Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

Nope, you can switch back to PT1 at any time and do any quests you haven't already completed.

The only thing that's a one-shot deal is when you finish PT2, it becomes "PT2.5" and all enemies in the game level up to ~50. You can't go back to the original PT2 where the enemies in the starting zone were ~36. But the new level scaling scheme being introduced in the October patch may change how all of that works anyway.
Seen this written on the roof of a building. Had a clap trap saying it.
01010011 01110100
01100101 01110110
01100101 00100000
01010100 01101000
01100101 00100000
01000010 01100001
01101110 01100100
01101001 01110100

Love this game.
Finished the story bits of the new DLC, just have helping Tannis with bits and pieces left. It sucks, I've unlocked all of the story achievements and I KNOW I should have more achievements, but I don't.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']Nope, you can switch back to PT1 at any time and do any quests you haven't already completed.

The only thing that's a one-shot deal is when you finish PT2, it becomes "PT2.5" and all enemies in the game level up to ~50. You can't go back to the original PT2 where the enemies in the starting zone were ~36. But the new level scaling scheme being introduced in the October patch may change how all of that works anyway.[/QUOTE]Thanks. I think I've heard that the missions don't reset from pt2 to pt2.5 and that you should save the side missions providing weapons until you get to 2.5 so that they will be a higher level. That true?
[quote name='jdawgg76']Thanks. I think I've heard that the missions don't reset from pt2 to pt2.5 and that you should save the side missions providing weapons until you get to 2.5 so that they will be a higher level. That true?[/QUOTE]
Not sure if that's true, but you probably will not find any good weapons in 2.5 anyways so you shouldn't really worry. My friend and I are trekking through story 2.5 (as well as doing the Claptrap DLC) and we've found nothing even a quarter as good as what we found in Knoxx.
Wow the "Super-Bad" Soldier's intro is right when you walk into this area so right after the little transition he shoots me in the face/in the back as I'm running away. Wow wtf is that shit. Other than that I've been enjoying Clap Trap's DLC, hehe Robolution.
2K has announced that those who purchase the Game of the Year Edition of Borderlands will receive a membership to the Duke Nukem First Access Club, giving purchasers a key to an early playable demo of Duke Nukem Forever.

The key will also provide users with a “wealth of goodies”.

No word on what the extra goodies are, or when the demo will be made available, but it will be released “prior to the retail launch of the game” in 2011.

Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition ships on October 12 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 and includes all four bits of DLC.

That's fuckin' low!
Mikey (writer/PR Dude @ Gearbox) has said he is looking into hooking up us long time fans/supporters with all the DLC with a similar deal
Well I'm not a vocal "long time fan/supporter" but I've played a shit-ton of this game and have all the dlc (well robolution will be purchased shortly - I have a 7 day old girl - give me a break.) Awesome game - best game I've played in years.
[quote name='BREVITY']Seen this written on the roof of a building. Had a clap trap saying it.
01010011 01110100
01100101 01110110
01100101 00100000
01010100 01101000
01100101 00100000
01000010 01100001
01101110 01100100
01101001 01110100

Love this game.[/QUOTE]

"Steve The Bandit" - converting the binary to text.
If they did a thing like what they did with Fallout, bought all the dlc got a free premium theme, I think I'd be happy. Problem is I still haven't picked up Moxxi's DLC.
[quote name='reddjoey']Mikey (writer/PR Dude @ Gearbox) has said he is looking into hooking up us long time fans/supporters with all the DLC with a similar deal[/QUOTE]

Got a link? Was that on the forums, through press release, or twitter?
[quote name='reddjoey']Mikey (writer/PR Dude @ Gearbox) has said he is looking into hooking up us long time fans/supporters with all the DLC with a similar deal[/QUOTE]

I would hope so; I'd buy Revolution at the full 800 points if I got a cool bonus.

I doubt anyone knows the answer to this (and if they do, it's probably no), but is the free update that is raising the level cap going to have any achievements tacked onto it or no? Would be cool to get 25/50G for reaching level 69
[quote name='lolwut?']I would hope so; I'd buy Revolution at the full 800 points if I got a cool bonus.

I doubt anyone knows the answer to this (and if they do, it's probably no), but is the free update that is raising the level cap going to have any achievements tacked onto it or no? Would be cool to get 25/50G for reaching level 69[/QUOTE]

I thought that they actually were not allowed to give away content with achievements associated with them, since achievements are a selling point that Microsoft can charge for. The exception to this has been Aegis Wing, which was actually created by Microsoft (interns).
I enjoy this image:

[quote name='GuardianE']I thought that they actually were not allowed to give away content with achievements associated with them, since achievements are a selling point that Microsoft can charge for. The exception to this has been Aegis Wing, which was actually created by Microsoft (interns).[/QUOTE]
That seems to be their general policy but there have been other exceptions. Gears of War 2 had some points added in a title update.

The more likely reason why Borderlands won't have any more achievements added is that it's already reached the 80 achievement/1750 gamerscore cap. It would be cool if they put in a special avatar award though.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']That seems to be their general policy but there have been other exceptions. Gears of War 2 had some points added in a title update.

