CAG Maintenance/Upgrade - Now Live!

My searchbar still does not work on desktop - period (Win 7 - Firefox.) I type something in, press enter or click the magnifying glass, nothing. In Dolphin, on my Android, a little thing pops down below the search that displays results, but I don't even get that box when typing in on the desktop. Just nothing.
Could be specific to that browser. Working good for me on my MacBook Pro (Safari - Mac OS X Yosemite)
Changes in this batch (now live):

- Numerous iPad layout fixes

- Logging out when clicking avatar fixed

- New logout/profile dropdown menu added when clicking/hovering over avatar

- Clicking on a user’s feedback now takes you directly to their feedback page

- Fixed an issue where product searches on forum pages linked back to the same forum page

- Replaced image lightbox system for viewing full size images

- Default logo link now takes you to the forum home page in mobile style

- Added home page link next to logo in mobile style

- Fixed notifications menu in mobile style

- Fixed inbox menu in mobile style

- Added “Digital” option for case/manual condition in collections

- Fixed an issue with pagination when viewing someone else’s collection/list
John, thank you for hearing us out. I still have on request if possible though, can you make it like we don't have to hover over the feedback percentage on the left side of the avatar before getting the positive and the negative feedback? I mean can't you have the number already appearing there when we're not on mobile?

The front page links are mostly not middle-clickable. You have to actually hit where the text is, and not the giant widget-looking space for the thread.

Edit: Clarified it's for middle mouse clicks.
In case this isn't that clear still, but look at where I did a middle click (which usually opens up the link in a new tab).


Personally, I wouldn't mind a text-only option on those links. The old style with OP's avatar and title.

Using Windows 7, Firefox 35.0.1.

After the fix, for some reason, clicking/viewing full size images now only works for some images.

My searchbar still does not work on desktop - period (Win 7 - Firefox.) I type something in, press enter or click the magnifying glass, nothing. In Dolphin, on my Android, a little thing pops down below the search that displays results, but I don't even get that box when typing in on the desktop. Just nothing.
I'm using the same thing and mine works. Discovered that you don't even need to press 'enter.' Automatically searches once you've paused entering text. The green segmented line underneath the nav bar wave pulses from green/orange when it's searching.

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I'm using the same thing and mine works. Discovered that you don't even need to press 'enter.' Automatically searches once you've paused entering text. The green segmented line underneath the nav bar wave pulses from green/orange when it's searching.
I've seen what you're describing in action on my Android, but it doesn't do that for me on my desktop.

Edit: Well, at first I thought it might have been a different version of Firefox, but it turns out the culprit is that the searchbar apparently uses, which I have blocked per my Adblock settings. Grrr...

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Using Windows 7, Firefox 35.0.1.

After the fix, for some reason, clicking/viewing full size images now only works for some images.
Seems to be related to the size of the image (how much screen space it uses), with it not working for larger images.

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I don't think it's size, but I was thinking it was maybe gallery uploads...? Or maybe mobile vs. desktop uploads/posts...? Here's an example to show that it can't be related to size.


Good luck seeing that. :lol:
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I don't think it's size, but I was thinking it was maybe gallery uploads...? Or maybe mobile vs. desktop uploads/posts...? Here's an example to show that it can't be related to size.


Good luck seeing that. :lol:
How exactly did you embed that image in the post?

John, thank you for hearing us out. I still have on request if possible though, can you make it like we don't have to hover over the feedback percentage on the left side of the avatar before getting the positive and the negative feedback? I mean can't you have the number already appearing there when we're not on mobile?
We're going to display all trading stats when viewing a post in a trading-related forum.

Sweet, I didn't realize this. Still, I like knowing who the thread OP is, but that's because some have more reputation of being right than others.
Except that it doesn't stick. Every return to the site, it's back to showing the pictures. :( Would be nice if the site would remember our preference.
The deal view mode now remembers your preference.

How exactly did you embed that image in the post?
In this instance, from main gallery image, I right clicked the image and selected thumbnail, then either right click copied and pasted the image or dragged it over into the WYSIWYG editor (and deleted the url BBCode from the code editor). I don't remember which, I think the former, but either way, the same result. So maybe that's the way it's supposed to act. I admit I rarely if ever use thumbnails. But, I still don't understand why clicking my large image embeds (main gallery image embeds as well?) is not working.

