CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey guys,

I know you've talked about your site being co-opted by lazy "game journalists" re-posting references to game deals you've uncovered without linking back to you, but Joystiq really takes the cake.

Cheapy what do you think about Richard Mitchell posting a "story" about your YouTube unboxing video for Uncharted 3? No link to your YouTube channel, no link to CheapAssGamer... Does this sort of stuff get your dander up, or do you brush it off as par for the course?

I know you guys are cool with Joystiq's Justin McElroy, but at some level it's got to burn your biscuits!
Question, I'm a gamer of some 30 years whose wife is due to give birth to our first child in the next week or so. In anticipation of this I haven't got bf3, neither have I ordered skyrim or any of the other aaa titles out at this time. How did cheapyd and wombat find a new baby affected their gaming habit ?

I should add that my hands are also feeling the effects of 30 odd years of gaming and almost 15 years of keyboard work, I'm a developer, btw
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Awesome show guys, but I'm stunned that Cheapy hasn't gotten BF3 yet! The game is great, and definitely worth the money if you liked BFBC2. Just to prove it, I give the BigReub Guarantee: If Cheapy buys the game and doesn't like it, Wombat and Shipwreck will pay Cheapy for the cost of the game. How does that sound?
Question :

Hey guys, love the show. I've been a fan ever since I discovered the site about a few years ago, and since then, I've been checking out deals and listening to all the CAGCast episodes from the very start. I have to say that you have inspired me to start up my own sort of movie / video game podcast with a few people. I wanted to know, what exacty does it take to do a podcast? What program(s) do you use? How do you make it available to the public (, iTunes), and is there a fee associated with it? I'll post some more questions later. Thanks guys!
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hey guys, with all the rumors & debate that is becoming more frequent concerning next gen consoles what do you think the game prices will be.I think a $10 increase is automatic do you guys agree?
Do you think the prices will remain the same but without the gift cards that you get now?
Also I am 29 do you think in our life time we will see a $100 standard addition games?
Thanks & love the show.
Do you guys think we will see more Skylander type of game/action figure tech. in the future? Something like Skyrim figures you could buy to unlock in game characters. Maybe they can take it further and allow you to buy addition gear for your figure that would show up in the game. If you are struggling, instead of grinding to level up which some people hate. You could go buy a super level 19 +dark-charm sword to stick in your figures hand and bam, shows up in the game.

Imagine if Wombats kids got ahold of his ultra leveled up Skyrim action figure and it ended up in the toilet loosing all his progress.
Now that IOS & Android gaming revenue have surpassed Nintendo and Sony portable gaming revenue are we looking at the last generation of gaming only portable devices? It's not like Nintendo or Sony are money from these platforms. When do they just give up? Looking at the revenue trends it can't be long.

“Combined, iOS and Android game revenue delivered $500 million, $800 million and $1.9 billion over 2009, 2010 and 2011, respectively,” Flurry said.
In contrast, “Nintendo and Sony posted a combined $2.2 billion, $1.6 billion and $1.4 billion for 2009, 2010 and 2011.”
I know this group does not play PC MMO's, but hear me out.

Why do popular MMO's use point and click gameplay, and not immediate events? I know a mouse is a mouse, but online first person shooters allow immediate in-game action and response ( I press "fire" and it fires, regardless of what I'm doing). In light of the new Star Wars MMO game, it's the same BS - point, click, watch an animation. Why can't the combat be a "swing and miss" model or actually aim and shoot, similar to mass effect? Is it a limit of technology or is point and click really that much fun?
I remember when CheapyD was talking about a guy he met who said, he couldn't respect anybody who liked the Transformer's movie. I have to say the same thing about UC3 single player. It would take me hours to describe the glitches story problems etc. IMO this game is almost alpha stage and I don't care what Pachter says. I typed a brief list of the most severe offenders of the campaign and it was over 100 problems.
Hey CheapyD, Wombat, and Shipwreck,

I first want to say that I love your podcast and this is the first time I am commenting. You bring up new and interesting viewpoints in an engaging manner. My question is, "Do you think that games like COD and BF should scrap their sometimes sub-par single-player in favor of an even better multiplayer experience?" While games like Halo have a great single-player as well as multiplayer, other games may do better by expending all resources on perfecting multiplayer. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this.

Hey Cheapy, New Shipwreck, and Old Shipwreck?

I just read this story here posted on reddit, Basically a guy who owns a super sweet Jurassic Park themed Jeep loaned Telltale Games to use for Promos at PAX. It ended being heavily damaged in transportation since Telltale went against their agreement and shipped it via non-enclosed transport. Now the guy is stuck with a damaged Jeep and Telltale won't do anything about it.

