CAG Gaming Group - Call of Duty 4 Thursdays

Haha! That actually is a really good call! Wish I'd thought about that several weeks ago when I got my first airstrike ... or even last night ... ;)

I don't play much search and's mostly hardcore team deathmatch:D/regular team deathmatch :whistle2:?/ domination :wall:.

Your a wealth of knowledge Slimjim! :bow: Guess those 40 hours have paid off!!
[quote name='Shan82']Haha! That actually is a really good call! Wish I'd thought about that several weeks ago when I got my first airstrike ... or even last night ... ;)

I don't play much search and's mostly hardcore team deathmatch:D/regular team deathmatch :whistle2:?/ domination :wall:.

Your a wealth of knowledge Slimjim! :bow: Guess those 40 hours have paid off!![/QUOTE]

i used to only play normal deathmatch and domination due to playing ground war so much. after a few games came out and some of the people in my clan switched to those games, i started playing headquarters and sabotage with those as well since they were 6v6 game modes with respawns. i ended up making the jump to hardcore search and destroy a couple months ago and only played that for the last 2 months since it started getting me back into the game. now i play any game mode and i am good on all of them as well as being good with any weapon since i have maxed out the classes multiple times over. if by chance i were to run out of ammo, i could pick up any weapon off of the ground and still be good with it.

edit: by the way... 40 hours of this game was done within the first week i had it, lol. i have had it since day 1 and when it first came out, nothing was good enough to pull me away from it.
[quote name='Shan82']Haha! That actually is a really good call! Wish I'd thought about that several weeks ago when I got my first airstrike ... or even last night ... ;)

I don't play much search and's mostly hardcore team deathmatch:D/regular team deathmatch :whistle2:?/ domination :wall:.

Your a wealth of knowledge Slimjim! :bow: Guess those 40 hours have paid off!![/QUOTE]

40 days, you mean. That's almost 1,000 hours. That's crazy, man.
[quote name='Matt Young']40 days, you mean. That's almost 1,000 hours. That's crazy, man.[/QUOTE]

yeah, that is still half the time the guy at the top of the leaderboards in kills has. he had like 85 days last i checked and i thought i played too much. i haven't had a car for the past 5 to 6 months, so i have been out of work. i should have a car by the end of the month, so my gaming hours are going to be cut a ton, but i haven't really had anything else i could do since i can't afford anything without a job.
[quote name='IAmTheBiggestInuyashaFan']yeah, that is still half the time the guy at the top of the leaderboards in kills has. he had like 85 days last i checked and i thought i played too much. i haven't had a car for the past 5 to 6 months, so i have been out of work. i should have a car by the end of the month, so my gaming hours are going to be cut a ton, but i haven't really had anything else i could do since i can't afford anything without a job.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I totally understand. I'm in a similar situation. But, as much as I like Call of Duty, I just can't spend too much time on one game. COD4 is my favorite online game by far, but my ADD makes it so that I switch my focus to different titles regularly.
[quote name='Matt Young']Oh, I totally understand. I'm in a similar situation. But, as much as I like Call of Duty, I just can't spend too much time on one game. COD4 is my favorite online game by far, but my ADD makes it so that I switch my focus to different titles regularly.[/QUOTE]

i am the same way for the most part, but i always have a lot of people playing CoD 4, so it is a bit different.
[quote name='woodcan']Hey John. So, you are just bringing back the spirit of JQA and not the GT, right?[/quote]

Both! I camped on JohnQuincyAdams by making it a silver account, and activated a 48 hour gold trial last night. will probably buy one month of it, and then gona prepare for Gears2.
Hey guys. I'm a little late to the game, I just bought my first 360 on friday and the first game i got was COD4 -- which I've already played all the way through and is awesome. Looking forward to playing you guys online.

All I have to do is add CAGCOD4 to my friends list right?
[quote name='jello00']Hey guys. I'm a little late to the game, I just bought my first 360 on friday and the first game i got was COD4 -- which I've already played all the way through and is awesome. Looking forward to playing you guys online.

All I have to do is add CAGCOD4 to my friends list right?[/QUOTE]

it would be best if you add some of the regulars instead since that name never gets updated. i would say try woodcan, xcoax, and khondor since i see them on the most (that is their username on this site, not xbox live).
[quote name='jello00']All I have to do is add CAGCOD4 to my friends list right?[/quote]

Welcome to the game! ;) Like others have said, just add a few of the regular posters on here to your friends list; there are normally a few on every night...although lately we've been doing a little game surfing as well! :bouncy: The COD4 list is pretty much not updated and kind of pointless at this point. I was sitting on there for a while and still had not been added.
what's everyone's ideal perk setup? I'm only lvl 25 so i haven't unlocked all yet, but i've got claymore, uav jam, and deep impact (sounds like a van damme movie).

As it turns out, Deep Impact is a disaster movie about a giant asteroid headed for the earth. Go figure.

