CAG Arcade Stick Thread

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Picked up Virtua Fighter 5 online today at CC for 15 bucks in anticipation. Going to call some gamestops tomorrow and see if any of them have a copy of anniversary collection. Wednesday will be a busy busy day...
[quote name='genfuyung']Picked up Virtua Fighter 5 online today at CC for 15 bucks in anticipation. Going to call some gamestops tomorrow and see if any of them have a copy of anniversary collection. Wednesday will be a busy busy day...[/QUOTE]
That's nice, but it should be in the FGT.
[quote name='genfuyung']Picked up Virtua Fighter 5 online today at CC for 15 bucks in anticipation. Going to call some gamestops tomorrow and see if any of them have a copy of anniversary collection. Wednesday will be a busy busy day...[/QUOTE]

If you don't have it pre-ordered they probably won't let you have it even though they'll probably be selling it to pre-order customers. I'd try BB actually, and yes the stick thing was a fiasco but we've had it in since the weekend and should be selling it Tuesday so I'd figure most stores would be the same.

[quote name='zewone']My HRAP EX will be here when I wake up tomorrow morning. And it's my day off so I get to mess with it all day. :cool:[/QUOTE]

I forgot to get it off but I fortunately just happened to get Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off. First thing in the morning go get SFIV and then play for two days straight. Almost a shame it comes out this week though since the GTA DLC and Burnout Paradise cars come out this week.
[quote name='amusedtoe']If you don't have it pre-ordered they probably won't let you have it even though they'll probably be selling it to pre-order customers. I'd try BB actually, and yes the stick thing was a fiasco but we've had it in since the weekend and should be selling it Tuesday so I'd figure most stores would be the same.

I forgot to get it off but I fortunately just happened to get Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday off. First thing in the morning go get SFIV and then play for two days straight. Almost a shame it comes out this week though since the GTA DLC and Burnout Paradise cars come out this week.[/quote]

By anniversary collection I meant the anniversary collection on the original xbox that had 3rd strike included in it. BUT, your saying you work for Best buy and you have the collectors edition of SF4 in the back? The Sunday ad said it would be out by 2pm on wednesday but do you think it's worth calling them tomorrow to see if they've put it out? I have the CE preordered IN STORE at a local best buy. I've never had a problem with an in store preorder fro them.
Kudos to MarkMan for all the info and links, I think I might actually be able to mod an arcade stick now ... with a little help from guides maybe.
Hey Mark Man,
Any thought on adding some type of covering between the plastic window and the actual face of the stick on the TE? I think the ultra fine minor scratches people (like me) are seeing on the TE stick is from it pressing against that plastic in shipment. Or is it when the glass cover is screwed in that the scratches are coming from?

Well I played a few hours of SSF2THDR and some Golden Axe on the Sonic Collection. Ran perfectly, I just suck as I don't think I've touched an arcade stick in at least 6 years.

I actually like the clicks because it helps me tell when I hit whatever direction. I've had to learn to slow my movements down as I was going pad speed and not getting the FB and HK. I'm getting better at DP's, now about 50-75% of hitting them when I'm trying to do one instead of 50% at best.
[quote name='genfuyung']By anniversary collection I meant the anniversary collection on the original xbox that had 3rd strike included in it. BUT, your saying you work for Best buy and you have the collectors edition of SF4 in the back? The Sunday ad said it would be out by 2pm on wednesday but do you think it's worth calling them tomorrow to see if they've put it out? I have the CE preordered IN STORE at a local best buy. I've never had a problem with an in store preorder fro them.[/QUOTE]

Ah clearly I misread. But yea if you have a pre-order on the CE give them a call when they open and they should tell you they have it for you to pick up. The Wednesday by 2PM thing is the latest we'll have a game for sale because sometimes games will go gold late or ship late so they'll get dropped off sometime between 10AM and 2PM on Wednesday. If we have a game on Tuesday and that's the street date there's no reason we won't sell it, it's just a matter of if we've gotten it yet.
[quote name='amusedtoe']Ah clearly I misread. But yea if you have a pre-order on the CE give them a call when they open and they should tell you they have it for you to pick up. The Wednesday by 2PM thing is the latest we'll have a game for sale because sometimes games will go gold late or ship late so they'll get dropped off sometime between 10AM and 2PM on Wednesday. If we have a game on Tuesday and that's the street date there's no reason we won't sell it, it's just a matter of if we've gotten it yet.[/quote]

