Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

[quote name='Rasen']I thought mandatory patches got rid of modded items...[/QUOTE]
That was what I thought too, but apparently it took all of like two days for the modders to figure out a workaround. :p

Personally I say more power to 'em, since it's not a competitive game with leaderboards or anything. But, I can definitely understand how someone looking for a "pure" co-op experience would be annoyed with a teammate who effectively makes the whole team invincible-- takes some of the fun out of it. Plus I've had a couple of instances where modded players caused crash bugs for everyone in the game.
The Claptrap DLC does not increase the level cap.

Two extra skill points though!

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I Can live with that. I've already upgraded the stats of my Siren to what I wanted so anything else is just a nice little bonus.
Ten more skill points did seem really excessive. My Siren already has more than she needs and I haven't even picked up the second skill point from the Moxxi DLC yet.
[quote name='OblivionScamp']no buy if the level cap doesn't increase to 71, the modders are 70 why can't we have 71?[/QUOTE]

2 extra skill points is a lot, players get to invest deeply in almost all the skill trees now. Why no lvl 70 or 71? Because then you could farm Crawmerax even faster as he'd only be 64 with you having 5 levels on him. It'd be a joke to fight him. (not that glitch fighting him isn't already easy)

I was never in favor of the level cap increase, extra skill points? I'll take. That's 5 more if you got moxxie's and did the quests.

Looks good, I'm totally getting it because Gearbox needs my money.
I'm disappointed in Gearbox. Planning ahead to double dip movies with new special content is one thing when MSRP is $15 to $30 depending on format and pricing, but putting special content only on a GOTY double dip pisses me off. Sure, I'm a CAG and I took advantage of trade-in deals and BBV B1G1 sales to get Borderlands at a more palatable price and sure I bought the add-ons half off on sale, but it's the principle that the uneducated masses plunked down $60 then $10 for each DLC and now to get this latest new bit of content they have to drop $60 more on a GOTY. At least the GOTY was announced before the fourth DLC went on sale and people had spent another tenspot. Hopefully, it's just an arena map or something. That would make it better than other examples like SW Force Unleashed Sith Ed.
Am I blind or is the word "exclusive" nowhere in that article?

Either way, Kotaku's retarded and I wouldn't believe anything they post as truth. I'd find it very hard to believe that the DLC wasn't going to come out at $10 on the marketplace.
Included in the Borderlands Game of the Year Edition release will be all four of the game's aftermarket add-ons—The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned, Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot, The Secret Armory of General Knoxx and the recently announced Claptrap's New Robot Revolution—plus one new bonus map that is, according to Gearbox, "awesome."

That's what I'm interpreting as exclusive. If it was part of the 4th DLC, I don't think they'd mention it first in the GOTY announcement.

But even if it is exclusive, it's likely to show up as paid DLC for everyone else down the line.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I've been waiting for this announcement. Loved the hell out of Borderlands when I rented it from GF, but held off on buying it and getting all of the DLC in hopes of a GOTY edition. This will definitely be a day-one purchase for me.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Joystiq reported that the "bonus map" is actually a physical map of the game world, not an extra in-game area.[/QUOTE]

That makes more sense. Why would they alienate their fans that already got all the DLC with having one area in the game you couldn't get unless you grabbed the GOTY edition.

Ironically you get a "bonus map" every time you get a Rockstar product.;)
[quote name='Spybreak8']That makes more sense. Why would they alienate their fans that already got all the DLC with having one area in the game you couldn't get unless you grabbed the GOTY edition.

