CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

Hey CheapyD and Wombat,
Do you guys take advantage of any of the PSP extra functionality? I've had a PSP for a couple years and I finally figured out how to load movies onto it. (Star Wars: ESB ftw!)

Also, I know you, Cheapy, have a Mac; what are some of the programs you use on a regular basis (outside of bitorrent)? I'm a Mac guy too, and I was just curious.

One last question, what are your guys' feelings about Microsoft and Google trying to buy out Digg?
Cheapy and Wombat,

Now that you have both watched Justice League: The New Frontier (Cheapy I assume you had a chance after you and Wombat talked about it a smidge on Cagcast 110), what are your overall impressions?

While I found it somewhat entertaining, I thought it employed quite a bit of revisionist history about the time period. I didn't read the original comic for New Frontier, but didn't seem as Superman was way out of his normal unerring Reagan-esque Flag-waving patriotism ala Frank Miller's Dark Knight Returns and took on a lot more of Batman's normal skeptical MO? I mean Superman is supposed to be all baseball, apple pie, mom, boy scout and America the Beautiful.

I'm sorry I'm very proud to be an American, and Superman is such an identifiable American Icon, I guess I'm a little touchy when an institution like Superman is fiddled with.

Thats my $.02 what are you're thoughts guys?
Cheapy and wombat... Its bdg ska rulz :) So do you guys ever wonder why you buy so many games like myself and never get around to playing most? I constantly have a hard time trying to decide which game to play because I have so many. You think it would be easier just to have a few games? Also, how does one become on both of your xbox live and ps3 gamer lists? The limit is reached on your list? Thanks!
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, I received the new EGM this past week and they have changed their rating system to a letter format (A-F) and I feel it works a thousand times better than the scoring system of old. Do you guys feel that this will start a new trend?, and Do you think it could stop alot of the confusion in game reviews?
Hey cheapy,

I have a coworker that is looking to switch from our current sales job to a job in commercial real-estate sales. I remember from a couple cagcasts ago that you said you were in that job and hated it. I told him " Hey, you know cheapy D used to do that and said that it really sucked" and he replied " Who the fuck is cheapy d?"

Anyways, what should I tell him about the job before he goes into something he may regret?
I really want to thank CheapyD for an excellent week last week, I found the xbox 360 return thing in Japan just very interesting. I have been playing a lot of baseball MLB 2k8(360 version) and MLB 08 the show(just return of the show mode). As a big baseball fan, I am thrilled with both. I also have been playing drakes fortune which is really good that I get from gamefly.

Congrats to wombat to the new member of your family.

My question is in leau of saving money like myself being a cheapass using gamefly is there anything like gamefly in Japan?

I look forward to this week's show.
In last week's CAGcast, you mentioned waiting for the inevitable price drop as a potential way of saving money. Although I agree with the sentiment, it is not without caveat. For strictly single player games, waiting for a bargain is good form (although if you wait for an extremely long time, avoiding spoilers in the VG community can be difficult). However, I will gladly spend the extra bucks for multiplayer games for two reasons: (1) Games can be the "flavor of the month." If I wait too long, and the game doesn't end up with a massive following on XBL, multiplayer options tend to dry up. My friends have moved on. The community at large has moved on. (2) Games that offer substantive upgrades for multiplayer progression (e.g., leveling up in COD4 nets you better weapons and perks) put you at somewhat of a disadvantage if you wait too long. Agree or disagree?

Side note: Congratulations to Wombat and Mrs. Wombat on the impending birth of your first child. You will learn more about life from your baby in thirty days than you learned from your parents in thirty years.
Cheapy, did you watch the Justice League animated movie that was mentioned last week and what are your thoughts of it?

Wombat, what do you think of the Red Hulk character and who do you think it is?
Cheapyd and wombat: What do you think about the take 2 situation?Do you think EA will buy out take 2 after gta 4 is released? Also is the buyout a good thing in your opinions?
Re: Patches

I think we're aware of your feelings about patches (Monster Madness not getting a second chance) that change the game somewhat fundamentally, but what about other patches that have been needed for games lately (Bully 360) on the consoles? Are we going down a very slippery slope? Did either of you play MM or Two Worlds with patches? Do you think an "auto-update" is just as bad as a patch?

Hey Cheapy and Wombat,
I live in Ireland and I'm getting a 360 soon and the best deal is a premium 360+extra controller+King Kong+Gears+Viva Pinata+Forza 2 for €400 at my local gamestop.I was wondering how this compares to the deals in NY and Japan. Whats the best deal on a 360 youve ever seen?

