CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hi guys,

How much money do you think an hour of gameplay is worth on both home and handheld consoles? I know people, including yourselves have asked whether or not a game is worth $50-$60, and I think it is more important for people to look at how much an hourly cost of games instead of the overall picture.

An example I'll give is Pokemon Pearl for DS. It cost me $35. I've played around 35 hours, and that comes to $1 per hour of gameplay. That's where I think people should make a judgement on pricey games: How much money are they willing to invest per hour of gameplay.
Hey Cheapy, I'm visiting Tokyo in a little more than a month and I'm compiling some gaming stores I want to visit while I'm there. Super Potato and Yodobashi Akiba are musts for me in Akihabara. Any other shops you can recommend in Akihabara and around Tokyo in general? I'm staying exclusively in Tokyo so I won't be able to visit places outside that (like Den Den Town and such). You don't have to answer this on the air, a simple PM would be much appreciated. Thanks!
What are your predictions for this year's E3 Cheapy? Will it be a disaster or a success? And should it fail, do you think the E3 of old will return to glory? Also, are you still looking for a Co-attendee? :p
hey dudes, love the show. my question is, how is Wombat keeping his PS3 pristine considering it's a dust and fingerprint magnet?
Hey guys,

I'm just wondering if either of you have ever had any motion sickness while playing games. If so, what have you done to help?
Hi CheapyD and Wombat!
I am going to be flying to Asia this Sunday and I was wondering if you can recommend me any game worth picking up while I am there. I will be in Japan and Taiwan. Thank you in advance! Hopefully I can download the new episode before I board.

Best wishes
Hey Cheapy, how do you keep that bald head so amazingly smooth? what razor or shaving cream do you use?
Hey Brothers,
Not to long ago you guys were talking about castlevania S.O.N. and Wombat mentioned how much he would love to see a highly detailed 2D side scroller. Well my friends, your time has come. The game is called Odin Sphere and it is coming out soon on the Playstation 2. I know it is not next gen, but it sure as hell looks like it. Have either of you guys heard of this title? I would think the game would do well in Japan, but in the states, I fear it is doomed to go the way of Okami. I hate when great works of video game art don’t get any notice. Is there anything you think I can do to help promote the game (considering that I am a cheap and lazy gamer of course)?
Several questions for Mr. Wombat:

With your comics, do you collect the monthlies or do you stick to Trades?
I know you're down with Spidey, but which other heros do you dig? Any DC love?
Finally, who is your favorite Green Lantern? (Kyle, btw, is the man)
hey cheapy, im sure that many of the long time listeners already know this, but as a relative noobie (about 2 months listining) i was just wondering why you moved to japan? i know when your parents were on they said "a great oportunity" but i was just wondering what that oportunity was.
[quote name='gaelan']What's your view on the rehash of RE4 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma? I can understand the retro gaming craze that is going on with DL games, and I can even swallow the classic NES games released on GBA, but something seems not so right with the re-re-re-releases of these recent games (RE4 and NGS). It just seems like a waste to allocate resources and manpower to these 3+ year old games. I'd much rather see RE5 and NG2 or whatever they want to call them...bottom line is bring the next gen experience with NEW CONTENT, don't just cash in on a graphical update and some new swords/controls cause you know we will pay for the same game for a 3rd and 4th time. It will be interesting to see what the MSRP is for these games.

Just like experimenting with DLable games and what the consumer is willing to pay, this rehashing of titles in HD is an experiment IMO. What if another million copies are sold of RE4 or NGS? This will undoubtedly set a precedent (like the dl games) and get many board rooms buzzing with ideas of what last gen titles to re-release on your next gen system in "full HD glory" with some new items and/or controls. Pick your top 4 favorite or bestselling games from last gen on each of the consoles...Would you pay another $40-$60 for a graphically updated version (on a next gen system) with some new items or control scheme? I would bet some developers are asking the same questions.

Last question, what are some other games that have gone down this road?[/quote]

Here's another one

It looks like they are remaking Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay for PS3 and 360. I guess it's an inexpensive way to make games...just put shiny graphics on old content.
Hello Cheapyd. This is a "YMIJ" question. I am currently finishing up a bachelor's degree, and would like to move to Tokyo to teach english to the natives over there. The salary seems to be about 250,000 yen per month, but I'm just wondering if that's going to be enough to live on. Will I have to be a "CheapyZ" when I'm there, or can I live comfortably with one mouth to feed?


Cheapy, last show said you are considering a macbook purchase. I'm currently in the market for a mac. Why are you going with a macbook instead of a Imac or Mac Mini? Do you normally work with a laptop? Like to hear your reason for the macbook vs the others in the mac lineup.
Cheapy! what the fuck?! First you say that EVERYBODY who mods their 360 is a cheater and deserves to be kicked off Live, and then you say you're going to mod your Wii.
[quote name='zakk']Cheapy! what the fuck?! First you say that EVERYBODY who mods their 360 is a cheater and deserves to be kicked off Live, and then you say you're going to mod your Wii.[/QUOTE]

the current state of xbox360 mods is only for pirating games so far, no cheating is possible.
Hey, Cheapy and Wombat. First I wanted to say I really like the show. I've been listening to it for the past few months and it has really helped me get through my day at work. Though I do not agree with some of the things you guys say on the CAGcast all the time I find you're incites and thoughts on the industry to be very interesting and entertaining.

