Blu-ray Discussion Thread - The One and Only

[quote name='51jack']it all seems a bit odd still. esp since both hi def digest and gave glowing reviews, ill just wait to see if they clear it up.

EDIT: Ign even gave it a great review and i trust ign. something is definitely up.[/QUOTE]

IGN is the worst site for technical reviews. They have no idea what DNR/EE is. Please ignore them for any and all movie reviews on Blu-ray and DVD
[quote name='Xizer']The AVS Forum guys bring up an excellent point. Try watching The Rocky Horror Picture show, an example of a stellar transfer of a '70s film, and then watch this crap. You will be amazed at the difference a good transfer on modern equipment that's left alone will make.

The Wizard of Oz Blu-ray is another one that looks leagues better. That movie was made before World War II. "B-b-but it was made in the '80s!!" is a dumb excuse.[/QUOTE]

Um, it's not a dumb excuse because those movies aren't comparable. They were all shot on different equipment by different people with different goals. Movies shot in the 80s are notoriously soft/shitty looking most of the time because that was the style. No transfer on any equipment can change the source.
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I still go back to 2001 as one of my reference movies for people to understand that it doesn't have to be a new movie to look good. The Third Man (Original Criterion Release) is another one as well.
I don't even know if Universal still has the original press to go back onto for BTTF, remember the fire they had? It destroyed a lot of there original prints, and I hope it wasn't one of them. I received my copy today, can't wait to pop it in tonight and watch it.
[quote name='skiizim']I don't even know if Universal still has the original press to go back onto for BTTF, remember the fire they had? It destroyed a lot of there original prints, and I hope it wasn't one of them. I received my copy today, can't wait to pop it in tonight and watch it.[/QUOTE]

I forgot all about that fire. However the original negatives are housed somewhere else. The only BTTF that was destroyed was the courthouse square set. Atleast I hope that is all true. I just did a quick search on the fire trying to find a list of stuff that was destroyed. All I came up with were articles about the fire. That was what was said in one of them.
[quote name='sendme']I forgot all about that fire. However the original negatives are housed somewhere else. The only BTTF that was destroyed was the courthouse square set. Atleast I hope that is all true. I just did a quick search on the fire trying to find a list of stuff that was destroyed. All I came up with were articles about the fire. That was what was said in one of them.[/QUOTE]

Looks like they had backups.

Meyer estimated there were 40,000 to 50,000 videos and film reels in a vault that burned but said duplicates were stored in a different location. Firefighters managed to recover hundreds of titles.

The videos included every film that Universal has produced and footage from television series including "Miami Vice" and "I Love Lucy."

Universal officials said the video vault, which was still burning as of Sunday afternoon, contained images of films and television shows dating back to the 1920s, including the films “Knocked Up” and “Atonement” and the NBC series “Law & Order” and “The Office.”

But in no case was the destroyed material the only copy of a work, the officials said.
Ok, I can see some differences between the 2 shots but this is nowhere near the level of other releases. Its nothing like the original release of Gladiator with the DNR. Sure there's some glossiness in their faces especially, but I can guarantee you watching it on a 720p you're not going to notice one bit of difference.

Then again, I'm not as much of a videophile as some people are and I don't even own a 1080p yet. For me, these screenshots do nothing to deter me from purchasing. Granted there's some issues with it but they're VERY minor compared to other big releases that have come along with shoddy transfers. In some ways I'd still even say the Blu Ray looks better, one area for example would be colors. Granted, the blacks don't look as deep but the red in the Biff's sign look much better. In the Marty/Doc picture of them peeking around the corner with the DeLorean in the background show that it is sharper on Doc's shirt and definitely a richer color. I think the biggest way the TV looks better is with faces, I will concede that but there isn't much more that I'm seeing.

Meh, for me I'd still consider it pretty decent looking. Is it perfect, no, but its definitely a lot better than a lot of releases.
The edge enhancement is what drove me insane. The DNR wasn't great but with the thick layer of edge enhancement added it really destroyed the picture. It's like a TV w/ sharpness set at 100%.

It's really the principle of the thing. Back to the Future deserved better than this. Really a shame that shitty or mediocre movies can see such great transfers and the legends like The Lord of the Rings and Back to the Future get treated this way.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Ok, I can see some differences between the 2 shots but this is nowhere near the level of other releases. Its nothing like the original release of Gladiator with the DNR. Sure there's some glossiness in their faces especially, but I can guarantee you watching it on a 720p you're not going to notice one bit of difference.