Also I've noticed that in America there is a different rating system to here T,M etc. In Ireland we have +3,+7,+12,+16 and +18. What do you think about this? Should the rating system be the same everywhere? What is the rating system in Japan?
Wombat rocks, love the show.

P.S. Ps3 Home looks great. What are your expectations and impressions from demos?
looks like Jeff Gerstmann and Ryan Davis have started a new website called The idea is a video game blog that does reviews and so on. I dunno about you guys but im pretty excited seeing as gamespot has gotten increasingly retarded and boring lately. Do you think that their site will be successful seeing as there is already an abundance of video game sites, or do you think that their old fans from gamespot will be able to sustain their site?
Hey CheapyD and Wombat,

Awesome podcast by the way. I was looking for CheapyD's views on whaling from Japan. This is gaming related! Someone made a small indie game called Harpooned a while back. Here's the site: I personally think it's a really good idea in spreading the word, what do you guys think?

I am noticing a lot of non gaming people around me are buying a PS3 as a blu ray player (makes sense) but they have no interest in gaming. Is that all Sony is hoping for, to say look how many we sold ? What will happen when it turns out the software sales are not supporting the hypothetically large install base? I don't have a PS3 and have no interest in buying one currently (maybe after Home launches and there are at least 5 must play exclusive games)
[quote name='keyweez360']WOMBAT--

Did you catch the trailer for the new Incredible Hulk movie? If you saw it, what did you think? If not, then:

Looks to SMASH Ang Lee's borefest into oblivion.[/quote]

Yeah, I was going to ask you the same thing Wombat, since you are a big fan of comics and such. So yeah, whaddya think?

EDIT: But also, what do you think about the Iron Man trailer? (Im stoked)
Hi Cheapy,

My mp3 player just died and knowing you got an iTouch recently, I am thinking doing the same. My quesiton is, how convenient is the web browsing feature? I want one mainly because I want to be able to access cag on the go. Is it worth it? or it's just an expensive gadget you use sitting on the can. Love your show, and congratz to Wombat on the new job.
Hey Wombat, I just got done watching the King of Kong and I was wondering why you were being such an asshole to Steve Wiebe. The guy was obviously trying to play Donkey Kong and win a record, but you had to start gathering everyone around to add pressure to his game just because you were jealous that he was getting to the kill round. You need to realize that you're not the heir apparent to Billy Mitchell, who is a gigantic ass, and give someone else a chance.
Wombat - which movie looks better - Iron Man or Hulk 2?

Cheapy - The digital download will never, *ever* replace discs completely. There are always going to be stubborn people, like me, who want a physical disc. On top of that, the incredibly ludicrous handling of the Xbox Live game issues that people like the Shipwrecks have had with their Xbox Live games are always going to discourage people (like me) from buying DLC altogether. For the love of god I still use minidisc!

You're dead wrong on this. I'd put money on it.
hey CheapyDizzle

i was wondering how long do you think it will be till

A) xbox 360 players can play online against ps3 players

B) xbox 360, ps3, and pc, players will all three play against each other

C) Wombat starts winning at video games


Whats up Cheapy and wombat!
I was just wondering your thoughts on video game magazines! More specifically the "#1 Video Game Magazines" after all, theres GameInformer The #1 video game magazine, EGM the #1 Video Game Magazine, GFW #1 PC gaming magazines, and blah blah blah the list goes on! So what are your thoughts on magazines and such. Is it better to just read the reviews on the magazines site for free? Thanks C U LATER!

I know you have played the Sim Exchange for awhile now. Have either you or Wombat ever considered buying real stock in a video game company. I've been considering buying some for awhile now. Out of all the markets, I think video games might be an easy one to read. I mean, you know Konami's is going to go up when Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out.
Cheapy, Wombat are things really good between you guys? I've noticed that you two are taking shots at each other, kinda being mean to one another.
I just want to make sure we're going to have a two man show later on?

Are there any 2d games that you feel should get the "Bionic Commando: Rearmed" treatment?
This questions has been bouncing around the Interwebs, but I wanted to know what your zombie escape plan would be. It seems that New York and Japan are more known for monster attacks, but if a massive zombie rampage hit close to home, what would you do?

In the same vein, what is your favorite zombie-related video game?

