CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Recently on the CAGcast you guys have talked about the next gen console systems with PS4 and Xbox 720. Some people, maybe you guys too, have said they think the next gen is coming too soon. And that we aren't ready for it, with all these big name titles coming out on PS3/Xbox 360.

Well I feel the next gen is coming out too late. They shouldn't have done a 7+ year cycle that had 3-5 games of a single series, on one current gen system. They should have brought the next gen systems out a year ago or more with Halo 4, Uncharted 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Far Cry 3, Call of Duty Black Ops 2, Forza 4, Gears of War 3, etc.

Because now almost every series feels like "more of the same" and a little stagnant. I have zero interest in investing in a brand new console to play "the new version" of older games. I realize new IPs make it hard to sell consoles, which is why I think the next gen console systems should have came out a while back, before we had sequel fatigue.

What do you guys think?
You guys play a lot of games with your wives. Have you ever gotten a hand jibber or a blowy while playing?
Some say the next PlayStation or Xbox is coming too soon or too late, but one has to wonder what new features they can offer gamers that the systems they have now can't offer? Online gaming and dlc can always be made better with some software updates. On the hardware side, the only thing these systems have going for it is just better graphics, especially when they don't want to subscribe to the gimmicks that Nintendo has (which some feel as inferior.) With mobile gaming getting better and better, especially with Apple products' tech capabilities, do you guys think the next generation is really worth draining our wallets?
Hey CAG cast, I was just wondering; What games do you still go back to today that you've been playing for a very long time. Not exactly which you play most, but for example I've been playing a skirmish or two quite often ever since the release of Halo Wars and I still actively play Skyrim, and have since 2011.

Yo. I was wondering which company each of you think has the best momentum going into this next generation and why?

I feel like Sony has some good momentum going in. Just because they are still working on AAA games like the Last of Us and GOW:A.
I'm still slightly concerned about the sale of my beloved Saints Row franchise and how it will effect future iterations. Mainly the fact that a new developer and new employees who had nothing to do with it prior to now will be developing this game, at least that's the impression I got.

Can you think of some other franchises this has happened to in the past? How did they turn out? Should I be concerned?
wii u graphics card was revealed as a radeon 4850 so yh ps4 will run 7800 series card with 4gb ddr5 so wii u prtty much a fish in a barrel which jst had a grenade thrown in it i was wondering wat ur thoughts wld be on the wii u being so outclassed do u think wii u 2 will be thrown out to compensate like ipad throwing out retina pads so fast after new releases to compensate for low specs high price
7850 averages around 150% better performance than a 4850 and thts with the same base test system so the ps4 will be if specs are to be believed easily 150%+ more powerful then wii u so people still going to want one for a perphiral which is jst alarge tablet u cant use unless u put it down first
In episode 227 around the 50 minute mark Shipwreck introduces the "Top Anaylist" segment and his first prediction is that "the NGP (Now known as the Vita) will be the 5th best selling handheld gaming system in the US behind iOS, Android, 3DS and the DS for the first 3 years of its life."

How accurate has Shipwreck been so far?

Are you guys going to make some predictions for this years E3?
Has anyone tried the Farcry 3 DLC? Is it worth $10? I suspect not, but I do wish I had more stuff to do on the islands. Once you take all the outposts and complete the main story, it's pretty dead.
Hej, mitt namn är Ingrid. För en längre tid nu har jag velat bli av med min övervikt. Jag hade inga resultat trots att jag provade diverse metoder. Speciellt sammansatt kost, träning, bantningsmassage och ett flertal andra populära lösningar. Finns det nagonting mer som jag inte har provat än? acai bär diet
Jag kom fram till att jag hade gatt miste om de fantastiska acai berry. :) Till slut har jag träffat pa nagonting som ger utmärkta resultat! Jag surfade pa webben och studerade omdömen för acai dieten
att kunna ta beslutet om vilket preparat för bantning jag ska välja: nagon typ av sockerlag, kapslar, nagon pulverlösning, eller ett kosttillskott som innehaller kaffe. Till sist valde jag absolute acai berry
att skaffa bantningsmedlet AcaiBerry900. Om ni ocksa har liknande tankar sasom jag tidigare, att det finns ingenting som kan hjälpa er till en synbar viktnedgang, da ska ni absolut läsa genom sidan acai berry Det är en toppenprodukt! För mig fungerade det väldigt snabbt!
elektrody spawalnicze
spawarki inwertorowe opinie
Hey, Ship,

I haven't played a JRPG in awhile (since the PSone, really). Given your praise of Ni No Kuni and Xenoblade, I figured I'd try one.

