CAG Star Trek Online Fleet/game discussion thread

Pretty sure its perm. Also there is a quiz hosted by Q on space dock and you can earn Targs, Cubs, and other Cstore items for your toons.

I've earned 2 cubs and one Targ. I already had a targ unlock for my account but the new Targs work with the Fed.
oh I guess they never really fixed the Galaxy class ship as I remembered there was a real hot debate where forum members called out the developers saying the neck area was all wrong and so on.
[quote name='KingDox']Pretty sure its perm. Also there is a quiz hosted by Q on space dock and you can earn Targs, Cubs, and other Cstore items for your toons.

I've earned 2 cubs and one Targ. I already had a targ unlock for my account but the new Targs work with the Fed.[/QUOTE]

How do you earn those unlocks? I answered a bunch of the trivia but I did not get anything. Is it via the daily that Q gives out? I got some items from that but maybe there is a chance for the unlocks in that mission?

[quote name='Ruahrc']How do you earn those unlocks? I answered a bunch of the trivia but I did not get anything. Is it via the daily that Q gives out? I got some items from that but maybe there is a chance for the unlocks in that mission?


After you do the Q quiz you get the quest from Q to dance in the fountain next to the Admerals office. Do the dance, and if you don't like the loot they give you click cancel. Do the dance and see what loot you get again, if you don't like it cancel it.

Keep repeating that until you get something you like, like Targs or Cubs. If you keep getting the same loot over and over after canceling, you can chance the instance of starbase and the loot table will be reset.
Here's a trailer for the new featured series that starts tomorrow:

Manlai and I are planning to group for it sometime late Saturday. Anyone else interested?

[quote name='KingDox']After you do the Q quiz you get the quest from Q to dance in the fountain next to the Admerals office. Do the dance, and if you don't like the loot they give you click cancel. Do the dance and see what loot you get again, if you don't like it cancel it.

Keep repeating that until you get something you like, like Targs or Cubs. If you keep getting the same loot over and over after canceling, you can chance the instance of starbase and the loot table will be reset.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this tip! I was wondering if there was a trick to it.
I'll give the new missions a try too if there is room. Let me know the time and I will show up. I have to warn you though- I have been just playing through myself so I am not up on the good strategies etc. :)
[quote name='docvinh']I'm in, just shoot me a time.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Ruahrc']I'll give the new missions a try too if there is room. Let me know the time and I will show up. I have to warn you though- I have been just playing through myself so I am not up on the good strategies etc. :)[/QUOTE]

What time are you guys around? Manlai said he's not available until late, like 11PM Eastern, but to go ahead without him if we've already got a group.
I just started writing for a mobile phone website and I've got a bunch of stuff to do for them while I'm at work tonight. Wish I could join you guys, but hopefully I'll be more free next weekend.
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Hey, sorry guys. Ended up getting back way later than I thought. I'll be getting on in a few minutes. I'm @metaly in game.
Had a great time going through the new mission with Ruahrc and Manlai yesterday. The shuttles are pretty fun and the episode felt very Trek overall with several ways to approach the objectives. If people are around next weekend, we should try to group up again for part 2. I'm just throwing that out there now so we can nail down a time.

Sorry you couldn't make it, east, but that's cool about the website. Which one is it?
Just did the infamous fire caves mission and got through without an issue, other than my engineers suiciding into the fire. I forget what problems people keep having with it in this thread, but I'm always paranoid when I have to do it now. Hopefully that's the last time. :)

We're grouping up again this evening to do episode 3 of the new series and possibly The Cure if anyone wants to join. We have a couple spaces open.

Also they just released a uniform update that vastly improves the DS9/VOY and First Contact uniforms. They look so much better now.
[quote name='metaly']Just did the infamous fire caves mission and got through without an issue, other than my engineers suiciding into the fire. I forget what problems people keep having with it in this thread, but I'm always paranoid when I have to do it now. Hopefully that's the last time. :)

We're grouping up again this evening to do episode 3 of the new series and possibly The Cure if anyone wants to join. We have a couple spaces open.