Then again, I'm not as much of a videophile as some people are and I don't even own a 1080p yet. For me, these screenshots do nothing to deter me from purchasing. Granted there's some issues with it but they're VERY minor compared to other big releases that have come along with shoddy transfers. In some ways I'd still even say the Blu Ray looks better, one area for example would be colors. Granted, the blacks don't look as deep but the red in the Biff's sign look much better. In the Marty/Doc picture of them peeking around the corner with the DeLorean in the background show that it is sharper on Doc's shirt and definitely a richer color. I think the biggest way the TV looks better is with faces, I will concede that but there isn't much more that I'm seeing.

Meh, for me I'd still consider it pretty decent looking. Is it perfect, no, but its definitely a lot better than a lot of releases.[/QUOTE]

I was the same with Predator and once I saw it I could see why people hated the new blu. I'm sure BTTF will have some scenes that look good and others that are just crap due to the EE and DNR. I would hold out till this drops in price big time or they fix it.
[quote name='sendme']I was the same with Predator and once I saw it I could see why people hated the new blu. I'm sure BTTF will have some scenes that look good and others that are just crap due to the EE and DNR. I would hold out till this drops in price big time or they fix it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, this is nowhere on the level of the new Predator release.
[quote name='Sporadic']Looks like they had backups.[/QUOTE]
I remember that too. The big question, however, is whether or not the copies lost in that fire were original camera negatives (OCNs). If the OCNs were kept elsewhere, they (along with other copies kept elsewhere) can still be used to make high-quality BD transfers. But if the OCNs themselves went up in flames, Universal is limited to the quality of its copies--and they're already IMO the worst studio for BD.

Universal, not Paramount, was to blame for the bad Gladiator transfer, as DreamWorks gave them the OCN. Also, at this time Universal still has more Best Pictures released in the US on HD DVD (The Sting and The Deer Hunter) than on BD (only Out of Africa), though that will change in January when A Beautiful Mind drops.

I also agree that you really can't compare WoO to BTTF--or *ANY* color film made since the mid-1950's. WoO was shot on three-strip Technicolor (as were GWTW and An American in Paris). Since only digital restoration can guarantee 100% registration of YCM copies (which in three-strip Technicolor *IS* the OCN), those BD transfers can look *BETTER* than original prints--and unlike Eastmancolor OCNs (i.e., every non-digital color film since the mid-1950's), those OCNs do *NOT* fade. That is why, until Kwai & TSoM drop Tuesday, only one Best Picture made between 1952 and 1969 (Gigi) is available on BD anywhere in the world; most were in Eastmancolor and require major restoration for BD, while nearly the others were B&W and have little market demand. (The Greatest Show on Earth, the 1952 winner, was three-strip Technicolor, but is often called "the worst Best Picture" even though it inspired Spielberg to become a filmmaker; it doesn't have market demand either.)

Though countermeasures (like those extra copies) were generally in place by the 1980's, it's next to impossible for any Eastmancolor film to look as good as three-strip Technicolor unless it got an HD transfer shortly after being made.
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[quote name='Sporadic']Yeah, this is nowhere on the level of the new Predator release.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Christ...I came in here worried that the BTTF set I just got was going to be downright offensive. If you're as nitpicky as the AVS guys, I guess I see the point. This doesn't really bother me, especially considering I don't own any version of it to begin with.
Not sure if this is the right place to post/ask this(seems like it is).

Does anyone know if the American(?) release of The Illusionist (as well as alot of other Canadian released Blus) has subtitles?

And whats up with the picture quality(grainy) on the canadian(companies) blus(maybe its my player?).

I have around 100 blus(pics???), like five of them are canadian blus, and all of them look like shit and have little to no special features and some have no subtitles(i needs em).

sorry if i sound like im trolling, just pissed at what i spent my money on.
[quote name='StripesOrBars']Not sure if this is the right place to post/ask this(seems like it is).

Does anyone know if the American(?) release of The Illusionist (as well as alot of other Canadian released Blus) has subtitles?

And whats up with the picture quality(grainy) on the canadian(companies) blus(maybe its my player?).

