CAG MLB 10: The Show League Fantasy Teams! MIL/PHI/SD open! Series 6 Games Due 9/6!

[quote name='n8rockerasu']All right, I added the new guys to the list. But doing this opens up an interesting situation. If jmercado is ok with switching from Josh's league to this one, that opens up a spot in Josh's league...and it looks like dickeybeans is at the top of the waiting list.

SO, I'd have to ask dickeybeans if he'd rather play in Josh's league with original teams or this one? Surprisingly, we are running out of spots in this league, and it doesn't look like there will even be a whole lot of room for doubling up, so I just want to make sure everybody is in the place they want to be.

Also, jmercado, the Nationals are taken man. ajumbaje has them. Please pick another team.[/QUOTE]

I would actually prefer this fantasy draft league, as long as the draft starts at 9:00PM EST or later.
[quote name='dickybeans']I would actually prefer this fantasy draft league, as long as the draft starts at 9:00PM EST or later.[/QUOTE]

You can't draft until 9 PM EST every single night? Like I said, keep in mind the draft will probably take 3-4 hours. It seems like most people in the league are either EST or CST, so I was hoping that would give us more flexibility in starting a little ealier for anybody who has to be up early the next day.

I guess I would have to ask now, is there anybody who CAN'T do a 9 PM EST start time no matter what day of the week it's on?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']You can't draft until 9 PM EST every single night? Like I said, keep in mind the draft will probably take 3-4 hours. It seems like most people in the league are either EST or CST, so I was hoping that would give us more flexibility in starting a little ealier for anybody who has to be up early the next day.

I guess I would have to ask now, is there anybody who CAN'T do a 9 PM EST start time no matter what day of the week it's on?[/QUOTE]

Sorry. I have a wife and two little kids. Daddy doesn't get to fire up his PS3 until everyone's in bed. I have no problem drafting late.
im good for 9pm est as long as its not on Tuesdays cause that when lost is on and lost is my religion haha....

Glad to see another Padres fan on the boards I guess that makes a total of....2 :)
[quote name='dickybeans']Sorry. I have a wife and two little kids. Daddy doesn't get to fire up his PS3 until everyone's in bed. I have no problem drafting late.[/QUOTE]

I understand. I just hope nobody has the exact opposite conflict (ie. having to get up at 5 AM every morning).
I'm in the same boat as dickybeans with a wife and kid, so 9:00 EST is perfect. Of course I understand that may not be the case for everyone, so I could probably make time if it's earlier with enough notice.

Heck, as long as I make the first 15-18 picks I don't really care what happens after that.
[quote name='chriscolbert']I'm in the same boat as dickybeans with a wife and kid, so 9:00 EST is perfect. Of course I understand that may not be the case for everyone, so I could probably make time if it's earlier with enough notice.

Heck, as long as I make the first 15-18 picks I don't really care what happens after that.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100% with what Chris said
[quote name='SnorE']soo should i start adding everyone on page one to my friends ~?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that wouldn't be a bad idea. I would like to get the sign ups finalized soon since both leagues are so close to being full. I sent Josh a PM yesterday asking him about how he wanted to handle the guys on his waiting list, since a few of them expressed a preference of playing with fantasy teams. But he hasn't gotten back to me yet. It would be nice to get that all hammered out so we can start seriously discussing a date/time for our draft.
[quote name='SnorE']also should we add people to our PSN buddylist or the in game buddylist?[/QUOTE]

Either or. I think doing it in game might make it slightly easier to set up your league games (at least I THINK you can do "send league challenge" from there). But then again, adding people to your PSN list will let you know when they sign on. It's up to you, but adding to both would provide the biggest benefit.
All right, well, it looks like all the spots in the are now full. However, in the interest of making sure everybody who signed up actually checks CAG frequently enough to be a worthy participant, I'd like everybody to check in and give their availability for possible draft days of Wednesday 3/17 at 9 PM EST, Thursday 3/18 at 9 PM EST, Saturday 3/20 at 9 PM EST, Sunday 3/21 at 9 PM EST, or Monday 3/21 at 9 PM EST (please put down all days that you'd be available). Keep in mind that the draft will likely take between 3-4 hours, but it should be a lot of fun!

Based on that, I'll figure out which is the best day to hold the draft. I don't expect one day to be perfect for everybody, but if I wait for a perfect day, the league will never get started, haha. Whatever is best for the majority is what we will do. Remember, you can set up a draft board in advance with your preferred picks and have the CPU draft for you. You can be present for all of the draft, part of the draft, or none of the draft. It's all whatever you want to make out of it.

I'm going to give everybody 72 hours to check in and post their availability. If you don't make a post in the next 72 hours, you'll be dropped from the league and replaced by one of the players on the waiting list. I don't want to be too strict about things, but if you don't check this thread at least once every 2-3 days (preferably at least once a day), you're just going to drag the league down.

On that note, jmercado316, you still never got back to me with your second choice of team since the team you chose was already taken. I shouldn't have to hound you guys. Don't let that become a trend.
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[quote name='spidamatrix']I think I should be available for all of those possible draft dates.

Can't wait, should be a lot of fun![/QUOTE]

[quote name='GenDV138']Thursday would be good, but I'll be available for all of the days listed at 9 PM EST, n8.[/QUOTE]

Thanks guys! Flexibility will certainly help. :)
These are the days that can work for me
Wednesday 3/16 at 9 PM EST, Thursday 3/17 at 9 PM EST, or Monday 3/21 at 9 PM EST
[quote name='dickybeans']Any night except Saturday works for me.