The more likely reason why Borderlands won't have any more achievements added is that it's already reached the 80 achievement/1750 gamerscore cap. It would be cool if they put in a special avatar award though.[/QUOTE]

Way back when, Kameo had a dozen or so added but were all worth 0 pts each.
[quote name='Spybreak8']If they did a thing like what they did with Fallout, bought all the dlc got a free premium theme, I think I'd be happy. Problem is I still haven't picked up Moxxi's DLC.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, and it was a nice, little nod to those that purchased all the DLC at full price. Sure, it's something that would only cost a few bucks normally, anyway, but the fact that only we got it was nice. It is pretty much my default theme. I changed it for the holidays, and now I have the free Reach one, but eventually, I will probably return to the Fallout one.
[quote name='GuardianE']I thought that they actually were not allowed to give away content with achievements associated with them, since achievements are a selling point that Microsoft can charge for. The exception to this has been Aegis Wing, which was actually created by Microsoft (interns).[/QUOTE]

Way to kill a man's dreams :cry:

I knew about the 1750 cap, but not the 80 achievement one. A 0G achievement would be cool too, but I guess that won't happen
Will certainly be picking this up soon, but should I get the GOTY, or just get the game, and only certain, good, DLC's.
[quote name='matto1233']Will certainly be picking this up soon, but should I get the GOTY, or just get the game, and only certain, good, DLC's.[/QUOTE]

I'd get GOTY. Moxi is the weak link, but at least you get the storage chest. I have not played the new DLC, but I hear it's at least as good as Zombie Island.
[quote name='matto1233']Will certainly be picking this up soon, but should I get the GOTY, or just get the game, and only certain, good, DLC's.[/QUOTE]

I'd also say GOTY. All of the DLC is worth having, and they each provide unique bonuses to your character, even if the content within one is somewhat lacking.

I enjoyed Moxxi. I don't think it was worth the full price, but I enjoyed it. On the flipside, I think that Knoxx is worth more than what you pay for, so it all evens out.
[quote name='shosh']anyone get the new dlc? can't seem to find any oil cans or bobble heads of clap traps to finish all the achievements[/QUOTE]

AFAIK, all of those items are random drops from the actual claptrap enemies.
Wow, I dont think I've found any bobble heads or oil cans.
[customspoiler=spoiler]But I think I have almost all the panties, bag-o-fish and pizza for the achievement[/customspoiler]
[quote name='Spybreak8']Did they fix the achievement glitches with the newest DLC?[/QUOTE]
Not yet. The fix is going to be part of the level 69 patch, which is supposed to be released alongside the GOTY edition, so it should be sometime this week. The patch will be retroactive, so you can farm items now and if you meet the requirements, the achievements will instantly unlock when you apply the patch. You can also get the achievements right now by starting the DLC with a new character, and making sure you don't read all of the Claptrap statues until after you unlock the cheevs. Reading all of the Claptrap statues is what causes the other achievements to not unlock.
i got a question, i know i will pick the goty game up, but im wondering if i should go 360 or pc version. im considering the pc just because its an fps and i do a lot better on that side then the console, but i dont really play on the pc that much as it is and my games on the already take up a lot of my time(lotro, allods, etc.)

another thing, is the pc version multiplayer able to play with the 360 crowd, or is it stuck with playing with just themselves. how the amount of players still playing for each version.
I just picked up robolution - but I'm gonna wait to play it until the patch - I'm sitting at lvl 61 with two of my guys and want to make sure I get the xp. I've read both ways - that it accumulates like the money but doesn't show - and that it doesn't. I've already played a good bit with one of my 61s so I should see immediately if it actually has accumulated. But I sorta doubt it does - so I'm waiting to do my play-thrus.
Beware that if you take your XBox somewhere without broadband access, you cannot play the DLC even after it's been installed to your HDD. I'm visiting family and the only broadband available in their area are those wireless hotspot cards with 5GB monthly caps so my XBox is offline, and I have no access to any of the DLC areas.
Wow, that's weird.

So, anyway, I'm probably gonna pick this up soon. I have heard that the Underdome DLC is a pain in the ass. Should I be looking for people to team up with, or will I be able to tackle this alone?
Waiting for the level patch before I touch the claptrap... and I got hold of the Mad Moxxi disc so I got that for free. If I can take down Cramwerax, I dont see how Moxxi will be any difficult.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Wow, that's weird.

So, anyway, I'm probably gonna pick this up soon. I have heard that the Underdome DLC is a pain in the ass. Should I be looking for people to team up with, or will I be able to tackle this alone?[/QUOTE]
For Moxxi you should team up with atleast one other person and whoever is the lowest level should host because that makes the whole thing an absolute breeze since the enemies only scale to the host.
Yeah, split screen Moxxie with a level 2-3 character* on a secondary account. Makes it easy, but Moxxie is still a terrible, terrible experience.

*you'll have to go through single player with that character until you unlock the fast travel location outside of Zed's in Fyrestone. It takes about 30 minutes, but well worth it for Moxxie.
bread's done