Thanks for the info, I'll definitely call tomorrow. I won't have my HRAP EX until wednesday though so it will be torturous having it sit there. I suppose I could watch the anime movie over and over again though.
[quote name='amusedtoe']Or you could buy a 360 and a PS3 CE and act out little fights with the C.Viper and Ryu figures![/quote]

...don't tempt me
[quote name='amusedtoe']Or you could buy a 360 and a PS3 CE and act out little fights with the C.Viper and Ryu figures![/quote]

With simulated make up sex?

Man, I feel so nerdy/gross for even being able to comprehend thinking of that.
Only if you write erotic fan fiction about it where after Ryu defeats her there's a new challener... and it's Ken! Sadly you'd probably just be infringing on something someone else has already written.
[quote name='MarkMan']BTW this has been brought up with our factories/QC team already.

If you do get one, straight up I would recommend modding with Sanwa parts. That's just me though.

If you have any issues or are worried about your warranty, dont worry call in and we'll help you out still.[/QUOTE]

Hey, thanks for using your modpowers at SRK, deleting my posts and banning me. You're still a coward that can't handle it when someone corrects you. You forgot to edit this post btw.

If anyone is wondering what happened, someone on SRK asked if it was ok to open it up to try to fix the problem. I said MarkMan assured that it is ok because of what he wrote here. He denied it and I pointed them to this thread. He proceeded to delete my posts and then banned me.
I didn't ban you, it was another mod.

But you were a super troll to be honest.

And like I've been saying in all my posts, if there is an issue call. You need to understand that.

But yea you were banned for derailing/flaming/trolling. Hopefully you can come back a better member down the road.

And again, don't speak on my behalf because what I tell one person (zewone) is not going to blanket/apply to everyone else. LIKE I SAID again, if there are issues, CALL IN.

End of story.

I don't want to taint this good thread here like the SRK one is. So let's take it to PMs or emails if you have issues.
Does anyone have some high res pics of all the character select pictures from HD Remix? I found them on Deviantart but they are all different sizes.
Stop lying dude, you banned me. If you're saying another mod banned me, shouldn't you be at fault too for abusing your powers? You couldn't admit that you were wrong so you just deleted the posts. Tell me how exactly was I trolling when I told someone that you said it was ok to open it up and MadCatz would still help out? If you can't stick to what you said, don't try to call me out as a liar.
[quote name='genfuyung']Does anyone have some high res pics of all the character select pictures from HD Remix? I found them on Deviantart but they are all different sizes.[/quote]

I don't think I've seen any, I know I don't have any of that art... I have the regular artwork/2 styles.
[quote name='MarkMan']I'm not replying to you here again, PM me or email me and I'll show you where you were trolling.


genfuyung: this is the art I was talking about...[/quote]

Thanks for that Markman, a lot of people in here have been asking for that art. Unfortunately, my photoshop skills are so shit that I can only put some images next to each other and pretend its a template and from what I can tell, the HD Remix select screen portraits are the easiest to do that with. I'll just try and make the deviantart ones look more uniform.
[quote name='gokou36']You can stop lying dude. My post was deleted and it said deleted for trolling/derailing thread ONLY after I called you out for abusing your mod powers.[/quote]

Hey, you.

