CAG Killzone 2 Game Night [Currently Inactive]

[quote name='tenchi']More of you guys needs to come join Saltons nightly games.[/QUOTE]

Ya, more do. I've joined a couple so far and always fun fun :D
What time are these Nightly games I am hearing about? Is he in the Clan so I can just track down his game via the menu?

Haven't played Killzone in a while, but would love a good reason to get back into it.
The parts I'm glad to hear that were added/fixed are the follow friend part and finally making the airbots stronger!

I'll try to be there, my school work is kicking my butt as of late! Salton IIRC, I think you sent me a Friend request but since I was not sure who you were I deleted it, if you would please send me the invite again, I'll be sure to accept it.
I'll try to make it to more of the Salton games, but I'm a huge NBA fan and the playoffs are currently on every night.
Glad to hear about the airbot and invulnerability fixes. I was getting pretty tired of dying to temporary invincible guys that kill me in one shot with a shotgun.
Fun couple of games we played, 2 games were enough for me today. Still don't know the layout of the maps so I have no idea where to hide as the assassination target, heard Allah mention "watch out for the railing" as I was killed by the doods shooting me from the railings. :whistle2:(
wow.. That was the worst beating I've suffered yet. Great games guys and nice headshots Salton. You got me multiple times so quickly.
cag nights will be easier now since you can party up and go from room to room... finally CAGs can take on other people together. nights will be more fun now.

update hits tomorrow.
pretty good turnout
was fun
cant wait to play with the new patch tomorrow
air bots are gonna own me harder then ever now as i run away
I'll be at the game tonight (Thur May 28). Make sure that if you are playing, you give your game time to update if you haven't been on in a while.
good games last night! that last assassination was a riot. the spot i was hiding at in tharsis is tricky because if you move an inch you go outside the green area. it's good though because it takes them like half the time just to figure out where you are :)

i could hear their mics so i knew they were close "i think hes upstairs" lol
[quote name='AllahBomber']@dis well the server opens at 6pm pst so as long as a couple show, salton will keep it open a couple hours :D[/QUOTE]

lol I know. Except a few times in the past I log on around 6:20 and it's like 3 on 3. We'll see what happens tonight.
Someone might've answered this already but, what time is the patch usually available? I've been on all day and no sight of it yet.
Also, just got all of my melee ribbons! There are some pretty good melee only games found in the medium and medium large size games. I found that the smaller games attract less of those idiots who use their pistols and grenades.
updates seem to happen at random times, PSN seems to update anywhere from 1pm-6pm PST for me...but who knows if game patches are synced to that.
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server up
32 person server
killzone originals

update hasn't launched yet so if you notice it went live i can always restart the server
Seriously, Salton and Allah CANNOT be together (unless they're on my team). ;)

Great game everyone -- hopefully the patch will actually be released on the next clan match.

Salton -- will you be available to host a Saturday night CAG night?
I actually jumped from my seat and shouted "YES!" when I saw them both on my team. Fun games guys. I think it was Allah who revived me on the assassination mission. Great job! Right at the last second.
During the game last night, I was a medic defending the assassination target but both him and the guy also protecting him died so they were in a corner lying on top of each other. I tried to revive the target but revived the wrong person since he was laying right on top of him. :bomb::lol:

If anyone ever finds themselves in a Japanese game, you'll find out first hand that the propaganda item never gets delivered in a Search & Retrieve game. It's funny just seeing it bounce back and forth between teams in the middle of the map.
Fun games last night guys. I sucked harddddd. Salton and Allah better be at our next clan match (whenever we have one that is). I think we should start challenging more clans now since we have quite a handful of active members.

