CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Cheapy, I noticed that you more or less have a potty mouth during the CAGcasts and aren't afraid to let loose with the occassional 'shit' or 'fuck', but every time you are talking about bodily functions (which happens to be quite often) you refer to it as a 'doodie'. Always seems silly next to your other explatives. Please explain why this is. Did you mom wash out your mouth with soap once so you are traumatized?
I've heard rumors about the DS and its interactivity with the Wii allowing for the download of DS demos through an internet connected system. This lead me to wondering if Nintendo has considered having a internet browser integrated on the Wii that could use the DS as a keyboard / additional screen to take web surfing on a console to a new level.

My question is: Do either of you have your own speculations or brainstorms regarding the integratetion of the DS with the Wii relating to game functions, or other facilities?
hey cheapy and wombat, I was thinking of a good wombat burrows segment so I was curious what wombats thoughts were on the state of the ESRB by moveing his much beloved Elder Scrolls:Oblivion from a Teen rateing to Mature.

Why are you torturing yourself with Nutrasystem? You should try Aktins. I ate NY Strip steak every day during the summer and lost 35 lbs. Give it a shot!

Call of Juarez is one of the most morally confused games I have ever played. In the game, you are not allowed to shoot innocent people, (even though this is supposed to be the Wild West.) My guess is that Ubisoft has censored this, in an effort to please, or at least avoid all the anti-video game politicians out there.

Now, I can understand that. But this is what gets me confused: One of the first missions is to find money to pay for a prostitute, who ends up giving you a blowjob. On top of that, walking through a bar, the main character is called a spic on multiple occasions.

What is Ubisoft thinking? Is paying for sex and calling people spics acceptable, but going on killing rampages with a six shooter, not? I don’t think the anti-videogame police will be very impressed. Ubisoft had gimped what could have been decent game.

Maybe, this is just a big deal to me, I don’t know. But when I’m supposed to be a cowboy, I don’t want some publisher telling me who I can and cannot shoot.

What do you guys think?
Dear Mrs. CheapyD and Mrs. Wombat. Wassup with all the buggy games being released for the 360? It seems like whenever a game comes out, the gaming public is screaming for a patch to fix laggy online play (COD 2, Saints Row, Dead or Alive), saving problems and a host of other flaws. Are developers getting lazy now that they have the ability to patch their games? Seems like one of the advantages console gaming had over PC was that the games would work out of the box.

Thank you. That is all.
My Question is as a new CAG Cast listener (First CAGCast #42) ...

I am a GC virgin my last nintendo console was a rarely used N64...

If I get a Wii what GC games would be worthy o purchase?

So I guess that means what are the top 10 GC games for the GC newb?

A gaming/your man in japan question I guess.

Have you ever seen any shops that sell the PSX (the ill fated PS2/DVR Combo Sony put out a couple years ago)?
Do you license the opening music for the show from game companies or do you just play it and hope that you don't get attacked by lawyers?
Why do you never review ps2 games? Or originial xbox games. I myself can't afford a xbox 360 and still buy games. Or at least mention which ones are coming out for xbox as well. And my roomate has a ps2.

Whatever happened to that xbox 360 giveway btw?
What is your reaction to the recent so called "Platinum Hits" lineup from Microsoft where they will start offering older 360 titles for a cheaper but higher than expected $29 price point? How successful do you think their desired new "budget" pricepoint will work?

Wombat I am a rookie Oblivion player who likes RPG's but is having trouble progressing. Can you offer any advice on character creation, sidequests to avoid, or any other tips for Oblivion noob's? Thanks.
great show as always.

Is it hard to find good prices on used games in Japan? I've heard finding good prices is more of a hit or miss, reading an article about buying games in Japan where one week it'll be mega cheap then the next it's mega expensive.
Great Shows. I have 2 questions.
1) What is your opinion of the PS3 and Wii box art?

