blur - Gen. Discussion & Info

I just picked this up myself from the $10 Best Buy "Sale" and spent 3 or 4 hours playing the multiplayer last night. I usually hate racing games but this game is a blast! I think we should set up a gamer tag/group or set up a night to get together and race every week!
[quote name='brkptr']You're just saying that because everyone is guaranteed a win against me ;)[/QUOTE]

Honestly, it's not even like that in this game. I'll get on streaks where I will finish in the top 3 every race, then get on streaks where I finish last or close to it. The power ups can change everything when you learn how to use them for offense and defense. Playing with others will help you learn some of these tactics.
[quote name='WTPolaris'] I think we should set up a gamer tag/group or set up a night to get together and race every week![/QUOTE]

I agree! In the meantime, I'm just adding everyone that shows interest in racing with other CAGs.
[quote name='Lokki']Honestly, it's not even like that in this game. I'll get on streaks where I will finish in the top 3 every race, then get on streaks where I finish last or close to it. The power ups can change everything when you learn how to use them for offense and defense. Playing with others will help you learn some of these tactics.[/QUOTE]

Huh interesting - it sounds like this is really different from other racing games. That's cool, I'm really looking forward to trying it out.

I heard there is leveling up in the multiplayer - how much does that affect things? Or does it more just unlock fancy cars rather than changing gameplay?
[quote name='brkptr']I heard there is leveling up in the multiplayer - how much does that affect things? Or does it more just unlock fancy cars rather than changing gameplay?[/QUOTE]

It's sort of like CoD in a sense. You unlock new cars and new mods for your car. And at level 50, you have the option to reset to 1 and get prestige status. You can do this I believe 10 times. Each times gives you a legendary car.
[quote name='brkptr']Huh interesting - it sounds like this is really different from other racing games. That's cool, I'm really looking forward to trying it out.

I heard there is leveling up in the multiplayer - how much does that affect things? Or does it more just unlock fancy cars rather than changing gameplay?[/QUOTE]

I jumped in a 10 man race at Rank 1 and was able to beat rank 30+ people. I also recently got the achievement for beating a rank 50. I'm only at rank 13 atm. So it really doesn't give you a huge advantage at higher levels, other than more cars and mods and stuff. Lower rank people can still contend.
I just just started playing this today and so far I love it! I liked the multiplayer beta, and I'm really enjoying the single player now. I haven't gone online with the release version yet. I want to play through single player first.
[quote name='crunchewy']I just just started playing this today and so far I love it! I liked the multiplayer beta, and I'm really enjoying the single player now. I haven't gone online with the release version yet. I want to play through single player first.[/QUOTE]

I've found it's almost more fun to switch back and forth between the two...if I get frustrated with something in the single player, I'll take a break and do the multiplayer. And if I feel like I need a break from that, I'll do some single player. (Which can make the game a little dangerous re: time disappearing. ;-))
[quote name='JStryke']Just unlocked the mastermine mod. Hot damn is that thing awesome.[/QUOTE]

Its kinda useless though unless you play Motor Mash.
[quote name='life.exe']Its kinda useless though unless you play Motor Mash.[/QUOTE]

Sort of figured that went without saying. ;)
No more dangerous than the other people doing it. :razz:

It does greatly help (or so it seems) with getting fans quicker at least. Then again, that might just be the challenges I got as well.
The main thing with Mastermine is that it turns somebody else's mine into your mini mines which are harder to see and cover more ground. The 3rd slot is kind of a throw away.

By the way I started playing the single player and on hard difficulty. The first time trial that lets you use C class cars is really not working for me. A guy on my FL went +37' and the best I've got is like +12-13'. Most of the time I can't even go +5 seconds. I have a headache now from playing that damn track.
Got my first taste of MP tonight, this game is FUN online. Anyone who wants to add me on XBL is welcome to (radioactivez0r, with a zero). Only thing I found weird was how a rank 41 was able to hang around the Driving School 1-10 only servers.
Unfortunately, players who are level 10 or lower can invite higher leveled players to the beginner lobby. Speaking of which, I need to try to rack up some points in the beginner lobby while I still can eneter it (without an invite), probably Saturday.
I finally tried this out last night and had a blast. It reminds me of a cross between Mario Kart and Burnout Revenge, which is pretty awesome. I rarely tend to play online with random people but I did multiplayer last night for a couple hours and it was great - a really chill friendly crowd (at least in the beginner lobby). I didn't win any races but was at least competitive by the end of the night, and managed to beat a level 50 guy that was hanging around. And honestly like you guys said, it's super fun even when you're getting crushed.

