CAG BUZZ: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Wii) Giveaway! Multiple Winners! [LAST WEEK!]

1. I'll get this game since I am a 2-D fighting game fan in general.

2. I wouldn't say the gameplay is easy to begin with. This type of game will attract fans that have been a part of the series fanbase.

3. I haven't played many 2D fighters, let alone often. I only play them whgenever my friends bring one over since they are the more hardcore gamers.
1. Most definitly because of playing past Guilty Gears. I love the series for its crazy, over the top, and its metal sound track. Other 2D fighters out there can be very "cookie-cutter".

2. I dont think the gameplay is too obscure or much different thatn other 2D games. Haven't play a fighting game on the wii yet so no idea if the controller will make it difficult.

3. Having not played accent core, I'll just generalize. Guility Gear and Street Fighter are the top two 2D fighers (IMO), espically concerning its cast (althoght SF has waaaay to many fighters these days). The major difference is that Guility gear is alot more freash and current while SF is more of a nostalgic franchies. May change when SF 4 hits but for now, GG is best of todays 2D fighters.
1) Both. I love the past Guilty Gears and I enjoy most 2D fighters in general.
2) Well, in order to differentiate itself from the rest of the pack, Guilty Gear does have to offer some zaniness to the mix, but for the most part it's easy to get into but hard to master.
3) It's up there, the quality of the game is pretty top notch, though I personally prefer something with a bigger fan service and noticeable faces. That's why it'll never trump my all time favorite 2D fighting game: Marvel VS Capcom 2.
1. never played guilty gears but im sick of 3d fighters

2.these types of games are easy to get into but hard to master

3. street fighter is king hands down
1. Although Guilty Gear is a long running franchise, I have admittedly never played an entry in the series. So, of course, I wouldn't buy it due to an enamoration with past iterations. As a 2D fighting game fan, however, I am slightly interested in playing it. I don't play too many fighting games (I really only play Smash Bros), but I'd like to play a few of the popular fighting game series to see what I've been missing.

2. In my experience, fighting games are never really all that easy to get into, in the sense that a "seasoned veteran" of a fighting game usually finds every miniscule exploit in a game's engine in order to win, which could be pretty alienating to new players. In this case, I don't really know how favorable the experience is toward newcomers, since, well, you know, I haven't ever played it. >_> But I do know that its presentation shows obvious anime influence, which could be unappealing to those 2D fighting fans who are accustomed to slightly more western designs, like in Street Fighter.

3. Well, again, I can't fully answer this question. Though I have surmised through watching videos that its gameplay is much more akin to "traditional 2D fighters like Street Fighter than button combo heavy 3D fighters like Mortal Kombat, or party fighters like Super Smash Bros Melee, I don't have a very extensive knowledge of Guilty Gear's gameplay mechanics, or the gameplay mechanics of most 2D fighters for that matter.
1. yup i'd buy it, i loved GGXX and played that game a ton on my ps2. i never got into Isuka because i hated how you needed to press R1 or L1 to switch the side you were facing..

2. this game is pretty easy to get into if you're familiar with Capcom's VS games or SFA3 or any KOF game from SNK.

3. I'd say this game ranks pretty high on the 2D fighting game list since the group of characters are unique and the animation is superb. the fighting system is familiar and pretty deep.
Very cool! Thanks so much GameQuest! :whistle2:D I know lots of folks say this... but I never win anything! :whistle2:D

Perfect timing too... my friend who is addicted to fighting games is coming back to the States (from Japan, no less) so there's something new he can destroy me in. WOO~! :whistle2:D
1. I've played 2 or 3 Guilty Gears in the past, and it's probably one of my favorite 2D fighters that has stood the test of time. So I guess, I'd buy this one because of playing past ones.

2. These are extremely easy to pick up and play. Definitely a good series for people who just want to press a few buttons and perform exciting looking attacks.

