CAG Warhawk Night [TBD]

[quote name='metaly']There goes the neighborhood![/quote]

Is there such a thing as kamikaze kills allowed in Warhawk, since I haven't done one of those in GTA IV in a while I figure I'll try it in a new game.

My favorite was running after people in TDM with a grenade that I'm cooking and taking out 2-4 people(including myself) with the blast.
[quote name='metaly']There goes the neighborhood![/quote]
If Cheapest shows up regularly, we'll have a replacement for TMK's singing.;)

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Is there such a thing as kamikaze kills allowed in Warhawk, since I haven't done one of those in GTA IV in a while I figure I'll try it in a new game.

My favorite was running after people in TDM with a grenade that I'm cooking and taking out 2-4 people(including myself) with the blast.[/quote]
Yeah, you can put land mines on jeeps/tanks/warhawks and drive/fly them into people.
[quote name='mguiddy']:lol:
If Cheapest shows up regularly, we'll have a replacement for TMK's singing.;)[/quote] LOL Either that or I'll be doing my Beavis/Butthead shtick or humming "Jingle Bells" IN AUGUST.

[quote name='mguiddy']Yeah, you can put land mines on jeeps/tanks/warhawks and drive/fly them into people.[/quote]

So, in other words, it's like BOTH Mercenaries games where I could strap a C4 charge to my vehicle and suicide bomb a building with it? Cool to know.
Wow, my first carmageddon... :lol:

Oh and try to go easy on killing if you see a GodlyOne (2) cause my girlfriend is coming over tonight and she'll probably end up joining in if she finds out there's splitscreen.

Though I kinda want the whole screen for myself....
[quote name='GodlyOne']Alright, tip 1) Do a u-turn when I see Freaky :rofl:

I already know not to mess with Zen when he's in a Warhawk :bomb:[/quote]
More like run to the side! :lol:

Oh, and to make sure I have this right, if we see a GodlyOne(2), we should all focus our attacks on them?
[quote name='mguiddy']More like run to the side! :lol:

Oh, and to make sure I have this right, if we see a GodlyOne(2), we should all focus our attacks on them?[/quote]

you'd hear her flipping out through my headset if everyone was trying to killer her.

So freaky's a carmageddon maniac
Zen's a Warhawk sensei
SoCal's a precise sniper
You're a shanker extraordinaire...

I dunno what I'm good at, probably hiding from enemies behind trees and stuff waiting for my chance to run up and kill them :lol:
[quote name='freakyzeeky']I was thinking... should I host this Friday? Or should I find a ranked server we can all play in? ;)[/quote]

I would've requested the second choice for the Friday on the 20th but I'm just a lowly Chief Sergeant so I probably couldn't join everyone in a ranked server :bomb:
[quote name='mguiddy']Carmageddon is every night. :D[/quote]

Especially when I'm playing GTA against others, it is. I'm still debating cracking this open versus trading it to the local shop for $15-20, but I'm leaning towards having some new game to go around blowing up people in and annoying the piss out of them with my mic antics at the same time.:lol:
[quote name='GodlyOne']I would've requested the second choice for the Friday on the 20th but I'm just a lowly Chief Sergeant so I probably couldn't join everyone in a ranked server :bomb:[/quote]

How about we just do a player-hosted ranked server instead?
[quote name='zenprime']How about we just do a player-hosted ranked server instead?[/quote]

Yeah, I guess that would make more sense. That way no one is left out, and we can all still rank. ;)
I can host on Fridays now, at least until further notice, but if you guys want to find a ranked server to go into tonight, feel free.
Yeah, but I the host can get the kick I think. I don't think player ranked can be passworded, not sure. I'd boot up wh if I was home to try it out, but yeah, not there.
[quote name='zenprime']Yeah, but I the host can get the kick I think. I don't think player ranked can be passworded, not sure. I'd boot up wh if I was home to try it out, but yeah, not there.[/quote]

I don't think you can password a ranked game but you can restrict it to one clan, so only cags would be able to join.
So who wants to set up the server tonight? Otherwise, I will have put a handkerchief over my eyes, spin for two mintues, and ch-ch-choose someone. :p
[quote name='GodlyOne']I'll be there for next week's game :oldman:

Anyone here playing Paradise on Sunday? I wanna do some timed challenges...[/quote]
If you're looking for someone to help you get the Timed Challenges trophy, let me know, I'll help.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']So who wants to set up the server tonight? Otherwise, I will have put a handkerchief over my eyes, spin for two mintues, and ch-ch-choose someone. :p[/quote]
See below...
[quote name='mguiddy']I can host on Fridays now, at least until further notice, but if you guys want to find a ranked server to go into tonight, feel free.[/quote]
I just need to know what people want, ranked clan restricted (my preference for ranked), ranked friend restricted, or unranked. If people want ranked, but we don't get enough people, I can go to unranked or you can find another ranked server.
[quote name='mguiddy']If you're looking for someone to help you get the Timed Challenges trophy, let me know, I'll help.

