CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast

what do you think about my idea for a game.have an FPS where like 8 peeps can play co-op in a game for like you guys are an army and play in massive battles. also there would be an COD4esque online.

also did u guys get one of these GTA 4 custom 360s?

Love the Podcast

I remember a long time ago you said that Eye of Judgment would be a system seller in Japan, has this turned out to be true? Do you notice it to be extremely popular in Japan.
I'm sure this question has been asked before, but let's get it out there anyways.

To Cheapy and Wombat: When your kids are older, say in their teens, will you ever let them listen to the old CAGcasts? I mean I'm sure they'd come across it at some point in their lives, but would you willingly set them up to listen to it? I don't expect you to be doing the CAGcast forever, but I'm sure you'll still have all the files to reminisce whenever needed. The only I really brought this up, was namely with some of the semi-recent CAGcasts, where Cheapy wasn't getting any, and turned to Youporn or whatever. But then again, you could just let Tai learn only Japanese and save yourself a lot of trouble. But even still there's Wombat with a daughter (right?) on the way, but for all I know, you probably don't have to worry about her, unless she mocks the gay job later for all I know.
Cheapy and Wombat,

Has the entire CAG staff ever met face to face? With all the Mods, Wombat, the Shipwrecks, and CheapyD living all over the world I believe it would be very hard to do. So, have everyone met in one area yet?
Wombat + Cheapy

I remember Wombat saying that he has an iPod Touch now and since I also work in NYC and as such I am constantly riding subway trains, I was wondering what kind of earphones/earbuds do you use or would recommend?

Also out of curiosity what kinda of "equipment" do you guys carry around with you when you go out to work or in Cheapy's case out to buy groceries? :p [I usually have a messenger bag filled with a PSP, DS, iPhone, Blackberry, X360 Memory Card (with live profile on it), and a laptop.]
Too bad your youtube account got banned and I'm sure it'll be back soon. Well back when cheapyd's youtube account existed there were a few videos about DS accessories. I recently purchased a DS and already broke a stylus, the tip sort of chipped and now its too sharp to use on the touchscreen. I remember that there was a DS stylus review video, but that was way before I got interested in a DS and frankly only watched because well it featured cheapyd. But now I have a DS and am interested in all things with dual-screens.

So my question is what is your favorite DS accessory you have used, or one that you wish would be invented?

A DS toilet clip counts...
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, with the recent release of The Essential Metal Gear Solid Collection, I was wondering if either of you had any games in mind that you wished were re-released in a collection. Personally, I would absolutely love a re-released compilation of the Panzer Dragoon games from the Saturn era, but I know those games are too obscure for that to ever happen. :cry:

I remember a few weeks ago the IGN Three Red Lights podcast invited you on their show and you said you were going to go. What happened with that?
Any chance there will be a mobile version of the website with the CAG 2.0 Update?

I often find myself checking CAG with my palm as I leave work to see if I need to stop anywhere on my ride home and it takes fucking forever to load the page. All that would be needed is a means to browse the deals forum.

Keep up the excellent work on the podcasts!
Hello to the both of you,

As a hypothetical question, if you were given the chance to create a game (of any genre), what type of game would you create? And for what system? Of course, disregard time and budget. Interested to hear your opinion.

My ideal game for the 360 would be an MMORPG type (much like Oblivion and/or Fable 2) with online capabilities as WoW -- everyone playing on a server or servers at a time. I know that the 360 has some MMORPGs on the horizon, such as APB, but, whenever I think of the term "MMORPG", I think of monsters, magic, medieval times, and the sort. Although using characters like Cops and Robbers is unique, I'd really like a "typical" online MMORPG to hit the 360 -- besides Final Fantasy.
Hey guys.

Listening to the last CAGcast, I heard the Genesis Game Genie audio clip as the show ended. It got me to think, are cheat devices such as Gamegenie, Gameshark, Action Replay and Codebreaker a thing of the past? I know I played a lot of games on the PS2 (especially RPGs) with said devices. Now in this wave of current gen systems there hasn't been one yet. I know that the chances of the 360 getting a cheating device is pretty slim because of the precious achievements and what not and the Ps3 seems to be going on the same route with the Home/Trophy integration. The Wii might be the only console that may be able to pull it off.

