Brutal Legend - Gen. Discussion & Info - Demo Out Now!

can't wait for this one. Sadly I'll be down in Texas for school and with my luck, I'll be deployed right after school so I probably won't get to play it till some time next year
This is my most-wanted game of the year. It pretty much has been ever since I first heard of it last year, and heard that Tim Schafer was making it. Thanks for posting the video, Linkin. I hadn't seen that one yet. Looks awesome.
I hope this doesn't delay and/or cancel the game:
LOS ANGELES - A lawsuit filed by Activision may keep Jack Black from becoming a "Brutal Legend" later this year.
Activision Entertainment Holdings Inc. sued game developer Double Fine Productions Inc. on Wednesday to try to stop the release of "Brutal Legend" by rival Electronic Arts.
The lawsuit, filed in Santa Monica, Calif., on Wednesday, claims Double Fine failed to deliver "Brutal Legend" on time. The suit also claims the firm then offered the completed game to EA.
"Brutal Legend" is scheduled for release in October. It features Black as a heavy-metal roadie transported to a mythical ancient world to fight evil.
EA has been heavily promoting the game at this week's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles. A gigantic banner of Black's character, Eddie Riggs, is hanging outside the convention's venue.
The lawsuit claims Activision paid Double Fine about $15 million to develop "Brutal Legend," but the studio missed a key deadline last year. The suit claims Double Fine then said it would need another nine months and $7 million to complete the game.
Activision and Double Fine negotiated to try to keep the game on track, but no agreement was ever reached, according to the court filing. Activision contends it never relinquished its rights to the game and that Double Fine improperly transferred "Brutal Legend" to EA.
"Hey, if Activision liked it, then they should have put a ring on it," Double Fine President Tim Schafer said. "Oh great, now Beyonce is going to sue me too."
The lawsuit states that Activision has suffered "irreparable harm" and will lose not only the game, but also the ability to sell downloadable content based on "Brutal Legend" if the release isn't stopped.
EA, which is not named as a party in the lawsuit, had no official comment on the filing.
""Hey, if Activision liked it, then they should have put a ring on it," Double Fine President Tim Schafer said. "Oh great, now Beyonce is going to sue me too."
The lawsuit states that Activision has suffered "irreparable harm" and will lose not only the game, but also the ability to sell downloadable content based on "Brutal Legend" if the release isn't stopped.
EA, which is not named as a party in the lawsuit, had no official comment on the filing."

1. Tim Schafer is the MAN

2. **** Activision and their "irreparable" damages
Are Tim Schafer and Jon Schafer (of the band Iced Earth) related in anyway?
Seems like Tim uses their music a bit for promoting the game. Probably just a coincidence.
Like I said on another forums, Activision seems like its the new EA. As for the game, from what I saw (I love the new Metal Fantasy theme/environment), the personality of Jack Black and the genius of Schafer this very high up on my wishlist.
This game is going to cost at least $21 million dollars to make? I have doubts this game will even sell enough units to make back the original $15 million dollar budget.
This game was probably the biggest surprise (in terms of graphics) at E3. I was shocked how good it looked (until I saw Mass Effect 2 screening) and it played really great and was a blast. The gameplay mechanics are really interesting and the whole presentation was awesome.
Not that I need a demo for this, but it will be nice for those on the edge. Can't wait for this game.
[quote name='MemphisChill901']BRUTAL LEGEND

wtf is this exactly?[/QUOTE]

Go type "Massive Dissapointment" into a search engine. Brutal Legend will pop up first, then you can do some research.
[quote name='schuerm26']Go type "Massive Dissapointment" into a search engine. Brutal Legend will pop up first, then you can do some research.[/QUOTE]

What makes you say that? I'll admit, I'm kind of on the fence about this because of my current backlog. But, it looks fun. Plus, I'm a big metal-head, so that makes it all the more appealing.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']What makes you say that? I'll admit, I'm kind of on the fence about this because of my current backlog. But, it looks fun. Plus, I'm a big metal-head, so that makes it all the more appealing.[/QUOTE]

In my opinion the look is going to be the only thing appealing. I think it will be pretty generic gameplay wise.

Hope Im wrong.

I think Game Informer did a preview also a month or two ago and they said something to the extent of it being rough around the edges. Im expecting about a 7.5 or so type game.

Rental in my opinion. I truly hope Im wrong though.
[quote name='Schmackledorf']It's a Tim Schafer game. That alone should say enough given his track record (Read: Secret of Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Full Throttle, Grim Fandango, and Psychonauts).