Greetings CheapyD and Wombat
I'm a relatively new listener to the CAGcast (since around #102), and I'm curious: what were the reasons for you moving to Japan? Was it a "wife-want so wife-get" kind of thing, or was it for her job? As we all know it wasn't for your career, though your job is pretty bad ass.
HEY Cheapy and Wombat. My question is concerning Devil May Cry 4. I recently got this game for the PS3 over the XBox360 version as I like the bumpers on the PS3 better than i do on the XBox360 and bumpers are used a lot in this game. The install wasn't really that big of an issue and of course cuts the load times to pretty much nothing. What is interesting about this is that the PS3 version isn't really that far behind the Xbox 360 version in terms of total sales. Clearly the hard-drive install has not killed game sales on the PS3 version. How do you feel about the hard-drive install and more to the point of my main question, would you like to see more hard-drive installed games? To that point, what do you make of the possibility of more developers going this route in designing their games considering the success of DMC4 on the PS3?? (obviously it would, for now and probably forever, have to be a PS3 thing since the Xbox 360 doesn't mandate a hard-drive).
This one's more for Cheapy than Wombat, I guess. But, I've noticed Cheapy having to get involved with "disputes" within the message boards a little more often lately. So, I was wondering what a normal day for Cheapy includes. Do you wake up in the morning, and instead of getting ready for work a like Wombat, do you say to yourself "time to see what 3am drunken idiot argument is posted on my website that I'm going to have to fix". Or "SPAM CONTROL TIME" !!!
I know you have your hands full with the little one. So, exactly how do you juggle fatherhood and being the Godfather of CAG on a day to day basis?

Long live CAG.

And where's my Wombat Comic Podcast already ?
Howdy guys. I got another quickie Smash Brawl question for you.

The review scores for Smash are all very high. The reviews themselves are all pretty positive but a common, partially negative thread I'm hearing especially on the podcasts is that it's very similar to Melee. At it's heart (Hardcore or not) Smash is a fighting game.
How much do fighting games really change? Some fighters go 3D or offer ring outs but some of them don't radically change like that. It seems to me that the head-to-head fighter is a series that doesn't need to change much. For instance Street Fighter series hasn't had anything too radical change that I can tell (as an outsider).

Which has changed more (completely discounting graphics) Smash (Melee -> Brawl) or Street Fighter (II -> IV)?*

addendum: I don't think you guys play much h2h fighting games but which ones would you say have changed more and which ones less when compared to Smash.

*I say Smash. with things like the Smash Ball, tons of new items, and more fight customization types
Hey, Cheapy & Wombat. Now we've all heard Cheapy say on several different occasions that he does much better than Wombat in most Multiplayer Games. but, what game (if any) does Wombat kick Cheapy's ass in?

(and Wombat, any games you play at your new job don't count! i.e., Strip-Carcassone, Naked Twister, etc.. )

By the way, Wombat, you need to get on Call of Duty 4 with the 30+ CAGs that play together every week! I've never had a chance to play with you, but the general consensus that I've heard is that you're not...excellent at the game. So you must prove the CAG community wrong!

Cheapy used to play with us a few times until;
(1) his Xbox Red Ringed and more importantly
(2) twen scared him off that one night! You know what I'm talkin about, twen! ahhahahaa

Anyways, keep up the good work, dudes.
Hi Cheapy & Wombat!

Since you are both married I'm hoping you can help me with this question. Did your spouses game -- even casually before you guys got married? How do you get them to allow you dedicated gaming time? Do you often get asked to stop playing games?

My fiancee comes from a country where what little gaming is done is in smoke filled dank internet cafes with no console market. She has no use for gaming at all. I tried introducing casual gaming via the DS as something we could do together, but she handed off her pink DS to her younger brother (who is loving it lol).

Any sage words of wisdom if you had to overcome similar challenges in your relationships?
I have been listening to the cagcast for a bit now and cheapyd often brings up the fact that he downloads movies "illegally". I am currently a college student, and broke at that, and am an avid participator in the torrent world. I am a bit of a movie buff and to be honest I would not have seen a gigantic margin of the films I have seen if it were not for downloading movies via torrents. For one, I could never afford to watch/buy/rent the films that I have downloaded. A lot of the films I download are foreign ones too, sometimes not even available in the states. I do rent films, but mostly if I want a DVD, so i copy them. Now Bluray has been a problem for me, since I cannot copy them I must buy them, which I do, I can't help that, but I'll only shell out no more than $20 for a bluray, typically frpm Now I have recently downloaded a few HD movies, like you have said you have, and have to say, this is the way to go, crisp picture, excellent sound, and well free, except for the extra hard drive space and the fact that it takes a day to DL. Sometimes even getting them early, I downloaded No Country for Old Men a while ago in 720p (3 weeks before the bluray came out) and it was better than what it was at the theatres. I understand that you download Tv shows and movies due to that fact that you cannot watch them in Japan. While your problem is geographical, mine is economical. But I feel we and a lot of other cagcast listeners share a common "interest".

