CAG Gaming Group - Clan/Game Specific Group Listings (Courtesy Friend Of A Friend)

[quote name='Daywalker']My friend wanted to know if you need a 360 to play Halo 3 with other CAG clan members.[/quote]

Wait, what?
OK so I received a FR from CAG HALO CLAN is that the same one or is it CAGHalo3?

EDIT: NM I checked MSUHitman's post in the bungie group.
I tried to send a FR to CAGHALO3 and there apparently wasn't any gamertag with that name. Same with CAGTF2. Am I doing something wrong?
[quote name='RudyPants']I tried to send a FR to CAGHALO3 and there apparently wasn't any gamertag with that name. Same with CAGTF2. Am I doing something wrong?[/quote]

/checks his friends list

The CAG Halo 3 group is called "CAG Halo Clan"

Unless of course it's a different clan, but I'm not sure.
[quote name='Daywalker']My friend wanted to know if you need a 360 to play Halo 3 with other CAG clan members.[/quote]
He could get an Xbox 720 and play Halo 3 that way. He might have to wait a few years though.

[quote name='RudyPants']I tried to send a FR to CAGHALO3 and there apparently wasn't any gamertag with that name. Same with CAGTF2. Am I doing something wrong?[/quote]

same I missing something?
Add x Dean78 x & sedated LION to the COD4 group please. We played Rainbow Six Vegas 360 some in the past with Goomer & Dave. I did have alot of CAGs on my friends list but I changed my name.
[quote name='MSUHitman']We have 29 spots available in the CAG Halo Clan. If you want in, send a friend request to CAG Halo Clan. We are semi-competitive and wanting to have some fun with fellow CAG's.[/quote]

Reading comprehension for the loss! See above quote. There is also a 2K Sports clan, gamertag CAG 2K Sports.
Ok, I'm sorry for some of the confusion that has resulted thus far. Here's the deal.

I am going to edit the second post of the thread to remove all of the names under the clan listing because quite honestly, I don't want to have to update it when we fill up these lists. If you want to see who's on the list, join it. Much easier that way.

Currently, only CAG Halo Clan and CAGCOD4 are set up. Thank you MSUHitman for taking on the Halo responsibilities. I simply haven't had the time to set up the others, but I will. I will post when that is done. If anyone wants to take on some other clan names, I think that's a great idea, just let me know. I will be doing the TF2 clan tag tonight as well as the CAGRainbowSix name.

All CAG clans will be listed with the letters CAG first. This is simply for my own sanity so taht I can scroll down the list, quickly find the clan I want to play with CAG and get the friends list. Accordingly, the Gears clan will not be named GearsOfCAG and will be named something else when I set it up.

And this is most important.

If you want to be part of a list, send a friend request to the applicable gamertag.

This is much easier than me combing through this thread for gamertags and adding them myself. When a list fills up, we can use this thread to discuss whether a second one is needed, who will do it, etc.

I added the CAG Halo Clan gamertag last night, used it to look at the friends list and I must say I love the way this works. You can easily invite people into games, which I think is the most important feature. So, keep those requests coming for CAG Halo Clan and CAGCOD4. I will update when I set up the other names.

As always, if anyone has suggestions (we had at least one suggestion for an XBLA clan), I'd love to see that discussion here. If you set up a clan on your own for a game that does not already have one here (which is perfectly fine), just let me know and I'll add it to the second post along with the person in charge of that gamertag. Thanks.
I support gay names like:

CAGbow Six Vegas
CAGs of War
CAG Fortress 2
CAGs of Duty 4
CAGerman Live (Example of popular live arcade games make them seperate of a general XBLA)
CAG Live Arcade (General Arcade for CAGs who are big on Live Arcade)

Anyways, I think this works pretty well with how friends list works being pretty much a two-way thing. That is if the user deletes the friend off the friend list, they'd no longer be on the Clan friend list. CAGs would do this once they've lost interest in the particular gaming group rather than making the creator of the gamertag do all the work.

Now if you really need someone to make the gamertag, it's really not much work. All they'd need to do is either have users PM the creator and they'd log on that day to add people or they'd log on every few days to add people. And when a list gets big enough (99 friends), they'd create a new gamertag for an extension onto the existing one and then friend the two together for easy reference between the two gamertags.
CAG Fortress 2 is now open and ready for business for all of you interested in Team Fortress 2. Add away.

