CAG Gaming Group - Rainbow Six: Vegas Thursdays (Gomer V1 or Wowous Hosting)

[quote name='gomer1andonly']I'm in for tonight but may be late so if I'm not on at 8, someone else can host. Any volunteers, lemme know and I'll put you in the title.[/QUOTE]

I'm 95% sure I will be on at 8.
I will be on tonight. Later, but I will be on. I don't have school in the morning so I can play until the wee hours of the night.
I just got my copy today along with madden '08 for a sweet $78! I don't think I will be playing tonight as I have not ever played the game, but perhaps in the future. Please add me to the playlist my handle is Dark Dijital
Do you guys ever do any co-op terrorist hunts? I know its a max of only 4 peeps, but maybe if theres 3 other people, we could get one room going? I'd def join in!
[quote name='triforcer']only played a little bit early on but it didn't seem like there were too many cags out there tonight.[/QUOTE]
I need to get more ppl from cag on my list, wish you could do like a group of ppl or something, but please PM your gamertag and add mine Dark Dijital.
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']Do you guys ever do any co-op terrorist hunts? I know its a max of only 4 peeps, but maybe if theres 3 other people, we could get one room going? I'd def join in![/quote]i'm always down for some terrorist hunt, send me friends invite and we'll play whenever.
Rawr : ( I went to bed before I saw the replies.
Maybe this coming up Thurs, we can get 1 coop ter hunt room going while everyone else plays DM.

I added you guys to my fr.
I'm not a fast skilled player, but I do enjoy the co -op stuff:)
Anyone playing tonight? I plan on being online sometime after 6pm. Possibly if we dont have enough to get a good room going some people would be interested in getting a group for some T-Hunt?
Is anyone playing tonight? We didn't have many CAG's on last week, but we did get a decent T-Hunt room going. I should be on around 8-8:30 so let's try to get that going, at least!
For the most part, im going to have to miss out from now on. My classes run late, so I won't be able to hop on unless i get out early.
I'll be back on tonight after a rough few weeks. I'll host again and make the normal team sharpshooter stuff unless its a small group, then I'll run some T-hunt.
Sorry about last week guys. I've been in all-day trainings the last 2 weeks (after just moving), so things have been really disorganized for me, I actually forgot all about the night until Friday morning.

I may or may not be on tonight, depending on how things are going here. I have a meeting at 7, so I'll try to make an appearance around 8, but maybe later. Either way, I'd prefer Gomer to host tonight.
cool, I was beginning to think Vegas Thursdays was a bust.

I'll be on tonight, 'round 7 PDT like normal.

just hope I don't keep trying to equip plasmids...
Sorry I haven't been online for a long time. New girlfriend has kind of taken me out of the time to do these types of things. Glad to see it's still rolling on though.
[quote name='CokeCola']Sounds good. Vegas night just hasn't been the same without our hosts. I'll be on.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear we're loved lol. I may be a few minutes late, but will be on for sure still tonight. Vegas Thursdays will live on.
I'll be on tonight.

*glances at untouched CoD4 beta and F.E.A.R.*

...Eh, CAG game would be better. Will get on sometime soon. Wonder if we can do CoD4 tomorrow, depending on how easy it is to set up a game and who has it.
I was on earlier and we had 3 guys playing T-hunt. Then the game locked up and I didn't see anyone else online. I will check back online later and maybe we can get a game going.
Sorry about tonight, ended up having girl problems knocking at the door. Told my roommate to play for me but I guess that didn't happen. I'll make sure next week ends up better.
I've still got the game, I just haven't been able to hop in the past few Thursdays. Tonight's no different. NFL Opener's in town...should be fun.
Hopefully this hasnt ended and that people have just been busy. I'm out for tonight but I will work to keep this running. I think I need to find a way to revamp the game nights and talk to Cheapy about either making a new section for online gaming or just get these stickied to the top of the game sections.
bread's done