CAG MLB 10: The Show League Fantasy Teams! MIL/PHI/SD open! Series 6 Games Due 9/6!

[quote name='Josh5890']Wow, I thought that it was still being debated. They really need a new one.[/QUOTE]

2012 is what they said
Just wanted to say that as of last night there were still 5 people who needed to accept their invite and join the league. rhoffa (who's away for a few he's fine), ajumbaje, MaskedPlague, Advent-Rising, and DestroVega. The draft is in two days guys. Let's try to get this done as soon as possible, so you can start figuring out who you want to pick.
Hey guys just checking in. I been in Boston for an International seafood convention. I see I need to accept an invite an hopefully after that ill be ready to go. N8rocker ill be back tomorrow and accept as soon. as I get in. Feel free to pm me if you need too. Sorry for typos Nd grammer got drunk with a 62 year old who looks like Ben Franklin, can't get my laptop working with WiFi and. Am using my phone. Also scar3d of allstar difficulty, is anyone else??
[quote name='rhoffa']Hey guys just checking in. I been in Boston for an International seafood convention. I see I need to accept an invite an hopefully after that ill be ready to go. N8rocker ill be back tomorrow and accept as soon. as I get in. Feel free to pm me if you need too. Sorry for typos Nd grammer got drunk with a 62 year old who looks like Ben Franklin, can't get my laptop working with WiFi and. Am using my phone. Also scar3d of allstar difficulty, is anyone else??[/QUOTE]

Haha, it's cool man. You're all good to go. All you'll have to do is accept the invite, pick your team, and choose your division (you're the Phillies, so obviously...choose National League). After that, you can screw around with your draft board if you want, or just make your picks live on Wednesday night.

Oh, and All-Star difficulty shouldn't have big differences online. I think it mostly just affects the way Guess Pitch functions, and maybe a few minor gameplay tweaks. Since you're still playing human opponents, your level of skill should still translate the same.
A few questions:

1. To set auto-draft, I just queue the players I want in order, then activate auto-draft?

2. Is it possible to play with guess pitch off if I'm the home team, per se? I always play with guess pitch off.
[quote name='madbst']A few questions:

1. To set auto-draft, I just queue the players I want in order, then activate auto-draft?

2. Is it possible to play with guess pitch off if I'm the home team, per se? I always play with guess pitch off.[/QUOTE]

1. Yes. Queue up the players you want the CPU to go after for you. Of course, if a player on your list is taken, the CPU will just move on to the next person on your list. If there are any unfilled positions toward the end of the draft, the CPU should just fill them in on its own.

2. Nope. Guess pitch is on for this league. I get that some people don't use it, but I like it because to me it makes the game more of a chess match, and forces you to truly get creative on the mound. Some people call it unrealistic, but trying to read pitches in a video game is also unrealistic. Makes it a lot harder to go fastball/changeup all day long.
[quote name='m_d_amore']not really[/QUOTE]

Ok then. Well IN MY OPINION, its tough for SOME OF US to hit without guess pitch. Thanks, boss.

Some New Yorker has adopted my Celtics as his own? Blasphemous! :wall:
[quote name='DestroVega']Guess pitch isn't even unrealistic in my mind... the location guesser is though.[/QUOTE]

I just really love the feeling of guessing 3 pitches + location right in a row against somebody online. It's like "yeah, you're going to have to get more creative than that", haha.
I like the guess pitch (and location) too, as it becomes a chess match, and you can use it against people easily when you are pitching.
[quote name='melokeith']I like the guess pitch (and location) too, as it becomes a chess match, and you can use it against people easily when you are pitching.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. It becomes a 2 or 3 steps ahead thing...when you know what they know what you know, haha. Just because they guess your pitch doesn't mean you have to throw a strike. I've had so many cases where my opponent guessing the pitch works in my favor.

Sometimes I'll get really creative. Sometimes I'll intentionally throw what they should be expecting. Although I always get a kick out of when I outthink myself...and the person I'm playing apparently doesn't know much about baseball. And I discover I can throw fastball/changeup all day long..and he'll never catch on.
[quote name='chriscolbert']So will we find out the draft order right as we're gettting started tomorrow night?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, pretty much. Last year, we thought we could determine the order, and had a lottery. But we found out that the game just randomizes the order once the league is activated. I ended up getting the first pick...which I thought was odd since I created the league (hoping that doesn't happen again...not that I don't WANT the first pick, haha. It would just seem crappy for the commissioner to always get first pick).