Yea mine aren't great but I'm taking the Blanka and Cammy and masking out the parts I don't want then trying to blend the edges into the background. Tough part's going to be where I want the two characters to overlap.
[quote name='amusedtoe']Yea mine aren't great but I'm taking the Blanka and Cammy and masking out the parts I don't want then trying to blend the edges into the background. Tough part's going to be where I want the two characters to overlap.[/quote]

Yeah...I'm taking a bunch of square pictures that have characters faces in them, putting them next to each other in 2 rows, and the filling the background with black instead of gray. I could probably accomplish the same thing in MS paint come to think of it. But then I wouldn't be able to see the button layouts so...yay photoshop...I guess.
[quote name='MusicNoteLess']Take a hint, dude. You're being a troll. Stop it.[/QUOTE]

MarkMan defense force incoming. Ya'll can stop sucking on him, he's not giving you a free stick. Oh and I love how he promoted the shit outta his sticks and now it's breaking left and right.
[quote name='gokou36']MarkMan defense force incoming. Ya'll can stop sucking on him, he's not giving you a free stick. Oh and I love how he promoted the shit outta his sticks and now it's breaking left and right.[/quote]

He designed them, the fuck ups in production aren't his fault, go bitch at madcatz's QC/QA.
[quote name='distgfx']He designed them, the fuck ups in production aren't his fault, go bitch at madcatz's QC/QA.[/quote]

that and hes answering your questions nicely and professionally instead of throwing a shitstorm
[quote name='distgfx']He designed them, the fuck ups in production aren't his fault, go bitch at madcatz's QC/QA.[/QUOTE]

Yeah before it was released, everyone was praising him. Now that it's out and defective, everyone says to blame MadCatz. Don't promote shit that you haven't tested yourself to be working correctly.

[quote name='Nelo Ice']that and hes answering your questions nicely and professionally instead of throwing a shitstorm[/QUOTE]

That's why he pulled a tantrum and banned me at SRK right? Yeah really professional.
Ok first, I'm as disappointed in the fact that I didn't get my stick and the reports of QC problems as anyone but get over it like the rest of us or return your stick and be done with it.

Second to everyone else he's like advertising come alive at Halloween, stop looking at him and he'll cease to exist because no one cares.

Anyway as rusty as my Photoshop skills have gotten I'm still having a ton of fun working on this. Now I just need to remember how to make it look like this logo was pressed into wet paint and then dried.
[quote name='gokou36']Yeah before it was released, everyone was praising him. Now that it's out and defective, everyone says to blame MadCatz. Don't promote shit that you haven't tested yourself to be working correctly.[/quote]

It is MadCatz fault, they're the ones that are mass producing them. MarkMan designed the sticks and pads but he's not putting each and every single one of them together himself. How can you blame him? Seriously? He promoted it because he knew what he was working on was a good product, he didn't know MadCatz QC/QA would screw up. How is that his fault? He didn't know, how could he of?
[quote name='distgfx']It is MadCatz fault, they're the ones that are mass producing them. MarkMan designed the sticks and pads but he's not putting each and every single one of them together himself. How can you blame him? Seriously? He promoted it because he knew what he was working on was a good product, he didn't know MadCatz QC/QA would screw up. How is that his fault? He didn't know, how could he of?[/QUOTE]

So do ppl basically go back to calling MC shite? Or due to the quality of the T.E, the S.E stick problem is to be excused? (not sure on what kind of scale they are having issues)

I knew it sounded too good to be true that MC quality had turned around. Luckily I ordered a T.E (Which I'm hoping they didn't spray with their suck gun) since all the parts are quality anyway.
[quote name='distgfx']It is MadCatz fault, they're the ones that are mass producing them. MarkMan designed the sticks and pads but he's not putting each and every single one of them together himself. How can you blame him? Seriously? He promoted it because he knew what he was working on was a good product, he didn't know MadCatz QC/QA would screw up. How is that his fault? He didn't know, how could he of?[/QUOTE]

And it's not his fault for promoting MadCatz's shit when he knew they had a horrible reputation? He designed it, he promoted it, he failed to test the shit after production. Don't you think it would be *wise* to test for defects if you want to build a better reputation?
[quote name='gokou36']And it's not his fault for promoting MadCatz's shit when he knew they had a horrible reputation? He designed it, he promoted it, he failed to test the shit after production. Don't you think it would be *wise* to test for defects if you want to build a better reputation?[/quote]

So he's going to test thousands of sticks by himself? Get real.