I have around 100 blus(pics???), like five of them are canadian blus, and all of them look like shit and have little to no special features and some have no subtitles(i needs em).

sorry if i sound like im trolling, just pissed at what i spent my money on.[/QUOTE]

Even though The Illusionist was released in America in 2010 (and 2009 in Canada), this was meant to come out in 2006. So what you are seeing is the 2006 'version' and that's why it does not look that great compared to other Blu-rays released. That's also why there are no Special Features on the disc (like Fox/MGM did in 2006 and 2007 with tons of releases).
[quote name='GizmoGC']Even though The Illusionist was released in America in 2010 (and 2009 in Canada), this was meant to come out in 2006. So what you are seeing is the 2006 'version' and that's why it does not look that great compared to other Blu-rays released. That's also why there are no Special Features on the disc (like Fox/MGM did in 2006 and 2007 with tons of releases).[/QUOTE]


thanks for the reply!

ill be taking this(illusionist), eternal sunshine and smart people back to moviestop tomorrow.
[quote name='crzyboy88']Not sure of this would deserve its own thread, but BTTF is getting a fancy collectors tin edition in the UK for about £42 (~$63 here) at Comes with a bunch of extra stuff like posters, a photo of the McFly family, a small number plate, and more. It's only a little more than the US edition, so I bit on that.

It's region free if you're curious.

P.S. Here's a little fun fact, in addition to the collectors tin, Universal also made a Delorean Edition which came with a model time machine. Except that the build quality of it for the UK was so bad, that Universal scrapped it. Other regions should still be getting it like France, Germany, and Mexico, but I may be off.[/QUOTE]

In case anyone hasn't seen pics, the UK LE looks amazing.

I really want it, but $68 plus whatever shipping is from the UK seems expensive.
[quote name='StripesOrBars']wow.

thanks for the reply!

ill be taking this(illusionist), eternal sunshine and smart people back to moviestop tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

I assume Eternal is the Canadian disc? The 'official' release will look identical if that matters.
hey guys few days before i got one site ( where i saw many types of games n movies online they nearly had many features some of them are 2200+ titles for blu-rays,1900+ games (PS3, XBox360 and Wii),Combo deal (Movies+Games+Blu-ray) at no extra cost. Members can rent everything from one format or mix as per their own choice.
Location is in British Columbia. i found it very convenient coz of this cold play many games and at very low cost..

Wow, um, just watched that...

Still taking it all in.

Wife left the room middle of the 'third act.'

Probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen, and I've grown pretty callous to the genre.
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[quote name='Muthafodder']Antichrist

Wow, um, just watched that...

Still taking it all in.

Wife left the room middle of the 'third act.'

Probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen, and I've grown pretty callous to the genre.[/QUOTE]

This the movie with William Dafoe? I just added it to my Netflix instant watch. I am now interested in it
[quote name='joshnorm']This the movie with William Dafoe? I just added it to my Netflix instant watch. I am now interested in it[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm a big fan of Dafoe, funny looking dude, but great actor.

I'd make sure the run time is 108 minutes.

There are apparently two versions...a 'Pentecostal' and 'Catholic'

The Criterion is the complete version and may not be as disturbing otherwise.

Per Wikipedia:
"According to a correspondence between an Customer Reviewer and Karen Mesoznik, staff member at The Criterion Collection, the version released by Criterion Collection on Blu-Ray and DVD is in fact the un-cut, so-called "Protestant Version" which has a run time of 108 minutes. The cut, so-called "Catholic Version" has a run time of between 100 and 104 minutes (approximately). The long rumored, 120 minute version (supposedly released in France) is nothing more than a packaging misprint on the French DVD release."
[quote name='ssjmichael']I'm about 10 days late, but I just found out Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind is coming out on Blu-ray in March. So excited to start seeing Miyazaki's work come out on Blu! It's a Disney release too, so there might be a $10 coupon we can use as well.
[/QUOTE]I can only pray that they do this correctly and don't mess up the encode. Since this was a film release and not a TV anime release, it's hopeful that it'll look as good as it can be.

If they screw it up, I'm sure it'll be the last one we see on BD.
[quote name='Amblix']Is Domino any good? Might jump on it for $10.[/QUOTE]
You'd think from the cast it would be great- but it is terrible.
It starts out good but by the end of the film it is a mess of non-sense, and I was mad for watching it.
Did anyone in here order the $5 Clash of the Titans from the WB sale (the '81 Harryhausen one not the 2010 one)?