And I'm not only talking about cheat devices, but what ever happened to cheat codes? Most games used to have an infinite health/ammo code or a God Mode but now I could probably count in one hand the current gen games that have cheat codes. I know that some would argue that game nowadays are much more easier than they were before or that one is not a good gamer if you need cheat codes but sometimes there are just fun to have. Sometimes you may need them to get through a game that is a rental. Maybe you work, go to school and have a family to attend to. You get the point. I would like to clarify that my complaints only consist of single player games only. I like most people hate online cheaters.

What are your thoughts?
Cheapy and Wombat any thoughts on the Rainbow Six Vegas 2 release and the unplayable online on the PS3 version? I picked up the game last Tuesday and the online was smooth. The next day I could not get into any games. I could not host any games. Invites wouldn't work. And by the slim chance I did get into a game, it was a pure lag fast. At this point, I can't play online AT ALL. Single player works fine, but that's not what I bought the game for. Over at the RSV2 forums there are a bunch of pissed off people. I paid $60 for a game that doesn't work and I am getting frusterated that there really hasn't been any word on what the fuck is going on. They say to mess around with your router settings, but so many people are encountering problems that for the most part I think it's safe to say the problem is on the Ubisoft side of things.

If a patch or fix does come out, I'm worried it might take several weeks for it to actually happen. What are we as gamers to do? Just take it up the ass and hope that things like this get fixed/don't happen again? It's still early on in the game's release so I'm somewhat optimistic, I just hope something gets done and those who bought the game don't end up getting screwed over.

Here's a link to the forums:
It's clear that XBL Achievements have changed our game purchasing decisions. If presented with a choice, most gamers will pick the 360 version over PS3 if for nothing other than the nerd points. With the imminent introduction of "Accomplishments" on the PS3, do you think that such game purchasing decisions will reach an equilibrium?

WHAT IF SCENARIO: What if Sony introduced "Accomplishments" on PSP titles as well as the PS3? What sort impact would this have on the industry?
I think Wombat raised a very interesting possibility with Guitar Hero.

Sony having an *exclusive* Beatles Guitar Hero would be a major, major coup for them. I'm not so sure that Sony would go multiplatform if they had the chance to nab an exclusive for themselves.

P.S. It's NephlaBOBO *not* Nephlahobo. I'm not a vagabond!
I might be asking something that's been asked before, but whatever. :lol:

Cheapy and Wombat, I was listening to the Gamer's With Job's Podcast (archived Episode 70) ad they mentioned that maybe we've reached the end of the definitive two-joystick/button controller or mouse and keyboard method of controlling our games. Examples were cited such as the Rez vibrator, the IR controller for PC flight sims and most obviously the WiiMote. Do you think this is the case? If so, how do you think Microsoft or Sony will keep up with the rather progressive stance the Wii took with its control scheme? Of course the PS3 has the six-axis, but it still maintains the original control-pad method.

Your thoughts would be fantastic to hear, and keep up the good work. I was happy to hear Cheapy refrain from making gay jokes last week. :lol:

[quote name='Willg32']hi just a quick question what are your real names???


We could tell you, but we'd have to kill you. ;)
With newly officially announced Wii Rock Band being the PS2 gimped version, and just in general...who do you think is worse, the lazy-ass developers producing/porting shitty, shoddy ports/games on the Wii, or the people who actually buy them?
Cheapy, question for you.

What are three parenting tips you wish you'd have known before you had a child? Pretend that Wombat is your friend, and you'd like to help him out ;)
[quote name='Nephlabobo']I think Wombat raised a very interesting possibility with Guitar Hero.

