Blu-Ray/DVD Coupons and Rebates 2010-11. Now Wiki.

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Welcome to the Official CAG Blu-Ray/DVD Coupons and Rebates Thread


Please keep trade and other off topic chatter to a minimum. It is healthy and unless it gets out of hand or really off topic or in a direction that is heading towards fraud or illegal actions, please do not worry.

The Disney Movie Rewards site has changed, the coupon printing is now associated with your account, printing 2 times per account is now the limit, as well as per computer. This was tested at the end of the Toy Story craze a while back. If you know someone else with an account, see if you can have them print their extra coupons if you need them.


Coupon Websites

Disney Movie Rewards: (most popular)
Need to login to access coupons; also requires Coupon Printer program (prompts you for download upon accessing coupon)
Entertainment or Home Entertainment (left side of the page) – No login required.

Red Plum:
Coupons occasionally pop up here


Active and Available Coupons

Treasure Buddies - 2/5
Lady and the Tramp - 2/19


URL=""]$8 off Dumbo BD pre-order from Amazon[/URL]

$5 off any ...
Tinker Bell Blu-ray Combo Pack
Spooky Buddies
Dumbo​ this week...
BluRay $2 off

Thomas: Day of the Diesels
Barney Big World Adventure
DVD $6 off
Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension
Year of a Million Moments

BluRay $3 off

There’s Something About Mary
Mrs. Doubtfire
Wall Street
Edward Scissorhands
The Devil Wears Prada
Cast Away
Horton Hears a Who!​
$3 off Rio Blu or DVD
$5 off the Fox and the hound 2-movie pack BD Pre-order
(also listed in above thread)
$5 off The Fox and the Hound Blu-Ray/DVD DMR
$5 off Mars Needs Moms Blu-Ray/DVD DMR
$3 off the following Blu-Ray's or DVDs:Ice Age
Ice Age (2) The Meltdown
Ice Age (3) Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Horton Hears a Who

BJs Wholesale has quite a few coupons available. Coupons are only available in store and through a mailing. With the permission of the mods, I can post pictures. Pictures will only work on self checkout. Can combine manufacturers and store coups.
$10 off:
A-Team - ?
Despicable Me - $12.99 ac
Knight and Day - 14.99 ac

$5 off Shrek 4 blu

$5 off any blu/dvd combo pack, ymmv on combining both but it at least works on all blu/dvd combos so Fargo and species type combos are 4.99 after coupon.

$8 off Coupon for Twilght

$8 Mater’s Tall Tales
check your email
Expires 12/18

$10 off Toy Story 3
check your email
Expires 12/18

$5 off dvd or dvd holiday pack. or

$5 off Tinkerbell and the Great Fairy Rescue BR/DVD combo
*Offer good in the U.S., its territories and Canada. Coupon expires 1/24/11. Coupon available through 1/23/11. Limit two printed coupons per computer. Void where prohibited. While supplies last. See coupon for complete details.

Disney Magical Savings

$6 off Starstruck

iconamazon.gif Coupon codes:
Enter code RANGO5GO at checkout and save on Rango on DVD or Two Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo + Digital Copy. ($14.99 after coupon 7/6)

$5 off printable Rango coupon available

$5 off any Blu-ray or DVD $14.99 and up at Best Buy stores valid through July 31, 2011
(not available/valid for online or for in-store pick-up). Coupon indicates it's restricted to regular priced items only, however it automatically works at the register on sale/discounted items, but as always YMMV on that.

$19.99 for Iron Man: Extremis and Spider Woman: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. on Blu-Ray (Coupon is only good for June 17 & 18 and only valid at Best Buy!)[/CUSTOMSPOILER]
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Well at least I still have a printed copy at home, hopefully they restock later this week and I can get in on the sale price, or maybe I can get a raincheck.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Damn I forgot my coupon and I can't print it at work. :/[/QUOTE]

ugh, same here. I totally forgot about the release today and I was at Target this morning. didn't happen to see it, but I wasn't looking for it. bah!
Based on the low stocking numbers for Target, I don't see a sale next week either.

Those people with a Fred Meyer, does anybody know the price or if they carry it?
all the PMing with amazon and BB has anyone realized that its only 24.99 at seems like it would make sense to match the lower price. or am i missing something??
[quote name='shrike4242']30 days, not 90 days.[/QUOTE]

I stand corrected. 30 days for regular members, 45 days for Reward Zone members as you have to the full extent of the return period to price match.