Usually, from the main gallery image I just drag the image to the WYSIWYG (no url code). From the large sized images, I either immediately drag or right click copy and paste, OR I left click on the image then either drag or right click copy and paste. Also, I almost always try to remove any url BBCode if it carries over so clicking the image enlarges it there instead of directing the clicker to another URL.

I've also found that sometimes the large image or the 'Direct link to this image file' from the right click of the main gallery image, can be distorted/stretched. Sometimes it carries over to posts... sometimes it fixes itself. Kinda weird. [customspoiler=Stretched example:]


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When I just use the quick reply box at the bottom of the thread, and click post, there's nothing that indicates that your post has been made. Your post doesn't show up in the thread, nor does the text go away. But if I click post only once, and then refresh the page, the post only posts once. I think that's where a lot of the double posts come from. People go to reply, hit the reply button, see nothing happens, and then click it again.

I'm using Chrome in case that's important.

I'm still curious to know if there's a way to view the site through http instead of https.

Also, are the old spoiler buttons ever going to go back to the old say of saying "Spoiler" instead of "Spoiler" followed by a "Show" button?  Or, at the very least, will the customspoiler tag ever be fixed so we can use it for multiple lines of text?

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You can now enter your Twitch username in your profile, and when you're streaming something all your forum posts will automatically look like this:

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I'm still curious to know if there's a way to view the site through http instead of https.

Also, are the old spoiler buttons ever going to go back to the old say of saying "Spoiler" instead of "Spoiler" followed by a "Show" button? Or, at the very least, will the customspoiler tag ever be fixed so we can use it for multiple lines of text?

I'm looking into the spoiler issues, but bbcode is still one of the areas where it's a pain to tinker without breaking the site. Whenever I make a change there, Invision seems to behave in an unpredictable way. It's on my list, though.

If a post gets deleted by a mod, do you lose the "likes" for the post?
If deleted, yes. If hidden, no.

I think I finally figured it out. I think it's if you upload via the 'Attach Files' in the 'More Reply Options' editing.

[attachment=11748:2015.01.30 CAG update 3 search bar.png]

Still though, before the last fix, all images could be clicked to view the full size image. Sometimes full size was equal size though.

Couple of issues I'm noting:  (Windows 8, Chrome 40.0), 

1)  Clicking POST, doesn't update the post or refresh the screen.  It just sits there.  If I open another window and scroll it'll have posted the page.  It was like this before the update but since the update happens more.  If you click post, it'll post again.  Maybe a refresh, maybe not.

2)  When a new post is added.  If I'm typing, I used to click it and it'd populate it down at the bottom so I could read it while mid post.  Now, clicking it does nothing.

Here is something that appears to be intermittent.  In the Thread Update Notification Email (T.U.N.E. for short :)) sometimes the link to view the latest posts of a thread is both above an below the text for what's in the new post, and sometimes it's only available below.

Looking through my past few update emails it looks like it's not an issue anymore, so maybe nevermind?

This has been persistent since the 3.0 update, but the style for ignored users in the dark theme seems like it was never updated.  Having a stark white horizontal bar in the midst of a sea of greys doesn't seem like it's intentional and it's definitely got the opposite effect... sure you don't have to see the post from the ignored user, but the blaring white contrast on the dark theme draws your attention to the ignored posts anyway.

This has been persistent since the 3.0 update, but the style for ignored users in the dark theme seems like it was never updated. Having a stark white horizontal bar in the midst of a sea of greys doesn't seem like it's intentional and it's definitely got the opposite effect... sure you don't have to see the post from the ignored user, but the blaring white contrast on the dark theme draws your attention to the ignored posts anyway.

Still having this issue when accessing site on my iPad:

When I click 'forums' at the top of the page the drop down menu appears for a moment and then immediately sends me to the CAG deals forums page. The work around I've found is that immediately after I click on forums I have to time it just right so that the moment I see the drop down menu appear I have to click over to cancel the page from loading... that is the only way to get the menu to stay in place to be able to select anything on the menu.