Regardless of your position in the order though, the way it works is it goes forward through the list and then backward through the list. So, if you have the 16th pick, you'll also have the 17th pick...and then the 48th and 49th pick...and so on. Whoever gets the 1st pick won't pick again until pick 32 and 33. So, you see, it kinda averages out either way.
just joined... and from what i can see draft is order is up!
hqn101, chriscolbert, n8rocker82, iambobbyd, zsnorez, thegloomyavenger, destrovega, madnena, mdam0re, gendv138, cusemankeith, dahkx, josh5890, ajumbaje, dbeans
anyone else getting that order?

how many rounds is the draft???
[quote name='hqn101']do we check in here tomorrow or just login SC[/QUOTE]

I'll probably make a reminder post before the draft starts, but definitely be on your PS3 in the game with your draft board loaded up at least a few minutes before 10. Once the draft starts, each team will have 30 seconds to make their selection, so things will start moving quickly.

[quote name='rhoffa']just joined... and from what i can see draft is order is up!
hqn101, chriscolbert, n8rocker82, iambobbyd, zsnorez, thegloomyavenger, destrovega, madnena, mdam0re, gendv138, cusemankeith, dahkx, josh5890, ajumbaje, dbeans
anyone else getting that order?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I see that too, but I'm not sure that it will stay in that order once the league is officially activated. I think we tried predicting the order last year too, and then it shuffled or something. Who knows. By that list, it looks like MaskedPlague has yet to accept his invite though. I guess I'll send him a PM. I'd really like everybody to be in and ready by at least noon tomorrow.
[quote name='rhoffa']alright cool you know how many rounds there are gonna be i dont think i have seen that on here yet.[/QUOTE]

Well, last year it was 25. But considering they've added access to free agency and things this year, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a full 40 man. Although I don't see a whole lot of use for that in such a short season. My guess would still be 25. I'd be surprised if they changed THAT much about how leagues function.
11:00 PM?

That's what is says under league details before I actually go into the league office. No biggie for me but I thought you'd want to know since that may really mess some people up.
God dammit! Sony is so fucking stupid, and the draft set up is still vague as hell. Yeah, so when I set up the league, I was prepared for the bullshit they pulled last year where they didn't allow you to specify what timezone you were in, and the only way to find out that the game functioned on PST was through Sony's forums. But this year, I saw this:


So, I think "Oh, ok. Good. They fixed it so it matches the commissioner's timezone. That makes sense. My timezone is set correctly. I'm fine." And I set the draft time for Wednesday at 10:00 PM.

Then, I go to activate the league tonight, and see this...

Just to be sure...I go into the draft screen, and sure enough, it's counting down from...


I have no idea what happened. I've got vague bits and pieces of things I remember reading on forums last year floating around in my head, One thing was that the league had to be activated at least 24 hours prior to the draft time...but from what I remember, it was supposed to bump you back an entire week since you choose the day to draft when you set up the league.

I don't know how I could choose Wednesday for the draft, and have 3/18 shown as the draft day. The only other possibility is it's exactly like last year, and that nice little message informing me to have my timezone set correctly to ensure draft time accuracy doesn't actually do anything.

Either way, only Sony could fuck up something this simple. How hard is it to just put the damn timezone in when you choose your time? Oh, also, I noticed in the last picture I screen capped that it does look like we get to draft 40 players. So, taking that into account and the fact that our time is 2 hours off, my gut tells me we should just do the draft on Monday instead. Unless anybody is strongly opposed to that, I just feel like otherwise, we'll all end up leaving early and have more than half a team that we didn't even draft.

Also, in case anyone is thinking of it, I tried changing my timezone NOW to freaking Buenos Aires time (2 hours ahead of me)...and all it does it change the time the draft is set to take place for me. The countdown is still the same. I just freaking love how Sony doesn't show you any of this stuff until it's too late to do anything about it. Up until I activated the league, the draft time showed "Wednesday - 10:00 PM"
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What I don't get is that it tells me it's at 11:00. Now I'm on the east coast as well but it appears to adjust the time based on where it thinks you are, since there is no EST, CST, etc. after the time shown. For whatever reason it seems to think that you are in a different time zone when obviously you aren't.

What are others seeing?

Nate, have you synced your system's clock settings online since daylight savings?
[quote name='chriscolbert']What I don't get is that it tells me it's at 11:00. Now I'm on the east coast as well but it appears to adjust the time based on where it thinks you are, since there is no EST, CST, etc. after the time shown. For whatever reason it seems to think that you are in a different time zone when obviously you aren't.

What are others seeing?

Nate, have you synced your system's clock settings online since daylight savings?[/QUOTE]

Yup, I have. I did have to turn daylight savings on the other day when I synced because apparently it was set to "off" (does it auto turn off during winter...or is it just a setting to remember that your area acknowledges DST?), but the time has been correct since Sunday. If we're both on the east coast and it's showing different times, this thing is really freaking cracked!
I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that you can't manually change the draft time?

F.Y.I- It says 11pm for me and I'm in CST
[quote name='Josh5890']I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that you can't manually change the draft time?

