CAG PSN Gamesharing #9 - Find/Create a Gameshare Group and Gameshare FAQ

actually, here's , i really dont know why i said him doing exactly like i said before let him download , lol (maybe my guide wrong from first transaction to now ?lol), if he want to refund, is ok, deactivated system first, when it drop down to 1 system, i will refund
What region is the game? If it's US, you should be able to find someone who would lend him the account so he can start the download.

I host a lot of groups myself and when I send out messages to the phantoms I ALWAYS say "post back when you have confirmed the game is downloaded and working and then I will change the password (first) and deactivate the account."

I am assuming that when people post back in the PM saying the game is downloaded and working they are not still logged into the account.  I also change the password first in case they accidently click on the account and log in, with the changed PW they can't log in and screw themselves out of their own phantom.  I post in the PM that I am deactivating and then it's done.  Never had a problem yet.

You should ALWAYS make sure the phantoms post before you deactivate because there can be problems with the download, not installing properly, corruption, etc. 

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I make the recommendation for people to cycle the power of their ps4 before I remote deactivate. I've been burned by friends being in a hurry and not logging out of the game share account.
Haha, yep thats me. Whats your PSNid? I might remember you. I'm horribly streaky playing that MP. I've scored like 6k and went 26/6, and scored lowest on the team with a K/D not worth mentioning lol.
I've seen matt have a -40 K/D. Most times it would just show zero, but that time it was like fuck no, this is way too bad.
WTB: Forza Horizon 2 resell!

I make the recommendation for people to cycle the power of their ps4 before I remote deactivate. I've been burned by friends being in a hurry and not logging out of the game share account.
I made the mistake of doing that with one group I hosted earlier this year, and the non-sell wasn't able to access the game after the you-know-what-how-we-do-gameshares procedure thing.. Did some research and poking around and indeed it was because the non-sell had not logged out of his PS4 or even the gameshare account while I did the stuff.

So had to fix that situation, and whenever I host a share, I had to reiterate to members to turn off their PS4 (either standby or shut down completely) so I can do the thing. Never had that problem anymore.

There seems to be a problem with PSN on the PS4 (and the app), in regards to viewing the friends list and sending/receiving of messages. I have like 110 mbps down speed, yet it lags like I have a 1 mbps down plan.

Can't tell if my messages were sent, until I send a follow up message and it finally shows up in the PS4 PSN message thread. With what QDizzle stated earlier about Sony having promised about a lot of things, they really have a bunch of crap they need to work on and fix, cause I am starting to think the XBox One UI is......better....

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Has anyone dealt with Arsestar? He wants to buy my Fifa 15 resell on PS4 but he just registered on Sept 27th.
I can vouch for him, as of present.

Talked with him over on our site a bit, and bunch of threads over there with him as the subject/topic.

He's a good dude, from our conversations and working his way up.

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I can vouch for him, as of present.

Talked with him over on our site a bit, and bunch of threads over there with him as the subject/topic.

He's a good dude, from our conversations and working his way up.
He could be trying to get into your pants.

Anyone can type nicely.

He could be trying to get into your pants.

Anyone can type nicely.
I will never let another dude into my pants (unless it was for a million bucks....or more).

Yeah, but I just have a gut feeling of the dude. And he's already made himself well known over there (almost everybody knows about him there now, cause the thread about him trended and blew up).

Like I said, as of present he's a cool dude. Just needs to be proven over time.

He can take a PS4 sellable, if StarShadow wants him to.

There seems to be a problem with PSN on the PS4 (and the app), in regards to viewing the friends list and sending/receiving of messages. I have like 110 mbps down speed, yet it lags like I have a 1 mbps down plan.

Can't tell if my messages were sent, until I send a follow up message and it finally shows up in the PS4 PSN message thread. With what QDizzle stated earlier about Sony having promised about a lot of things, they really have a bunch of crap they need to work on and fix, cause I am starting to think the XBox One UI is......better....
Yeah, the PS4 friends/messages system sucks. Pravado and I tried adding each other and had a ton of issues. He sent me a request which I saw the notification for. When I went to add him, there was no message. He tried again and nothing. I sent him a request and nothing. Then the PS4 told us we couldn't send a friend request. He still hasn't popped into my friends list but I've seen a couple trophy messages of his pop into my What's New list which indicates that we are PSN friends. Confusing. Hurry up 2.0!