My question is a lot of the members of reddit are upset and are canceling their pre-order and vowing not to purchase the game until Telltale corrects this problem with the owner of such an awesome Jeep (me included). Do you think this will have any affect on it's sale if this story gets picked up on bigger outlets (Joystiq,Kotaku,etc...)?
Hey Guys, Despite the huge sales (which it will do by name alone) & decent reviews,there seems to be a lot of chatter about MW3 or the "Modern War" era becoming old,stale & over saturated much like WW2 was 5 years ago.
Is it time to bring back WW2 era?
Has it been long enough or should the next wave be another war era?
Perhaps a future but not like an aliens & nerdy future because people love the realism era?
What do you guys think will be the evolution of realistic FPS?
Thanks & I love the show.
Hey Cheapy,

I'm gonna hit Peter Luger Steakhouse this month and due to your expert knowledge on steak, I was wondering how dry aged USDA Prime beef from NY's best compares to top of the line Kobe beef?
Hey guys, question for Cheapy :

I know you've stated Tai watches you play games, but does he play any, or has he not yet reached the right attention span yet (Not saying that Tai doesn't have the attention span required, just that I have some friends with kids who say they're just not ready yet when I asked about their kids starting gaming)? I was wondering, if Tai hasn't started playing games, would you start him off on the Atari or NES, and work your way up to gain a higher respect for today's games / game history / gaming in general? Just wondering. I think that would be kind of cool. Then again, that's a lot of work / consoles.
Sorry if this is a question you have answered before, but how did the three of you meet?

EDIT: I began listening to the original shows. Man how far you've come from that first 6 minute show. But I'm guessing the Shipwreck I'm hearing about in the Cagbag and forums is the one I've come to love on the Cagcast. So at least that answers one of them...
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With all the recent rumors and discussions about the new console generation, what do you think each company will try to improve on the most for the next console iteration from the last one?
Cheapy, I subscribed to your YouTube channel, and have been digging your vlogs. How about some Skyrim play with commentary?

Will Wombat and Shipwreck also dabble in the vlogging?

Oh, and Cheapy, I think I remember a mention of the Head Blade. Have you used it? And what do you use to shave near your ears? I nicked myself while shaving that off.

Thanks and keep up the great work.
With Shipwreck putting in over 50 hours, Wombat getting time off from the family to play, and even Cheapy putting people to sleep with lightning, how soon before we can get to hear a spoiler edition of Skyrim from you guys?
How important do you think the last gen console was for the development of gaming. Such as Xbox Live first coming out, which has completely changed the way gaming is today.
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Question for Cheapy & Wombat :

Hey guys, love the show. I've got quite a bit of catching up to do, so I'm listening to the current podcasts as well as the old ones. I'm on episode 35 now. I've been a Sony Playstation fan from the beginning, and I was wondering, do both of you feel kinda bad looking back on it now about when the PS3 finally did come out and obviously blew the xbox 360 out of the water? I gotta say, it's kinda difficult listening to the old podcast episodes where your blatant biased-xbox-fanboy-pre-ps3-release-basher-talk shines though. At least the shit-eating story sort of makes up for it! Sure, at the beginning it was tough for Developers to work on, but once they figured it out it was fine. I mean, Resistance : Fall of Man alone looked better than every 360 game at the time. Love you guys and I know you do tend to favor the xbox, but that's just my observation.
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Why do you think that the price of dlc never goes down? I can buy Fallout 3 GOTY Edition and get the game and all the dlc for $20.00, but if I were to buy the dlc alone off of xbla, it would cost me $50.00. Shouldn't the price of dlc deteriorate over time?

Three questions in the hope that one will get answered...

Who is super programmer John?

Cheapy mentioned he lent some ideas to a Destructoid pax panel regarding how to start/manage a website. Anything you can share with us Caggers?

Why is Shipwreck playing office politics and trying to push Wombat out of the cagcast by making snide remarks about him and sucking up to cheapy? He steals skylanders so wombat can`t write a review, criticises Wombats writing, holds back laughing at wombats jokes, shows fake interest in Tai stories....

[quote name='SikFlux']Why do you think that the price of dlc never goes down? I can buy Fallout 3 GOTY Edition and get the game and all the dlc for $20.00, but if I were to buy the dlc alone off of xbla, it would cost me $50.00. Shouldn't the price of dlc deteriorate over time?[/QUOTE]

I know this is a question thread, but I'd like to hear a discussion on this also.

This is one of the reasons I don't like and am afraid of "Digital Distribution" games and prefer physical media. Stores have to move their inventory while XBLA/PSN/WiiWare don't have to and we are stuck with whatever price they fix it at.
With the size of a game like Oblivion and Skyrim, where do you guys fall on the issue of using strategy guides? Fair or foul? Or a necessary tool for games with huge land masses and hundreds of characters and quests?
This one's for Cheapy,

Daniel here, cagcast fan since around episode 150...

1. concerning your recent voice acting adventure, how do you feel about doing more in that vein? Was it fun, might it be another potential career? I don't need to tell you that you have a cool voice, and with your podcast, I think you have all the equipment you need to record some quick semi-pro voices, or hit a nearby studio for AAA stuff?

