Yeah this is definitely a downgrade from the franchise, I may even be so bold as to say Confrontation might be somewhat better.

The camera really really ruined this game, the clutter in the maps, the fact that you can't really aim your grenades as far as I'm aware, it feels like every single gun is basically the M14 from SOCOM 2 as far as spray goes.

What also got me is the knifing, I was taken back when I saw that basically all this game is, is a mediocre 3rd person MW2. There's no knifing in SOCOM, this game isn't SOCOM anymore, it's just another TPS with the SOCOM name on it.
i think i spent 24+ hours downloading the beta. two overnights + 1 day.

got into my 1st game - uplink. ended up with 20-1. i know im not that good. later i found out that im one of those teleporting people you see around. theyre almost impossible to kill when i see them on the other side. how do you switch to your secondary weapon? im having trouble with spawning. after i die or even to start a game, i wont spawn into a game. my other concern deals with trying to steal intel. i push the O. but the yellow bar doesnt activate. after a few seconds, i get the 0 with cross through it null sign. wtf? how am i supposed to play objectives without being able to take objective points?

some games later, i find myself ranked 21st on the leaderboards with 123-20ish? with no sniper riffle kills. i attribute that to lag buff. for me, its a funny game where people can't kill and you just run around stabbing people. does zipper have enough time to fix all this stuff before launch? i dont think its worth $60. but ill still buy it launch if the cag socom still rolls with it.
I'm on now if any cags want to play. Still questioning whether or not I want to keep my ps3 bad enough to play this game or if I want to sell it and live without.

Do you guys aim with just L1 or do you use the gun sight view? I couldn't kill anyone for shit with just L1 but played decent looking down the sight. Don't like that as a long time socom player but meh. I've played worse

:edit: meh. Guess ill try unloading my triple. If I wanted to play a generic shooter id just stick to medal of honor or something. As everyone has said, the game is alright but not what I was expecting from the start (ie: a socom game). If the ps3 was my main system id probably pick this up but quite frankly its not worth keeping a system for.
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[quote name='Cigarl']I really want to try this with the CAG Socom vets that logged all the hours together in confrontation. [/QUOTE]

are you and the guys buying this? the only way im getting this is if i can play with everyone again.
You guys do know that some of the issues you guys mentioned have already been addressed, right?
Zipper already said that they are pulling the camera back and there is a party/match making system in the full release as well.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']If I hear "TEAM, THE OBJECTIVE IS TO ELIMINATE THE OPPOSING TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" one more time....... lol[/QUOTE]

How else am I suppose to know what to do?

Zipper says they are addressing the issues that people have with the game. With how involved Zipper was with MAG, I'm confident that Socom 4 MP will pan out to become a solid game. It is just frustrating to say the least that we have to wait even longer for a true Socom Sequel (like seriously how long was that coldfront wait? :D )

I don't have the link, but the Zipper podcast did talk about how they were purely focused on the SP game first. They wanted to finish that up before they took on the MP. So I'm crossing my fingers.

Just to point out, I'll be buying this game on day one, just because I am a sucker for Socom.
[quote name='iTz Spooky']You guys do know that some of the issues you guys mentioned have already been addressed, right?
Zipper already said that they are pulling the camera back and there is a party/match making system in the full release as well.[/QUOTE]

The camera will never be ready at launch. They said on the Zipper podcast that it was going to be major work to put in the "gun's up" feature because they have to change all of the animations that have been done. When they addressed the camera issue they said they hope to fix it, but they are not sure how it is going to be done because they are having issues with the camera bumping into things with the way it is set now, and if they pull it back it will get even worse. They knew about this issue quite awhile ago when they flew some select Socom players out to their studio to try the game, months before the beta. With the few games that I've played, I do find myself hitting down on the d-pad which was the default in Confrontation to pull the camera out of the zoom mode.

[quote name='paz9x']are you and the guys buying this? the only way im getting this is if i can play with everyone again.[/QUOTE]

Even with all of the issues, I will most definitely be buying this game day one with the move bundle. I do believe that J-Cart and Smog are right when they say Zipper will work to get it fixed. I also bought Confrontation twice because I was playing it so much I wanted the download version to be on my HD all the time.
[quote name='MillerTime2523']If I hear "TEAM, THE OBJECTIVE IS TO ELIMINATE THE OPPOSING TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" one more time....... lol[/QUOTE]

I feel ya. Audio-Options-Dialog Volume :lol:

[quote name='j-cart']How else am I suppose to know what to do?

