Im rather behind now, just watched Episode 4. Was an alright episode
i actually did think that Walt was going to tell Skyler about everything, but he didnt . Jesse falling in the portaloo was nasty aswell, he ruined that jacket. I really like that jacket!
[quote name='ChernobylCow']Anyone watch the DVD? I've been watching all of Dexter on DVD and was wondering if anyone had any comments/complaints about Breaking Bad Season One DVD.[/QUOTE]
I watched it only issue I have is the season was only seven episodes and its's censored.
By the way congrats on watching Dexter another great show!
Anyone else finding it harder to root for Walt? At first I felt sorry for the guy but lately he has been a serious asshole! I know he is dying but the guy being a prick to anyone who is remotely trying to help him.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Anyone else finding it harder to root for Walt? At first I felt sorry for the guy but lately he has been a serious asshole![/quote]
I think he's more frustrated and irritated that his plans aren't going well or some how they take a an unexpected turn. Since he isn't in control sometimes he deals with it the only way he knows. Although telling off that rich brunette (can't remember her name) was kinda harsh.
I don't blame Hank for being a little loopy. Imagine meeting the craziest guy you know and have him draw a full auto weapon on you while you only have a standard issue handgun. I'd be a little screwed up too. Or pretend you're in class and all of a sudden you hear an endless stream of gunshots. You're saying you'ld sleep well that night?
Maybe it's because he's DEA and never killed a man before as well. I could be wrong though because I vaguely remember him saying somewhere he's killed a man but that could've been self inflating (blowfish!) BS.
That little boy in the house was pulling the heart string of my wife and me. Such a bad situation that you know really exists somewhere. It was really nice of Jesse to worry about the kid considering the reason he was there.
Also, the padlock on his bedroom door was horrible.
When the head blew up I sat up in bed and said Holy Shit out loud. Hank still pulled it together and helped the shit-talker though. bet he wont be talking shit anymore.
Was this episode the comic relief? It was really good, just.. different. Though, I was kind of intoxicated, so maybe that's why it seemed so hilarious to me.
I see a lot of parallels starting to happen with this show that happened in Weeds.
Granted it is different and still original, I don't see these guys having shit hit the fan and then making it out in one piece as easy as the chick on Weeds does. lool
[quote name='VipFREAK']I see a lot of parallels starting to happen with this show that happened in Weeds.
Granted it is different and still original, I don't see these guys having shit hit the fan and then making it out in one piece as easy as the chick on Weeds does. lool
I thought the episode was the weakest of the season. Excellent intro though.
I'm guessing Skyler or Marie are one of the two under the sheets. Then next season Walt can continue to cook having to provide for his new daughter and Walt Jr.
[quote name='Magehart']Damn intro is so reminiscent of Lost . The ending though was pure awesome. Perfect music and everything. Every episode Walt gets more awesome.[/quote]
My favorite band did the ending song...I recognized it immediately ...
[quote name='lombarvm']Walt has officially became Heisenberg.[/QUOTE]
It was great to see Walt becoming more badass, and meanwhile Jesse is becoming more meek/sensitive. What's up with his girlfriend/neighbor and her dad? Definitely something weird going on there. Either he's going to turn out to be a cop, or...yup, incest! I went there!
[quote name='dinovelvet']It was great to see Walt becoming more badass, and meanwhile Jesse is becoming more meek/sensitive. What's up with his girlfriend/neighbor and her dad? Definitely something weird going on there. Either he's going to turn out to be a cop, or...yup, incest! I went there![/QUOTE]
She was in rehab. He's probably just being over-protective now. He had key to the apartment, which she may or may not know he has.
[quote name='pinebarrens']Agreed. Worst episode of the series. The end was pretty exciting though. How could they do that to Jesse?[/QUOTE]
I'm hoping this is all a setup for them to ice the girl at some point later on. Then we find out the father of the girl works for the FBI and the shit hits the fan for season 3.