I would definitely be up for meeting up with some CAGs and doing some more multiplayer. Feel free to add me or we can just set some times.
[quote name='brkptr']I finally tried this out last night and had a blast. It reminds me of a cross between Mario Kart and Burnout Revenge, which is pretty awesome. I rarely tend to play online with random people but I did multiplayer last night for a couple hours and it was great - a really chill friendly crowd (at least in the beginner lobby). I didn't win any races but was at least competitive by the end of the night, and managed to beat a level 50 guy that was hanging around. And honestly like you guys said, it's super fun even when you're getting crushed.

I would definitely be up for meeting up with some CAGs and doing some more multiplayer. Feel free to add me or we can just set some times.[/QUOTE]

See, I wouldn't steer you wrong.... though I may steer you into a wall in the game. :lol: I'll add you. I'll be on for a while tonight, after I work out.
[quote name='freshzen']The main thing with Mastermine is that it turns somebody else's mine into your mini mines which are harder to see and cover more ground. The 3rd slot is kind of a throw away.

By the way I started playing the single player and on hard difficulty. The first time trial that lets you use C class cars is really not working for me. A guy on my FL went +37' and the best I've got is like +12-13'. Most of the time I can't even go +5 seconds. I have a headache now from playing that damn track.[/QUOTE]
ECM is pretty much a much have in the third slot. Again, unless you play Motor Mash in which Mastermine is a must have.

The leaderboards dont show what difficulty other people played on until you expand it. Your friend probably isn't playing on Hard, thus him/her getting a better time. Especially since, if your friend played on hard he/she would be in the Top 5 in the world on that track.

If it helps any, I used the Audi TT and got +21 on that track on Hard.
[quote name='Lokki']See, I wouldn't steer you wrong.... though I may steer you into a wall in the game. :lol: I'll add you. I'll be on for a while tonight, after I work out.[/QUOTE]

Ha yeah you were completely right. Not sure if you'll have much chance to steer me into the walls yourself though since right now my cornering technique consists entirely of bouncing off the walls and hoping I don't spin out. :)
[quote name='brkptr']Ha yeah you were completely right. Not sure if you'll have much chance to steer me into the walls yourself though since right now my cornering technique consists entirely of bouncing off the walls and hoping I don't spin out. :)[/QUOTE]

heh I had the same issue while playing the demo. I've gotten used to it now, but it still happens on some tracks. You can use the shield to handle the wall bounces better, or even use the Nitro boost while pulling back to do an air brake, if need be.
[quote name='Matt Young']Unfortunately, players who are level 10 or lower can invite higher leveled players to the beginner lobby. Speaking of which, I need to try to rack up some points in the beginner lobby while I still can eneter it (without an invite), probably Saturday.[/QUOTE]

Didn't think of that. I didn't play much in that lobby, but I just figured the people never left that lobby and stuck around the whole time.
Well I'm going to be on off and on all day seeing how I have no money for the week and expected to be at work so I didn't make any plans for this weekend. If anyone wants to play hit me up when you see me online. GT is shazo.
[quote name='WTPolaris'] I think we should set up a gamer tag/group or set up a night to get together and race every week![/QUOTE]
Count me in.
Only night that would be good for me is saturday as of right now. However I would be up for that.
I don't know if I'm just not used to it, but the single-player is starting to get frustrating. For a game that bills itself as more realistic than a kart racer, I remember there being more skill involved in Mario Kart.

I'm still not going to pass judgment until I play online though. I guess I'll have to renew my gold membership soon.
Cracked this baby open tonight after a friend told me he bought it, so he and I will be on during nights if anyone wants to join us in some mayhem.
Latest I can be on is 8:30 central. I might be a hit and miss on this game today and I have been playing it to much. I was starting to get sick of it yesterday.
That could work, but with my current weekend work schedule, I'll probably have to call it quits around 10EST so I can get a small nap before work.

I do know my dad plans on watching a movie sometime today, but I'm assuming that'll be in the afternoon.