[quote name='Bluecomputerpro']all the PMing with amazon and BB has anyone realized that its only 24.99 at seems like it would make sense to match the lower price. or am i missing something??[/QUOTE]

It says on Best Buy's site that they will not price match a competitor's website prices. I'm sure it's YMMV though due to other people's experiences. Looks like the cheapest you'll find it is at Target.
[quote name='Bluecomputerpro']all the PMing with amazon and BB has anyone realized that its only 24.99 at seems like it would make sense to match the lower price. or am i missing something??[/QUOTE] prices aren't the same as in-store prices. Don't assume something is $24.99 in-store if it's $24.99 on
Not to mention, as it says online, it's not available in their stores. Some people have been fortunate enough regardless, though. Just gotta call your local store.
Got the last copy of Nausicaa at the Target on my way home and was able to use the coupon I printed a couple weeks back without a problem. $19.95 after tax isn't great but likely the best deal we'll see on this title, so I didn't feel bad paying it. Plus, hoping it sells well so the A-list Ghibli titles get Blu-ray releases.
Why is Nausicaa so rare at Target? I stopped by a Target in the morning and there were only 3 copies on the shelf. There was no spiderwrap around the movie. The Target CS mangled the slipcover on the movie when she forcibly yanked it out of the plastic security case :cry::bomb:
[quote name='kk012']Why is Nausicaa so rare at Target? I stopped by a Target in the morning and there were only 3 copies on the shelf. There was no spiderwrap around the movie. The Target CS mangled the slipcover on the movie when she forcibly yanked it out of the plastic security case :cry::bomb:[/QUOTE]

It's a niche title. There were only 4 at my local BB and none at my WM at all.
And sorry to here about the slipcover that sucks. If I were you I'd go back and get another one.
My local Target only had three copies when I went there last night to pick it up. It wasn't easy to find as it wasn't mixed in with the other New Release titles.

It was $17.99 + tax, however, and as we have the ad fliers out for next week's sale with BB and Target, Nausicaa wasn't listed there. Unless Target or BB do some silent sale, $27.99 before coupon might be as cheap as it gets.
As I was afraid of, both Targets near me were long out of Nausica. Still cannot believe after I printed the coupon out the day it was available I forgot it was release day yesterday (when I hit up both of these Targets anyway) and left the coupon at home too. The guy didn't even know what I was asking about when I asked at one of them. I understand it's niche but this happens every time Disney has a coupon, it's like Target just doesn't like selling movies.

I think to save my sanity (as I've been to Target now like 6 times this week due to poor planning) I'm going to try the relatively low-trafficked Best Buy near my work, I just got a $5 RZ cert so it works out decently. It's not worth saving $2 to keep hounding Target for restocks.
Found the last copy of Nausicaa at Best Buy... looked like they only got 2 copies in (there was a blu-ray width amount of empty space next to it), shelved in the family section spine out, and none in the "new releases" section.

I know this is niche, but it's like Disney's not even trying on this one.
I want to see Jackass 3 but I don't want to see a waterdowned version with no extras from RedBox. But $18 for a movie I'll watch once or twice? Decisions, decisions. Thanks for the coupon though.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']What the heck Disney? The Nausicaa coupon was only available through the DAY BEFORE IT CAME OUT?!?

Since when? ARGH![/QUOTE]
Given the limited availability, lack of sales, and terminating the coupon the day of release I can only conclude that Disney had no intentions of supporting the release. I almost have to ask why even bother?
[quote name='MrNEWZ']What the heck Disney? The Nausicaa coupon was only available through the DAY BEFORE IT CAME OUT?!?

Since when? ARGH![/QUOTE]
Seriously? I hadn't gotten around to trying to print the coupon, and was going to this week. Looks like I'll just be keeping my DVD copy, no BD for me.
Yeah, I've gotten pretty gun shy with the Disney coupons. As soon as they come available, I make sure to print them out and stow them in my wallet. Too easy to get burned, otherwise.
[quote name='Tybee']Yeah, I've gotten pretty gun shy with the Disney coupons. As soon as they come available, I make sure to print them out and stow them in my wallet. Too easy to get burned, otherwise.[/QUOTE]Same here. I'm sure there's some print limit they have with the coupon, though with the advertising the Bambi coupon received when the movie came out, I can't see that as a good idea for Disney to enforce.

Why the Nausciaa coupon doesn't seem to be working makes no sense, unless Disney didn't think they'd be selling enough of them to justify the coupon's use.
I've got two Nausicaa coupons and two copies ordered site-to-store at Walmart. I spoke to the local manager before I ordered to ensure he'd accept the coupons when I come to pick up the movies, provided the coupons are still good, that is.

