CAG Gran Turismo 5 [CAG Race Night - Now Sundays at 6PM PST!]

[quote name='Brimah']From what I read, was mostly menu issues, where trying to find what you want would have to go though 5 or so menus. To be honest, just from what I read... already ordered it now, but was just curious :D[/QUOTE]
The menu system still blows and it's unlikely to change.

They did make some good changes including:

-Weekly seasonal events
-Marking which cars you own
-Allowing you to tune cars online(you used to have to back all the way out)
-Saving during Championship events(you can save after races instead of having to play them all in one go)
Since the online dealership is full of Japanese classic cars, I suggest a no mod allowed 375pp classic car race on Eiger Norwand. Most of the cars that I tested are in the 1:19-1:21 range on sport soft tires.
I'm also out this Sunday. I'll be home but I could use a bit of a break from GT5. I *might* jump on randomly for some more of those Seasonal Events, so if you see me on feel free to send a message to race, otherwise I'll probably stick to some other games this weekend.
Finally (!!!) got to test out the wheel with Shift 2 tonight. My wheel driving need some practice and I found out that I need to anchor the pedals down.
Just as a heads up, theres a new seasonal. Its a TT against DC in the modern SLS AMG on the Top Gear Test Track. Its more challenging than most of the seasonals and has an expiration date, so you may want to give ti a go while you can.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Just as a heads up, theres a new seasonal. Its a TT against DC in the modern SLS AMG on the Top Gear Test Track. Its more challenging than most of the seasonals and has an expiration date, so you may want to give ti a go while you can.[/QUOTE]
I thought that was only for Europe

I guess they just delayed it by a day for the US. I tried it, got bronze, and I think that's as good as I'll get.

No driving line plus that cars crappy handling makes it too hard for me
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Sorry I couldn't make it to the meet up this Sunday. I fractured my wrist in a car accident on Thursday, hopefully everything will be a-ok by the next meet up.

I really hate not being able to play with you guys. Stupid red light runners.


[quote name='GTmaster39']Sorry I couldn't make it to the meet up this Sunday. I fractured my wrist in a car accident on Thursday, hopefully everything will be a-ok by the next meet up.

I really hate not being able to play with you guys. Stupid red light runners.[/QUOTE]

We didn't have a set of races anyway. Get well soon, I'd probably have finished breaking the wrist by breaking my fist on their head.

Glad it wasn't worse and while I hate to say it but we're at a point in time where today's drivers SUCK and you have to drive extremely defensively because they're guaranteed to pull the supreme ultimate asshole card and be like 'Oh'. I drive an 8500 pound E350 every day and usually in the morning it's women who pull stupid stunts and men in the afternoon. Lately it's been truckers who have been absolutely insane in NJ, it's fucking scary and the only thing you can do is control yourself, your vehicle and anticipate stupidity.

I also suggest learning to offensively use your turn signals. People ride my blind spot like the assholes they are and the second I hit the blinker, they zip up and close the distance/pass. I do it just to get people out of my blind spot because they're retarded and 95% of the time will actually pass me instead of letting me out. It's all over one fucking car length. One car length. fuckers.
Sorry to hear about the accident, been there. I now drive a bright yellow lifted Jeep with steel bars and bumpers all the way around... I'll take slight evasive maneuvers but really don't care if someone pulls something stupid. So far "obnoxious Jeep" is the best deterrent.. Ppl are far more wary of it than other vehicles I've owned, even much bigger ones.

Shift 2 has a good campaign, but the collision detection and "instant flip" makes multiplayer almost worthless unless they've done some serious patching.

I should be hom tomorrow night and itching for some GT5 this Sunday. My Marcos p0wns you all! :p
Everyone should have these cars. Room will be up at 8:45PM EDT. Looking forward to some racing after a week off:

xxx PP Karts on Syn's Peak 3 - 5 laps
425PP Mini Marcos on Eiger Short - 5 laps (damage on low)
600PP Super Touring Cars on Nürburgring GP/D - 4 laps
650PP Bugatti Veyron's on Daytona - 7 laps
Hope you okay Mad!

Not sure how open Sunday nights will be if every NBC football game is just as awesome as tonights! I'm sure I will figure something out.
Good racing this weekend... nice to get going quickly. It probably helped out that it was pretty much cars we'd all run before so tuning on track wasn't really required.
Agreed. I would like to try and have the tracks/cars up by Friday if possible so that we can put up 5 minute timers and get racing. We got in some 7 or 8 races Sunday night by about 10:30 PM...that never happens (but should hopefully start happening more often) :D
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Does anyone here have F1 2010 and still play online?[/QUOTE]

I do...though next week I'll have F1 2011 and will be playing that online instead ;)
Here's the race line-up for tonight, Room will be up by 8:45PM EDT (as usual):

460PP Mini Coopers w/Sports Softs (any) on Eiger Short - 5 laps
600PP Super Touring Cars on Daytona Road Course - 4 laps
625PP Lamborghini vs Ferrari on Laguna Seca - 5 laps
490PP Touring Cars on Tsukuba Circuit - 5 laps
Recommended Car on Random Track - 4-5 laps (room choice)

Should we keep this for next week as well to make things easier on people?

EDIT: after looking at the Mini's again, I've up'd the PP to 460 to allow for a bit more horsepower.
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[quote name='SynGamer']
Should we keep this for next week as well to make things easier on people?[/QUOTE]

let's see how tonight runs... If good, keep the lineup. If not, tweak where appropriate.
Keep it for next week and I'll try to run some people off the road, up.