Sony having an *exclusive* Beatles Guitar Hero would be a major, major coup for them. I'm not so sure that Sony would go multiplatform if they had the chance to nab an exclusive for themselves. [/QUOTE]

The Spiderman movies were Sony Pictures releases, but they appeared on all platforms (I know, the games were published by Activision, but the point remains). Sony will do what's most profitable, and they've shown in the past that they won't be limited to just the PlayStation.
Hey Wombat,

Wondering if you are going to the New York Comic Con (NYCC) April 17-20th? I'll be there Sat the 18th and was wonderin, that if you are going what is on your list to pick up at the show, if you are getting any con exclusives, and what you are looking forward to (I think Ed Norton and the entire cast of the new Hulk movie might be there)? There will be some game companies there so hopefully some free shi will be thrown our way. I'll be the one draggin an unenthused gf along. So you mentioned on an earlier Cagcast that if you are ever spotted randomly in person that a free game will be given up (if they wore the Wombat shirt). So what would a nonwombat wearing shirt spotting warrant?
Howdy CheapD and Wombat

Dr. Mario is apparently the number one puzzle game for a lot of people according to various internet blogs and comments. Personally I thought it was merely ok. Now that WiiWare version is out in Japan videos are leaking and I have to wonder. Do you know how to play Dr. Mario? For such a beloved franchise it's really strange to see players who clearly don't understand the mechanics of the game.

Two leaked videos show players that from what I can tell are trying to match colors horizontally. Needless to say they die quickly.
Cheapy, is there anything awesome sold in Japan that isn't sold in USA? My father will be in Japan mid June.

If you know of something cool but don't have time in the Cagcast to answer please PM me the cool thing.
This isn't a question but I have to say it anyway.


Sorry guys, just had to be said. I'm so happy that I felt the need to express my feelings lol:D

Hey Cheapy and Wombat,

I recently found your podcast on Itunes and love it. Over the last couple weeks I've been downloading all of your old CAGcast's and listening to them while working. My question is that I've heard that your both huge zombie video game fans and I'm currently designing a 3D game level for the Unreal Editor in which zombies over take a modern New York style city due to a witches curse. What objects would you like to see in it? Any thoughts?
Hey - any rumors about Nintendo packaging a Wii + Wii Fit bundle when it's released? I'd put the odds at just below 1% because they can easily sell both for full price. However, I personally know several non-gamers who are very interested in the Wii Fit, a bundle like that would push them over the edge into buying the Wii.
Cheapy: if you could be any vg character, who'd you be and why

Wombat: If you could be any other animal, who'd you be and why

Cheapy and wombat: love or superpowers? no you can't have both
Cheapy and Wombat,

Recently the video on my 360 went out. A friend of mine suggested I try the towel trick. I know that the trick is related to the RROD, but I wondered if you thought it might work for my problem?

Hey Cheapy and Wombat
Love the show was blown away from the second I heard

How did CAG get started? I'd be cool if you told us the origin, for us new listeners :]

keep up the good work you guys are 1337
Hey Cheapy and Wombat, I was wondering which console out of all three do you play the most and how much playtime you get out of them per day.

Cheapy, the Tasty Tai video is so awesome and is "super cute" like you said it was. Looking forward to the new CAGcast tomorrow:D

P.S This --->:whee: For some reason reminds me of Wombat lol. Just think of Wombat and imagine him doing that, it will probably make you laugh (this won't appeal to people who don't know what Wombat looks like).
Wombat, what do you think aabout the Red Hulk and who do you think it is?

Cheapy/Wombat, what do you think about the new Hulk movie trailer?
what up cheapy and wombat! cheapy i know you had said ur JRPG days were overand wombat u said they never started but did u guys pick up or think about pickin up crisis core final fantasy VII? its a great game for your psp and more of an action game then an rpg sort of liek dirge of ceberus.
dear wombat and cheapy i was wondering instead of companys realising a new next gen console lets say in 3 to 5 years how about not realsising one in order to keep the development costs down but in the 360s case it would have to come out with a blu ray drive
or what do u guys suggest the big 3 do in order to bring the price down on the games for the"next generation"? ps keep oing the shows they are great
pps cheapy if you were to move back to the US would u come and live on strong island again?

ppps when are u gonna do the promised apartment tour??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote name='bobthecat23']when are u gonna do the promised apartment tour??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

I agree with bobthecat, I have been waiting for the apartment tour ever since the office tour. C'mon Cheapy, I know you have parenting to do but if you have time to eat your child (awesome video by the way), I'm sure you have time to show us your crib lol.
Whaddup CheapyD