Turns out he plans on watching it around 8. So much for that then.
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I got home later than planned today. I have to squeeze in my workout rq, then I'll be on. I may be a few minutes late.
[quote name='Filbert']I don't know if I'm just not used to it, but the single-player is starting to get frustrating. For a game that bills itself as more realistic than a kart racer, I remember there being more skill involved in Mario Kart.[/QUOTE]

The difficulty on the single player goes crazy starting on the 3rd "group" or level (fan favorite). I had the game on Normal and played through the first two groups with some challenge, but the 3rd group was like hitting a wall. Couldn't finish the first race, so I had to bump the difficulty down to Easy. Then it's almost too easy. Arrgh! Anyway I've seen a lot of people say the same thing, that the SP difficulty goes crazy starting on that level.
This game has a single player? HAHA I forgot about that. Just like in COD4 I have yet to play the single player.
So apparently playing single player unlocks you some 'unique' cars? Any advantage with these, or just different paint schemes? For example, I've seen an alternate Camaro SS selected.
Turns out we're not watching a movie so feel free to invite me as well.

[quote name='HydroX']So apparently playing single player unlocks you some 'unique' cars? Any advantage with these, or just different paint schemes? For example, I've seen an alternate Camaro SS selected.[/QUOTE]

I assume you're talking about the cars of your single player rivals? They don't have much of an advantage over their counterparts, no. It has the upgrades and an extra bar of health, but the car stats aside from that are the same.
I didn't check on here before I got on, so I missed some of these messages. Anyway, I was late, so I joined Budz04 race, which was a 10 man. JStryker416 and Xscapist joined for a bit as well. I guess next time we'll have to jump to a 20-man or a Private race to squeeze all of the CAGs in. We did have a good group of non-CAGs in our 10 man. It was a lot of fun.
I'll be on Sunday night around 10pm CST, and probably Monday early afternoon (11am-3:30pm)/late night (after 11:45pm) if anyone wants to get some racing in. I've only done online races and I just earned Rank 9.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']67 online races, zero wins. I might have a handful of top 5 finishes. Man, I'm not very good.[/QUOTE]

Haha, well someone's gotta lose. You have fun those 67 times, at least?
[quote name='radioactivez0r']67 online races, zero wins. I might have a handful of top 5 finishes. Man, I'm not very good.[/QUOTE]

It's rough out there. Many times I've been 2nd only to get hit with like 4-5 shunts in a row on the final lap, and then I'd end up finishing at the bottom of the standings.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']67 online races, zero wins. I might have a handful of top 5 finishes. Man, I'm not very good.[/QUOTE]

I know how you feel. Not sure of my total races, although I do have three wins. All in motor mash however. :razz:

[quote name='Lokki']I didn't check on here before I got on, so I missed some of these messages. Anyway, I was late, so I joined Budz04 race, which was a 10 man. JStryker416 and Xscapist joined for a bit as well. I guess next time we'll have to jump to a 20-man or a Private race to squeeze all of the CAGs in. We did have a good group of non-CAGs in our 10 man. It was a lot of fun.[/QUOTE]

Didn't know Budz was in the group. Must have missed him. I know when I first logged on he tried inviting me but it said there was no room in the session. It seems the 10 people rooms actually stay full, but yeah, in theory, with a 20 man room we should all have a better shot at getting in.
Once you get into the front of the pack you have to race defensively. Picking up Shields (along with the Shielding Efficiency Mod) is key as people like to fire Shocks constantly, as well as picking up Shunts, Barges, Mines to block Shunts coming after you.

Other than a few races I had to redo, I didn't find the single player that difficult and I played on Hard.
[quote name='JStryke']
Didn't know Budz was in the group. Must have missed him. I know when I first logged on he tried inviting me but it said there was no room in the session. [/QUOTE]

Budz left shortly after you joined the race.
There was a guy in our lobby that won 9 straight races last night. What I haven't figured out is how to effectively get away from the pack so that constant bombardment isn't as much of an issue. That, and which cars are really superior.
[quote name='radioactivez0r']There was a guy in our lobby that won 9 straight races last night. What I haven't figured out is how to effectively get away from the pack so that constant bombardment isn't as much of an issue. That, and which cars are really superior.[/QUOTE]

Part of it depends on the track. For example, Amboy (I think it's called) it a lot of dirt, so an off road vehicle can actually handle that pretty decently. Sure their stats aren't as good as the faster cars, but the off road does at least partially make up for that.
bread's done