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[quote name='John Ketch']what's everyone's ideal perk setup? I'm only lvl 25 so i haven't unlocked all yet, but i've got claymore, uav jam, and deep impact (sounds like a van damme movie).


it really depends on the map and game mode for me. i am not much of a camper, so i tend to carry bandolier, rpg's, 3x special, or 3x frag for my perk 1. every now and then i use c4 just for fun, but it depends on how you play what perk you should use.

for perk 2, i use stopping power on 4 out of 5 of my classes when playing normal modes and a UAV jammer (with silenced weapon) for 1 of them. when i play hardcore mode, i ALWAYS use a uav jammer, even without a silenced weapon. while a lot of people find it to be a waste since it is only for 30 seconds that you show up on UAV, i usually get the majority of my kills when a UAV is up for the other team since the other team lets their guard down while they can see where people are coming from, it usually leaves them very open from at least 1 direction and i go the opposite way of my team so i can easily get behind them. the silencer is fine, but since hardcore is 1 to 3 shot kills, i can usually kill a lot of people before they even have time to turn around and see me after i shoot.

perk 3 depends on a few things. i always have deep impact for my m16 class, extreme conditioning for my smg class, either steady aim or extreme conditioning for my assault 2 class, steady aim or deep impact for my lmg class, and deep impact or iron lungs for my sniper class. keep in my that i play every game mode, so my perks vary by game mode.
Hmmm...(strokes chin, thoughtfully)...what does bandolier do? As far as I can tell, Deep impact doesn't do shit, by your leave, sir.

I've got an m4 setup, mp5 setup, shotgun setup, all pretty much with the same perks. Does UAV jammer do anything in the non-hardcore modes?
Bandolier gives you an extra clip of Ammo.

Deep Impact makes you able to shoot through more walls and do more damage when shooting through walls.
I usually play with deep impact and I get a few more kills a match because of it. It really helps when someone shoots then backs around a wall, or lays down right before they die.
but i have 2 m16 setups one for regular and one for hardcore, a stealth one, a close range one, and a sniper one. I switch the guns in the classes around sometimes though
[quote name='dmaul1114']Bandolier gives you an extra clip of Ammo.

Deep Impact makes you able to shoot through more walls and do more damage when shooting through walls.[/quote]

For a fun little exercise, I'm gonna throw in a little baseball terminology, though it works out nicely because the letters match up. There's a stat called VORP (Value Over Replacement Player) which measures what measurable value one player has over someone who could replace them at the same position, given an equal number of opportunities.

So, for this exercise, what is the Value Over Replacement Perk of your favorite perks? For instance, what value does Deep Impact add over, say Extreme Conditioning? Again, I'm only a lvl 25 and haven't unlocked all perks, so my guess that once you have all of them the advantage of one over the other may be nil. But, if you've found there's a noticeable difference when you started using one rather than another, by all means, shout it out.

Thanks for playing, if you're interested.
I always use Juggernaut. I'm not sure if I like Martyrdom or Last Stand more. I'm right at the same level as you John Ketch so there's probably alot of perks that we haven't been able to get.
[quote name='John Ketch']For a fun little exercise, I'm gonna throw in a little baseball terminology, though it works out nicely because the letters match up. There's a stat called VORP (Value Over Replacement Player) which measures what measurable value one player has over someone who could replace them at the same position, given an equal number of opportunities.

So, for this exercise, what is the Value Over Replacement Perk of your favorite perks? For instance, what value does Deep Impact add over, say Extreme Conditioning? Again, I'm only a lvl 25 and haven't unlocked all perks, so my guess that once you have all of them the advantage of one over the other may be nil. But, if you've found there's a noticeable difference when you started using one rather than another, by all means, shout it out.

Thanks for playing, if you're interested.[/QUOTE]

it really depends on what weapons you are using it with. if you use extreme conditioning with a smg, you have the highest mobility possible with being able to sprint longer, it helps me get to places and be waiting for someone well before they can get to me. deep impact is best with weapons that already have decent penetration levels like a lmg or assault rifle. when you shoot through a wall without deep impact, it decreases the amount of damage you are dealing and gives the person a pretty big chance to get away, with deep impact you keep the original amount of damage you would deal with is great for stuff like hardcore search and destroy where there is minimal health to begin with. i find that i can use a weapon like the m16 or any of the lmg's, spray through the walls near the enemies spawn almost as soon as the map starts and get a couple of kills because of the deep impact.

find what works best for you though, i have gone through to the 10th prestige twice now and rarely ever use certain perks (juggernaut, martyrdom, i do use last stand occasionally on hardcore search in hopes of a cheap kill or to call out the person before dying).
Doubt I'll make it on as I'll be watching football with a buddy and pounding some beers and they have to get to bed at a decent time for a morning flight.

Will be out of town the next two Thursdays as well. :(
Another drug run for Dmaul...

I am going to try and make it tonight but it depends on how I'm feeling. I went to bed at 7pm last night and slept until 11am today. I am going to a doctor hopefully right after I get out of class. I think I may have mono or strep. So if I do make it, don't take offense if I am just sitting there with no headset or mic.
Well... turns out I have the worst luck ever... I have strep on top of my sinus drip with a good chance of mono worked in on the side.
So we'll see how the antibiotics work. If they are good then I might end up throwing on the headset.
Get well, MVP!