3. While I don't think Guilty Gear is as technical as Street Fighter, I like the over-the-top characters and fast action. I'd probably rank Guilty Gear in 4th behind Marvel vs. Capcom, Street Fighter, and Mortal Kombat.
  1. Probably, the well refined fanbase is often an indicator of quality or at the very least it'll be fun to fans of the series.
  2. They've always been fairly easy to enjoy it's just the hyper competative people who play nothing but a single 2-d fighter game for years that drive people away.
  3. Guilty Gear is definitely up there, but i'd probably say it's behind Marvel vs. Capcom series in 2-d realm. Other than that there hasn't been much new development on the 2-d fighting front.
  1. I've actually never played a Guilty Gear game before. I have always liked 2-d fighters though.
  2. Yeah, I think these kinds of games are easy to get into. Sometimes you can get by just with button mashing, lol, but that's no fun. 2-d fighters are just good classic fun.
  3. I dunno, I've always really liked Street Fighter, but like I said, I haven't played a Guilty Gear game before. I really like the anime-ish style though.
  1. I was a big fan of the original Guilty Gear XX on PS2, and having played that, as well as both the Slash and Accent Core versions has already made me convinced to buy this game for myself.
  2. I wouldn't say it's a very EASY game to get into because of all the techniques the designers threw in (Faultless Defense, Roman Cancel, etc.), but it's not so complicated as to make it an elitist type of game you need so much skill to play.
  3. I don't think you can really compare this series to Street Fighter. It draws more from Samurai Shodown if you ask me, mixed in with tongue-in-cheek tomfoolery with an anime twist, nowhere near as formal as SS.
1. Yes, I would continue purchasing Guilty Gear games because the graphics and gameplay is fantastic. Also, there is an actual story to the game that is somewhat compelling to me. I would continue buying most 2D fighting games because I love fighters.

2. I don't feel these sorts of games are accessible or easy to master, but they are the most satisfying to play once I get good at playing it.

3. I would say GGXX:AC is below Street Fighter II and III. It's probably above Capcom VS SNK 1, but not part 2. It's a great game, but Capcom is still the one and only king.
1. I would buy this based on the fact that I am a fan of 2-D fighting games including this fanchise.

2. Easy to pick up hard to master.

3. For me one of the biggest draws for 2-D fighting games is the characters and Guilty Gear has some great ones.
1. I would purchase the game because I've played past iterations. My total experience with the series is limited, but I liked what I've played. 2D games must also be supported.

2. The heavy metal style Guilty Gear presents is pretty obscure. But, the controls are simple enough with none of the high-low stuff, and the button commands aren't as hard as other fighters.

3. I haven't played Accent Core, but as a series, I would rank Guilty Gear around Street Fighter's level. Personally, the Capcom vs. SNK and Marvel
vs. Capcom series are my top-tier 2D fighters.
:3 Is there still time to write a reply?

1. I'm actually a pretty new fan of Guilty Gear (got interested in it when XX was out), though I really enjoy 2-D fighting games. However, I'm not much of a competitive person, so I would get the game 'cause I'm a fan of the series.

2. It's easy to get into (a casual gamer with basic 2-D fighting knowledge can play pretty well), but it's extremely difficult to master; you have to know a lot not only about your own character you use, but who your opponent uses as well. Even if you pick a character that's considered high-tiered, your opponent can still defeat you if you have no idea what you're doing. Though it's pretty small, there's a highly competitive group for Guilty Gear Accent Core.

3.That's kinda hard to say for me, since I don't play a whole lot of 2-D fighting games. Plus, I'll be the first one to say that I have a terribly bias for Guilty Gear
  1. Having never played GG games in the past, I would personally purchase the game simply for the fact that it is a 2-D fighter.
  2. Seems it would be easy to get into. How can this type of game not be easy to get into? The screenshots look beautiful and the lure of using the wiimote - well there ya go.
  3. I would rank it just below the other 2-D Fighter series simply for the fact Guilty Gear isn't as well known a name as, say, Tekken. It has the potential to surpass other popular series - if more people would get past the anime-feel and give it a shot. We'll see how this release fares.
[quote name='CheapyD']
  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?
  2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?
  3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

1. I never really got into the 2-D fighting scene, but my interest is being piqued with some of the newers nowadays. I've heard many good things about the GG series, and would like to try it out.
2. With enough practice I'm sure anyone could play well, but some people can't or don't want to put in the investment.
3. I can't rank it against others due to my lack of experience.

On a side note, you can use a gamecube controller with this one, right?
1. Despite being a long running franchise, I never played any of the Guilty Gear games. I've seen them in stores and I always think about getting one but never do. I have played a bunch of other 2D fighters like Street Fighter and Darkstalkers, so I'd get buy this because I'm something of a 2D fighting fan.

2. The games are sort of easy to get into because you can play on lower levels using basic punches and kicks. But getting into harder modes is probably too obsure (or hard) for casual players to get used to.

3. I can't rank it because I never played a Guilty Gear....
1. I probably wouldn't purchase it outright. I'm more into Soul Caliber franchise. I would probably borrow it from a friend.