2)Have you ever played plachinko?(Seeing as how you're in Japan and all)
Since you guys mention it almost every cagcast, what is your favorite Simpsons episode and character?

P.S. Is Best Buy still angry at you?
Can either of you get a comment from Nintendo on their DS game buy 2 get 1 free promo in partnership with Best Buy being screwed up so that it really doesn't work? And then can you ask them why it's been screwed up since the deal launched (more than 2 weeks now)?!

It only works with old titles--not with anything I want. But the terms of ther offer make no stipulations that it should only work with crap I don't want!

See this post for an email I wrote to Nintendo:

Maybe you 'press types' can get satisfaction, where I won't get anywhere. Sorry--I know you're not the Better Business Bureau.
1. If one hearkens back to the legendary thread on CAG about the broken street date on the DS Lite, one has to wonder: will history repeat itself with the Wii? What do you think the likelihood of this happening is?

2. I have my doubts that Cheapy is actually in Japan. One afternoon while walking my dog, I saw an impossibly tall goofy looking bald white guy walking in my neighborhood with a cute asian woman. Is it possible that Cheapy is actually in the Raleigh NC area and claims to be in Japan because he's in witness protection? Of course you'll say no...but...

Historically speaking, videogame systems have launched in North America for less than the converted value of the Japanese launch prices regardless of US dollar strength. For instance the N64 and GCN launched for ¥25000 in Japan and $200 in the US. With the Wii, we are seeing a system selling for ¥25000 in Japan yet again (currently ¥25000=~$214) but being forced to pay $250 over here. Add to this the announced price cut of the PS3 in Japan while no cuts are being made for other territories. Heck, even the 360 costs a lot less in Japan than it does here.

In light of all this, knowing the importance and size of the North American market is now greater than that of Japan, does it appear that the console makers have decided to blatantly milk us for every cent they can get? Yeah, companies are in business to make money but it also seems as if they are trying to push the envelope as far as what they can get away with.
CheapyD, do you think EA's attempt at making new IPs will actually pan out?

And Wombat, can you please explain to me the bullshit answer cheapy will give for the first question?
Cheapy, why does miyamotofreak hate you so much?

Wombat, what is this "Wombat Liberation Army" that's cropping up all over the boards? Are you involved, or is this the doing of your legion of rabid fans?

EDIT: Not only did I figure it out, but I am now a soldier. But please, enlighten the ignorant.
Tell me true, Cheapy and Wombat, should I pre-order a Wii? Will doing so guarantee me a console to call my own or simply afford me the chance to fight over a handful of systems with all the other fanboys who’ve also pre-ordered at my preferred retailer. Am I putting money down on a system or merely on a “place in line?”
cheapy and wombat first i wanna say that your show is great. you were the first show i listened to when i heard of podcast and will continue listening to. i wanted to ask what is your favorite rpg and why? and wombat besides oblivion.
Not really a question, but...

Wombat I don't know if this is much of an honor or not but your gamertag made it onto the usually lame MadTV!! Hit the jump and watch this funny video on kotaku of a guy trying to romance his girlfriend with his Madden 07 game play. The skit is actually a blatent ripoff of something that's long been on the internet. Anyway one of the guys on his friends list is named "Wombat" as portrayed by some black guy with cornrows, which is exactly how I picture you from your voice!

We've seen the fanboys duke it out this past generation and we're gearing up to go at it again: what determines who "wins" a generation? The Sony fans claim units sold, the Nintendo fans claim profit (it is interesting to see Nintendo fans take up the Units Sold banner when talking the DS vs. PSP though ;)), and Microsoft fans claim increase in market share from Gen A to Gen B.

So, what's the offical CAGcast measure of how a successful a console is? Profits, Units, or Percentages? Or is it a happy place filled with rainbows where no one wins or loses around here? ;)

I remember the good ol days of playing shenmue on my dreamcast, then shenmue 2 on xbox. I heard about shenmue online in Europe as well as shenmue 3. Is there any chance at all that shenmue 3 will EVER be made?