I know this issue has already been brought up before but it's really annoying. No other problems otherwise. Keep up the good work!
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On my iPad Air (iOS 8), there is always this large black empty space to the left on the homepage.

Fixed a few other minor layout issues. Also, whenever a CAG is streaming on Twitch we now list their stream on the front page. 


Posting a new "status update" in the Profile Feed in your profile is still disabled.  Won't allow me to post a new one.



Posting a new "status update" in the Profile Feed in your profile is still disabled. Won't allow me to post a new one.

Go to your profile, and click the "Profile Feed" tab on the left. (Unless you mean that's what you're trying, and it isn't working?)

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Community moderation bug fixes are now up. Including:

- Fixed an issue where some changes wouldn't be displayed when being moderated, resulting in nonsensical approve/decline pages that made no sense. 

- Removed the ability for a user to change the product's category ID. Shouldn't have been possible. 

- Fixed an issue where in some circumstances a change can be logged with a zero or null value. 

Go to your profile, and click the "Profile Feed" tab on the left. (Unless you mean that's what you're trying, and it isn't working?)
I go to Profile --> Profile Feed --> then I enter something in the text bar that says "What's on your mind?", then when I hit "Post," the box doesn't do anything when I click it. I tried just hitting enter, but that didn't do anything either.

I go to Profile --> Profile Feed --> then I enter something in the text bar that says "What's on your mind?", then when I hit "Post," the box doesn't do anything when I click it. I tried just hitting enter, but that didn't do anything either.
D'oh. Looking into it.

I honestly have to say this site has been pretty useless for me since the last update. You guys did definitely not improve the site, and I am sad to say I will no longer be using this site until its back to the way it was...

I honestly have to say this site has been pretty useless for me since the last update. You guys did definitely not improve the site, and I am sad to say I will no longer be using this site until its back to the way it was...
Anything specific? Hard for people to fix what you think is broken if you don't elaborate.

Or did you just feel like posting that this place is useless, just because?
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I honestly have to say this site has been pretty useless for me since the last update. You guys did definitely not improve the site, and I am sad to say I will no longer be using this site until its back to the way it was...
But if you no longer use this site, how will you know if it gets better? :)

Here is something that appears to be intermittent. In the Thread Update Notification Email (T.U.N.E. for short :)) sometimes the link to view the latest posts of a thread is both above and below the text for what's in the new post, and sometimes it's only available below.

Looking through my past few update emails it looks like it's not an issue anymore, so maybe nevermind?
UPDATE: The emails sent to me alerting me of updates to this thread are now behaving this way.

I'm sure a lot of hard work went into the changes but I'm not a fan. Tiles of pictures are space filler and the pop in and out of the "tiles" on the page are distracting. The site just does not have the scroll and scan for info that I liked before and makes you work/search for useful information.

Edit: Found the list option to replace the tiles which makes it better!

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Is there no way to report games in the database for deletion when there are duplicates? I noticed we have entries for Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed 3 for multiple platforms and even Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze along with Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, so it would be nice to be able to flag this sort of stuff for deletion.

John, thanks for fixing the problem with parts of the forum being cut off for desktop view on mobile browsers. It looks great now!

I found another problem which I'm assuming is exclusive to desktop mode on mobile browsers: viewing someone's profile is a hot mess. The buttons for "Add me as a friend", "Send me a message", "Leave Feedback", and "Find content" seem bunched up but are passable. The big problem is in my second picture. All the profile information under each heading shows up with a single character on each line. This makes it kind of hard to read. I'm using desktop mode in Safari on my iPhone 5c, iOS version 8.0.2

Thanks again. Everything else looks great.
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Is there no way to report games in the database for deletion when there are duplicates? I noticed we have entries for Assassin's Creed III and Assassin's Creed 3 for multiple platforms and even Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze along with Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, so it would be nice to be able to flag this sort of stuff for deletion.
We don't have a system for that yet, except for me to manually do it in the backend. Best option is to just report any duplicates you find to me and I'll take care of them. (For the moment.) I've fixed the ones you mentioned.
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bread's done