2. For me, this fighting game seems like aquired taste. I'm never really liked it for a particular reason.

3. Well, I never paid this newest guilty gear. So, I probably shouldn't rank it to the a street fighter game. That would just be wrong. Street Fighter (as series) seems easier to learn, I suppose.
1. Quite possibly. I have picked up various GG games in the past, when they dropped in price. Since I haven't played a 2D fighter in a while, I would be more willing to pick this one up.

2. The style and effects are kinda "out there" (crazy), but I think it's still easy enough to button-mash. A few friends bought a previous Guilty Gear game, and they had almost no previous experience with 2D fighters. They were still able to do decent combos and specials.

3. Higher. I love fighters (like GG) that don't have carbon-copy characters. And since I haven't played many GG games previously, the characters are still pretty fresh for me.

And, I love the music and announcer they use, when compared with other fighters.
  1. Mostly as someone who's heard great things about the franchise, but never really known when to jump in.
  2. I heard it's very very technical and hard to get into.
  3. Seems a bit under-represented, but I hear it's mostly due to how the community handles itself. I'd like to try it out for myself.
Omfg!!! I Won!! Thanks Gqd!!! Now I Wouldn't Have To Worry About Getting A Reprint Of This Game!!! Just Kidding!!! Thanks Again, And To Cheapy!!!!
[quote name='phear3d']Omfg!!! I Won!! Thanks Gqd!!! Now I Wouldn't Have To Worry About Getting A Reprint Of This Game!!! Just Kidding!!! Thanks Again, And To Cheapy!!!![/quote]

Haha! I got a PM too! Yay, lucky us. :lol:
  1. No I wouldn't if I wanted a guilty gear game I'd buy the one for PS2 or for the GBA.
  2. Yes its pretty easy to get into its easy to beat the game by button mashing but the cooler moves need skill.
  3. I would rank it high because the gameplays fun and I love the metal soundtrack.
1. 2D fighting fan
2. It's easy to get started, but it takes a while to master.
3. It's probably one of the better ones, I've always liked the way the gameplay felt better than most.
  1. I've played Guilty Gear XX#Reload, and loved it. It's probably my favorite 2D fighter, so I'm itchin' to play the latest game in the series.
  2. I love quirky things, and the strange characters and cel-shaded anime style visuals are right up my alley. I mean, what other game can you play as a cross-dressing boy that fights with a yo-yo, vs a pirate girl who fights with a giant anchor? None. Thats why GG is so awesome :D
  3. To be honest, I hate Street Fighter, they're slow games and not even their turbo modes give me the thrill I have when I play games like Guilty Gear or Melty Blood.
1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

Definitely. I love the GG series. The art and character design are top-notch.

2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

The style may be too obscure. Fighting games in general though are pretty easy to pick up and play. GG isn't an exception.

3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

Probably lower than SF. Street Fighter has been a long running series so, for the fact that the combos are usually familiar right off the bat, SF has the edge. I own GGX and GGX2 and, while they are easy to pick up and play, they are a lot different than SF.
  1. For me it would be both. I've only played one Guilty Gear game before, but I thouroughly enjoyed it. I'm a huge fan of 2d fighters (even though I suck at them).
  2. Because of its awesome characters and unique combat, I think that it is fairly easy to get into. However, like any fighting game, it is hard to master.
  3. I think that Guilty Gear has more interesting environments and characters, so I'd give it a slight edge.
1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

I'm a huge fan of the series--the style, depth, and challenge are bascally unmatched among 2d fighters.

2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

I think it's a little tough. I always have my friends learn against the AI, rather than trying to teach them by battling them myself.

3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

It's actually my favorite 2d series. Partly due to the complexity, and partly due to the wonderful style.
1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

I usually don't play fighters, but I'll give a GG game a run now and then. I enjoy those crazy characters.

2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

I think it's easy enough to play. I suck at fighters, yet I can hold out on GG for a while. Now - put me against a fighting whiz, and I'll get clobbered quick.

3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

I'd put it towards the top. The characters make it for me. It's right up there with DOA.
1. Id buy it, ive never been dissapointed with any of my GG purchaces in the past, so i dont see how this would be different.
2. I think this series defies logic,some characters are easy for a begiiner to use but then there are some characters that take alot of time to master but when you do it pays off in kind.
3. I would rank it just below Street Fighter and King of Fighters
1. Yes, I would purchase this game. I played Judgment for PSP and played Guilty Gear X2 on the PS2.

2. At first I laughed at my friend when he played it, but after trying it out. It's one of my top favorite fighting games.

