CAG Forza Motor Club: ITS ALIVE!!!

[quote name='red flare graf']I use the Evo VIII GSR. It's a good middle-car. In an 8 person race I usually come in 3rd or 4th. I don't like just using the fastest car, I gotta use a car I like. As long as I'm not 7th or 8th, I'm cool.

What car class do you guys mainly race with in the club?[/QUOTE]

Basically its more of a who sets up determines what we race. Ive missed the last few meets so I dont know if more structure happens now but Ive not seen mention of it so I assume not.

If anyone has a request or idea Im sure the club would consider it.
What exactly is the status of the motorclub? Cheapy told me things weren't very organized (may not be his exact words) when I raced him the other day, and I have been with my girlfriend or sleeping in after being up the whole night before every Sunday since getting the game, so I haven't really been around to find out what's up for myself.
[quote name='Matt Young']What exactly is the status of the motorclub? Cheapy told me things weren't very organized (may not be his exact words) when I raced him the other day, and I have been with my girlfriend or sleeping in after being up the whole night before every Sunday since getting the game, so I haven't really been around to find out what's up for myself.[/QUOTE]

Cheapy was correct. We arent organized. Fact is, we never were. The trouble you have is the same with many Live! groups at CAG. Halo is king, the rest come a very far off second. (its not bad, just makes it hard for other groups to survive)

Another thing is, Forza isnt really structured like a lot of the other games. Participation is always voluntary unless we start cracking some skulls manually kicking people out.

Also, communication and enrollment has gotten really lame lately. I havent added anybody new in weeks and Ive not heard Cheapy,SteveMcQ or anybody else having done so either. Its the nature of games. Its now no longer the new hotness so a lot of the less dedicated are done with it.

The way I see it, we have about 5 to 10 hardcore clubmen. They are the ones who post in the thread, try to generate interest, and set meets, if any. Trouble is, they arent getting much attendence so banging the drums to get more people involved feels a bit pointless. (who can blame them?)

So basically, the club is what you make of it for yourself. It can be as little as a forza-centric buddy list or it can be your weekly Forza fix. If you want things more active, check and post in the thread, get some buzz generated, and it will pick up.
That's the thing... I've sent invites and I do want to play, but as you and others know, Mike, I've been more than a bit preoccupied lately. If we had a set time every week to race, then more of us could probably make it.
I won't be able to play very much, either. I live in a house with three other people my age and it's just loud in here, I can't really sit down and get "in the zone". In about a month though, I'll be able to play like crazy. Though I'm sure the club will have gone even farther downhill by then. :/

But this is the only Live game I play, so most of my gaming time has been going to it.
im still fiddling around with the career, so sometimes im just on live, but playing career. I played with a few other guys earlier that are in the club, but we also are a halo clan, so that might have something to do with it
Yeah, it's been pretty quiet the last half of the month. Before that, I'd be in games with Cheapy, JimmieMac, Jake and a few others from the Halo clan. Lately, I'll be lucky to actually see more than two people on my FL and CL on the game.

I sent Club Invites to both mtimisone and Murc so they're now in and those two are the only ones I tend to see on now. I'm actually on quite a bit more than it shows. Not seeing anyone on though, I just choose to appear offline. I spent nearly 3 hours yesterday creating paintjobs for some cars.

If we were to set up some race times, I suggest the lower classes. I know a few of you have only started in the Career mode and don't have the higher-class cars available in your garage.

I guess the game just doesn't quite have the hold that Halo does.
Theres actually a few other reasons why Forza online isnt as much of a draw as it should be. And this is even to us diehards, not just the average joe.

The big problem (for the devoted) is its often not in your best interest to run online.

While the credit amounts are double, the stakes are at least double as well (depending on the skill of the group) I think most of us can hold our own against the AI enough to get some credit out of any race we run, but against good human players (of which our club has several) many of us wouldnt fair so well.

Adding to this is the 30sec time limit. Its quite easy for an average racer to fall behind 30secs or more on a 5+ lap race. So, this means you can run for 15 minutes and not make a dime because of the DNF. I understand why it was put into place but I can see why the less experenced stick to the offline mode. Rarely do you get ZERO for your efforts.