That and I'll punch Mad and see if I can get him to join so I can have my revenge. :D
Hope everything is alright Bear. Overall, a fun night and we appear to have learned a few things for next weeks races. Definitely keeping the Mini's on Eiger. :D
I say keep the list as is, with the possible exception of the Daytona race. If only 4 peeps, cut the laps down to three.

One thing to note, if we keep the Minis at 460PP, don't bother building one of the older ones. I suspected they wouldn't be able to hang and Phase's little mini confirmed it (no offense, Phase, I built one too).

We cn probably nail down the recommended track and car, I'll see if I can remember the track I was having so much fun on yesterday.
[quote name='SynGamer']Hope everything is alright Bear. Overall, a fun night and we appear to have learned a few things for next weeks races. Definitely keeping the Mini's on Eiger. :D[/QUOTE]
I'm alright. Something I ate is fighting with my stomach
[quote name='smthng']I say keep the list as is, with the possible exception of the Daytona race. If only 4 peeps, cut the laps down to three.

One thing to note, if we keep the Minis at 460PP, don't bother building one of the older ones. I suspected they wouldn't be able to hang and Phase's little mini confirmed it (no offense, Phase, I built one too).

We cn probably nail down the recommended track and car, I'll see if I can remember the track I was having so much fun on yesterday.[/QUOTE]

Its probably true. I was running at only 440PP, but I think the long uphill on Eiger kills it even if I went with the larger turbos. It just doesn't have any torque. Id be curious to see if it would stand a better chance running reverse as it would make the uphill part the curvy section of the track.

Personally, Im still going to run it. I don't think it hurts anyone else and I think its more fun to drive. If anyone else wants to run one, I will gladly fight you at the back of the field.

I didn't have problems with any of the others. I don't particularly care for any of the recommended cars so that was my least favorite race.

I would like to suggest running an Elise Derivatives race. This means you could run any of the Elises, Exiges, Evora (I dont rememeber if its in the game or not), Vauxhall VX, Opel Speedster and the Tesla. Track wouldn't matter that much, but if people want to practice, Tsukuba might be good because it can count as prep for the expert seasonal. Another track option would be one of the SS tracks.

Also, Syn, did you save the replay from the touring race? Is it possible to send that to me?
Not sure if we can send replays...I'll see if I can upload it (to my profile) or something. That Daytona race was pretty fun in my opinion. I've been itching for a longer endurance race with tire/fuel wear on. Just to clarify, we you talking about the Daytona or the Tsukuba race?
[quote name='SynGamer']Not sure if we can send replays...I'll see if I can upload it (to my profile) or something. That Daytona race was pretty fun in my opinion. I've been itching for a longer endurance race with tire/fuel wear on. Just to clarify, we you talking about the Daytona or the Tsukuba race?[/QUOTE]

I was actually talking about the Tsukuba race with the photo finish. I did really like the Daytona race. The super tourers are a good fit.

I would be game for an enduro. I know most people don't like NASCARs but those on an oval might be a good introduction and the NASCARs could probably handle the amount of contact we usually see. Could we also try turning damage on?
[quote name='SynGamer']I was going to suggest damage on Light. It adds a bit more...caution when slamming into someone ;)[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly.

Does anyone want to trade tickets? I just got a ticket for the Audi LMS R8 '09 for running the 4hrs at Nurburg in A-Spec, but I already own it. Id be willing to trade for just about any other type of ticket or premium car I don't already have.
New update supposedly to fix the corners of the test track.

OCD has some nice deals on some classics, such as the two Chapparals, and theres a new event featuring nostalgic supercars. The races are a bit lame as the field is pretty segregated, but if you handicap a good 50-100PP, they can be quite challenging. My biggest victory so far was winning the Mt. Aso using a 433PP Alipne A110.
I'm a big fan of all things Lotus, so I'm inboard with that race. :)

Phase, I'd run the classic Mini in the back with you, as I built one to see if it could keep up, but Syn kind of threw down the gauntlet in regards to the regular mini, so it'll have to be some other time. Syn, if you're thinking of making that a regular race, reverse the track each week to make ir more interesting. We seem to run Eiger a lot (which I like), but reverse would be nice some time... assuming there is a reverse, which there may not be.
Oh, I forgot... I 'm pretty sure I already have the Audi, but I can toss you a ticket anyway... I have tons of 21 or 27s.
I'm all for reverse if there is one, otherwise I'll find a similar sized track that we can use. As far as Lotus, I approve whole-heartedly. Any track suggestions?
I'll fire up GT5 in a few minutes and see if I can find a few decent short tracks for the smaller cars. Just need to finish the initial patch of, uh... smthng else. :p
Just finished some testing with Syn and am jotting down results and notes here so we don't forget...

Eiger Norwand has a reverse config. Testing with 475PP little Lotuses (Loti?) got us 1:09-1:12 lap times once the right cars were tweaked. If we run a Lotus race here, TEST YOUR CAR FIRST! I was running an awesome 111R, but Syn destroyed me. I switched to a much older and heavier one (Sport 90 I think) and was running right with him. It didn't make sense, but some of the Lotuses just don't run right on that track config.

We also tested out Grand Valley East. Times were identical to Eiger, but it wasn't as much fun. The track was too open and boring for those cars.

However, it was much better for the Super Touring cars. I think were getting under a minute with the East config. Grand Valley Speedway (nearly twice as long)was a lot more interesting, but pushed the Super Touring times up to 1:50.
bread's done