Saw your youtube account was restored and I was browsing your videos and I was wondering if you ever were gonna make other Lunch with CheapyD clip. Thanks!
Hey, Cheapy. The game collection feature of CAG 2.0 sounds pretty good. But is there going to be any sort of database built into the website that can track trade-in values for the various game stores? Or would that be too much work for stores that we as a collective group hate?
I am a big baseball fan and my big game this year was MLB 08: The Show, which i picked up on launch. But a few days ago at my friend;s apartment in LA I played a Japanese baseball game called Pro Yakyu Spirits 4. Its only in japan, so my friend imported it from play-asia. It seems like Japan's version of MLB 08 and was wondering if it was very popular in Tokyo, since it seemed very polished and very fun to play. Its a PS3 exclusive, and the 5th version is coming out soon.

Is there any hype around this game in Japan, since the US MLB season recently started in the Tokyo Dome ( Sox vs A's) and the Japanese season should start up very soon also? Also, was there a lot of talk about the MLB season opener in the Tokyo dome during the past week? I Really enjoyed staying up 'til 6 am pst to watch both games with a few buddies. No worries since its spring break at our college this week.

Also I recently picked up the Pocket Power Pros 10 DS game that you recommended in an earlier cagcast. I own the ps2 version from last year and the game is pretty much the same, except I have not yet figured out all of the game since my Japanese is well, beyond rusty.

p.s. Glad to see cheapyd back on youtube, I hope Tai was tasty, some furikake would have made it a meal..
What is up Cheapy and Wombat? Just had a quick piece of advice for Cheapy after seeing his Tai video. My son just turned a year old last Saturday, which is a good thing, but there are also a couple of bad things that go with it. He loves to run wild in our apartment and he hates his toys. No matter what toy we get him, he'd rather go into the entertainment center and throw my game cases everywhere. I'll come home from school and my 360 will be on because he grabbed one of my controllers, blah, blah and blah. You get the picture. Just some advice for you because next thing you know Tai will be crawling, then standing, then walking and then finally he will be grabbing your shit! Good job on the show, keep up the good work!
Hey CheapyD and Wombat

I’m a long time listener and big fan of the show, and I think you guys are doing a great job.
A few months ago Cheapy was talking about having his friend build him a gaming PC. I was wondering what ever happened with that? I was real excited to hear that Cheapy was going to be getting into PC gaming as I feel it is underrepresented on the show. I know it is a common misconception that it is too expensive but you can build a PC that will play anything out for around $800. Plus the prices of games are much less than on consoles for example I just bought Prey off steam for $5.

Keep up the good work,

Pretty new listener, but your podcasts make my Friday at work fly. A few questions about the modding scene with the recent cheapness of the xbox.

Are a lot of people into the whole "modding" scene in Japan for consoles? Cheapy and Wombat how do you feel about something like Xbox Media Center and what it offers xbox users in the way of media features?
yo0 cheapy and wombat whats yalls take on the console wars?? iwas recently watchin gttv and some sony guy was on there and said that this is the year the war is why is this the year sony dosent want to say 2007 was the year the winner would be declared cuz they were outsold now what if they get outsold this year once again what are they goin to say that 2009 is the year the war is won?
Dear Cheapy and Wombat, on the subject of Nintendo's first party games what do you think about the future of Nintendo? This is just pure speculation but if we picture video games specifically on the Nintendo platform do you expect that review scores will stay the same (close towards your Frank analogy) or will the scores dwindle? Also, if the same Nintendo characters were around for another 20 years but still close to their current predecessors would you still be interested?
Is there any chance that either of you are going to PAX? I'll be going for my first time and it would be awesome to see either of you two there.
Hey Cheapy,
When you sons grows up im guessing he will be speaking Japanese, dont you think it will be awkward when he brings his friends over and you have no way to communicate to them, not only that but you couldn't really talk to your own son since hes gonna have to learn Japanese for school do you care?are you ever gonna learn Japanese?

BTW Wombat stop being to grumpy......
It's now April and I was kinda wondering if you guys plan on interviewing anyone this year. I am right about you having no interviews this year right? I'd really like to see the return of Defender and Micheal Pacter.
What's the status on having more guests on the show? There's got to be someone out there who either listens to the show or lurks on CAG that you can set up an interview with! If you can't get anyone from Rockstar, