Black Ops CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @7PST/10EST

Monkey & anyone else - I may be on tonight and up for some action...until I get frustrated with it. I think the cold is going away and I can wear my headphones again.
[quote name='jax2001']I haven't tried this but it might be worth a try for those having issues since the patch:[/QUOTE]

"...NOTE: There have been rumors suggesting that deleting your save data will improve network connectivity. Please do not delete your save data, as it will not have an effect on network connectivity. A hot fix was released at 9:30p PST last night, coinciding with the first instance of this rumor, and this hot fix is the reason many users have experienced improved connectivity."

Just a heads up, so you don't delete your saved game. It was quoted from treyarch developer in the forums.
[quote name='combatrhombus']"...NOTE: There have been rumors suggesting that deleting your save data will improve network connectivity. Please do not delete your save data, as it will not have an effect on network connectivity. A hot fix was released at 9:30p PST last night, coinciding with the first instance of this rumor, and this hot fix is the reason many users have experienced improved connectivity."

Just a heads up, so you don't delete your saved game. It was quoted from treyarch developer in the forums.[/QUOTE]

Good catch...editing my original post on this so no one uses.

Played last night and connectivity seemed fine for me and dykenom.
Actually the MP5 and Enfield are fine up until you get the ak74u/Galil/m60 around level 18-22. Even at 50, those are the only three guns I like to use anyway.
[quote name='nakanenui']monkey, I know you love the M60, especially on NUKETOWN... tear that ish up.[/QUOTE]

If it was faster at ADS, it would be unstoppable across the board ^_^
What is the latest opinion? I rented this from redbox around the 15th, played for 4-5 days. Wanted to buy it but this thread kept me from doing so. I was thinking of retrying MW2 but pending this new "fix" waiting on you guys' new experiences...
Besides "new" weapons (which all are based on something old due to the time era), Black Ops brings nothing innovative to the table.

The game modes are still the same. Despite there being a custom game mode, the limitations prevent it from really being anything but Team Deathmatch. There is loads of new non-gameplay additions, but most are end up being vile pictures of dicks and animal orgies. It shows you who plays this game.

If you had no problem with MW2's twitch gameplay and easy kills, then stick with it. Black Ops has zombies in it, so it keeps me coming back to it. I occasionally play MP, but people rarely play HC S&D.

Also the lag has been a huge issue. It causes a bad case of hit detection error. Who ever is Host, gets an unclear advantage.
The game may be laggy or not. But the ps3 version suffers from frame problems (skips, delay, etc.). If you're looking for a framerate as steady as MW2, forget about it.
im so tired of the lag in MP. i lost count how many times the kill cam shows me firing no bullets and getting knifed when i unloaded on the guy on my screen. im just gonna stay with zombies. black ops was my first and last CoD mp online experience.
Tried playing wager matches, gun game. Due to non-host lag, I couldnt even place in the top 4... And one game where I actually was in first place, it DC me...
they need the ability to bring someone into the next round of zombies when someone leaves. it stinks to get to level 25 30 or more and just have someone disappear you know that you can make a crawler and all but you know you wont make it much further with a person gone as well...
[quote name='nakanenui']played some MW2 with Snakelda today. Where was everyone? Hahaha.[/QUOTE]
I'm upgrading my PS3 HD, which is a little more involved since I have 1 copy protected save I need to keep and that involves backing up the whole HD. So I've been trimming the fat and got the system down to 27 gigs. My external HD was NTFS, so writing zeroes and reformatting takes time. Tomorrow I should be up and running, it's something that looked really simple but I clearly wasn't set up properly in advance to do. I should in theory be up and running by tomorrow afternoon.

I have been watching Gurren Lagann which has been awesome though.
I used a quick format for my external. It was some free FAT32 formatter for large drives. I have yet to test out the backup utility. I think my 120GB only has about 36GB of free space, and I have a nice 500GB laptop HDD ready to replace the OG.
[quote name='nakanenui']I used a quick format for my external. It was some free FAT32 formatter for large drives. I have yet to test out the backup utility. I think my 120GB only has about 36GB of free space, and I have a nice 500GB laptop HDD ready to replace the OG.[/QUOTE]
I had data I wanted to permanently erase from that hard drive, writing zeroes and doing a full format I feel more comfortable about the unsure nature of the drive since I could just throw it out rather than dismantle it for the platters and magnets inside(best magnets evar!). It failed once and apparently my PS3 back up got corrupted so it wouldn't restore off that back up. I ended up using a 16 gig flash card attached to my PSP, it takes twice as long as a hard drive but without the moving parts, I feel a bite safer that it'll work this time.

As of now this is my fourth attempt at restoring my backed up PS3 data. I wouldn't even have this issue if my GT5 save wasn't copy protected, since none of my other saves are. I'm hoping I won't have to do it again. I may just have to copy the HD bit for bit if it keeps on being a pain in the ass.
So anyone going to jump on the KMART BFBC2 deal? Bad Company 2 Ultimate Edition for 39.99 and a free $20 PSN card (same transaction required). I just saw it today even though it was announced a few days ago.
I would think the 20 dollar psn card is for the vietnam dlc right? If people start jumping on that ship again I might have to join to see mad screw around with some atvs or jeeps if its vietnam
If we all jump on that deal, then why not start a gameshare, and everyone kick in their $20 towards some games or something... just a thought.
I second Hito's statement...only in a more rude and offensive manner....especially since the percocet is kicking in. fuck Activision and fuck their DLC. They should be paying us to buy it with the state of this game.
and yet it will sell like hotcakes. fuck them and the horse they rode in on. will try to couch coop the zombies glitch for the trophies and then wait for the patches to break this game some more.
is it worth getting bfbc2 at the kmart deal? I wanted to get the game at some point for a rental if nothing else but i saw this deal and it got me thinking. I am just wondering will the multiplayer be any good at this point or will i just get wasted for several weeks till i level up enough? I don't expect to be great I just don't want to have to play a game here and there for a long time before its worth playing is all.
Played a few games last night with some friends. Of the 5 or so games of Hardcore Capture the Flag, 4 of the games my friends got dropped at the start of the second round. I held at most, a 3 bar ping, averaged maybe a 2 bar. I guess they didnt fix the party issues.
got my KD up to 1.93 last night after a bunch of matches. My KD for the week is almost 4.0 now.

I have my own "clan" but want to get more regulars with a mic that want to play on a semi-regular basis
Played for about 3 hours this morning and did not have any disconnects since the new patch. I was not in a party so I don't know if that is working better or not.
Sorry if anyone tried to join me last night....I did intend on playing. Patched it, started it, looked at my builds, had to run away to ensure my son stayed in bed....and promptly fell asleep with the controller in my hand.
[quote name='jmbreci']Sorry if anyone tried to join me last night....I did intend on playing. Patched it, started it, looked at my builds, had to run away to ensure my son stayed in bed....and promptly fell asleep with the controller in my hand.[/QUOTE]

I have had that happen a few times too. Young kids = no bueno for your gaming habit (in my case addiction).
bread's done