Here's to hoping it all goes through alright. :)
I found Nausicaä at my local Target no problem, but the case they put all their Blu-rays in completely destroyed the slip covers. Now I'm wondering if a good condition slipcover is worth an extra $2 to me to get it at Best Buy.

On a side note, before the Bambi coupon was readily available, I inputted the UPC into the website and was told to click a nonexistent banner to get my coupon. Since nothing happened, I e-mailed them to tell them about it. Well later on the Bambi coupon became freely available, so no biggie, right? Well Disney actually sent me a $10 coupon via snail mail that I can use on any Disney Blu-ray title! Too bad I already have the only ones I want.
[quote name='junglalien']New batch of BD coupons @

Young Frankenstein $3
Romantic Comedy Collection $5
The Simpsons Movie $3
Office Space $3
Napoleon Dynamite $3
My Cousin Vinny $3
Mel Brooks Collection $10
Super Troopers $3
Big Momma's House 1 & 2 $3
Dodgeball $3

Click "Entertainment" on the left[/QUOTE]

Thanks, $7 is a good price to upgrade my Office Space and Super Troopers to :br: finally. And picked up :br:Napoleon Dynamite and :br:Dodgeball at $7 too, awesome price even if they are all comedies. My Target had them all in stock at $10 sale price originally before coupon.
My wife went to Target and grabbed Nausicaa -still 27.99 there.
A bit pricier than what I would have liked it to be, but I guess it balances out with the cheapo deals I got with Toy Story 1 and 2 :D
The Fighter is $22.99 right now at Best Buy, so it would be $17.99 AC. I picked it up for $19.99 from Amazon, so after tax, it's not enough of a savings to go through the return process.

Certainly a nice savings at B&M right now.
[quote name='thelonepig']I've got two Nausicaa coupons and two copies ordered site-to-store at Walmart. I spoke to the local manager before I ordered to ensure he'd accept the coupons when I come to pick up the movies, provided the coupons are still good, that is.

Here's to hoping it all goes through alright. :)[/QUOTE]

Success! $14.96 plus tax each. Picked up two.
should have looked at this topic way sooner then today. Bought Jackass 3 last week and The Fighter topday. Might have the receipt for Fighter still...hope so.
Anyone heard anything about any coupons for Tangled? Amazon says delivery on the 29th, so we're under 2 weeks away. I managed to get the 4 disc pack for $22 on Amazon, but I'm wondering if we're going to see a coupon/intro price combo at B&M stores that might beat that out.
[quote name='INCyr']Anyone heard anything about any coupons for Tangled? Amazon says delivery on the 29th, so we're under 2 weeks away. I managed to get the 4 disc pack for $22 on Amazon, but I'm wondering if we're going to see a coupon/intro price combo at B&M stores that might beat that out.[/QUOTE]I would think that if we don't see anything for it by the middle of next week, we won't be seeing one.

They did have the Amazon coupon and so far, when there's been an Amazon coupon, there is a B&M coupon that came out for the same amount.

This is one of Disney's high-profile releases for the year, so I'd be surprised if there wasn't a coupon, especially because we've had an Amazon coupon for it.

I'm hoping there's one for The Incredibles, with the demand for that title on BD.
[quote name='prim4444']There is mention in the TRU ad of a $5 coupon for Tangled for release week.[/QUOTE]$5 TRU coupon or $5 manufacturer's coupon?
[quote name='shrike4242']$5 TRU coupon or $5 manufacturer's coupon?[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure it said online coupon. I can double check tomorrow and check about prices too.

Edit: $5 coupon is an online coupon.

The only price given at this time is the 3D 4 disc Blu-Ray $27.99 after coupon. TRU is giving away a Tangled canvas wall art ($7.99) with purchase of movie also.
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Honestly, I thought that Disney wouldn't do a Tangled coupon-- since they were pushing for you to pre-order directly through them...
Since Sunday was the last day of the Nausicaa coupon, I went to Target to grab a copy. The cashier couldn't get the Blu-ray out of the plastic case so she started pulling it by the slipcover. I was afraid she was gonna tear it.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']Since Sunday was the last day of the Nausicaa coupon, I went to Target to grab a copy. The cashier couldn't get the Blu-ray out of the plastic case so she started pulling it by the slipcover. I was afraid she was gonna tear it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was at Target over the weekend (Big Trouble in Little China blu for $9.99! :applause:) and noticed that they had several copies of Nausicaa, so it seems they restocked. Hopefully those who missed out on release day/week were able to get a copy before the coupon expired.
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