I swear to Leonard Nimoy if you guys aren't on for CAGCOD4 Thursday I will be infinitely sad. I haven't been able to play all week and I'm playing tonight later than I probably should because I miss you guys.
[quote name='xcoax']I swear to Leonard Nimoy if you guys aren't on for CAGCOD4 Thursday I will be infinitely sad. I haven't been able to play all week and I'm playing tonight later than I probably should because I miss you guys.[/quote]

Same here - I feel like I haven't been killing as many soldiers as I have been killing Elites and Spartans lately. Hopefully that will change tonight.
[quote name='mvp828']Well... turns out I have the worst luck ever... I have strep on top of my sinus drip with a good chance of mono worked in on the side.
So we'll see how the antibiotics work. If they are good then I might end up throwing on the headset.[/quote]

Hope you feel better soon MVP! :) Time to rest, relax, and shoot some people :twoguns:!
The great thing bout tonights football game...
no matter who loses, the Cowboys win :cool:

I'll be on COD tonight but not too late as I have a 9am meeting.
[quote name='Khondor']The great thing bout tonights football game...
no matter who loses, the Cowboys win :cool:

I'll be on COD tonight but not too late as I have a 9am meeting.[/QUOTE]

fuck the Cowboys, GO NINERS
[quote name='SeanAmI']fuck the Cowboys, GO NINERS[/quote]

after looking at the 49'ers roster

J.T. O'Sullivan????
boy is gonna need a dress and high heels when the Cowboys D finishes with him.

oh, COD was fun tonight
[quote name='Khondor']after looking at the 49'ers roster

J.T. O'Sullivan????
boy is gonna need a dress and high heels when the Cowboys D finishes with him.

oh, COD was fun tonight[/QUOTE]

Khondor, remind me who has won a playoff game more recently the boys or the niners?


Maybe Tony Homo can finally do something this year.
Hey guys. I'm slowly and surely leveling up so I can hopefully contribute a little bit more than just being bait next time. I'll probably be on tonight and definitely a lot this weekend -- I have to break in (poor choice of words?) my new 360. Thursdays are a bad night for me every week -- which sucks...

Here's a little rant: It really sucks that not only as a newb to COD4 I'm still trying to figure out the maps, but at the same time i have the shittiest guns in the game. How am I supposed to kill someone that's level 50+ and has awesome guns, perks and multiple grenades? At least I've figured out to pick up someone else's gun almost immediately when I spawn. That's definitely helped.

Ok. Done. I guess I just have to play more :D

See you all later.

Oh yeah... F the Cowboys!:bouncy:
...and the Giants too, while I'm at it.
Sheesh, these COD4 Thrusdays have been becoming lighter and lighter or maybe it's because I got on too late or we've subconsciously moved them to other nights......I'm just happy I completed the "Keep Hamster From Leaving For 5 Games Straight" Challenge.

Khondor, leaving early for a 9am meeting...come on, I have daily 8:30 meeting :cool::roll:
[quote name='jello00']Hey guys. I'm slowly and surely leveling up so I can hopefully contribute a little bit more than just being bait next time. I'll probably be on tonight and definitely a lot this weekend -- I have to break in (poor choice of words?) my new 360. Thursdays are a bad night for me every week -- which sucks...

Here's a little rant: It really sucks that not only as a newb to COD4 I'm still trying to figure out the maps, but at the same time i have the shittiest guns in the game. How am I supposed to kill someone that's level 50+ and has awesome guns, perks and multiple grenades? At least I've figured out to pick up someone else's gun almost immediately when I spawn. That's definitely helped.

Ok. Done. I guess I just have to play more :D

See you all later.

Oh yeah... F the Cowboys!:bouncy:
...and the Giants too, while I'm at it.[/QUOTE]

actually, the m16 is probably the best assault rifle overall and the ak-47 isn't bad either once you get used to the kick. the mp5 is my favorite smg since it shares ammo with the m9 pistol and opens up my perk one a litte better. the rpd is by far the best lmg in the game, but all of them unlock fairly early on and each have their own benefits. there are only 2 shotguns and both of them have advantages over the other, the pump has a larger clip size, something like 6 or 8 shots where the semi-auto obviously shoots faster, but it only has 4 rounds to the clip. last, out of all the snipers the m40 is probably the best one in the game, followed by the barrett. unless all you can do is spray, you should be perfectly fine with the m40 as it is the most accurate sniper and probably tied for the most powerful with the barrett.

the only disadvantage you have is the amount of time you have played compared to everyone else and not having all the perks and attachments for each weapon. once you figure out the maps and where people like to hide, you should have no problem with the game at all.
[quote name='SeanAmI']Khondor, remind me who has won a playoff game more recently the boys or the niners?


Maybe Tony Homo can finally do something this year.[/QUOTE]

A Pop Warner team could win a playoff game in that shitty ass NFC West Division


49'ers, FOREVER the Boys Bitch :lol:

[quote name='woodcan']

Khondor, leaving early for a 9am meeting...come on, I have daily 8:30 meeting :cool::roll:[/QUOTE]

I dont think your rendezvous with a guy in the
mens room counts as a "meeting" Flesh
That would be a Meating :cool:
bread's done