Borderlands discussion - Is Moxxi hot or not?

Or if you want to team up, I have a lvl 41 soldier and am looking to knock out Moxxi as well. Even the short tournaments will take awhile as in the short ones there are five rounds and each round has five waves. I tried it solo and it was taking forever and it definitely seems that the more players the quicker and easier it would be. Do the number of enemies scale depending on the number of players as well?
Nope, enemies in Moxxi only scale to the host.

I'd be down for helping out sometime, too, I'd help on the short rounds, I don't really have the patience for doing the long rounds a third time. I'm a level 61 Support Gunner Soldier.
[quote name='jdawgg76']Or if you want to team up, I have a lvl 41 soldier and am looking to knock out Moxxi as well. Even the short tournaments will take awhile as in the short ones there are five rounds and each round has five waves. I tried it solo and it was taking forever and it definitely seems that the more players the quicker and easier it would be. Do the number of enemies scale depending on the number of players as well?[/QUOTE]

I have a 58 soldier that I wouldn't mind getting the skill points for from the small tournaments. I'd be up for helping out, just msg me on live sometime. Unless I am playing L4D, BF BC2 or C:HoD, I'm am likely to save whatever I am playing and move on to something more social.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Beware that if you take your XBox somewhere without broadband access, you cannot play the DLC even after it's been installed to your HDD. I'm visiting family and the only broadband available in their area are those wireless hotspot cards with 5GB monthly caps so my XBox is offline, and I have no access to any of the DLC areas.[/QUOTE]

That's nuts, I wonder if the GOTY edition fixes that?
I doubt that as it's just download tokens. I was totally taken back by that. Those areas aren't even selectable at the transport stations, it was like I didn't have the DLC.
that seems odd - what about people who don't have internet access at all - but get the GOTY version - they don't get to play the DLC?
[quote name='bordjon']that seems odd - what about people who don't have internet access at all - but get the GOTY version - they don't get to play the DLC?[/QUOTE]
Seems that way. Same as it was with the Resident Evil 5 and Gears of War 2 GOTY editions. Hopefully the packaging makes it clear that an internet connection is required to be able to download the bonus content.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Beware that if you take your XBox somewhere without broadband access, you cannot play the DLC even after it's been installed to your HDD. I'm visiting family and the only broadband available in their area are those wireless hotspot cards with 5GB monthly caps so my XBox is offline, and I have no access to any of the DLC areas.[/QUOTE]
Uh, no, as long as you're the original "purchaser" of the game/DLC, it's licensed to both the physical 360 you first downloaded to, as well as your game account. Therefore, once you've installed the 4 DLC packs, they'll be available offline to that machine, or if you wire up some BB access so you can login to the account (which is only needed for validation, not re-downloading). Did you have some intention of your relatives also installing your personal GOTY edition?
You know, when I first read his post, I kind of assumed he meant he brought his whole 360 with him. But yeah, if all you did was bring your hard drive, that's why you can't play with the DLC without being connected.
All DLC except Claptraps New... is on sale for 400 MSP till 10/25

Borderlands is now available on GoD for 2400MSP/$30

They added a ClapTrap prop/pet (320 MSP) and A Red Chest Prop (240 MSP)
I'm still counting down the days til this thing comes out:


Hmm, according to Toywiz, the figure got delayed to January. I hope its not true.
Whenever this patch finally comes out, I hope they see fit to tweak the drop rates for pizza and bobble-heads. It's fucking ridiculous that this DLC has 3 hours of quest content followed by 20 hours of farming for rare drops if you want the achievements.
Patch is out...FINALLY!

For anyone wondering it was Microsoft's QA/Cert process which held up the patch being released on the 360 and PC and PS3. Nice of them huh?
if anyone can confirm that this patch fixes the achievement glitch, please let us know. I'll probably start the Robo Revolution DLC this week, and I'd really just like to play through, and not have to worry about getting certain achievements in certain orders if I don't have to.
It only seems to be live for PC and PS3 so far. I'm also waiting for confirmation that this solves the achievement glitch with the Claptrap DLC.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']It only seems to be live for PC and PS3 so far. I'm also waiting for confirmation that this solves the achievement glitch with the Claptrap DLC.[/QUOTE]

It does:

The 1.41 Title Update is now available for Borderlands. This Title Update affects all players and is a free update that will automatically download the next time you launch Borderlands on the XB360, PS3, or Steam. PC Retail customers may download the update here.

Title Update 1.41 Notes:

  • Level cap increase of 8 levels for all players.
    [-]Original Borderlands players will now be able to achieve level 58.
    [-]Owners of The Secret Armory of General Knoxx can achieve a record setting increase to a maximum level of 69.
  • Enemies now scale to new level caps throughout the whole game as long as playthrough 2 has been completed.
  • Item drops (with the exception of COM Decks) will now scale to new enemy level caps.
  • DLC4 Achievement/Trophy glitches that have affected some users will now properly award players for obtaining these achievements.