By the way, can anyone confirm the alleged Best Buy pre-order bonus? If it's actually true, I have to hop on that. Link to related article:[/QUOTE]

GameCrazy has the same PO bonus. We actually already have some samples in the store.
[quote name='chubbyninja1319']What makes you say that? I'll admit, I'm kind of on the fence about this because of my current backlog. But, it looks fun. Plus, I'm a big metal-head, so that makes it all the more appealing.[/QUOTE]

I'm also a metalhead, and I'm avoiding this like the plague. Probably going to be the video game equivalent of Metalocalypse. Did you see Jack Black's appearance at the VMAs? Pathetic.
Thanks Linkin for pointing that out. Forgot that thread even existed (don't recall the last time I've even bought something from Best Buy).

Sweet. I'll definitely see if I can find a Game Crazy near me to check it out. Thanks Scorch.
Just took a survey for this game and I have to say you're going to really like the tv ad that comes out later this year, awesome (sweet ass lyrics synced up to accompanying gameplay). This has now become "an as soon as review scores pop up I'm getting it" purchase haha.
If someone has a code laying around for the Brutal Legend demo, I could toss off a $5 off EASports Store code for you if you don't need the demo.

Please PM me if interested. I -really- want to play this demo.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']I'm also a metalhead, and I'm avoiding this like the plague. Probably going to be the video game equivalent of Metalocalypse. Did you see Jack Black's appearance at the VMAs? Pathetic.[/QUOTE]
If you were a metalhead you wouldn't be watching the VMA's in the first place...
[quote name='bardockkun']If you were a metalhead you wouldn't be watching the VMA's in the first place...[/QUOTE]

HA! Nice! And a very valid point.
Just played the GS pre-order demo yesterday. It sucks because I was expecting the same demo I played at PAX but instead the download demo is half the length/content. Not sure why they decided to do that because I thought the PAX demo gave a better impression of the game. Regardless, I am still totally excited about the game and just wish it was scheduled to be released sooner.
[quote name='bardockkun']If you were a metalhead you wouldn't be watching the VMA's in the first place...[/QUOTE]

YouTube. There are even videos of hysterical conspiracy theorists using it as proof that he's a Freemason, leading everyone in a Satanic prayer.
What do conspiracy theories have anything to do with you watching an "awards show" with Beyonce and Taylor Swift and presented by the new Twilight movie? Hell, what does this have to do with Brutal Legend at all?!
[quote name='bardockkun']What do conspiracy theories have anything to do with you watching an "awards show" with Beyonce and Taylor Swift and presented by the new Twilight movie? Hell, what does this have to do with Brutal Legend at all?![/QUOTE]


I saw the Jack Black clip on YouTube. I stumbled upon it going from a Peter Schiff video to some Bush backwards talking spoof video, to some conspiratorial video, then to the VMA appearance clip by Jack Black interpreted as being a Freemason ritual. In the clip, Jack Black was in Brutal Legend character, wearing a Brutal Legend shirt and fake muscles, chanting retarded, cliched nonsense that made Metalocalypse look genuine. It was atrocious. In its brief playtime, it encapsulated everything that all of the hype and ads surrounding the game has exuded - that it's apparently trying to make Spinal Tap look subtle.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']...

I saw the Jack Black clip on YouTube. I stumbled upon it going from a Peter Schiff video to some Bush backwards talking spoof video, to some conspiratorial video, then to the VMA appearance clip by Jack Black interpreted as being a Freemason ritual. In the clip, Jack Black was in Brutal Legend character, wearing a Brutal Legend shirt and fake muscles, chanting retarded, cliched nonsense that made Metalocalypse look genuine. It was atrocious. In its brief playtime, it encapsulated everything that all of the hype and ads surrounding the game has exuded - that it's apparently trying to make Spinal Tap look subtle.[/QUOTE]
Do I dare even ask what's wrong with Metalocalypse as well?

Plus from that clip you described it just sounds like Jack Black being Jack Black (partially stoned and willing to do whatever need be to get a laugh).
[quote name='bardockkun']Do I dare even ask what's wrong with Metalocalypse as well?

That's what I can't figure out.

Does "Heavy Metal = Serious Business" all of the sudden?
They got Gene Hoglan of Dark Angel (and Testament, Death, Fear Factory and abunch of other bands) fame on drums. Plus they make subtle references to metal bands on every show. Not to mention Brendon Smalls is a HUGE metal head (an actual one, not just one that bitches about thing's not being "metal") and he does make some good music.

And 1.57 gigs for a demo?! Goddamn!
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