Also they just released a uniform update that vastly improves the DS9/VOY and First Contact uniforms. They look so much better now.[/QUOTE]

I really wish there was a site (outside of the sto forums) that kept track of all the new updates with screenshots and videos.
[quote name='metaly']Just did the infamous fire caves mission and got through without an issue, other than my engineers suiciding into the fire. I forget what problems people keep having with it in this thread, but I'm always paranoid when I have to do it now. Hopefully that's the last time. :)

We're grouping up again this evening to do episode 3 of the new series and possibly The Cure if anyone wants to join. We have a couple spaces open.

Also they just released a uniform update that vastly improves the DS9/VOY and First Contact uniforms. They look so much better now.[/QUOTE]

I'll try to hop on after I get back from watching Tron tonight, but it'll probably be pretty late.
That's fine. We're usually on unreasonably late anyway.

I'll try to post some shots of the new vs. old uniforms later.

Update: We're going to start the episode soon.
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Old (left) vs. new (right) uniform comparisons:

Deep Space Nine/Voyager:

The strange mesh texture and ribbing around the shirt collar are gone. They seem to have changed the way it applies colors to the undershirt so they end up looking less saturated. Previously I'd use grey because the purple looked too bright, but now it's fine. The TNG badge is enormous, but at least it's not the melty mess it was before.

First Contact/TNG movie:

This used to have the same mesh texture as the DS9 uniforms, and that's now gone. I think the shoulder texture on the new ones looks a bit blurry when you're zoomed all the way in (far right), but at practical distances, it looks really, really good. The badge looks great, although in a hilarious twist, it's layered wrong on female characters at the moment. Really not sure how that got past QA.

Next Generation:

Someone said they tweaked this, but I'm not seeing it. I don't think there's anything wrong with the texture itself, but the collar has always looked a little weird.

Currently there's a color inconsistency if you try to use the deepest black colors with the updated DS9/FC uniforms; it ends up being several shades lighter than the deepest black on the matching pants. They expect this to get fixed in the next patch.

Despite a couple hiccups, I'd say these are in every way better than the earlier versions. Can't wait for the open jacket set to hit this week, since it finally, finally adds Picard's jacket to the game.
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yea, I don't see much of a difference.........argh...micro transactioning for uniforms :(

Did they add some sort of soft bloom to the game recently? I don't remember characters having that glow like that.
There are a few areas that have bloom, but they've been there. I usually seek them out when I'm taking screens.

Someone just posted this on the official forum... :drool:

[quote name='metaly']There are a few areas that have bloom, but they've been there. I usually seek them out when I'm taking screens.

Someone just posted this on the official forum... :drool:


Nice...but nothing to drool over.
I just want some of the 24th century admirals uniforms. Seriously there are so many admirals in STO that an admiral uniform pack would do great in the c-store. Right now I approximate by using the TNG uniform and just put the whole bottom section as red.
Ok....i'm back as of last night to Star Trek Online. I do like what they have done with the lighting of the ships in space...makes them look more real.........which means I need to go out and take every one of my ships out again for more screenshots.....*sigh*

Most characters have a soft bloom...hmmm...

So I take it I can "Craft" the Delta Flyer now huh? Where does one begin with that? Is it a quest/mission?

I played a user created mission. It was ok.

Seems the borg have been downgraded a bit so now I can take on a cube :D

Seems they also nerfed pistols. bah :(
[quote name='ITDEFX']Ok....i'm back as of last night to Star Trek Online. I do like what they have done with the lighting of the ships in space...makes them look more real.........which means I need to go out and take every one of my ships out again for more screenshots.....*sigh*

Most characters have a soft bloom...hmmm...

So I take it I can "Craft" the Delta Flyer now huh? Where does one begin with that? Is it a quest/mission?

I played a user created mission. It was ok.