EDIT: And from what I've seen, I do like the Xbox One UI more.

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Blogcast #137:

Alien Isolation(PS4, PS3)


DIvekick Addition Edition(PS4)

Dust An Elysian Tail(PS4)

NBA 2K15(PS4, PS3)

Jet Car Stunts(PS3, Vita)

Pix The Cat(PS4, Vita)


Strider 2(PS1)

Styx Master of Shadows(PS4)

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Yeah, the PS4 friends/messages system sucks. Pravado and I tried adding each other and had a ton of issues. He sent me a request which I saw the notification for. When I went to add him, there was no message. He tried again and nothing. I sent him a request and nothing. Then the PS4 told us we couldn't send a friend request. He still hasn't popped into my friends list but I've seen a couple trophy messages of his pop into my What's New list which indicates that we are PSN friends. Confusing.
Yep. I usually on a regular flow continuously get FRs from mutuals or randoms, and there's been a few times where I click on a FR to view the comment post (see if I know them), followed by the process of clicking accept. But it'll stall, on the phone and the PS4 (don't even want to mention the adding of friends on the PS3, cause some type of pop up box shows up and tells you something about you being unable to add/accept them on the PS3 via PSN).

I see in my activity feed, showing me and the dudes/dudettes becoming FL friends, but upon going onto their profile to message something it shows that we aren't friends yet. I don't's been happening since last month or so.

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I can vouch for him, as of present.

Talked with him over on our site a bit, and bunch of threads over there with him as the subject/topic.

He's a good dude, from our conversations and working his way up.
Thank you mate! I will have no qualms selling him my share then.

oh u so cool bruh, u got friends to do the raid with i dont.
There there Snakey, you'll find friends one day too.

putting smiley faces on your fingers dont count....especially your left-hand.


Lords of the Fallen (OCT.28th) [$TBA$]

R: HyeVltg3


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Need one more Falling Skies PS3 resell... comeon  someone's gotta bite. It's an XCom clone! Overall decent reviews as well.

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Any Watch Dogs Season Pass (PS4) shares floating around? I want to play through the story-driven DLC that just came out. Looking to buy or rent. Just shoot me a pm if you have it available.

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I've seen matt have a -40 K/D. Most times it would just show zero, but that time it was like fuck no, this is way too bad.
Haha, youre such a liar. I'm bad sometimes, but I couldn't be that bad if I wanted to.

oh u so cool bruh, u got friends to do the raid with i dont.
I'm legit curious as to who you done the raid with and what they thought of your communications. You could have plenty of friends to do the raid with just from PSNOT but literally no one wants to play with you because of your well-earned reputation.

Resells for sale:

Drag-On Dragoon 3 (Drakengard 3, Japanese) - $7

Grand Theft Auto V - $5
Watch Dogs - $6

Tales of Xillia 2 - $15 not available yet, but i can reserve it for someone.

Bayonetta - $3

Two Worlds II - $1

J-Stars Victory VS (Japanese) - $15 

Ragnarok Odyssey ACE - $5
Does anyone know if Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 got a digital release? Or was it a disc only exclusive. My copy ended up with a crack and I really need this game lol

i bought a p4au phantom do this mean i have to get refund?
I had that problem when installing games on my PS3 more than a year ago. error message was something like "can't install, corrupted download/file." I got it @ 14% when installing. it's not an issue with the gameshare account.

I've done the following to fix it,

* Rebuild the database

* Port-forwarding or DMZ

* Set the PS3 MTU to 1492 (network settings)

* Download the game on PC by using a proxy and then transferred to the PS3

When Resident Evil 6 came out, I wasted 30GB for that game by downloading it 3 times. couldn't install. same error every-time.

try downloading the game when the PSN is not too busy. if you're from US, download late night, set PS3 to turn off automatically after download.

You have to re-download the game. delete the current download file, and the corrupted installed file.
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But unlike XCOM, Falling Skies has a webseries, Live Action webseries, which explains where the budget went.
XCOM nails every element of game design IMO which is why I consider it one of the greatest games on PS3. Too bad this Sky game is based off a web series because if they put more money into their game to give it the polish XCOM had it would probably be a lot better. However in the end it probably isn't worth it cause those games are are a niche genre.

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Will consider trading games for other games / PSN Cards. 
Renting will only be available to reputable/regular CAG users.
All accounts are North American unless otherwise noted.
If interested in anything please PM me (Including joining a group). 