You see and thereby have to use the same cars over and over. If I NEVER see another CRX I would be a happy man. Sure I can pick another car but at the cost of credits and being able to actually compete. No fun being the cowboy who brings a knife to the gunfight.

A lot of downtime. Even in our group theres a lot of lagging when it comes to actually getting a race going. On good days the host has everything set up and ready to roll but even still you got 3-5 people tweaking,adjusting,deciding,etc. I didnt come online to wait, I came to race.

Some really miserable drivers. Im average I suppose, maybe a little better, so I cant say much but DAMN I cant stand people who plow into me. I want to earn my loss, not have it handed to me. Way too many people are trying to bumper car for the win and its making things really ugly.

Ive thought about different solutions to these problems but I dont know how effective theyd be and even if theyd get people reinterested. Im definately guilty of chosing the OFFline vs. the ONline just because the online usually is a waste of what little gametime Ive had lately. I probably wouldnt be such a credit whore if I werent trying to do 4 full profiles (3 regions, 1 drivatar only) but Im a psycho so it must be done! :lol:
I understand what you mean with the credits situation online. I'm past the point where I'm actually trying to get credits. Now it's just about trying out different cars against other players. I'm not really interested in winning races anymore either. I've got all the cars I want and enough credits to get a few more on top of that.

That said, the online racing just feels more dull with other opponents as opposed to other CAGs. The constant chatter about this and that really adds to the game. You kind of miss out on that without a headset though.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']I understand what you mean with the credits situation online. I'm past the point where I'm actually trying to get credits. Now it's just about trying out different cars against other players. I'm not really interested in winning races anymore either. I've got all the cars I want and enough credits to get a few more on top of that.

That said, the online racing just feels more dull with other opponents as opposed to other CAGs. The constant chatter about this and that really adds to the game. You kind of miss out on that without a headset though.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I get to hear you guys ramble on, I just cant join in the fray. ;-)

Honestly though, Im a bit weird. I get pretty serious when it comes to games so I dont like background stuff. I either turn everybody off completely or jack up the game sounds to help me focus on my shift timings, wheel friction, etc.

As far as the credit thing, yeah, Im hoping to get to that point too soon. Trouble is I havent played much since my now ex-fiance threw a rod in her brain. Im coming back around though.

Back on point though, credits tend to be an issue for most of us so the less chance we have at making them, the less likely we are to race online. Id love to figure out some decent compromises but a lot of it is just built in stuff.
That's another thing about playing with our group. I know if I'm in the lead and see a bunch of you guys way back, I'll offer to stop at the line and wait up. Random people just blast right through since it really doesn't affect them.
Speaking of newfound loves, I gotta say I am totally digging the endurance races. Besides paying off handsomly, they also have improved my skills quite a bit. I was always focused on the next venue rather than the current so I hadnt learned the tracks as I should. Now with the endures, Im really getting a feel for them.

My only gripe is I wish there were more of them with more variety. Either that or just someway to set up a DIY kinda race where you can make decent coin after completion. I hate like hell running 10 or so laps to learn a course and not getting a single credit to show for it.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']That's another thing about playing with our group. I know if I'm in the lead and see a bunch of you guys way back, I'll offer to stop at the line and wait up. Random people just blast right through since it really doesn't affect them.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, thats very cool of guys to do but its really hard to police. I just wish there was some way to Nascar rules it (go by current positions when the race is stopped early)

I would LOVE to run a big endurance race online but it would totally suck for anyone who didnt make it in the 30 sec time frame. Plus I think few have the patience for it (I love them since I get $$$ and learn the track at the same time)
Let's set up an endurance race sometime this week for CAGs only. I'm sure there's a few of them willing to do a 20 or so minute race with the promise of lots of credits. I'd be up for it. We could at least be sure that the front-runners can slow up at the end to let everyone finish.

Keep it in the D or C class though so more people can participate. Maybe sometime towards the end of the week so if you don't have a car, you can earn credit to get one by race day.

