I was kind of disturbed by a joke made near the beginning of the episode. After discussing the SR3 DLC (which looks awesome, by the way, as a longtime listener of the CAGCast I think it's really cool) you all talked about whether or not it would get you laid.
Cheapy then essentially made a rape joke concerning drugging his wife, saying he only got laid because he drugged her. Wombat followed it by saying, "Yeah, a little ether goes a long way."
I don't care what the context of a relationship is, rape is rape and rape is not funny. I appreciate the toilet humor, the poop stories, the dick jokes, all of it. But this kind of stuff is never funny. I realize the joke was kind of made in passing, but that's part of the problem. I've had a number of friends who have been sexually assaulted, raped, or victims of other non-consentual sex acts and there's nothing humorous about it.
I usually love the show, but I had trouble enjoying the remaining hour or so because I was so disappointed and annoyed to hear this shit.