Anyways, my question to you is regarding the number 781-FAT-CAGS...or EAT-CAGS, you said two different things during the PodCast. My question is where and how did you get that number? I'm wondering mostly because 781 is the area code for my hometown and I was wondering if you were at one time a resident of Revere, MA. I sincerely doubt it, but it was worth asking regardless.

Keep up the good work fellas.
[quote name='']Hey, Cheapy and Wombat. First I wanted to say I really like the show. I've been listening to it for the past few months and it has really helped me get through my day at work. Though I do not agree with some of the things you guys say on the CAGcast all the time I find you're incites and thoughts on the industry to be very interesting and entertaining.

Anyways, my question to you is regarding the number 781-FAT-CAGS...or EAT-CAGS, you said two different things during the PodCast. My question is where and how did you get that number? I'm wondering mostly because 781 is the area code for my hometown and I was wondering if you were at one time a resident of Revere, MA. I sincerely doubt it, but it was worth asking regardless.

Keep up the good work fellas.[/QUOTE]

Since Cheapy lives in Japan and Wombat lives in New York, I'm guessing that one of them has a Skype account assigned to that number, but I could be wrong.
Wombat, you say that if someone hasn't been playing halo 1 or 2 religously then they have no chance at all in halo 3. I have to disagree and say that any gamer with natural skill, particularly in the shooter genre can do well in halo 3. why don't you practice playing a different shooter with bots like pdz? i'm not saying they're exactly the same but learning from that will give you the skills you need for halo.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat. Im a big fan of the show and listen every week. This question is mainly for Cheapy but Wombat, feel free to answer as well. I am going to be visiting Japan in about a month and I wanted to see if you had any suggestions of where to go in Akihabara for games and toys. Keep up the good work.
It seems pretty evident you guys have major gripes with the friend code system, especially since you are popular figures on CAG.

Do you have any suggestions on how to improve the Nintendo online friend code system? Or if you completely dislike the friend code system, do you have a better idea?

It would be nice to keep in mind that Nintendo desires to keep a safe online gaming environment, so as to prevent cases such as a 10 year old child joining a random room only to see Cheapy "hanging brain."
I just got a wii and was wandering what game I should get? I'm pretty much open to everything except zelda.
[quote name='cyrix`']I just got a wii and was wandering what game I should get? I'm pretty much open to everything except zelda.[/quote]

Super Paper Mario is a good choice.
What do you think will happen with the next generation of gaming consoles after this one? Do you feel like all the systems will have motion controllers?

My opinion is that would not be good at all. With motion controlled controllers, you lose a lot of accuracy, menu systems become annoying without being able to use the d-pad or stick, and games seem like more of a gimmick than anything else. It would be cool if your character would do what you did with the remote, but it only recognizes simple movements. Guess we have to wait for the body suit controller....

It seems like more of a party type thing (you know, where you get drunk and make fun of people when you beat them or you throw a Wii-mote at them on "accident"). Not having a lot of fun with the Wii when I play alone...

I hope the next Xbox does not jump on this fad. I want to sit down in my big ass chair and rock out to the latest games. If I wanted to swing a controller like a golf club or tilt a controller so I made a turn, I would just do the real thing or buy a steering wheel attachment! So hopefully they will include an option for standard play and nerd play.

I guess I will have to switch all my focus to PC gaming if this happens.

I know all of that wasn't a question, but I needed to rant. I am concerned about what will happen next gen.
Hey guys, one question for ya,
I'm curious to know:

•What were some of the things or events that have given Cheapassgamer (as well as the CAGcast) the most publicity, attention, and/or user growth?

That reader mail that was published in EGM a couple years back mentioning this fine site, maybe for one? (That got me here)
Heres a stupid question for you guys,
What 5 games would you bring with you to a deserted island...that for some reason has every video game system, a TV, a power supply....but unfortunately no internet or Kate.

My 5 probably would be Oblivion, The Sims, NBA 2K7, GTA, and DOA Beach Volleyball...cuz theres gonna be many of lonely nights there.
One question, but oh the answer is tricky:
[quote name='zakk']Cheapy! what the fuck?! First you say that EVERYBODY who mods their 360 is a cheater and deserves to be kicked off Live, and then you say you're going to mod your Wii.[/QUOTE]