3. I would definitely rank this game higher than most others. Than again I only focused my attention on Guilty Gear and not the others that I have seen in my school's arcade.
1. Not really, I'm not a huge 2D Fighting fan although I do enjoy them. I might buy it automatically if it was another Marvel vs. Capcom or something...

2. It's pretty easy to get into, there are complications that make the games deep without being too hard to learn

3. I haven't played it, so I don't know how to rank it. I loves me some Street Fighter so that ranks high anyway.
  1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?
  2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?
  3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.
1. I would buy the game due to both. I am a huge fan of 2D fighters, and have played GGX, GGXX, and GGXX#R

2. More so than most other 2D fighters, the GG series is challenging for newcomers to pick up. High-level play entails elaborate combos, and there are all sorts of odd techniques and systems present in the game.

3. I feel that while GG is fun, it really boils down to preference. I myself prefer street fighter as it is more of a give-and-take game. GG, on the other hand, is about turning every hit into a 10+ hit combo, which in turn increases the learning curve.
1. I would purchase the game due to being a fan of 2-D fighting games in general... But Guilty Gear is one of my favorite fighting franchises, so I'd purchase it for both reasons.

2. In some ways, GG is tougher to get into due to its complexity, but I think casual fans enjoy it too due to its character design.

3. I'd probably give the edge to Guilty Gear, since it has more interesting character design, but it's very close.
1.I would purchase this guilty gear based on past guilty gear games mainly because its the best 2d fighter around

2.I feel that this game is for certain people only, there are a lot of hardcore players that kinda weed out other players.

3.I would rank the series above street figher mainly because of its speed and combo system which I find superior.
1.) Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

As a 2d fighting game fan I would buy it and through past iterations I would buy it but it hasn't evolved enough in the past 10 years and as each iteration comes out I find less and less interest in the game due to the minor updates per each release.

2.) Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

The gameplay is actually more user friendly than a Street Fighter or King of Fighter game in my opinion. The character designs and storylines are what make the game a bit off setting to the casual player but the graphics are usually really sharp and eye catching.

3.) If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

Compared to other top 2-D fighters, I would rank the Guilty Gear franshise at 3rd over all with Street Fighter being first and King of Fighters being second. I don't feel GG is as balanced as those two and is far less techincal than both but graphically superior to both.
1. I would buy it as a 2-D fighting player in general
2. Guilty Gear seems quite crazy so it might take some to adjust
3. I would rank them lower than SF. The characters are quite insane
1. Yes, although I will most likely end up purchasing the PS2 version as I can't imagine a fighting game playing particularly well with the Wii controller. I have most of the previous iterations of Guilty Gear and I think there is enough variety between them to make each one a good purchase as a 2D fighting fan.

2. I think anyone who has ever played a 2D fighter will find it easy to get into the Guilty Gear series. It doesn't require as much practice and strategy as some of the Capcom 2D fighters, making it more comparable to an SNK series like King of Fighters. The vibrancy of the graphics make it more appealing to casual arcade gamers, although the story lines tend to be a bit convoluted which may make it less attractive to anyone but fighting fans.

3. I'd rank it somewhere in the middle. I like it better than some of the lesser known or older SNK 2D series, but less than most of the Capcom 2D fighters. I feel like some of the characters were a bit forced and in some ways intentionally made very obscure so nobody would accuse them of ripping off Capcom or SNK characters. I like that it feels faster than most Capcom or SNK 2D fighters, but it's still a frame buffer fighter at heart, so there will always be a split second delay before the on-screen action catches up.
1. I would buy it because it's a 2D fighter.

2. Well, I think if you're good at any 2D fighters, you should be good at this.

3. I would rank it near the middle, I guess. It's not bad, it's not great.
1) The Guilty Gear games have a history of being innovative. I own Guilty Gear, X2, and Isuka. While Isuka was a hit or miss affair, Guilty Gear and X2 were very enjoyable. I think trying to do something different with 2-D and the underlying quality of the series keeps people coming out after playing a game in the series.
2) There is always a place for this style of game. They work on several levels. The Guilty Gear series may not be accessible as Street Fighter, but it does take over the void left by the Marvel vs games after Capcom lost the license.
3) I do believe the Street Fighter series is the king of the hill, but that is also because Street Fighter has a longer time to refine itself. Guilty Gear stands tall with the SNK flagship fighters, such as KOF and Guilty Gear X2 was just as good, if not better that Mark of Wolves, which may be SNK's best overall fighting game. 3rd Strike is just and insanely hard game to top, and I think a Guilty Gear game has just as good as a chance as Street Fighter IV to be the new King of the Hill.
1. I like the GG series (I own all of them), but would not pay $40 for the new game.