I remember watching a review on xplay a while ago about a game called Trackmania Sunrise for the pc. The game looked amazing! Unfortunetly I was never able to get it, but recently I found this link on another forum about a new version called Trackmania Nations that is FREE!

People are able to download the full version of Trackmania Nations for FREE, straight from the developers website.

The really neat thing about this game is how much you can customize it, it allows you to make your own tracks and car skins! Not only that, the graphics are amazing! This game looks like a winner to me, I just wanted to know what Cheapy D and wombat think
[quote name='dubbfoolio']Anyway one of the guys on his friends list is named "Wombat" as portrayed by some black guy with cornrows, which is exactly how I picture you from your voice![/QUOTE]

LMAO...You obviously haven't seen any pictures. ;)

Wombat: In your unofficial rant on this week's podcast you came down pretty hard on retro games in the Xbox Live Arcade. Yet in the past you've seemed pretty excited about the games that will be offered through the Virtual Console on the Wii. Is this a double standard based on the quality of the offerings or have you lost interest in the idea of retro games as a whole, regardless of of the system?
Dear, fearless leader (Wombat) and CheapyD
Most likely you have heard about 'Halo wars' the upcoming Halo RTS for the 360 and, I was wondering what your opinions on the Shutdown of halogen are. In case you have no idea what I'm talking about I will explain...
Halogen was a mod for the PC game 'Command and conquer: Generals' that has been in the making for years it seems (I think 2). Just recently they have been shutdown by Microsoft and Bungie due to 'Halo wars' (wow what a name). As I said what are your opinions about it (if any) Personally I think its flipping retarded a game on a separate console being made by Ensemble studios a great company threatened by a MOD made by a few guys in a garage its extortion (...)! ahhhhh....
Thanks for an reply,

(Also just to add there are many mods of games that our out thriving about the halo universe that never have been shutdown)
Cheapy, you mentioned in one of the previous CAGcasts that you went to college in western New York. What school did you attend? As an alumnus of UB, I was wondering if you might've gone there too.
About a week ago I put LOTR:BFME II in my 360 onlt to notice I hadn't played it in about 6 weeks. Just curoius if you ever finished it or did you get distracted with other games like myself.
CheapyD, do you think the reason you suck at learning Japanese might be because you're so grounded with America (XBL, TV, etc)? I bet if you didn't have these english speaking diversions you'd know your Japanese very well.
What is the Japanese Alterantive to Nitro-Tech( The Suplement that had this bobsled guy in the Olympics disqulified)

Tell us aobut downtown Japan. I mean the real downtown and not just Tokyo Crap.

Have you been in a sports bar yet?
I recently saw a trailer for a game by Rockstar called LA Noire. This game takes place in LA during the late 1940's, setting the secene for drugs, jazz, and a time before freeways existed, according to Rockstar. Have you guys seen the trailer? This is my kind of game! Will it be just another GTA? What are your thoughts?
With a very busy holiday season approaching quickly, I was wondering if you guys were planning on reviving the hype wagon to choose the holiday release you'd want to hype up before its release?

I also have another question: If you could have a game made from any movie or tv show that has not gotten the videogame treatment, what would it be? If you have a developer or publisher in mind that you'd want to make that game, who would it be?

If you could have a hidden gem from the current generation get a sequel on one or all of the next-gen consoles, what would it be?
Whats the name/artist at the beginning of Episode #45
Tokyo Game Show..