Which feels the most like it is geared towards westerners in terms of gameplay and story? I don't want to have to explain weird Japan-isms to my wife or sit through a needlessly complicated battle/inventory/travel system.

Hmm. Or should I just Avoid both, then, and go replay Mass Effect 2?
Oh, one more for ship: What's your beef with Batman? You'll go see stuff like Battleship and play Aliens, but you still haven't seen The Dark Knight or played the Arkham games. Obviously, I get that you want to spend your time how YOU want to spend it; I've just never known a red-blooded American male who consciously avoids Batman stuff...Any explanation?
Do you guys think that M$ will do anything like sony or will they wait till e3 for any announcements? Also do you think that the next gen launches will be the same as the past or will there be any Triple A launch titles for either console?
Cheapy, I need sake advice.

I bought a bottle of sake from a local Binny's called Sho Chiku Bai.
No matter how much I heat it up, it still tastes like cheap vodka.
I definitely liked it better than most hard liquors I've tried, and it got me drunk pretty fast.
but I think I bought a shitty brand.

Do you have any suggestions for a sake that is available internationally that has a pleasant/enjoyable taste?
What do you get when go out to get wasted Japanese style?
What parts of the site do you 3 visit regularly?

Also, Cheapy, can you please tell us when we can expect CAG 3.0 again. It keeps getting pushed back over and over. When was the first time you mentioned it and the original time frame you said it would be released. I want to say that it was well over a year ago.
Lost Oddysey, by Mistwalker, is my favorite Japanese RPG. I sold my Wii just before they were worthless as a trade-in so I lost the chance to play The Last Story & Skysword; no problem, when the WiiU comes out the games'll be cheaper & I can play them since I wouldn't ever buy another Wii, right? Yes I can play them but bad news after bad news about Nintendo's release calendar shows me that I should take my time since the older games are the only ones worth playing.
I have no interest in Pikmin, Smash Brothers, Monkeyballs, I want old-school responsible planning. Why not 1 1st party RPG (Sega exclusive Shining game would've been daring & most likely a huge seller if Reggie's boys had any insight or tangible plan that old formulas in marketing do work), 1-2 action/adventure games (Kid Icarus WiiU or another throwback from the stable is really that difficult to invest in?) & a 1st part sports game (Mario Kart counts, Nintendo non-simulation style). I just don't get how people keep their jobs authorizing such a mess, when games aren't ready, or even in development & there is nothing I'm interested in for a year. Windwaker will be a pity-purchase, to somehow validate my stupidest decision since agreeing with my brother to go halves on a 3DO. Lucien's Quest in tha' house!
Hilarious podcast btw.

Question: Why don't all console launches go w/ a lineup containing at least one GOTY-caliber 1st party game? is ZombieU worth it?

These examples aren't all GOTY-caliber, obviously, but they were new & unique to the system. When I got the Super Nintendo I take a chance on Final Fantasy II, even though I had no knowledge about it, it was a new RPG. The payoff was an unforgettable experience. Same w/ Combat for the Atari 2600, Venture for Colecovision, Duck Hunt/Excitebike/Super Mario Bros for Nintndo, Hang on for Sega Master System, Alex Kidd/Altered Beast for Genesis, DOOM 32x, Super Mario 64 for the 64, Soul Caliber for the Dreamcast, Madden/SSX for PS2, Rogue Squadron II for GameCube, Halo for Xbox, Condemned/Gun(whatever, I liked it), Twilight Princess/Wii Sports for the Wii, & nothing for the WiiU. Come to think about it, maybe Zombie U is the band-aid but the release calendar is still horrendous for a gamer of my taste.
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[quote name='Jrittmayer']In Episode 163 Wombat mentions that he was working on an iPhone game...whatever happened to that?[/QUOTE]

He said he had a friend who we was going to get together and do storyboards with for his game.
How about a shoutout to get a CAG group going on You Don't Know Jack for 360 before the game is taken off the marketplace? Many non-Gamestop retailers with bargain bins/racks sell the disk for $20, or it's also that price on Games on Demand and only takes up about 2 GB of space.