2. GG is one of those series that is easy to pick up and play, but tough to master. However, a new player can still be able to beat an experienced one every now and then thanks to the one hit kills and easy to perform special attacks.

3. Streetfigher, KOF, and Samurai Showdown still best the GG series. GG has the potential to best all of the other fighters, but it just does not offer major improvements from sequel to sequel. I would not mind this if they did not want to charge full price $40 for the game. However, in order to reach the top, they need to include more characters, promote the game more, $30 price point, and try to take the series online for all systems.
1) I'd probably buy it based on the fact that I enjoyed the original Guilty Gear XX but I've never played any of the other games in the series. I'm not sure if I'd pay full price though.

2) The game is easy enough to pick up and play but mastering it is something I'd definitely classify as a hardcore feat.

3) I'd rank Guilty Gear high up because it's not only a great fighter but it's also completely off the wall and I'm a big fan of insane game elements (a rock and roll witch, an abnormally tall doctor with a bag over his head, an anchor-wielding pirate with a hatred of bald people, etc.).
1. My experience with Guilty Gear is very limited, but as a 2D fighting fan, I've been looking for something new to play. Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Capcom vs. SNK 2, King of Fighters 99 and Street Fighter 3: Third Strike are starting to get a little old.

2. From the little I've played, it seems as though if you jump right in, you should be able to rack up some combos and have a lot of fun. But at the same time, from all the advanced strategies I've read or heard about, there is a lot of depth to be revealed if you plan on spending a lot of time with it.

3. Having not played GGXXAC, I can't rank it. I can say the GG series lacks the name recognition that Capcom and SNK fighting games have. I also think that the GG series is beautiful to look at.
1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

I've never bought a Guilty Gear game, but because I've enjoyed other 2D fighting games, I've been on the lookout for deals for any of the series.

2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

I think 2D fighters can be a little intimidating to newcomers. It's not something that's easy to get other people to play with me.

3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

I have no personal experience with Guilty Gear.
1. I would defenitely Buy it since i love fighting games in general and GG is no joke when it comes to fun and addicting gameplay!

2. There are tons of moves in this game and although not hard to get used to, it can be challenging to master. It fits well to casual and Hardcore gamers alike!

3. If i were to compare it to other fighting games, i would say that its not the most in depth like other fighters or as challenging such as SF3 but its defenitely a great game.

Pros: Great character design, cool moves and great grafix, awesome music!
Cons: Not alof of variety in characters, too short and not evolutionary.
01 - i'd purchase it as a 2d fighting game fan.

02 - i think it is hard to get into mostly because of it's visual style. the masses love their 3d graphics, so a 2d fighter has an uphill battle.

03 - overall, street fighter is probably the better game, but it suffers from being too familiar, so another franchise in this genre makes for a nice change every once in a while.
[FONT=&quot]1. I would purchase it from the past games. All of them was good to great games.

2. It is really easy to get into. As far as learning the moves that is sort of hard.

3.It is quite different compared to street fighter. I mean street fighter is a classic. While guilty gear is a great fighter. I don’t think it is at the level as street fighter was or is.[/FONT]
1. Guilty Gear has been a long running franchise for the past (10+) years, would you purchase the game due to playing past iterations or as a 2-D fighting game fan in general?

A little bit of both. I've loved the series since I first played it on Dreamcast so I usually pick up the latest version - I also happen to love 2D fighters. I'm alittle put off by the lack of good controller options for Wii (stick only please) but may get the HORI stick if i see more fighting game support on the Wii.

2. Do you feel this sort of fighting game is pretty easy to get into or is its style and gameplay too obscure?

Guilty Gear has always felt like the DOA of 2d fighters. It's pretty accessible for beginners, but really opens up when you spend some serious time with the series.

3. If you were to compare Guilty Gear XX Accent Core with Street Fighter, or other 2-D fighters out there, how would you rank it? Feel free to post pros and cons of the game as well.

If Street Fighter Third Strike and Marvel SH vs Street Fighter were a 10 (and they are) Guilty Gear would be a 7. It's a series that opened peoples eyes on how beautiful 2d games can look, but lacks that extra layer of depth that a game like Third Strike or Mark of the Wolves has. Basically, if the gameplay of Third Strike and graphics of Guilty Gear were to have a baby, it would probably be one of the greatest fighters ever to roam this planet.
bread's done