On my end, I need to start getting better at shooting people while zoomed in. Shooting from the hip is good and all, but I need to learn to take advantage of the zoom-in for the rifle and handgun. What sensitivity do you guys use by the way?
[quote name='GodlyOne']
If anyone ever finds themselves in a Japanese game, you'll find out first hand that the propaganda item never gets delivered in a Search & Retrieve game. It's funny just seeing it bounce back and forth between teams in the middle of the map.[/QUOTE]

Lately I've been playing with the EU, and found myself in a Round of Search & HOLD with mostly Germans. Good god so annoying when the game has 30min rounds when one team scores a point then holds the propaganda item in their base until the round ends. The damn thing should just expire after 10mins or something. Overall though, playing KZ2 with people shouting and trash talking in German is hilarious.

I would've joined last night but had my folks over for dinner and that started late. Cooking and playing KZ2 don't mix well.
[quote name='zenprime']Lately I've been playing with the EU, and found myself in a Round of Search & HOLD with mostly Germans. Good god so annoying when the game has 30min rounds when one team scores a point then holds the propaganda item in their base until the round ends. The damn thing should just expire after 10mins or something. Overall though, playing KZ2 with people shouting and trash talking in German is hilarious.

I would've joined last night but had my folks over for dinner and that started late. Cooking and playing KZ2 don't mix well.[/QUOTE]

Playing Killzone while cooking with your feet shouldn't be that difficult would it?

I only really understand half the things people are saying but I totally prefer playing Japanese servers whenever I can. Not much people say though, the usual "thank you" when they're healed or "look out" seconds before I'm murdered and the occasional chuckle. Come to think of it, that's basically all I usually say during online games...

Missed the first half hour during yesterdays game cause I got caught up in an intense Japanese server. But yeah, just got my Tactician badge but I never had the chance to try out "throwing out spawn points all up in yo face" yet.
yeah I'll be able to host Saturday no problem
next time i will try to balance teams but I'm just getting to know how you guys play
um my sensitivity is set to one notch above normal
I never zoom in unless your really far away
in that case I would be going for a headshot
My sensitivity is set at two notches above normal and I also rarely zoom in. You might've noticed my death rate is pretty high. I tend to move quickly and carelessly from place to place. I'm usually among the first to engage a large enemy force. Been playing too much Resistance 2 :)
Disappointing to hear about the patch delay..
[quote name='Invin']My sensitivity is set at two notches above normal and I also rarely zoom in. You might've noticed my death rate is pretty high. I tend to move quickly and carelessly from place to place. I'm usually among the first to engage a large enemy force. Been playing too much Resistance 2 :)
Disappointing to hear about the patch delay..[/QUOTE]

I actually play the way you play too. I get careless and always rush in.

Yeah I rarely zoom in, but I feel like I should learn if I want to try out the Elite difficulty on SP (I hear there's no crosshair while shooting from the hip). Either way, I guess I do fine without the zoom in MP.
[quote name='Invin']You might've noticed my death rate is pretty high.[/QUOTE]

LOL. I don't mind dying as long as it helps the team. I'm always recklessly running into traps or sticking around to get that one turret fixed or spawn point placed. I also get a lot of suicides taking out turrets and airbots so they don't kill others on my team.
PSN-ID: ChernobylCow
Headset: Yes
Clan Choice: Don't know.
Time Zone: CDT (central)
Availability: Unknown atm (job stuff)

I don't know which clan I'd like to join. I just want to play with some fellow CAGs that actually have mics. I'm so sick of being in 32 man games that don't have a single squad up...
[quote name='ChernobylCow']PSN-ID: ChernobylCow
Headset: Yes
Clan Choice: Don't know.
Time Zone: CDT (central)
Availability: Unknown atm (job stuff)

I don't know which clan I'd like to join. I just want to play with some fellow CAGs that actually have mics. I'm so sick of being in 32 man games that don't have a single squad up...

We've actually consolidated the two clans into one. I should really update the OP then.

PM me to remind me to send you a clan invite -- I'm out of town until tomorrow and will likely forget by the time I get home.
sorry I cant host actually my game battles team wants to practice
but your all welcome to join my game
just add my to your psn if you need help finding the game
Be sure to post if some spots open up. I'm also interested in doing some KZ2. For now, I'll be watching the Cavs get eliminated :)
bread's done