Will be very grateful if you answered this question, but you don't I will hopefully find it somewhere.;)

Keep the good work up, loving your podcasts. I am glad i stumbled across this site, keep paying Google because their advertising is working:applause:

What ever happened to the Mario-based theme park that you and Cheapy discussed in the 32nd CAGCast? Did you ever look into it, or did everyone forget about it? I'd still like to see Wombat in Mario's clothing and harness bouncing around a bunch of obstacles. :D
[quote name='CheapyD']Elf needs new questions badly![/quote]


I have a question, and a story that goes along with it that I'd like to send. My fear is a certain person whom lives in my home (and one could call the Mrs. PlumeNoir) might hear my name broadcast and get upset. COuld I just PM it to you or Wombat?
Suggestion for the 50th show coming up.

CheapyD + Wombat

I know you talked about both your wifes being on the Podcast and wondering if we can see that possibly happen for the 50th show. I think it would be fun to hear their thoughts on gaming , such as what would make them more intrested in gaming and do they think the Wii is a start in to the right direction for non gamers. Also what does Mrs. Wombat think of Wombat playing Oblivion so much?
You know, nevermind my last post - I'll just suck it up. It's kinda long, so forgive me that.

First off, a little background to my question:
Last year, on November 18th, someone broke into my house and stole a laptop, my PS2 and over 30 PS2 games. (My mom had just died 10 days earlier, so I had already packed and moved all my other systems. Not-so-coincidentally, the thieves broke in looking for my Xbox360, won from Mountain Dew, which didn't arrive until the next day - in which my car was broken into, but my 360 was already safe at my mom's house. And luckily, they ignored my memory cards. Let's just say I am glad to be out of that neighborhood.)

So, over the past year, in addition to moving, I bought a Slim PS2 and started to rebuild my collection. My top priorities (besides the top tier games) were the Dot Hack games and Beyond Good and Evil. Even though I had beaten them, I wanted them back, as I am more of a collector.

Flash forward to this summer, when I MAJORLY ticked off my "female intimate co-inhabitant." She called me at work, so I could hear the house being wrecked (I have pics...). My PS2 was thrown like a shuriken into the wall, my 360 heaved above her head and spiked onto the floor; pieces of both systems were scattered admist countless sharp thin plastic spikes that had once been my game collection.

I was able to piece together the PS2, resolder the power switch, but now it can only read mem cards; the drive doesn't even spin anymore. My multimeter shows no current coming out of the drive reader; I don't feel like trying to breathe life into the assembly, so I am calling that a loss. However, I was able to reassemble the 360 (the label seal wasn't even broken!) and, once I found the hard drive and cleaned off the soda dumped on it, powered it up - it worked fine! In fact, it has been running fine for months now. (Which made me feel bad for Wombat and all the others with 360 problems, 'cause I know mine can take a beating. I'm still glad it's a pre- Jan 1st unit, though! ;) )

This long-winded story leads me to the question I am now facing for the second time in under a year, and I am now posing to you: What games do you absolutely need in your collection? If all your games disappeared tomorrow, which titles would you immediately cruise Gamestop and eBay to replace? I know Wombat turns games around for credit, but I'm sure he has a couple in the "keep" pile.

For me, I am (for the third time) buying the four Dot Hack games and Beyond Good and Evil. I guess it doesn't matter what system, just in general. Personally, if I lost, say, my PSOne games, I'd hunt down the first Parasite Eve and Final Fantasy Tactics before anything else.

Oh yeah, by the way: The letter X
[quote name='CheapyD']last call for show #47[/QUOTE]

I've asked this before, but I'll just simplify it.

I'm just curious do any of you have plans for having kids? What you name them? Cheapy Jr.? Wombat Jr.?
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']What do you think of users who post exceedingly long multi-part essay questions for the CAGbag?[/quote]

WSB - was that directed at me? My question was short (I even colored it), the story was long. I make no excuses nor apologies.

By the way, Banky, I have been meaning to say this, I like the new icon. I'd do a Jason Lee from Dogma with the horns, though - that'd look cool.

BTW part 2 Banky: I'm going to PM you with a drawing question - I hope you don't mind...

EDIT: heh...I can't type, so I just corrected some public school-esque typos....
bread's done