Zipper says they are addressing the issues that people have with the game. With how involved Zipper was with MAG, I'm confident that Socom 4 MP will pan out to become a solid game. It is just frustrating to say the least that we have to wait even longer for a true Socom Sequel (like seriously how long was that coldfront wait? :D )

I don't have the link, but the Zipper podcast did talk about how they were purely focused on the SP game first. They wanted to finish that up before they took on the MP. So I'm crossing my fingers.

Just to point out, I'll be buying this game on day one, just because I am a sucker for Socom.[/QUOTE]

Thats what really kills me Jcart. The fact that we essentially had to wait 6 months for Confrontation to be up to snuff and now it seems S4 will be the same way. The saddest part of it all is that with all the feedback they have, there are threads on the S4 forums with damn near 1000 kudos about Lobbies, UCRR and other features we didnt get in this game. They turned a blind eye to the community all throughout development and now that they realized it does not feel like Socom to the people who have been playing it for 8 years, they have decided to go back and add Some Socomisms (Guns Hot, Accurate shots, DPAD Lean)

[quote name='Cigarl']The camera will never be ready at launch. They said on the Zipper podcast that it was going to be major work to put in the "gun's up" feature because they have to change all of the animations that have been done. When they addressed the camera issue they said they hope to fix it, but they are not sure how it is going to be done because they are having issues with the camera bumping into things with the way it is set now, and if they pull it back it will get even worse. They knew about this issue quite awhile ago when they flew some select Socom players out to their studio to try the game, months before the beta. With the few games that I've played, I do find myself hitting down on the d-pad which was the default in Confrontation to pull the camera out of the zoom mode.

Even with all of the issues, I will most definitely be buying this game day one with the move bundle. I do believe that J-Cart and Smog are right when they say Zipper will work to get it fixed. I also bought Confrontation twice because I was playing it so much I wanted the download version to be on my HD all the time.[/QUOTE]

Well we will be getting a patch for the beta so we can see how that tweaks things. I will also be day 1 b/c like JCart Im a sucker for Socom. I mean, are there really any other games to play? :)
So who is up for some group gaming on Friday night? I finally got some free time.

I always believed that the reason why hot gun existed in Socom was because these guys were NAVY SEALS they know when danger is close to them.

Not sure why cover was implemented. A cover system causes the character to become stuck to the environment. In Uncharted it works because the camera is a free range camera, but in Socom, the camera is in a fixed position. Look at the gun play in Mass Effect, cover only serves as a tool to recharge shields. In Socom being "stuck" is a disadvantage at all times. Really hope to see d-pad lean make a comeback.

I must say though, the shooting recoil feels great. Just need my center dot and my frogman preset and I'll be ready to rock and roll come April 19th.
I don't know if I'll be joining you guys on the day 1 purchase. With a baby on the way in June and my PE exam in October, I think I'm going to wait until at least then to pick it up. They also closed down my blockbuster, so no more free game rentals to play here and there :(
Has anyone noticed what seems like an excessive amount of voting to kick people? I've never had the vote started on me or voted but it's really distracting since it takes up a big portion of the screen and it happens probably 90% of the games I play.
[quote name='j-cart']So who is up for some group gaming on Friday night? I finally got some free time.[/QUOTE]

I'll play tonight if anyone wants to try bomb squad. Tomorrow should work out, but it may be a little bit later as my kids stay up longer on the weekends.

[quote name='encendido5']I don't know if I'll be joining you guys on the day 1 purchase. With a baby on the way in June and my PE exam in October, I think I'm going to wait until at least then to pick it up. They also closed down my blockbuster, so no more free game rentals to play here and there :([/QUOTE]

Congratulations on the baby. June is getting really close, although I'm sure your wife doesn't think so. Those last weeks can be pretty long carrying the extra life around. We will miss you for sure. Hopefully Zipper is able to keep interest going into next year so you can join in the fun.
[quote name='Cardiff Giant']Has anyone noticed what seems like an excessive amount of voting to kick people? I've never had the vote started on me or voted but it's really distracting since it takes up a big portion of the screen and it happens probably 90% of the games I play.[/QUOTE]

First off welcome to Socom.

