purely host advantage when it comes to connection strength.[/QUOTE]

Just out of curiosity, why Niagara Falls?

Maybe you won't get some many disconnects after the move or after they patch the patch.
[quote name='jax2001']Just out of curiosity, why Niagara Falls?

Maybe you won't get some many disconnects after the move or after they patch the patch.[/QUOTE]

We live in a town with roughly 12,000 but the GM plant closed last year so there is nothing left here. Plus, we like going to Toronto and watching hockey games so Niagara Falls is a perfect in between with Buffalo and Toronto. Just hoping we can find jobs.

As for the game, I had a few disconnects every now and then but overall the game was playable. Today, after the recent patch, it isn't.
[quote name='SynGamer']We live in a town with roughly 12,000 but the GM plant closed last year so there is nothing left here. Plus, we like going to Toronto and watching hockey games so Niagara Falls is a perfect in between with Buffalo and Toronto. Just hoping we can find jobs.

As for the game, I had a few disconnects every now and then but overall the game was playable. Today, after the recent patch, it isn't.[/QUOTE]

Seems like the perfect spot for a hockey fan. Got a chance to sit in the Sabres owner box last season. It was awesome. Good luck with the move.

Guess I'll be playing more zombies until patch 1.05
bread's done