DH rule? I'm contemplating switching to an AL team if it gives me another hitter.[/QUOTE]

The rules are as they would be if you were playing a random person online. If you're in an AL park, you play with DH, if you're in an NL park, no DH. So, with our schedule, AL teams will have 14 games with a DH and 8 games without. NL teams will have 8 games with a DH and 14 without.

If you want to switch teams, let me know, because I want to keep the leagues even (8 and 8). jmercado316 still needs to pick a team. Right now there are 7 AL teams and 8 AL teams. If you switch, he'll need to pick an NL team.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']The rules are as they would be if you were playing a random person online. If you're in an AL park, you play with DH, if you're in an NL park, no DH. So, with our schedule, AL teams will have 14 games with a DH and 8 games without. NL teams will have 8 games with a DH and 14 without.

If you want to switch teams, let me know, because I want to keep the leagues even (8 and 8). jmercado316 still needs to pick a team. Right now there are 7 AL teams and 8 AL teams. If you switch, he'll need to pick an NL team.[/QUOTE]

Let him pick whichever team he wants. I'll either keep the Cubs or switch to an AL team, depending on what he picks. I really don't have a preference. Thanks.
[quote name='hqn101']Isnt tuesday the 16th cause thats when GOW3 comes out. Any day is good except for sat.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you're right. I keep thinking today is Thursday. I don't know why. It just feels like a Thursday I guess. I hope that doesn't change anything for anybody, although since pretty much everybody named days and not dates, I'll assume it won't.
Even if I make it into the league, I doubt I'll be able to make he draft since the box for my PS3 is supposed to arrive tomorrow and I'll be sending it in.
[quote name='Matt Young']Even if I make it into the league, I doubt I'll be able to make he draft since the box for my PS3 is supposed to arrive tomorrow and I'll be sending it in.[/QUOTE]

Well, you wouldn't be in unless 5 people drop anyway. I don't wanna say that better not happen...but that better not happen, lol. I kinda figured both leagues would fill up with different players. Seems like a lot of people bought the game this year.
Thursday, Sunday, and Monday or good for me. I can do Wednesday but I'll be an hour late. No biggie.

Also, I have one spot open in my league right now. We are playing with Original teams. Let me know if you want in via PM or post in my thread.
Bumping this because we still have 5 people who haven't checked in and I'm hoping they see it.

Also, it looks like the top vote getters thus far for the draft are Wednesday and Monday. However, Josh can't make it until 10 PM on Wednesday. I know he's willing to just miss the first hour, but I wanted to see if anybody would be opposed to bumping the start time back to 10.

My thought on it is that it's more important to be present for the first hour of the draft than it would be for the last hour (if anyone needed to leave early because of starting later). So, I guess the voting now is between Wednesday 3/17 at 10 PM EST, Monday 3/22 at 9 PM EST...or I guess "Screw Josh! I want the draft on Wednesday at 9 PM EST!", haha.

What do you guys think?
[quote name='n8rockerasu'] "Screw Josh! I want the draft on Wednesday at 9 PM EST!", haha.[/QUOTE]

:) True story; two years ago I was on a Fantasy Baseball League with some guys from work. Since I was the only Cubs fan, they decided to "forget" to tell me about the draft time. Long story short, guess who took first place at the end of the year... Thats right.

Anyway If 10p.m EST/9p.m CST is a problem, then I'm fine with coming in late. I would honestly rather get the draft completed next Wed. as opposed to waiting another weekend. I'm sure that everyone wants to get things moving along. My league will hopefully be starting by next weekend.
[quote name='Josh5890']Anyway If 10p.m EST/9p.m CST is a problem, then I'm fine with coming in late. I would honestly rather get the draft completed next Wed. as opposed to waiting another weekend. I'm sure that everyone wants to get things moving along. My league will hopefully be starting by next weekend.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I would rather bump back an hour Wednesday than wait till Monday. To me Wednesday works great because it gives us time to get everybody checked in (and possibly replaced if 5 people don't get their collective heads out of their collective asses and check the damn thread) and then it still gives us a few days to scout and get draft boards set up. Monday just gives people too much time to disappear again.
i can draft anytime after this upcoming tuesday preferably at night. (east coast time). sunday nights it would have to be later because i play hockey until around 10 pm est.
[quote name='rhoffa']i can draft anytime after this upcoming tuesday preferably at night. (east coast time). sunday nights it would have to be later because i play hockey until around 10 pm est.[/QUOTE]

So are you fine with Wednesday at 10 PM EST?
Wednesday 3/17 at 10 PM EST, Monday 3/22 at 9 PM EST...or I guess "Screw Josh! I want the draft on Wednesday at 9 PM EST!"

Any of these option works for me
The Monday night actually would work better for me. I have a meeting on Wens night and I'd really have to rush home fast to get back in time for the draft...and I'd hate to miss it. I mean if it IS on Wen I will try my best to be there in time.
I'd rather not wait 'til 10 EST, but will suck it up if I have to, or autopick after first few rounds so I can function at work on Thursday. I guess that's probably better than Josh having to autopick early when it counts more.

I like Wed. best b/c I'm ready to get started, but still ok w/the other options
bread's done