CAG Fighter Thread XL (40) - SSF2T HD RMX / SF IV / SC IV / TKN 6 / BB / GG XXX / OMG

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What the fuck? Status Quo is safe until next week? Those nukkas suck...

I did catch up on older episodes of America's Best Dance Krew, but I mighta missed some of the groups in my scouring of Youtube.... but Status Quo just... sucks. Wow.
[quote name='MarkMan']

mmm tasty[/QUOTE]
Those pics of KOFXII look mighty nice. I'll even go out on a limb and say they're better looking than SFIV. Gimmie more SNK/P
[quote name='Rodimus']Those pics of KOFXII look mighty nice. I'll even go out on a limb and say they're better looking than SFIV. Gimmie more SNK/P[/QUOTE]

agreed 200%

Terry looks fucking amazing.
I'm really wanting to see KOF XII in action... as in, a high resolution video of it. It looks awesome in still pics, but if the animation's there, too, it'll be god-like.
[quote name='MarkMan']The event is primarily a Soul Calibur IV event... but not to me... ^_^[/quote]

Bring a Soul Calibur fan so we can get our fill of both sides of the Namco coin. ;)
Totally random here, but damn, I forgot how sad and moving Wang Jinrei's ending in Tekken 5 was... it always gets me.

Probably the only other ending that was that sad for me was Li Long's ending in Soul Edge.
[quote name='Chacrana']What the fuck? Status Quo is safe until next week? Those nukkas suck...

I did catch up on older episodes of America's Best Dance Krew, but I mighta missed some of the groups in my scouring of Youtube.... but Status Quo just... sucks. Wow.[/QUOTE]yeay man the internet is on fire right now!!

their locking was terrible!! I've seen much better locking, like MUCH better... and that shyt still got crap talked about it.

anyways jus make sure to vote for Jabba, SQ may still win if the show is indeed rigged but voting gives u the right to bitch!
KOF XII looks and sounds so awesome. I cannot wait. It needs Rock and Tizoc, then I'll be happy.

It seems that almost everyone here is getting SCIV for PS3. So I'm going to follow the crowd. Besides, Vader > Yoda.
[quote name='MarkMan']KOF XII will be on PS3 and 360, it will have online play too.[/quote]
Sweet. Hopefully they'll have lobbies so we can have KOFXII gaming nights and I can get destroyed.

I'd imagine I'll pick it up for the PS3, but we'll see.
[quote name='Azumangaman']Sweet. Hopefully they'll have lobbies so we can have KOFXII gaming nights and I can get destroyed.

I'd imagine I'll pick it up for the PS3, but we'll see.[/QUOTE]

Mayng, when you pick up seemingly any good arcade game, you're gonna suck at it for a while. The only reason that people here can pick up a fighting game and play semi-skillfully is because we've played so damn many of them that it's second nature.
[quote name='Chacrana']Mayng, when you pick up seemingly any good arcade game, you're gonna suck at it for a while. The only reason that people here can pick up a fighting game and play semi-skillfully is because we've played so damn many of them that it's second nature.[/QUOTE]

QFT. I remember when a friend asked me how I remember all of the moves in fighters. I told him that, with a few exeptions, all moves use similar commands. Once you know the commands, you can figure out most characters' moves. Then it's all about what moves you're doing and their properties. That's the tricky part.

And button mashing = victory, especially in VF5. PPPK all day. ;)
Oh god I can't wait to see K''s (is that right? heh) sprite, oooh and Rocks too!

Assuming they're in it anyways.
SC IV and KoF XII on PS3 for me.

My puppy chewed through the cord on my only 360 arcade stick while I still have converters to use PS2 controllers on that triple.

In related news, does anyone want a miniature pinscher? He's adorable in a tiny, engine of relentless destruction sort of way.
[quote name='Chacrana']Mayng, when you pick up seemingly any good arcade game, you're gonna suck at it for a while. The only reason that people here can pick up a fighting game and play semi-skillfully is because we've played so damn many of them that it's second nature.[/quote]
This is true. Very true. I think I'll play some KOFXI today actually...
[quote name='MarkMan']KOF XII will be on PS3 and 360, it will have online play too.[/QUOTE]

Time for me to get a 360 stick.
Oh, that's right. I forgot about the 360 d-pad. And I don't have a Triple, either. T_T

Time to start practicing on an arcade stick, then.
[quote name='MarkMan']KOF XII will be on PS3 and 360, it will have online play too.[/QUOTE]Whoa nice! I kinda glossed over a lot of the KoFXII talk, assuming it was just an import PS2 title. They must not be messing around if they're seriously gonna get a 2D fighter on next-gen system! Will that just be as an import or is there a USA release confirmed too?
Wow... I've played alot of matches tonight as dragunov and I don't suck as much as I use to. I think it's partially due to the opponents I had not really knowing what dragunov is capable of.

ayo in this episode of why doesnt JEKKI got a 360 or dat PS triple,

I jus placed my order for that Balrog v Vega shirt,

spent ~$64 to get a yellow one + blue Type or Die.

now I'm contemplating another $30 on this:

these shirts definitely make up for the $160 I saved last weekend coz the damn store was sold out of jeans in my size
It's nice to see Sagat getting serious rebalancing issues for Remix.