There are also 4 DLC packs that each add on 10 episodes and 125 achievement points to make it 113 total episodes and 1500 gamerscore. Would love to get some games going with CAG's since no one is playing the game online currently so it's not like Buzz where I can at least get some games in with Europeans if the connection doesn't time out.

(Yeah I don't have many physical friends and even fewer of those would play a trivia game.)
Правда, не так радикально: не. Материалов новости, статьи, фото, видео, комментарии, которые размещают пользователи.
Способов отнять у преступников время, так же как и видов угонов. Начинает Гитлера вспоминать.
На улицу выйдут и не разойдся? Кремлевская похоронная команда надолго обеспечила себя работой.
Вспомним историю 10 декабря по инициативе Русского общества друзей Еврейского университета в Иерусалиме в Центре восточной литературы. Работай как надо будешь получать.
With the Wii U currently priced at $300-350, what price point do you think Microsoft and Sony will release their next consoles at?

The 360 and PS3 are currently hovering around $200-$300. If both companies release a new console around $450 this year, do you think it will sell units in the current economy or will most people opt to buy a current gen console this holiday?
Через полгода его свалил тяжелейший инфаркт. Матросская Тишина, а в остальном всё точно так же!
А в каком возрасте находятся эти умники. Является Герман Герринг, с которого она и писала эту книгу.
И недвусмысленное, а иногда и недоуменное уезжайте! Воинственная тематика рассчитана на привлечение голосов за Ведро от военных, остатков.
2011 монтер 1130 69 522 июля 1898 года в селе. Можно ли критиковать человека верующего во что то, например,
Новости со ссылкой на пресс службу ведомства. Если Зюганов придёт к власти, он так же, как и Путин.
Когда нибудь сойду с ума, как Я не болен. А известная часть наших говорящих голов возбужденно импровизировала на две, оставшиеся
Безвозмездно и 7 тысяч при рождении каждого ребенка. Ченский антироссийский сайт.
what up, nerds.

theres a lot of unpleasant unpleasant thoughts and murky details woth the idea of console streaming, but a game download of some sort will still be required, right?

that's got to push down digital marketplace prices, especially if any of the big 3(or two) will have release day availability like PC, which are usually $10-15 less.


i really hope the ps4 controller cheapy tweeted is inaccurate, because nintendo has the whole interactive/rediculous thing cornered.( i spoke too soon)
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yes it's pretty, but can it dance?

i like my fantasy adventure like my coffee, topped off with a street fighter tease

feels like square already showed this, right? final-parasite-evil?
final fantasy TBD: we're trying

techno-vigilante justice. thanks ubisoft

im sure diablo 3 console is exciting...

literal destiny: ambitious, vague

all that and no actual console reveal, wtf. good to know they're leaning forward with release titles and support, but why have dual-generation releases?
lemme go ask pachter.
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hey guys
Do you guys think that M$ will do anything like sony or will they wait till e3 for any announcements? Also do you think that the next gen launches will be the same as the past or will there be any Triple A launch titles for either console?
So with all of the PS4 remote play oppurtunities with the Vita, will/should the PS4 come with a Vita? Or at the very least will there be a PS4-Vita bundle?
What do you guys think about the whole facebook/social networking integration into everything lately? I just heard about the PS4 going to use facebook integration for your friends list and practically a majority of phone games now use facebook integration and even websites are connecting everything together. Yes it is "convenient" but I have an issue with the privacy aspect of this. I mean you guys are well known internet gaming celebrities but for us peasants I kind of feel like this is going too far. Without integration it becomes more difficult to find friends because I don't want to use my friends list or just in general I am individual that would like to keep my internet/gaming and real life separate.

Even if I make a dummy facebook account it would be pointless if it doesn't integrate with friends I already have. I think I'm just worried about the consequences of everything being integrated in one and the fact that some people just don't want to share EVERYTHING about their lives.

But what do you guys think of almost all this technology just becoming integrating into one aspect. All websites, gaming consoles, apps, phone games, everything just becoming one facebook connected clusterfuck.
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bread's done