:oops: Yeah, I'm like the only one who has played Burnout without that trophy. I don't think I've ever played Paradise with you before :whistle2:s

Anyone else have people random friend requesting them from using the tournament blade on public games?
[quote name='GodlyOne']:oops: Yeah, I'm like the only one who has played Burnout without that trophy. I don't think I've ever played Paradise with you before :whistle2:s

Anyone else have people random friend requesting them from using the tournament blade on public games?[/quote]
If you want to work on them before Sunday (it takes a lot less time to get the timed challenges done when there's only two people doing it) just let me know when. And no, I don't have a problem with people bothering me because of my tournament blade:cool:.
[quote name='mguiddy']And no, I don't have a problem with people bothering me because of my tournament blade:cool:.[/quote]

[quote name='mguiddy']If you want to work on them before Sunday (it takes a lot less time to get the timed challenges done when there's only two people doing it) just let me know when.[/quote]
I'm busy tonight and all day tomorrow, Sunday's only free for me :whistle2:|
[quote name='GodlyOne']

I'm busy tonight and all day tomorrow, Sunday's only free for me :whistle2:|[/quote]
Wait... is this the Sunday Broly's hosting? If so, and you need some more timed challenges after, let me know. If not, we'll work on it Sunday then.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I might actually attend tonight. :shock: I've had a long and hard week.[/quote]

Long and hard. huh huh huh huh

OK, so I'm easily amused tonight. What can I say? I suppose it's too late for me to crack open my copy of Warhawk and try to join, huh?
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer'] Long and hard. huh huh huh huh

OK, so I'm easily amused tonight. What can I say? I suppose it's too late for me to crack open my copy of Warhawk and try to join, huh?[/QUOTE]

Not so, I'm just about to join myself (had to watch BSG). Go to Community-Buddies and you should be able to jump in with DD or freaky.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
OK, so I'm easily amused tonight. What can I say? I suppose it's too late for me to crack open my copy of Warhawk and try to join, huh?[/quote]
When I host, we usually play for around 3+ hours.

And as I suspected... there's way too little interest in attempting doing a player ranked server. :cry:
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Two 'hawks against one for 30 mintues... not fun. :'([/quote]
Now ya know how I feel half the time during dogfights... and... I like being the outnumbered one during a three person hero game... maybe not a dogfight, but it's awesome fun on a small map.
*sniff* my first Friday night that I have worked in years.... what a sad day. I will be there for Sat night (since my wife will be at work).
What I'm considering doing is, allowing Warhawk to have Saturday as its main night (at 10pm EST), but then I move R2 into the Friday slot. If more can show up to Warhawk on Saturday, that might be what I do.

Anyway, I was glad to play with some of you for a short time.
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']Willing to join, have all the maps. My GT is anorexicwes.[/quote]
Show up tonight at 11pm EST

[quote name='The Mana Knight']What I'm considering doing is, allowing Warhawk to have Saturday as its main night (at 10pm EST), but then I move R2 into the Friday slot. If more can show up to Warhawk on Saturday, that might be what I do.

Anyway, I was glad to play with some of you for a short time.[/quote]
Actually... it's around the same amount (and the same ones too) that shows up Saturday. :lol: It's usually freaky, zen, random, super, human, stryker, socal, and me.
But, I wouldn't be opposed to only having Saturday be the only official Warhawk night, especially since one of the regulars can't make it on Fridays now.
Just letting you guys know that unfortunately I may not show up for tonight's game... I have to go to get my mom from the airport, she's coming in from Mexico tonight. If you guys are still playing when I come back, I'll join you guys.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Just letting you guys know that unfortunately I may not show up for tonight's game... I have to go to get my mom from the airport, she's coming in from Mexico tonight. If you guys are still playing when I come back, I'll join you guys.[/quote]
Woo hoo... No worrying about mines on Acropolis Assault! :whee:
[quote name='mguiddy']especially since one of the regulars can't make it on Fridays now.[/quote]

[quote name='mguiddy']:cry:
Woo hoo... No worrying about mines on Acropolis Assault! :whee:
hahaha thats what you thought!

And the snipe just as the "whats socal up to?" comment... :applause:

Fun times last night - and LBP after was a blat.
LOL, I laughed pretty hard when, I think mguiddy, slapped me off the manapult in LBP. :lol:

It was fun last night, I agree. Plus that one collection game was sooooooo much fun... :twisted:
[quote name='fuss']
hahaha thats what you thought!

And the snipe just as the "whats socal up to?" comment... :applause:

Fun times last night - and LBP after was a blat.[/quote]
:evil: Mines in A:AA are so evil... :cry: Thing is, I always expect it. :lol:
I knew that snipe was probably going to happen, just like it damn near did the last time I was climbing the ladder.
Yeah, LBP was a blat...:cool:

[quote name='freakyzeeky']LOL, I laughed pretty hard when, I think mguiddy, slapped me off the manapult in LBP. :lol:

It was fun last night, I agree. Plus that one collection game was sooooooo much fun... :twisted:[/quote]
Yep, that was me... at least, I was trying to slap you, so I'm pretty sure it was me. Things like that make me wish I recorded all my gameplaying. I'd love to have that on video.

Shaq-fu you... That collection game was not fun... :evil:
Though... I did have some awesome "swoop in, kill everyone, take all the cores and get out"s. :cool: Especially the one time Zen and Random each had two cores, and they seemed like they were just standing around trying to figure out how should capture. :lol:
And lets not forget the "perfect" game for zen... ;)
And speaking of zen... am I the only one who finds it hard to hear him now?
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Hmmm, looks like everyone who shows up now-a-days has all the boosters. Assuming that no one new is going to show up, maybe we can have more booster matches for this week's game? :whistle2:\"
[quote name='GodlyOne']Hmmm, looks like everyone who shows up now-a-days has all the boosters. Assuming that no one new is going to show up, maybe we can have more booster matches for this week's game? :whistle2:\"[/quote]
Assuming TMK doesn't move things around, I can do that on Saturday... maybe even have a full roster of booster games. :whee:
But if TMK does move things around, I'll probably keep it at 4 boosters, since there's been a few people who've posted in here but have yet to show up for a game, and I don't want to exclude them if they do decide to show up.
bread's done