he wants to mod it to play english language games, not to pirate.
What are your views of the PSP modding comunity? I recently purchased a PSP for the sole fact that I could hack it for homebrew (and perhaps for a few other nefarious purposes) and find myself enjoying it quite a bit. Now, I don't think it'll ever be as great a system as the DS, but do you think if Sony encouraged instead of discouraged homebrew that it could perhaps gain a better foot hold in the hand held market?
A sorta, maybe, kinda, definitely wierd question popped in my head when I was listening to the cagcast, must have been all the masturbating and having sex with mermaid fish legs, but which video game character would you wanna bang? As you can tell, I'm real mature. I'd probably choose Sephiroth or Mega Man.
this doesnt really involve video games(or maybe it will) but as you may or maynot have seen, Syl Stallon made a comeback to Rocky 2000...the movie was just ok...nothing compared to Rocky 3 but it wasnt horrible...
I just seen a trailer on you-tube for a new RAMBO movie...
what do you think about that? how old is Syl...60+?
Hey guys, i have a question to ask of you.
What do you think of Games for Windows Live?
I personally think its a great move by microsoft to synergize their xbox live service and their windows service. It's a great idea to let people play cross-platform and for those people with both xbox live and vista laptops. it will let them play their favorite xbox games online on the road. It may have some problems now but just like xbox live it will become a revolutionary service.

Feel free to use my username and make fun of this avatar i have
Pick a winner of the best download able thing on each console and give a reason why you choose it to both Cheapyd and Wombat.
Hi Cheapy and Wombat,

I think I agree with your views on console modding Cheapy:

ie: modding for region free == good;
modding for cheating == bad;

But I can understand why some people were offended by your comments, it did sound a little like you were saying that modding 360 is bad but modding the wii is ok.

Anyway keep up the good work guys, I love the show.
Wombat and Cheapy,

How do you deal with marriage and being with the same woman every single day? I've been dating my girlfriend for about 8 months... she's 22 and a gamer. I'm 30 and also a gamer. She moved in around a month and a half ago. We have two Xbox 360's and when we play games we usually play separately, her in one room and me in the other. This may seem like an ideal situation but as time goes on I'm getting sick of her being around all the time. She's cute, a gamer, and fun, but I just need my space, like Sean Penn did in "Sweet and Lowdown." How do you deal with this on a long term basis?
Wombat and Cheapy,

I also want to echo your sentiments that modding for region bypass is perfectly ethical.

For example, I've had my eye on the English Blue Dragon for a long time, and I'm pretty bummed that I either need to buy another strictly offline console or sacrifice XBoxLive just to import it. Sometimes you're in a situation where you're willing to pay a premium for an imported game, and the crackdown on modded consoles is criminalizing a very small group of very enthusiastic import gamers. Cheaters and hackers deserve to rot in hell, but what's so sinful about importing?
Holy Crap!

As a gamer who has made the migration to 360 from PC, I just about shit myself when I saw the awesome Fallout 3 teaser trailer in HD. Wombat, as a fan of Oblivion, and seeing as Fallout 3 is also from Bethesda, is this not the best candidate for the Hype Wagon in recent days? Did either of you play these games back in the day, and are you stoked for a full-on sequel of this long-dormant franchise?

I can't wait to play this one!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I have a question and a suggestion:

you said you got a new mac laptop. I remember you posting on the stickcam chat after the last live cagcast that you aren't interested in PC gaming, but you have also admitted to having purchased a PS3 and a few other things for the sake of the podcast and to be up to date with the gaming industry.

Dont you think you are missing out on an important part of the industry by not keeping up to date on PC gaming as well? PC gaming is gearing up for a big year it looks like, so I think you and the cags would only benefit from some PC love. Maybe once in a while you can have a segment where you bring in an person thats more into pc gaming?


have you guys listened to the 1up yours show? every week they take time discuss briefly the most interesting topics on their message boards.
I think you guys should do that, not only would it be nice to catch up on topics one might have missed on during the week but it would also encourage cags to participate on boards other then the deals section more often.

thanks for a great podcast and keep up the good work guys!
Hi cheapy and wombat,

Ive been lisitening to your podcasts for around 4 months now and really enjoy it(specially the jokes :) ). Every week I hear you(cheapy) complaining that there are no Wii's or Dslites in japan whereas here in New Zealand they are just lying on the shelves. Used lites only cost around NZ$100 over here. Its really suprising hearing that they are out of stock in the US and japan.

On an another note, im an avid 360 and pc gamer. Though you cover a lot of the console games, it would be nice if you guys talked about big pc titles like LOTR MMORPG, crysis, unreal , etc...

Ahh my question, do you know if us NZers can access the XBL marketplace using an american credit card??We really want to watch the HD movies that you guys have there but due to microsofts restrictions we are unable to

hey cheapy i was wondering...all those CAGCast videogame intro songs...i was wondering if you would be able to set it up so CAGs could download them(the mp3 version)?
Hello CheapyD and Wombat,

First of, I would like to say that I enjoyed the podcast as usuall. Cheapy D, I completely agree with you on your stance on modchips, emulators, and piracy. If it weren't for modchips, console exploits, and emulators, I would have never had a chance to play the many Japan and Europe only releases that never see the light of day here in the more Capitalistic US.

Speaking of which, my question is what is the import scene like in Japan? Since I am so used to hearing about importing games from Japan, I always wanted to know if Japanese gamers import American games? It must have some business since there is a modchip for the Japanese Wii that enables it to play American games as you said in previous CAGcasts.
bread's done