As for KoFXII, nice to see online play confirmed for next gen. TRIEU's post over at S-C mentions a few people coming back to KoF but everyone went up in arms at Keith from the Power Instinct universe as a character for KoFXII. I didn't really care for the mechanics in Matrimelee and RotD but it was still lots of fun and I'm more than hoping more people from that universe show up.
Unfortunately the mention of a clash system kinda bummed me at first because I LOVE me some priority games but I'll still hold off on final judgment when I see how the attacks cancel in terms of strength, multi-hit, etc. From what was said though, it seems like they want to make it as kind of KoF's parry system.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']
It seems that almost everyone here is getting SCIV for PS3. So I'm going to follow the crowd. Besides, Vader > Yoda.[/QUOTE]

...and PS2 (converter) stick support.

None of my fighting games are on Xbox or 360, not about to buy a brand new 'cade stick for one game :)

KOFXII on PS3 it is for me. PS3 or 360 for fighting games is too easy of a decision.
[quote name='Chacrana']Markman, have you actually gotten a chance to play Tekken 6 yet?[/quote]

Nope... I'm trying to pick out which day this week to call in sick... I don't want to go while it's busy so I'm trying to feel for a day that isn't busy(for the arcade)... So I'll be playing from like 9 AM until 12 midnight... Sounds fun yea?

RR: Here's the newest buff Drag vid I've seen...

clean d/b+3, CC, d+2, WS+4, d+4,3 = AWESOME

Better start practicing your iWR+2s!!! (that crazy move that looks like Bryan's b+1 and bounces them all vicious like)....

I might be late/might not join in on the CAG Tekken 5 DR ONLINE room tonight... still out with family celebratin for my mom's bday.
damn, peepz is crazy with their dash cancelling / backdash cancelling.

i never got the hang of that. or blocking out of it. it's pretty sad.
ayo it's easter!


u kno what that mean??

it means like every major holiday I end up going to the arcade...

I havent been since christmas tho (coz I moved) and apparently I forgot how to play 3rd Strike...

it's like... the f word u kno?? fuck! it's like that!

[quote name='MarkMan']

Korean tier list info and videos from the first ever North American Tekken 6 tournament.

Biggest jump in the tiers from T5DR? Dragunov!!!![/QUOTE]whaaaaat?!?! Hoes up G's down, Snoop Dogg is in the back crying now...
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']It's really weird because my friends and I were talking about this on friday... so odd:

I still say that smash would be such a put down game if the entire cast were original and non-franchise characters.[/quote]
that would be like saying that doa xbv would be a terrible game if the entire cast was male. it's just a part of the game so why try to figure out what would happen if it didn't exist?

i'm liking brawl but then again i'm a strictly multiplayer person and playing with my brothers 1v1 style has been a lot of fun. it might not be as deep as melee, but melee didn't get really deep until 4-5 years after it came out. again, it's like stepping from sf2: hf to ssf2 or from tekken tag to tekken 4. maybe it'll be good. maybe it won't.

i didn't play sse. i don't have to. i don't play any of the events, don't care about home run contest or any of that. and i'm still having a lot of fun with it.

then there's sf3. sf3 brought back ryu, ken, and akuma. that's it, and a bunch of "generics" at the time. when i grew up, i didn't know anyone that cared for sf3 'cause of that, all of my gamer friends fled to alpha because it had a more recognized cast. until 3rd strike came out and we lost to japan in it in evo, then it started gaining ground. and then after daigo parry, it became more popular here from an FG perspective. but you still won't find people on the street who know who oro and yang and urien are, but who can readily identify zangief, blanka and the rest of the sf2 cast. and i'd wager that there are a lot of people who would play 3S over ST so should you really care about review scores?
[quote name='gunm']Everyone's prolly seen this already, but:

Silly, over the top, and waayyy too long.

But interesting for a little while and pretty well done--the guy is getting better.

Needs more lesbo love scenes. But not really.

no offense, but I personally can't stand this guys work... it's really impressive and alot of hours went into it, but I just don't enjoy it. I'm just really getting tired of "anime super fighting"... I'm slowly enjoying more rough fights that are a bit more real.
No, no--none taken. I actually agree with the hate-on. It's technically impressive and all, but he drags it on for soooo freaking long it becomes irritating very quickly. Only reason I posted was because it's sort of fighting game related.

Too bad because he seems to be getting better at the technical stuff.
hey markman!
i was browsing because for some reason, googling for "kainzero " puts my kainzero.sdtekken yuku at the very top of the results...

and on the right sidebar it says... supports leah dizon's music.

are you serious?


baby please fall in love ima tokimeite~
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