I must admit that I do feel guilty sometimes, mainly when I copy a DVD from one of those $1 machines we have in Albertsons and Ralphs now and returning them on my way back to school the next day. I do not think I will stop doing what I do for a long time to come, since my bank account is down to exactly $354.33, being that $2588 just got removed due to tuition fees for next quarter. It will probably take the MPAA and the CTAA (Chronically Tight Assed Association) marching towards my home with pitchforks and torches to make me stop. Hey! I do my part, I purchase a lot of dvds and blurays, just not ones that I can DL very easily so i don't feel that guilty about it.

My question is, do you think that it is necessarily wrong for an 18 year old freshman in college to "steal" numerous amounts of digital media for his benefiting pleasure? And if yes, why?

Not that this matters, but my overall cheapness in this regard might be due to that fact that I am Japanese and part Jewish. My Father is Jewish, but most people would never guess that since I look mainly Japanese. But with my Japanese genes (technical skills) and Jew genes (cheapness skills), I believe that combo can be very good for using a computer to download free media. "Ninjew" as my friends call me.

Sorry for such a long, rambling post.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

What do you guys think of this demo drought we're in, with nothing on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network for the past month or so besides demos for the two baseball games that came out a few weeks ago. No demos for Army of Two, Condemned 2, or Rainbow Six Vegas 2 before they came out were disappointing, though I see two late demos came out on PSN today. What games could've benefited from pre-release demos in the past few weeks and what upcoming games do you guys think need to have demos out soon?

Also, I wanted to ask if you two were going to try to get into the upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company and Metal Gear Online betas that are coming in the next month or so? And are there any upcoming online games you wish will have public betas in the near future?
[quote name='EmeraldCrown']Hey I think you guys should do movie reviews/releases

Emerald Crown[/quote]

It's called Cheap Ass GAMER for a reason. No offence btw.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, is the Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition out in Japan or the USA? I live in England and I bought mine last week, so if it is available to you guys then I definately recommend it because it's really interesting (especially if you are a a serious gaming fan).
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

With the recent announcement that Call of Duty 4's downloadable content will come out on the PS3 later than the Xbox 360 (21 days if I remember correctly), do you think Activision is shooting themselves in the foot for potential downloadable sales on the PS3? And are developers who follow in this fashion in the same boat?
With the yen becoming more and more stronger than the almighty dollar, why don't you save some money by going back to the 20 or so games you haven't finished yet like Lost Planet, Half Life 2, etc? You could also stand to stop buying meh titles like Army of Two or Kane & Lynch for $59.99 . You've become more and more like a "what the fuck" gamer than a cheap ass gamer.
I noticed while stalking your Live profile (for the first time) that you have just scratched the surface of Dead Rising. While I realize that it does not fit everyone's taste, I had to recommend giving it another shot. This is one of my favorite games on any platform. It had a great mixture of laughs, spooks, and memorable moments that simply overwrote any gameplay shortcomings (which I believed to be minor in the first place).

So, unless it was completely not your bag, I'd recommend giving it another go if you find yourself with nothing new to play.

p.s. Regarding the save system: while I recognize the frustration that can occur (of which I have had more than my fair share), it is simply too great of a game to toss aside due to this design flaw.


Houston, Tx

Gamertag: Najaf
Yo, Cheapy.

I noticed that in CAGcast 112 you said you ordered the Rock Band standalone game and drum kit instead of the full package, because you already have two guitars. I have to ask, why no mic? Do you already have a USB microphone to use with it, or are you just not interested in doing vocals? I personally find vocals to be the most fun part of the game. I'd think that because of all the karaoke experience, the vocals would be a strong suit for you.

Wombat rules.
Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

With last weeks talks about EA considering a hostile takeover of Take-Two do you think games are becoming less original. As a game developer I'm kinda worried, EA seems to be buying almost every game studio under the sun and that seems to me that their will be less innovative games and more prequels and sequels. What are your thoughts?
Hey Cheapy and Wombat...As you guys get older and as time goes by will you consider (if they want to) having your children take over the CAG business? Im sure it'll be twice the poop and gay jokes with CheapyT and the She-Wombat...
bread's done