I'd think that these problems are just the result of a string of unfortunate occurrences for madcatz, and that anything else they will do in the future will be less problematic.

Time will tell though, I just think it'd be best to keep a positive outlook.
Thanks guys.

Anyone, back on topic.

The next wave of HRAP EX-SEs are shipping/going out soon from Hori, did anyone on here bite at all? I'm still waiting for mine to arrive as I love me some Seimitsu (remember how crazy I went when I got the HRAP: SE?)...

I wish T6BR was out already cuz I'd review that shit with that game ;(
[quote name='heavyd853']So he's going to test thousands of sticks by himself? Get real.

I'd think that these problems are just the result of a string of unfortunate occurrences for madcatz, and that anything else they will do in the future will be less problematic.

Time will tell though, I just think it'd be best to keep a positive outlook.[/QUOTE]

Did I say he had to test all of them? No I didn't. I guarantee he didn't even test ANY that were sent to retail. If he spent a week with just 1 then I'm sure he would've found the problem.

[quote name='MarkMan']Care to support your numbers with facts?

Also, I feel a lot of people living in the past are sleeping on these products.

Oh well. If they can't find them later on, that's their fault.

I don't blame anyone though who holds ill will towards the company.

I understand how it is to be burned.

Just know I put a lot of heart/time/effort into the Street Fighter IV line of products... If you can't tell already by the previews/impressions. I wasn't fuckin around.[/QUOTE]

I love how he called the other dude out about MadCatz having high failure rate. I guess we're back to the past right MarkMan?
I like this persistent troll style...

Spending lots of time digging for ammo...

I'm done with the thread for tonight, be back in the morning.
[quote name='MarkMan']I like this persistent troll style...

Spending lots of time digging for ammo...

I'm done with the thread for tonight, be back in the morning.[/QUOTE]

I like how you're responding to my posts after you say you're not replying here again to me, lie much? Yeah I'm not surprised after you banned me and denied in doing so.
I played Puzzle Bobble today at my local Billiards. Brought back some nostalgia. The Bat Top aint so bad, afterall. Dunno if I could use it for fighters since I've gotten used to a balltop square gate.
[quote name='zewone']I'm going to have a mod clean this up.

Stop trolling, post stalking across forums.

Markman is not Mad Catz customer support.[/QUOTE]

Still really rough but think you can see what I'm going for. On that note the store opens in five hours and I need some sleep.

Can i ask the thread a quick question?

I got a Hori Arcade Stick EX2 (360) a month ago and love it but find when i'm playing sf2hdr the buttons seem to mis-register. I.e. i push weak kick and she does weak punch. It happens very rarely but enough for me to notice that ChunLi did a Spinning Bird Kick instead of a Kikoken.

Is this common? Or have i got a dud? I know it's not an arcade perfect stick or anything.
I lied, one more post tonight. I have that same problem with my EX2 and think it's probably a fault of the stick itself. Oddly enough it's sually when I'm playing Chun.
Yeah, just be careful of the hand position you have when you are moving your fingers to a different button. It drives me insane when I'm doing a ROM with Magneto and then randomly a roundhouse will come out and ruin everything.

It's all about hand positioning!
Ohhhh.. ok cool. I wasn't aware of negative edging.

I'm actually still getting used to the stick as i learnt and always played street fighter with a dpad (genesis,psx and ps2). I wish i had known about the fightpad before buying the ex2. I used to be ace with ken/ryu but find their moves sets difficult with a stick, whereas charge characters are infinitely better for me with a stick.

I might be alright with some more practice.
[quote name='MarkMan']The next wave of HRAP EX-SEs are shipping/going out soon from Hori, did anyone on here bite at all? I'm still waiting for mine to arrive as I love me some Seimitsu (remember how crazy I went when I got the HRAP: SE?)...[/QUOTE]
Damn, I wish. Sticker shock drove me away. IF I could've afforded it, I would've though. :drool:

The SRK SFIV stick thread is a nasty nest of bitch ass trolls. Damn. It's like SFIV comes out, sticks come out, everyone turns into bitch ass pussies.
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