Borderlands fans, new and old, will now be able to hunt and kill more in Pandora than ever before with this new free Title Update for Borderlands! Players with the original Borderlands will now be able to achieve Level 58 on all their characters, up from Level 50, while owners of The Secret Armory of General Knoxx can achieve a record setting maximum level of 69, up from 61! Players who have also completed playthrough 2 will now be able to challenge themselves in every place in Pandora! Every enemy and boss will scale to the players level, giving players the chance to enjoy past zones all over again.

Steam and PC are now live. PS3 and XB360 should be live in the coming hour.

Fixing the unlocks is only the half the problem. The collectibles are still way too rare. As someone said on here, 3 hours dlc with 20 hours of collectible farming.

Also-Ryu, I didn't know you were from StL. I used to live there. Visit my family there a lot.
I think my lvl 61 character is getting XP but the bar is so small lol I can't tell. Just to be safe I activated the new area just in case you have to do that to increase your character's level compared to still toying around in General Knoxx land.
[quote name='lolwut?']Holy shit it's outtttttttt.

Bar is no longer full and EXP is counting; finally time to play Robo Revolutionnnnnnnnnnnn[/QUOTE]

Exp is not counting. The update didn't do anything. Microsoft is still working on it. So disappointed.
Finally decided to get this, used at gamestop for $26.99 (don't have an edge card for the discount), and I'm not really enjoying it very much.

I've been playing F3 & F:NV, and thought I would like this as well, but it just seems kinda bland. Does the gameplay get better as you go on? I'm at the point where you go after nine-toes, and really just kinda feeling Blah about it so far. Also, no downloads for it yet, not sure I want to spend the money on this.
[quote name='GuardianE']Exp is not counting. The update didn't do anything. Microsoft is still working on it. So disappointed.[/QUOTE]
This is one of those times when it's clear how far games "journalism" is from maturity. Joystiq, Kotaku, etc. are all reporting that the patch is live, straight from the mouth of Gearbox. Apparently no one thought to actually fire up a console and check their facts. :p
[quote name='praxus07']Finally decided to get this, used at gamestop for $26.99 (don't have an edge card for the discount), and I'm not really enjoying it very much.

I've been playing F3 & F:NV, and thought I would like this as well, but it just seems kinda bland. Does the gameplay get better as you go on? I'm at the point where you go after nine-toes, and really just kinda feeling Blah about it so far. Also, no downloads for it yet, not sure I want to spend the money on this.[/QUOTE]

It's really nothing like Fallout 3 from what I understand. You're very very early in the game, so I'd try to at least get to New Haven before putting it away. Depending on what class you chose, you may need to level a few more times or get a few more guns before it really starts to open up for you.

Basically, to enjoy Borderlands, you have to like that type of humor, enjoy looting/collecting of weapons, and enjoy co-op. The single player experience is alright, but it's much much better with more people.

You're not going to find a compelling story here, really. At least not one that's actually told very well within the fold of the game.
Yeah, Fallout and Borderlands really have nothing to do with each other apart from taking place in similar-looking settings (though Borderlands' setting is technically not post-apocalyptic). Borderlands is a straight FPS that incorporates some RPG concepts (quest givers, skill trees, visible weapon stats). Fallout 3 is a straight WRPG that may look like an FPS but decidedly does not play like one.
Yeah, I think I may just play it for another few hours and just return it to gamestop for something else. it's just not as good as I thought it would be.

And I'm def Not a co-op player at all, so that aspect has zero appeal.

Borderlands is awesome with or without friends, and the Arid Badlands is probably the most boring part in the game; are you even higher than level 8 yet? Regardless, Borderlands shits all over Fallout

fucking deceitful with this patch though; good thing I didn't start the 4th DLC yet or I would've been extremely pissed
Yeah I view Borderlands and Fallout like I view Split Second and Forza. Arcade and Simulation

Ok so xp was working with my lvl 31 character. Is it working for high lvl characters (lvl 58/69)?
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[quote name='praxus07']Finally decided to get this, used at gamestop for $26.99 (don't have an edge card for the discount), and I'm not really enjoying it very much.

I've been playing F3 & F:NV, and thought I would like this as well, but it just seems kinda bland. Does the gameplay get better as you go on? I'm at the point where you go after nine-toes, and really just kinda feeling Blah about it so far. Also, no downloads for it yet, not sure I want to spend the money on this.[/QUOTE]BLands is like they took Diablo 2, changed the setting to a post-apocalyptic like alien world and made it a first person shooter. Since Diablo is one of my favorite games ever, this is awesome for me. But it has little story to move you along as it is all about looting for better equipment. Very different than the fallouts which are more RPGcentric. Also, 26.99 is too much. You'll be able to get a better deal soon, especially with the GOTY having just come out and including $40 worth of DLC all for $60. If nothing else, the original copy will drop much lower soon I would imagine.
I've gotten to level 10, still running errands in the badlands, and still kinda bored (those skargs or whatever they are are extremely annoying). The limited backpack size is irritating, and have to admit, kinda more used to the Fallout rpg elements. This is def a return, not sure what I'll get exactly, but this is a big letdown from what I thought it would be.
The backpack gets a lot bigger as you rescue Claptraps and the game gets better and better. You could either play with friends or grow some patience. :p
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Borderlands is a shooter first, a loot-fest second, and a RPG last.