F.Y.I- It says 11pm for me and I'm in CST[/QUOTE]

Nope. That's what I mean. They don't actually show you that it's not what you chose until it's set. And then it's too late to do anything about it. If we choose to do Monday, I'd have to abandon the league, set up a new one, and make sure everybody was joined before Sunday at 9 PM (in case that was the thing that caused the issue). I'd also start digging through forums again to see if anybody else has reported this problem this year. It's just frustrating because it really should not be this difficult.
[quote name='chriscolbert']Okay so I'm an idiot. My Daylight Savings option was off and after I adjusted it it now says 0:00 AM as well. Stupid.[/QUOTE]

Haha, good thing you weren't going by your PS3 clock to get to work on time.
[quote name='Josh5890']So did the draft just get moved to Monday?[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't want to do it without getting a few more opinions, but I'd assume people would rather do that than start it at midnight.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, I don't want to do it without getting a few more opinions, but I'd assume people would rather do that than start it at midnight.[/QUOTE]

It would't bother me since I'm off Thursday but I'm sure at least 50% would be against it.
Wow...we might not even need to worry about Monday (and that goes for your league too, Josh). In looking for "timezone threads" on Operation Sports, I came across these threads:

Apparently, the "game not counting" issue stretches to league games as well. Numerous people are reporting that after having several games finished in their league, the standings still show records as being 0-0. *sigh* This is really starting to get terrible.

It boggles my mind how SCEA can make a game that is so great and so shitty at the same time. With this and the pause freeze/intentional walk freeze/random disconnects, I feel like the SportsConnect server could just die at any time. I've had 3 games drop tonight...even though my internet never went down. And one game that was horrendously laggy through 6 innings until it finally disconnected.

I'm reading that some people are refusing to even start their leagues until a patch is released. I'm not sure what to do. There's no way in hell people are going to sit through a 4 hour draft twice. Maybe we should just let the CPU draft all our teams tomorrow and use this as a test league that we can just abandon when things actually work right. I don't know, maybe that's stupid. I just don't want people to invest a lot of time into something that at this point probably won't work right.
N8... here's my opinion... Considering the problems with league games not counting, we should wait, move the draft to another date, and not rush anything.

There's a way to contact the developer right? I'm sure he's aware of this issue, or maybe we can even make it known.

I don't think it's the end of the world to wait a lil' bit to see if it gets resolved quickly.
At least I can watch southpark tonight :)

I'm up for anything, hopefully this can get sorted out
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The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part
i am down to wait if we have to get everything functioning correctly. the whole not keeping track of wins, loses, stats is a much bigger problem then a time difference for draft night.
[quote name='DestroVega']anyone on the forum where the developer posts? hopefully if we bitch we can speed the process[/QUOTE]

Well, from what I've gathered, it looks like what slickkill posted before is actually right (and I apologize for not believing you, slick. It's just so ridiculous, it doesn't sound sane). Apparently, the development team is on a break until the end of the month. I guess it's their reward for making such a "great game". I don't know what kind of team doesn't expect even a great game to have some problems that need attention though. Here's the thread talking about it:

It's crazy how defensive people on OS get about this game though. People are getting banned left and right, and they lecture people with "You have a sense of other developer addresses issues like The Show team!" But they seem to fail to question WHY it's constantly necessary for the team to be addressing problems in the game. I know no game is going to be perfect, but at what point does it just become sloppy? How many of these things should slip by testing? It just seems like every year it's 'Oh, online is broken", "Oh, Franchise has a glitch", "Oh, RttS freezes".

I'm like bewildered because I was the person swearing I wouldn't buy this game if it wasn't better...and it is...but it's not? lol. I mean, I feel the gameplay itself is more solid (hitting is more organic, check swings work, diving works, CPU doesn't cheat, etc.), but here we are again waiting until the end of April for certain parts of the game to work how they were intended. And all the while, the game is pulling in 9's and 9.5's in reviews. It almost makes me feel bad for a game like Madden because they get absolutely crucified for the smallest things. But The Show is impervious? How do they do it? lol
As for the league, since no one wants to waste their time (which I figured), I'm just going to let the draft run itself tonight. I'm not even going to set up a draft board. Anybody who wants to be a guinea pig and screw around in the league just to practice playing games, and see if anything works at all (records, scheduling, trades, free agency, 40 man, etc.) is more than welcome to.

Anybody who doesn't care, don't worry about it, and I'll try not to sim any games so nobody takes any unnecessary losses. I just figure if it's already set up...and it's already going to run itself...and we're already planning on starting a fresh league when this gets fixed, we might as well run some tests. Plus, this could be a way for people to not lose interest between now and when the issue is fixed...whenever that will be.
bread's done