It has the most inconsistent PQ of any blu-ray I've ever seen.
Just took advantage of my first deal, once Shrike clarified that it would work in my U.S. PlayStation 3 (I'm a blu-ray noob, you see). Is there a comprehensive list of region-free blu-rays? As far as I could tell the Amazon product page didn't actually mention the region, so I'm wondering where everyone goes to check this.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Just took advantage of my first deal, once Shrike clarified that it would work in my U.S. PlayStation 3 (I'm a blu-ray noob, you see). Is there a comprehensive list of region-free blu-rays? As far as I could tell the Amazon product page didn't actually mention the region, so I'm wondering where everyone goes to check this.[/QUOTE]A few resources to use:

You could also check on in their forum section, as well as to see if a specific title is region-free.
[quote name='guyver2077']Been a while since I have posted in here.. havent kept up lately as much with BD.

Do the 3d versions of movies also come with the regular 2d version? I don't have a 3d tv yet but I want to make sure that if I pick up the 3d version, I can watch the 2d version just fine. evil: afterlife&lp=1&cp=1[/QUOTE]Here's the Amazon link for the same item:

Lists in the description that it'll supposedly play in 2D with a 2D TV, so i guess it's a 2D/3D disc. Not all 3D discs are playable in 2D, so you need to check and see before buying.
I missed the DD Shrek The Whole Story deal. :( But it's in my Gold Box for amazon today for $36--decent price, or do people think it'll go sub-$30 like Austin Powers did (and that one was only 3 movies)?
[quote name='gunm']I missed the DD Shrek The Whole Story deal. :( But it's in my Gold Box for amazon today for $36--decent price, or do people think it'll go sub-$30 like Austin Powers did (and that one was only 3 movies)?[/QUOTE]

Shrek will's just a matter of how long you want to wait. $36 is good. I paid $33 through DD with tax.
Princess Bride: does anyone know the difference between this, released last year, and this, which apparently came out this week? It looks like the older one is a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, but I'm wondering if anything else is different.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Princess Bride: does anyone know the difference between this, released last year, and this, which apparently came out this week? It looks like the older one is a Blu-ray/DVD combo pack, but I'm wondering if anything else is different.[/QUOTE]

Other than the extra DVD and the price, nothing. The original BR release was quite good for a catalog title, and I can't imagine how (or why) they'd release something better, so I'd say go for the 2 disc because it's a buck less.
Hell has officially frozen over:

[quote name='From website']
Pre-order Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray Now!

January 6, 2011

The most anticipated Blu-ray release ever -- the Star Wars Saga -- emerges from light speed this September 2011. For the first time, all six of George Lucas' epic films (Episodes I-VI) are united in one complete set. Fans worldwide are able to pre-order now with online retailers.

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment will release Star Wars in three distinct sets to meet the needs of every Star Wars fan:

* Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray (9-disc Set includes all six films)
* Star Wars: Prequel Blu-ray Trilogy (3-disc set includes Episodes I-III)
* Star Wars: Original Blu-ray Trilogy (3-disc set includes Episodes IV-VI)

Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray will feature all six live-action Star Wars feature films utilizing the highest possible picture and audio presentation, along with three additional discs and more than 30 hours of extensive special features including never-before-seen deleted and alternate scenes, an exploration of the exclusive Star Wars archives, and much more.

Star Wars: The Complete Saga on Blu-ray will be available for $139.99 US/$179.99 CAN and the Star Wars: Trilogy Sets for $69.99 US/89.99 CAN. Pricing for each set will vary by international territory.

Flanked by a legion of his finest Imperial stormtroopers, Darth Vader himself joined Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment President Mike Dunn at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to announce the release, vowing "The forces of the Empire will be at your disposal to assure the success of this endeavor."

"The Star Wars Saga is the most anticipated Blu-ray collection since the launch of the high-def format," Dunn said. "The epic franchise pioneered sound and visual presentation in theaters and is perfectly suited to do it again in the home, with a viewing experience only possible with Blu-ray."

"With all six episodes available for the first time in one collection, this is a great way for families and home audiences to experience the complete Saga from start to finish," said Doug Yates, Vice President of Marketing, Online, Distribution, Lucasfilm Ltd. "And with the quality of high-definition, Blu-ray provides the most immersive home experience possible."

"The Star Wars franchise has been the most anticipated Blu-ray release by Amazon's customers," said Bill Carr, Vice President of Music and Video at "We think that Star Wars will be incredibly popular with our customers, and we expect pre-orders to be very strong."
Amazon links:
Prequel Trilogy (@ $44.99, $69.99 MSRP):
Original Trilogy (@ $44.99, $69.99 MSRP):
Complete Saga (@ $89.99, $139.99 MSRP):
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