I'll be on from 4-6pm CST today if anyone's willing to race a few. Just set up a room and send me an invite. I'm just gonna make some paintjobs for my cars.
[quote name='stocker08']I just got Forza! DAMN! Its hard as hell but it makes up for it by being tight as hell.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much sums up the whole Forza experence. It IS hard. It WILL cause you pain. And there is a good chance you just may CRY. But, in the end, the blood, sweat and tears are worth it. Only if you commit to it though, will you come to understand this.
[quote name='supadupacheap'][quote name='Kayden']Does the fuckin computer cheat? They break from 100 to 40 in 5 feet, take 90 degree turns at 70 and never skid in a turn.

I can't even follow the damn green line. I've tried with a wheel and a controller, and when I make the slightest turn on a gentle curve, I oversteer and nail the damn inner wall. However, if I try and turn the wheel hard, I make a stait line into the goddamned outter wall. If I'm to make a turn successfully, I need to start slowing down about 1/4 a mile before hand because if I try and later, taping my breaks makes me lose control.

Say I'm doing 95 and the computer behind me is doing 90 and where coming up to a turn. I take off the gas and coast to the turn (90-85) and the cpu starts gaining. I start hitting the break just before the turn and my tires lock up and I start skidding at about 50. The CPU flies by me doing about 70 and has no problems.

I finished a race once in first place, but someone hit me and gave me a whole 1 second penalty which put me last in rankings.

Am I just retarded? Is there a secret? I'm having this trouble with level 0 races. If I drove in real life like I do in this game... I think I'd be dead a few times. I think my main problem is I can't feel anything. Its hard to play with a really realistic sim when it only reacts to you and you can't react to it. I can drive 90 downtown in a 45 because I can feel how the car reacts. In Forza its just a really pretty picture.[/QUOTE]Need more info.

Which car are you driving?

Which course?

Level = ?

I wouldnt say the computer cheats per se. My only beef is it has a nasty habit of pulling away if it gets the lead (although I *may* be pushing to hard to catch up actually slowing myself down)

On the lower levels, its often a case that the car behind you isnt able to break more than you, hes misjudged the corner and will overshoot it. This is why I take weird ass lines on anything low since there are a bunch of monkey drivers behind me.

Again, give me more info, Ill test it myseld and see what I see.


P.s Also post it in here. Thats where our best racers discuss stuff.[/QUOTE]

I'm driving the 1998 Eagal Talon. I'm 200cr short of level 2, I did manage to take first on 2 races. How are you supposed to take that double right turn in NY2? I slow down and turn as light as I can and I fly into the inner wall... I can't do gradual turns for some reason. I turn as little as I can and I still wind up over turning. I let up for a second and then I wind up underturning... Very frustrating
I'm having the same problems with the 2005 mustang in arcade mode... I'm guessing I just don't know how to drive...
[quote name='Kayden']I'm driving the 1998 Eagal Talon. I'm 200cr short of level 2, I did manage to take first on 2 races. How are you supposed to take that double right turn in NY2? I slow down and turn as light as I can and I fly into the inner wall... I can't do gradual turns for some reason. I turn as little as I can and I still wind up over turning. I let up for a second and then I wind up underturning... Very frustrating[/QUOTE]
Can you hop on sometime today? I wanna actually see what's happening.

Sounds to me like it's all a matter of throttle and brake control. It's either you brake too much and lose speed (so they shoot past you), but the thing is that you shouldn't be slamming into the inner wall if that was the case, unless you're mashing on the gas once you think you've cleared.

Or, you're still going too fast, feed it too much gas coming out of the turn and skid yourself into that wall.

Just be sure to alternate your brake and throttle. First time I played, I noticed I don't actually hold off the gas at turns, but just squeeze the brakes. Let off the gas as you balance it with braking. Kind of like a clutch and throttle.

Yeah, the Mustang's a beast for starters. Stay away from RWD cars if you can. You really have to ease onto the throttle and wait 'till the car's perfectly straight (for the most part) to apply some gas or you'll spin your tires or spin out completely.
[quote name='Kayden']I'm having the same problems with the 2005 mustang in arcade mode... I'm guessing I just don't know how to drive...[/QUOTE]

Both heavier and RWD cars. Again try out a FWD car you'll like it.
[quote name='Kayden']I'm having the same problems with the 2005 mustang in arcade mode... I'm guessing I just don't know how to drive...[/QUOTE]