Second, it is your teammates talking to you from beyond the grave that an enemy is nearby. Since your fallen teammates cannot chat with you (Skype, psn chat, etc extends those in limbo) they communicate with you a different way, with the "vote to kick" feature.

Just know they aren't trying to kick you or the other person, they are just extending their stay in the real world, except there is no pottery making in Socom.

Congrats to encendido5 for having one on the way! You're going to be up late anyways, just stay by playing Socom.

And sucks for Cigarl for already having some :D I KID!
I was thinking about getting this game because I wanted an FPS that was different from the COD formula, (I've never played Socom). However after hearing your comments, I'm not feeling alot of good vibes from this. Maybe I'll wait for a $30 sale on Amazon and by then the MP will be solid. Unfortunately a day 1 purchase doesn't look likely for me.

Can anyone persuade a non Socom player to try it out when it gets released?
First Patch – SOCOM 4 Retail Version 1.XXEstimated Release: April 2011Multiplayer camera pulled further behind character (cuts off at around the mid-to-upper thigh)Multiplayer camera field of view has been widened by roughly 20%Firing accuracy has been improved for all weapons and aim modes; first few shots are substantially more accurate (with less accuracy the longer full-auto is employed)Considerably increased horizontal and vertical recoil to all weapons in ACOG and Red Dot viewsDecreased effective range of all SMGsReduced throw distance for all grenadesMade improvements to the HUD to make teammate names display above their head if they are onscreen; removed allied names (leaving only icons) when spotting friendlies at a distance; Made adjustments to XP system $so that it takes longer to gain character and weapon mod levelsMore to come, stay tuned...

Sorry for formatting did this on PS3... Sounds GREAT just hope it is out by release
[quote name='Josh5890']

Can anyone persuade a non Socom player to try it out when it gets released?[/QUOTE]

There is a reason it's called "Socrack" and it has a lot to do with the CAG clan.
Really impressed with the sharpshooter support, especially when compared to killzone 3. I wish the default settings were a little better. They have the dead as the entire screen which is a bit retarded. I do like how the rate of fire change switch actually works. I still can't melee worth shit, but thats to be expected.
[quote name='smiggity']Socom is Third Person so that may persuade you.

I will be on tonight, Friday not so much[/QUOTE]

That seems like the only thing it's got going for it right now that ISN'T Call of Duty.

Unfortunately I do not think this will be a day 1 purchase for me, I'm gonna wait and see what changes they make first.
[quote name='Cigarl']There is a reason it's called "Socrack" and it has a lot to do with the CAG clan.[/QUOTE]

Haha. I did a google search on that. I'll give it a shot when the beta is available to me next Tuesday. Maybe I'll like it.
I won't be using my code so it's up for grabs.. just post when you use it so other people are aware:

[quote name='QiG']I won't be using my code so it's up for grabs.. just post when you use it so other people are aware:


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I really appreciate it!
Had to call it a night, but it was a good amount of games with the CAG Socomers (despite getting schooled by that one clan :) ).

The Bomb Squad game mode is actually really fun to play. Though as of right now it is tough to see everything because of the camera, but it surprisingly fun. When I get the chance I will be seeing if what one of you said about the PS Move accuracy being true or not. I'll post up my thoughts on it when I get the chance.

The game has everything it needs to be a quality Socom Sequel, fix it up a bit and I'll be playing until the next Socom game is released.
Okay I'm about to start the update, but I can tell it's going to take a long time. Maybe i'll be on tomorrow night. Luckily I'm on spring break the week SOCOM comes out.
Good games tonight. Nice to get some of the CAG clan back together, definitely had a few laughs and some real Socom moments too. Cant wait for the fixes
after trying a few games yesterday and today, i conclude that i had a weird glitch in first time playing where i couldnt die. i was walking up to the enemies spawn and just kniving people. the rest of my games were glitch free. i noticed that the good classic players have suppressed weapons. is the best to get this is by grinding it out on nonclassic and then move into classic modes with suppressed weapons?
[quote name='smiggity']Good games tonight. Nice to get some of the CAG clan back together, definitely had a few laughs and some real Socom moments too. Cant wait for the fixes[/QUOTE]

The games last night were fun. Along with the standard complaints (camera and aiming), if the mic gets fixed and the clan challenge system starts to work again this game will provide some good times.
[quote name='enufs8d']after trying a few games yesterday and today, i conclude that i had a weird glitch in first time playing where i couldnt die. i was walking up to the enemies spawn and just kniving people. the rest of my games were glitch free. i noticed that the good classic players have suppressed weapons. is the best to get this is by grinding it out on nonclassic and then move into classic modes with suppressed weapons?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played non-classic, but in one game I leveled from 1 to 6. From looking at the experience totals, I believed Zipper lowered them so that people can get a taste of what there is to come.