Ironically you get a "bonus map" every time you get a Rockstar product.;)[/QUOTE]It's been done a few times before by companies trying to force the double dip. Looks like I might have gotten ticked off at Gearbox for nothing, although the wording by Kotaku and Joystiq of the bonus map description doesn't seem to indicate they have the same idea about the map. Judging by Trakan, Joystiq would be more reliable.
Anyone know how all the dlc is handled? I know the 4th one will be a code but what about the other 3? If the first 2 are dlc codes then this isn't worth it to those who never played this.
I don't get all the posts saying this isn't worth it. Yes, getting all the DLC on sale + the game on sale is a better deal, but what are the chances of another DLC sale? Slim. So if you are looking at getting all 4 DLC you are looking at $40 on top of whatever price you pay for the game, which still goes for $40 SRP.
[quote name='Corvin']I don't get all the posts saying this isn't worth it. Yes, getting all the DLC on sale + the game on sale is a better deal, but what are the chances of another DLC sale? Slim. So if you are looking at getting all 4 DLC you are looking at $40 on top of whatever price you pay for the game, which still goes for $40 SRP.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure anyone saying that already owns the game, so buying the GOTY wouldn't be of much benefit to them.
:lol: Well no, what GOTY edition is worth it when you already own the game? $60 for the game with $40 worth of DLC is a decent deal for a newcomer.
[quote name='Corvin']:lol: Well no, what GOTY edition is worth it when you already own the game? $60 for the game with $40 worth of DLC is a decent deal for a newcomer.[/QUOTE]

Or someone like me, who originally rented the game. Now, I will get to own it and have all the DLC for a great price. Sounds like a deal to me.
[quote name='100xp']Crawmerax will now be served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.[/QUOTE]

I haven't even made one run at the bastard.... Now I get to take him down on my terms? Sweet! :)
[quote name='BREVITY']Rly wish they would have raised the lvl cap. I hoped this new DLC would be as big and awesome as the last.[/QUOTE]

Wish granted. Can you ask for a cool million for me next time?
I was reading about the cap increase too...pretty cool! I've only reached...43 I think? I started way late and don't play as often. I play as the hunter. Bloodwing is awesome!
I had seriously talked myself out of getting this game again right away in order to play the new DLC, but this new news ruins that for me. I have to get it again!
[quote name='keithp']Wish granted. Can you ask for a cool million for me next time?[/QUOTE]

Wish we both had a million dollars or more. New lvls & dlc sound great!
Wonder if this means the new add on will not be out till Oct. I got this game back from GameFly right after the new DLC was announced since I thought they said it would drop in Sept. If its not going to be till Oct then I will send the game back and get something else for a while.
Wow I have like 100+ games I could play on my 360 but certain games like Borderlands, Mass Effect 2, and Dragon Age seem to want me all to themselves lol.
[quote name='theredworm']I'm doing lots of missions and not turning them in waiting to earn the xp when the patch that ups it to 69 comes out.[/QUOTE]

You know that you continue to earn XP regardless if you reached the lvl Cap. If anything you're only hurting XP gains because the missions rewards would offer you less XP if you turn them in at higher levels. That XP bar doesn't move but the numbers still go up...just like your $.
borderlands was a great game, but i'm really more hype for the DNF from the same creators at this point.

i already sold my borderlands because I thought Knoxx was the final DLC. honestly, I sort of wish they would take this effort and put it towards Borderlands 2, but I'm happy to see more DLC, either way.

- ak
...there's still milk in that cow and I don't know how much different Borderlands 2 would be or look like. DLC is fine because on a whole it's all been good and worth the MS pts.

and of course I'm looking forward to DNF.
I am at level 57 right now, leveling up to 61 to battle crawlermax with one of my friends, I dont know if I will get to level 69 with the time I have already stuck into it. I was wondering, on the time clock that shows how much you play the game, what is the first set of numbers before the regular hour one and does it go up after 60 or 100. Thanks to anybody that answers this, I am just trying to find out how much time I have killed playing this awesome game. :D
I think my Siren has 38 hours invested in her 61 lvls and 2.5 get to 60, probably 24 hours if you do quests and don't try to farm personal challenges or spend anytime doing Moxxie's Underdome Riot.

As for getting to lvl 69, I don't think it'll take long as the DLC will probably scale in pt 2 and ther's a lot of grinding quests that will make sure you'll get the EXP to ding 69.
Great news me and 3 of my friends are almost done with our second play through and then onto the Gen. Knox DLC. This game is very addictive if you can play with friends.
bread's done