Seems the borg have been downgraded a bit so now I can take on a cube :D

Seems they also nerfed pistols. bah :([/QUOTE]

The schematic to build a delta flyer hasn't been released yet. The devs say it should be out around the time the current weekly series finishes. I played the UGC colony invasion borg mission and thought it was pretty damn good considering how basic the foundry tools are at this point. The other 2 missions I hear have pathing problems with your crew so I'm skipping those till Cryptic gets the AI sorted out.
Hey KingDox, dstahl answered your question in this month's Q&A. Awesome. I like that they've added in stuff so new missions work slightly differently for each class... Developing on that would be great if you ask me.

Also, there were some shenanigans involved but last night I finally saw this happen:

oh btw, here are my stats...... i don't know how to make my character better :(












[quote name='metaly']Hey KingDox, dstahl answered your question in this month's Q&A. Awesome. I like that they've added in stuff so new missions work slightly differently for each class... Developing on that would be great if you ask me.

Also, there were some shenanigans involved but last night I finally saw this happen:


Yeah, that's pretty damn awesome. I didn't exactly get the response I wanted but its cool captain traits you choose will be actually used directly in missions down the line. I've become a bit of a sucker for the devs of STO but this just puts them over the top in my book.

Some folks have said their UGC will ask you your gender and species at the start of the their missions and the responses will effect how the mission plays. So UGC seems to be the solution for missions customized to your toon and love stories.

The MVAM I think is only on the test server for right now. I'm also kinda bad at builds, I don't pvp and the game is pretty easy so I've never been super anal about where my points are spent. I've been rocking my T5 ships since I got it and haven't used my free re-fit ship since I got it.
So, I played this for the first month when the game first came out. I wasnt very excited by it even though i'm a huge Star Trek geek. It just seemed bland and unorganized. Has the game gotten any better? I'm thinking of restarting my sub after giving them a year to work the kinks out. The weekly episodes kinda intrigue me greatly.

Thanks for the info!
[quote name='slofton']So, I played this for the first month when the game first came out. I wasnt very excited by it even though i'm a huge Star Trek geek. It just seemed bland and unorganized. Has the game gotten any better? I'm thinking of restarting my sub after giving them a year to work the kinks out. The weekly episodes kinda intrigue me greatly.

Thanks for the info![/QUOTE]

Well for someone who's been playing it for about a week here are my thoughts

-There is still a good active player base.

-Lighting has been improved in space so your ship looks nicer in sector space along with warp effects (light streaks). However in system lighting looks pretty much the same.

-Either they fixed certain weapons to make them work right or the borg are much easier to take on. Before it would be next to impossible to hurt a cube, now I can take one 30 mins :|

-They nerfed some pistols and rifles :(

-ESD now looks like the classic TNG one.

-They added a bunch of cooler stuff for the C-store..but still pisses me off that cooler skins for your ships cost extra money :(

-The episodes are nice, not great but nice.

-Seems you can equip borg items to your ships to boost their stats.


-Almost everyone has that rock pet thing from TOS.

-Too many new missions that I can't tell which are main story missions anymore.

-Some sort of weird scanner window pops up when you try to scan some element in space or on the ground. You have to match the wave length correctly in 3 seconds or else you get less than expected. That will catch you off guard the first time it happens.

-The Delta flyer, excelsior and a few other things can be bought at the C-store.

-The Galaxy Class ship is just about correctly made now.
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[quote name='slofton']So, I played this for the first month when the game first came out. I wasnt very excited by it even though i'm a huge Star Trek geek. It just seemed bland and unorganized. Has the game gotten any better? I'm thinking of restarting my sub after giving them a year to work the kinks out. The weekly episodes kinda intrigue me greatly.

Thanks for the info![/QUOTE]

If you're thinking about starting your sub again consider buying a retail box version or digital version from Amazon, Steam, or Gamestop then adding the key to your existing account. You get the extras each store gives away and you'll add another 30 days of play time. And pretty much all the retail options are cheaper then paying 15 bucks you would pay cryptic.