Fallout 3/New Vegas is a RPG first, a loot-fest second, and a terribly janky shooter last.

I, personally, love both. Fallout 3/New Vegas would benefit from being a better shooter but Borderlands would suffer from a more robust storyline. (most would skip it in order to get back to shooting stuffs)

Aside from both of them containing tons of lovely loot and being in first person they really shouldn't be compared as they are such different experiences and have totally different paces and objectives from a development standpoint.

It's like playing Dragon Age and expecting it to be a streamlined action Dragon Age 2. *just threw-up in my mouth a little*:p
[quote name='eastx']Can someone confirm the level patch is actually live, btw?[/QUOTE]

It's definitely live for 360. I got to level 69 yesterday.
[quote name='praxus07']I've gotten to level 10, still running errands in the badlands, and still kinda bored (those skargs or whatever they are are extremely annoying). The limited backpack size is irritating, and have to admit, kinda more used to the Fallout rpg elements. This is def a return, not sure what I'll get exactly, but this is a big letdown from what I thought it would be.[/QUOTE]

lolwut was right in that the badlands are the most boring part of the game. I disagree that the game is equally as good in single player and in co-op. The game was obviously designed with co-op in mind, and while I enjoy the single player, the drop in/drop out co-op option makes the game leagues better. Not sure what you mean by Skags are annoying. They're just enemies to kill for experience and are very easy to run from if you need to. The majority of enemies you'll face later on are humans or other beasts. Skags are generally low level fodder.

Your limited backpack size shifts dramatically as you progress through the game. By the end, you'll have 42 inventory slots, plus all the equipment you wear. If you end up getting Moxxi, you'll have an additional 42(?) of storage.

Regardless, it's not like Fallout, and to its credit, it never intended to be. It's a completely different beast, and does what it set out to do extremely well.

You're a level 10, but level 10 for a Soldier is extremely different compared to level 10 for a Siren. That might have an impact on your play experience. If you're level 10, you've probably put in maybe an hour into the game? An hour and a half? I'd say to be a little more patient, but you can just return it so someone else will enjoy it.
A lot of it depends on your class and whether or not you're playing Coop.

IMO, Playing as Roland and Brick are quite boring in SP. Roland is good in Coop for supplying and healing your friends, while Brick is good for "lulz" when you can shoot nearly infinite rockets every two seconds if you spec him right or running into a mob and punching the shit out of everything. Mordecai usually does his own thing, while Lilith is fun to play reagardless of SP or COOP because of her abilities.
I tried Moxxis and wanted to rip my pubes out after the first Round... and there was still 4 more to go. Jesus this is horrible DLC
[quote name='nnthomas']I tried Moxxis and wanted to rip my pubes out after the first Round... and there was still 4 more to go. Jesus this is horrible DLC[/QUOTE]

Yeah,just try to even get the achievements. Took me like 4 hours to just complete one of the arenas.
I dunno, is it that hard? Though I have yet seen a bobblehead or a oil can even though I already beat the dlc. Are you suppose to co-op to get the rare drops? Or maybe they come after you collect all the components?
The pizza, bobbleheads, and oil cans are just super rare. People have had to farm the final boss for 10+ hours at a time to get the necessary drops. At least Moxxi is fun with friends.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']The pizza, bobbleheads, and oil cans are just super rare. People have had to farm the final boss for 10+ hours at a time to get the necessary drops. At least Moxxi is fun with friends.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap I didn't realize they were that rare. All I remember moxxi was that during the last hour I just wanted to get off my xbox and my fingers hurt. That whole dlc was a complete chore.
The only thing good about Moxxi's DLC is the bank option but even with that I didn't pick it up. I wish I had a bank or some sort of storage outside of your backpack though.
Tip of the day: You're doing it wrong if you're playing Borderlands alone. Find some people to play with. Honestly, it will make the game that much more enjoyable.

For anyone who has purchased and played through the new DLC (Robolution), is it worth the $10?
im sorry, i just hit lvl 30, mostly playing by myself, its BORING as all hell. and when i try to go online, its just as laggy and not any more fun. woopty doo the enemies are harder, its still boring to me for some reason. its the most repetitious game i have ever played, and i am always playing rpgs. sending someone to kill x amount of enemies over and over again is not fun. this isnt an mmo so why all the stupid quests... and the humour? i have yet to find an ounce of humour the game is said to have.
Lol just got done with playing some more Claptrap DLC and man the loot is awesome. I think I have all orange weapons other than a few purple ones and one green energy weapon. The guns this game creates always satisfies my need and excitement. Shock Trooper for Soldier is badass and using a weapon that initially has shock damage, ohhh baby!

Forgot to mention that my playthrough of my soldier is on Playthrough 2.
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bread's done