If you REALLY need a silenced weapon, one of the SMGs comes with a silencer. Careful though, comes with a short mag.

The clan match setup is really nice, I expect CAG to pretty much play that mode exclusively. Sure it isn't a lobby, but it is a good way to separate those that want to play clan style matches.

Just some talk points:

-Confrontation had proximity chat system which I thought was extremely well done. PTT needs a come back aswell.
-The chase cam is most likely going to be the "pulled back" camera angle we all know and love
-Need d-pad lean, being forced to cover has gotten me killed.
-Seeing my rifle up at all times keeps freaking me out, I forget there is no hot gun yet
-Claymores are abuse-able

I'm at work, but once I get on tonight I will post up my PS Move thoughts.
S4 has proximity chat too, albeit not as well done. The sounds in Confrontation was one of the best things about that game. I hope spectator cam is our new camera, thats fine by me.

One thing I have noticed and is so un-Socom is the gear setups. Why do the Terrorists have the M4 (which cant even be silenced) and Seals have AK (which can be silenced) WTF. Also terrorists can have proximity mines and claymores? Prox mines are for terrorists and Claymores are Seals. Hopefully they end up ditching the laser claymores anyways
Had fun last night guys. Though I really need to put time into shooters again, I can't aim for beans. Also, nice job Gold shootin me in the back, haha.
My thoughts on Socom beta from a Socom virgin: (after 5-6 matches)

I had to adjust a little bit at first. The third person view was new and cool for me. I didn't feel like the camera was too close for me like other people were saying but my aiming sucks. Not sure if thats me or the game but hopefully the supposed patch will help me out.

The jungle map seemed pretty large but the other map felt alot smaller. That jungle map is a camper's paradise, no doubt about that. It gets a little annoying trying to move around with campers lurking. Another thing that I didn't like was that at some points it seemed like I couldn't find an enemy no matter where I went and looked. That happend more than once but not enough for me to fuss all over it.

Overall I liked it for my first time. As long as my aiming can improve I should be able to be decent at it. It seems like a game that can really be enjoyed if you are in a group or clan. Maybe I'll hook up with you guys if you are on later tonight and it will get even better for me.
I can see it now:
"Smog, we need your help! There's a family of four trapped in a burning building and only you can save them!"

Smog: "Sorry, can't do that, I'm on dat Socrack."
i find the game very polarizing. one moment, im doing fine. then the next game, i cant kill for crap due to lag or just being plain beat. very frustrating.

any tips on classic mode? im so used to throwing myself on the grenade per se to capture objectives. i noticed that smog has really impressive classic stats (eg: bomb plants, defuses, etc.)
[quote name='enufs8d']i find the game very polarizing. one moment, im doing fine. then the next game, i cant kill for crap due to lag or just being plain beat. very frustrating.

any tips on classic mode? im so used to throwing myself on the grenade per se to capture objectives. i noticed that smog has really impressive classic stats (eg: bomb plants, defuses, etc.)[/QUOTE]

1. Play for the objectives not frags (so if you are tech, defuse those bombs!)

2. Hold back for a bit, but don't stay in one spot.

3. Communicate, communicate, communicate.

4. As for aiming, since this doesn't have Call of Duty auto-aim, it maybe tough at first. The rule I follow, if the crosshair is bigger than the person single, burst fire. 3rd or half the size of the person, burst. Same size or smaller, auto that bitch. In Socom 4 you get the luxury of SMG back ups, remember to use them.

I played a pretty awesome game last night on Bomb squad. I was the last guy (and the tech dude!) had a solid run until I ran out of nade ammo, there was only one bomb left to defuse and I could see the pmn mine there. But my shotty couldnt take it out, and trying to jump onto of the bomb to see if I could defuse didn't work either. But still, Bomb squad is a pretty solid game mode.

PMN mines and claymores can stay in the game, but they need to be remote detonation, not proximity. Though I must say, they did a great job with the green laser on the claymore, I can see that thing from a good distance away.

PS Move details will follow.

/edit: I'm an officer :)
bread's done