Amazon has the CE version for less the 15 bucks and you get some nice goodies:
[quote name='ITDEFX']




[quote name='KingDox']If you're thinking about starting your sub again consider buying a retail box version or digital version from Amazon, Steam, or Gamestop then adding the key to your existing account. You get the extras each store gives away and you'll add another 30 days of play time. And pretty much all the retail options are cheaper then paying 15 bucks you would pay cryptic.

Amazon has the CE version for less the 15 bucks and you get some nice goodies:[/QUOTE]

Right now I have to Steam Deluxe Edition with some of the promos from the restaurants. Figured i'd just reup with that unless the others have something incredibly amazing.

Thanks for the help all!\\:D/
Well the copy that I got from came with the TOS enterprise and 500 cstore points. It was a pretty dam good deal for only 8 bucks even before you factor in the 30 days game time.

You can use your existing account, just choose "add key" and put the serial the retail copy gives you and it should add 30 days to your existing account.
hmm so wait a minute...I can go around to various retailers selling this at 9.99 or less and "stack" my keys to get the bonuses to my primary account?
[quote name='ITDEFX']hmm so wait a minute...I can go around to various retailers selling this at 9.99 or less and "stack" my keys to get the bonuses to my primary account?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. Pretty much every unique edition you register gives you the associated bonuses, 30 days playtime, and occasionally 500 C-points.
[quote name='metaly']Yeah. Pretty much every unique edition you register gives you the associated bonuses, 30 days playtime, and occasionally 500 C-points.[/QUOTE]

Wow! I know what i'm doing now! I started it up today. Still in the tutorial, so far.
At my Ultimate Electronics, they have a bunch of 60 day cards for 30 bucks with 40 percent off, brings it down to about 20 bucks, I could pick some up if anyone is interested.
[quote name='ITDEFX']oh btw, here are my stats...... i don't know how to make my character better :(

I'd be glad to help you with your build. We talked a bit in game about it. A few quick suggestions: only spec into either beams OR cannons, not both. Same with mines and torpedoes. I see you've spread a few points into other energy types, don't. Stick with just 1 (looks like you maxed phaser so stick with that). Same with torpedoes, max 1 type and don't put any points in the others. I recommend maxing attack vector, combat maneuvers, and battle strategy. Don't max out the various teams (engi, sci, tac) since you won't use them all. If you're anything other than a sci, you probably just use sci team to knock out debuffs so you can save points on that. If you use it as your main shield buff, invest some points. Many people, including myself, use emergency power to shields as my main shield buff, so sci team is an ability I reserve for taking off debuffs (which means I have no need to invest points into sci team). I recommend putting 7 points AT MOST on any team skill. That covers the glaring issues from your pics.

As for the rest, there's a good skill builder here: Pick your career (engi) and pick your rank on the drop down boxes first. Then pick your ship type (Advanced Escort from the looks of your photos). I recommend not checking any boxes in the player abilities and ground abilities areas first. Click on the empty bridge officer slots and add ONLY your most used boff abilities. Skills that help those abilities will light up on the bottom. Max or add as many skill points into those as you like and see what you have left. Then, one by one add more abilities from your space/ground abilities and bridge officers in order of usefulness in the check boxes above. Add points bit by bit into those until you've run out of SP.
Hey Manlai!

I did take your advice into account and respected my character stats. It's going well for the most part in space where I put most of my engineering slots into hull protection and anti proton/polaron protection with the weapons you suggested. Still takes awhile to take out the borg on the ground missions.

It certainly helps if you dedicate some SP to the ground skills. Unless you frequently space PVP, where everyone just puts points in space, it's good to spread a few points to your ground skills.

As for general strategy for ground borg, remember to take advantage of your BOFFs. If your BOFFs have AOE buff skills (like overwatch), sometimes it's a good idea to direct all your BOFFs to stand in a particular area so that they stay bunched together for the buff and direct them to concentrate on a single target. Another good strategy is take them down in a specific order: 1. Infected drones (if present), 2. plain "drones," 3. medical, 4. tactical, 5. then finally heavy tactical. The reason is that drones spawn protos so you want them dead first. Medical will assimilate you (or tube you as I like to call it) which is quite painful - take Picard's advice "Don't let them touch you!" The tactical /heavy really only shoot and hit you, which is why they can be saved to last.