I gotta say that one of Forzas flaws is it overdoes FE RWD cars. They slide out WAY too easy. It ticks me off because I like to play straight up (no Differential tweaking) but its a real pain to (especially the stingray vette)

If your pride will let you, try a AWD or FF car. Handle much better.
[quote name='supadupacheap']I gotta say that one of Forzas flaws is it overdoes FE RWD cars. They slide out WAY too easy. It ticks me off because I like to play straight up (no Differential tweaking) but its a real pain to (especially the stingray vette)

If your pride will let you, try a AWD or FF car. Handle much better.[/QUOTE]
You're tellin' me...the Stingray is by far the worst of the bunch. That Classics race was a pain in the bunch.

If you switch to FWD, be sure to brake early and smooth. The last thing you want to do is lock up the tires lest you dive straight into the wall ahead.
[quote name='danny-o']Are you guys still going to do an endurance? PM me with a date and time.[/QUOTE]
Anyone up for a race this afternoon? I'm up for it...say around 4pmEST? Endurance would only take 20-30minutes depending on class.
Im working today and going to a bbq tonight. I can play pretty much any morning or evening over the week though. I really wanna do an endurance.
Oh well...was hoping to get a race in before the food starts cooking up and I have to leave. Anyway, I hope Forza's still active in a month. See you all then.
I would get on, but I dont have live... I got it a few months ago to get the Huricane pack and then I never went on again...

[quote name='SteveMcQ']Can you hop on sometime today? I wanna actually see what's happening.

Sounds to me like it's all a matter of throttle and brake control. It's either you brake too much and lose speed (so they shoot past you), but the thing is that you shouldn't be slamming into the inner wall if that was the case, unless you're mashing on the gas once you think you've cleared.

Or, you're still going too fast, feed it too much gas coming out of the turn and skid yourself into that wall.

Just be sure to alternate your brake and throttle. First time I played, I noticed I don't actually hold off the gas at turns, but just squeeze the brakes. Let off the gas as you balance it with braking. Kind of like a clutch and throttle.

Yeah, the Mustang's a beast for starters. Stay away from RWD cars if you can. You really have to ease onto the throttle and wait 'till the car's perfectly straight (for the most part) to apply some gas or you'll spin your tires or spin out completely.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Kayden']I would get on, but I dont have live... I got it a few months ago to get the Huricane pack and then I never went on again...[/QUOTE]
Well, in that case just try the suggestions here. Stick with the FWD cars at first and the 4WDs when you can afford them.

Just remember that you'll have to brake, before turning (in most cases) on the FWDs. At least coming from a high speed straight. You definitely don't want to lock up in these things.
My real car is FWD. I've done 90 through 2 feet of snow (fun :mrgreen: ) So I guess The smart move would to use a car I actually drive...
I found a 2 month code in my Halo 2... Im kayden96 if you want to hit me up.
Can someone invite me to the motorclub? :bouncy:

I got the RSX and I'm really pounding CPU ass. I'm level 5 now.
Just read Forza sold 192kish for the month of May, I don't know the sales for June yet. This is good news btw, as Forza grabbed the #4 spot for that month behind the dominating Pokemon Emerald and the Starwars games, and Gran Turismo only sold 40kish for sales that month. Looks like this game won't be dropping to $29.99 within 3 months of release like PGR2 did and Rallisport 2 (which did it in a month).

I haven't played this game lately but it kicks ass, and hope the club is doing well.
Is this club anywhere near alive? I just picked up Forza dirt cheap along with an amazingly awesome wheel and pedals, for next to nothing. I've put in enough time to get to level 7 tonight and was wondering if anyone still played online.
Sadly, I'm gonna say no. Even at the onset, it wasn't so much of a club. A few guys would jump on here and there and race, but those were few and far between. Send me an invite and I'll jump in a race with you here and there. I don't have a headset anymore though. I broke mine and I can't find where I put the other ones.

BTW, what happened to supadupa...he was whoring out this game (rightfully so) and I don't really notice him on the boards that much anymore.
[quote name='danny-o']ahhhh the memories. anyone still playing in the CAG Club?[/QUOTE]
I think the title of this thread is deceiving. It should read "ITS DEAD!!!"

Maybe there will be another for Forza 2.
bread's done