2. As a fulltime composer and - more relevant - sound designer (75 games so far) I hire voice actors all the time. I can give you paid jobs every now and then in case you are interested. This week alone I have voice actors working for me on 3 different games, often just a few takes. It's not all huge, of course, many are Iphone games, browser games, non-AAA PC games (whatever pays the bills hehe), but we are also working on a console game scheduled for 2013, and as a composer I work for the soundtrack company who worked on Crysis 2, Alan Wake, Halo Legends... (but that's only music, sorry :)


Hey Ship, I can't seem to find release dates for all the Skylander stuff? do you have a master list or can you point me in the right direction of how to keep track of all the stuff for the addiction?
Cheapy and friends,

I just wanted to check on Wombat's vagina and see if it's still bleeding. It's been a rough couple weeks with him not getting Skylanders sent to him and pouting about being accused of not being funny.


P.S. Wombat you're great.
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Whatever happened to Fire_Thief? It would be awesome if you could also tell the listeners some hilarious background information about him.
Seems all three of you have a major hard on for Skyrim. You may have answered this already, as I'm an episode behind, but Wombat mentioned a 3rd person mode on episode 261. Can you play Skyrim in 3rd person mode exclusively, or is it primarily a first person game?
Hey Cheapy, please tell everyone who has an iPad 1 not to download Infinity Blade 2. It is very broken, Epic Fail.
One question, I have heard you guys mention raptor and showing stats of how long each other have played Skyrim. What is that all about and can we follow it to see your guys stats?
Have you guys heard that Gamestop can not sell a used game, even though they may have it in stock, within 15 days of its release? I was at Gamestop trying to get a used copy of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 and the Gamestop employee said they have to wait 15 days after its release to be able to sell it. My friend had the same experience trying to buy a used game as well. I am not sure of the reason why they have this new policy. Do you guys know anything about this?!
How important do you think the last gen console was for the development of gaming? Such as Xbox Live first coming out, which has completely changed the way gaming is today.
Hey guys,

Do you have any memories of GamePro that you'd like to share?

What are your thoughts on the South Park RPG being developed by Obsidian? (The same studio that developed Fallout: New Vegas.) What other TV series would you like to see made into legit role-playing games? (I think Breaking Bad would be fun.)
Hey Ship, I watched that Pinball movie on Netflix you mentioned on a previous show. I hoped that I would love it like I did the King of Kong, but honestly I was just embarrassed for most of those people. :( How did the movie make you feel? Cheapy and Wombat, have a chance to watch it yet?
how do you guys feel about sony's proprietary memory format for the vita? doesnt make the 250 price point as exciting anymore.

Also what is ur guys view on the tech specs of the Wii U?
Wombat, have you ever listed to the Kevin Smith podcast and would you recommend it if so?

Never listened to it but he always mentions it in public appearances. Then I google it and it is some sort of podcast "network" and I have no idea where to start.
Serious question for you guys, Need your help. My son (5)was diagnosed with amblyopia/lazy eye syndrome and needs to cover his good eye half the day. There are some smaller studies showing that playing video games in that setup can lead to good results, training the weak eye to learn 3D vision (it's a brain thing). As a member of the video games industry I will of course give it a try next to our doctor's treatment. Can you suggest non bloody games that set you in a 3d environment that might be something for us? We have an Xbox 360, and would also grab kinect or a wii if you think it advisable for our case. My son loves Portal, Dirt 2 and Fuel, but cannot fully master them yet of course... So he gets bored after a while and hands back the controller. Should be
something he can enjoy and handle for 1-2hs... Big Thanks Guys...

I've been listening to old shows and from an episode from 2008 you said you'd like to move back to the US in 3 years or so. So my question is, when do you plan to move back the US of A. Surely you make enough money of CAG (and would make a lot more in the US) that your wife doesn't need to work.
With the spate of gift card promos on the 3DS (target and best buy are doing $50 gift cards), which do folks think is more likely...The 3DS is just not moving in sufficient numbers due to lack general interest or that Nintendo is just panicking because the initial slow sales means they have tons of these sitting around and they just need to move units to get their balance sheet out of completely abysmal condition?

Target last week had new DS lites on the cover of their circular at $99 with a $10 gift card, which signals to me that Nintendo pushed out a fresh supply of DS lites to at least Target, if not other retailers. Granted, times are tough out there for a lot of folks and having an older but cheaper system out there is smart move to attract more price sensitive consumers, but it must be terribly humbling to Nintendo to have a mere separation of $30 between the post promotion effective prices for the super old DS Lite platform ($99-$10 gift card=$89) and the brand new 3DS platform ($169-$50 gift card =$119)
When is the CheapyD DLC coming out for Saints Row 3? I know Cheapy knows some inside info all about it.

Also, has Shipwreck gotten any compliments from his bad ass facial scar yet?
Recently I read about the game-breaking bug in the new Zelda game, Skyward Sword. I have purchased the game, but have not played it yet. Does this affect your guy's view of Nintendo and the Wii? Nintendo has announced they have no official plans to release a patch to fix this. Is this kind of behavior from Nintendo acceptable in a world hardwired to the world wide web and where games are constantly patched (Skyrim)?For me, this game has moved significantly down on my playlist. I also feel very shortsided by Nintendo atm. It's not like Nintendo has alot of other killer games on wii right now, and probably will not have one on the scale of skyward sword this gen.
bread's done