A little note in space: if you don't mind carrying extra consoles around, you should swap the engi consoles according to what you're fighting. Dominion = polaron; Borg = plasma; Klink = disruptor etc. For nice general protection, use those all energy type consoles. I think the all energy+kinetic is only +18 protection at Mk XI rare. Whereas the ones that protect only 2 types are +35 at the same Mk.

Your power level priority (unless you're a sci or avid debuffer) should be weapon (at 100), engines, shields, aux. Depending on whether you use your science BOFF slots for defense or debuff, you might even put shields last. If your sci abilities are defensive like polarize hull, then you can run aux at min. If you use a debuff skill that requires aux power, bump that up to 2nd or 3rd in your power hierarchy. The reason is that you always use some kind of shield buff power (EPtS, Shield efficiency/performance, Sci Team, etc.) that will highly boost your shield power level.
[quote name='manlai']Hey ITDEFX!

It certainly helps if you dedicate some SP to the ground skills. Unless you frequently space PVP, where everyone just puts points in space, it's good to spread a few points to your ground skills.

As for general strategy for ground borg, remember to take advantage of your BOFFs. If your BOFFs have AOE buff skills (like overwatch), sometimes it's a good idea to direct all your BOFFs to stand in a particular area so that they stay bunched together for the buff and direct them to concentrate on a single target. Another good strategy is take them down in a specific order: 1. Infected drones (if present), 2. plain "drones," 3. medical, 4. tactical, 5. then finally heavy tactical. The reason is that drones spawn protos so you want them dead first. Medical will assimilate you (or tube you as I like to call it) which is quite painful - take Picard's advice "Don't let them touch you!" The tactical /heavy really only shoot and hit you, which is why they can be saved to last.

A little note in space: if you don't mind carrying extra consoles around, you should swap the engi consoles according to what you're fighting. Dominion = polaron; Borg = plasma; Klink = disruptor etc. For nice general protection, use those all energy type consoles. I think the all energy+kinetic is only +18 protection at Mk XI rare. Whereas the ones that protect only 2 types are +35 at the same Mk.

Your power level priority (unless you're a sci or avid debuffer) should be weapon (at 100), engines, shields, aux. Depending on whether you use your science BOFF slots for defense or debuff, you might even put shields last. If your sci abilities are defensive like polarize hull, then you can run aux at min. If you use a debuff skill that requires aux power, bump that up to 2nd or 3rd in your power hierarchy. The reason is that you always use some kind of shield buff power (EPtS, Shield efficiency/performance, Sci Team, etc.) that will highly boost your shield power level.[/QUOTE]

I will post in a few hours my new set up.
But last time I checked I had about 43% (I think) ken protection on my ship. I better up the plasma protection ship is getting pounded by borg plasma attacks, but I can hazard team away them so it's not too bad.

They weren't kidding when some of these missions like Infected required 5 or more people.

On the ground I usually take out the medical drone first and let my BO's take out everyone else and after I take out the medical I usually go for the tactical ones .

Hmm Risa still has nothing to do but just be scenery. That could be a major theme park right there.
I want MACO fatigues!

Well, infected is an STF and it requires a full team. There's also an increasing need as you progress to the later STFs for proper builds otherwise the Borg just don't die. I've run quite a few STFs and it's readily apparent that if there's more than 1 person with a bad build, we're screwed.

You really need to get rid of the kinetic protection and go for energy protection. As I said, either go to all types protection or swap between hull plating consoles depending on enemies. Kinetic protection is mostly unnecessary because Brace for Impact and shields will take the sting out of kinetic damage. Better energy resistance and shield buffs do a better job of protecting against kinetic than straight up kinetic protection.
Hey manlai, can you post your screen shots of your console set up? I am curious what your percentage resistance are in your ship.
bread's done