Also, CAGCOD4 should be updated with acceppting all new friend requests.

I have another Windows Live ID ready for either CAGs of War or CAG Rainbow Six, so I'll probably do the Rainbow Six clan tomorrow.
Dave do you want me to sticky this one and drop the other thread? Also, I don't get to play too much CoD4 due spending time with my 3month old son but I do get on usually on weekend nights...I'll send an FR, If I get rejected for not being a regular I'll understand.
I could combine them if you like. I guess I wanted to start this thread separately to get the bugs worked out, take suggestions, etc. I guess I'm open to suggestion on how to do both.

Thanks for the kind words.
I'll be adding the tf2 one in a few days - I have tons of junk in front of my screen right now - plus I managed to hammer the whole top of my thumb off today laying floor - so it'll be a few days for that to heal up and start working right.
It almost seems that there should just be CAG, CAG 2, etc. for XBL since everybody plays everything. I tried to play both Halo 3 and CoD 4 with some CAGs yesterday and only two or three were playing either game.
[quote name='RudyPants']It almost seems that there should just be CAG, CAG 2, etc. for XBL since everybody plays everything. I tried to play both Halo 3 and CoD 4 with some CAGs yesterday and only two or three were playing either game.[/quote]

I don't know. I guess we just need specified gaming nights. I have no idea when the halo 3 night is, but I think TF2 is Thursdays. I guess we'll see how things go this week.
[quote name='m3talst0rm']I don't know. I guess we just need specified gaming nights. I have no idea when the halo 3 night is, but I think TF2 is Thursdays. I guess we'll see how things go this week.[/quote]

This is probably a good idea. I have been trying to randomly invite everyone on the Halo 3 list to play but most people aren't just going to drop what they're doing to come play.
To be added, send a friend request to CAGCOD4.

I went through and accepted a batch of requests yesterday for both CAGCOD4 and CAG Fortress 2. Keep those requests coming.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Linkin:
I could combine them if you like. I guess I wanted to start this thread separately to get the bugs worked out, take suggestions, etc. I guess I'm open to suggestion on how to do both.

Thanks for the kind words.[/quote]

If its possible to combine that would be great, but they're your threads, whatever is easier for you since you are the one updating them and everyone in them.
Dave and/or Hitman, I'd be happy to manage the Silvers for R6V, Command & Conquer 3 (CAGCC3), GRAW2 (CAGRAW2), or any other number of games. Just let me know what accounts could use some help.

Thanks, by the way, for the Halo clan invite Hitman.

If you want to set up the C&C3 and GRAW2 accounts, that would be great. We'll see if Gomer wants to do the R6V clan because he started the game night, but that'd be great to have that help.
[quote name='pittpizza']So does my friend CAGCOD4 need to actually be online for me to find all the CAGs on COD4?[/quote]

Nope. And if you have a friend who has him friended, you can look at your friends 'friend list' and then select that gamertag from his list and look at it from there.

Basically it looks like you're looking at your own friends list when you view someone elses. So everything is pretty much the exact same.
CAGRAW2 and CAGCC3 are both now active. Just as R6V is for R6V and R6V2, CAGRAW2 should be a clan group for both GRAW games.

Also, has the CAG Arcade tag been created yet?
I've added the information for CAGRAW2 and CAGCC3 to the second post in this thread. I'm also thinking about merging this thread with the bigger CAG Gaming Group thread so that I can let Xbox do the work for me. I'll probably bring it up in detail there.

Keep those requests coming and if you're interested in representing a game with your own silver account, just drop a note in the thread like chipch did. Thanks.

Edit: I'd love feedback on this post, where I describe where I envision this whole thing going:
It looks like the other thread is getting more traction than this one. Did you already mention the game-specific clans in that thread, TDD?

Also, did you have a chance to create the CAGRainbowSix or CAGArcade clans yet? If not, I can work on those today.
CAG Halo Clan is at 92 and CAG 2K Sports is at 4.

FYI I will be off the XBox Live grid from Sunday until Wednesday night as I'm going home for Christmas and the only internet my parents have available to them is dial up and satellite (they have Wild Blue satellite.)
for anyone that hasnt done this yet u should get on it. ive played a few great games of cod 4 and tf 2 with fellow cag members. some of the most respectful people ive played with and ive had a blast.
bread's done