For Sale (Resells)

$3 - Tom Clancy's HAWX

$3 - Ace Combat Assault Horizon

$3 - Aquapazza

$4 - Devil May Cry HD Collection

$6 - FIFA World Cup 2014 Brazil
$7 - XCOM Enemy Within

$8 - FIFA 14 (PS3)

$8 - Agarest Generations of War 2

$8 - Lost Planet 3 + Need For Speed The Run

$8 - Record of Agarest War Zero + Rainbow Moon + Resident Evil 6 + PSN Games

For Sale (Phantoms)

$1 - Armored Core V - Verdict Day

$1 - Game of Thrones (US) + XCOM Bureau Trophy DLC

$4 - Okabu + Dungeon Defenders + Rocketbirds + Sam & Max Time and Space Ep1-5 + $30 in PSN games (PM for list)

$3 - Agarest Generations of War 2

Exclusively for Rent (All are $1 a week unless otherwise noted):

Record of Agarest War Zero + Rainbow Moon + Resident Evil 6 + PSN Games

Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd (JP Region) - $2 a week

Call of Duty Ghosts Season Pass (PS3) - $2 a week

Game of Thrones + XCOM Bureau Hanger 6 DLC

Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition (PS4)

Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes (PS3)

Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory

Armored Core V - Verdict Day

Resogun Season Pass

Dark Souls II

Games I am Looking to Buy / Start a Group (SaG) Trade / Rent:

Legasista (Buy / Rent / SaG)

SoulCaliber II HD Online JP Version (Rent)

Port Royale 3 Gold Edition (Trade)

I update as regularly and quickly as i can bro no need to ask.

Haha I know you do update it, it's just I've been buying and selling shares for years and the list still says I have like 3 trades or something. It's moreso a problem of people not leaving feedback, I was just joshin' with ya.

XCOM nails every element of game design IMO which is why I consider it one of the greatest games on PS3. Too bad this Sky game is based off a web series because if they put more money into their game to give it the polish XCOM had it would probably be a lot better. However in the end it probably isn't worth it cause those games are are a niche genre.
Actually it is based off of a TV series that has these aliens that look like they ripped off the batarians from mass effect. The show is very mediocre with spielberg's name attached to it to hype it up, which I am pretty sure he is just selling it now like tom clancy.

If members have a problem with off-topic posting, they can message a mod (io, CaseyRyback, Trakan, Pookymeister) to let them know how they feel about it, while linking my wall of text, as well as Pravado's, since his post backs up everything I was saying.


For Sale:


Bound by Flame Phantom - $12

Child of Light [UK] Phantom - $2

Killzone Shadow Fall + Season Pass Phantom - $15

Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare Phantom - $13.33

Rayman Legends Phantom - $10

Sniper Elite 3 Phantom - $16.67

Thief Phantom - $10

Transistor Phantom - $5

Trine 2: Complete Story Phantom - $3


Bioshock + Bioshock 2 + Minerva's Den + Bioshock Infinite + Season Pass Phantom - $6

Dark Souls II Phantom - $6.67

Diablo 3 (vanilla) Phantom - Free (regulars only)

Dishonored + all trophy DLC Phantom - $4

DmC + Vergil's Downfall + costume pack + Puppeteer + Fatal Frame + Resident Evil 4 HD Phantom - $5

[PS3] Entwined Phantom - $1

Grand Theft Auto V Phantom - $6

Ni no Kuni Phantom - $2

South Park: The Stick of Truth Phantom - $6

Available for rent:


Bound by Flame - $1/week

Entwined -$0.25/week

Killzone Shadow Fall + Season Pass - $1/week

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes - $0.75/week

Rayman Legends - $1/week

Sniper Elite 3 - $1.50/week

Thief - $1/week

Currently be rented:



Diablo III: Reaper of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition

Infamous First Light

Infamous Second Son

Metro Redux

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

The Last of Us Remastered

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition

Wolfenstein: TNO


Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII + Cloud DLC + Japanese VO DLC

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Resident Evil 6 Mode Bundle Pack ($9.99) (Include Siege, Onslaught, Predator and Survivors modes)
Resells $3.33
- factor747
- factor747*
Phantoms $1.67
*If anyone want a resell, just put yourself in the list, If not I will take it.
Timeshare available (trusted members only):
- Infamous Second Son $2 per week
- Knack $2 per week
bread's done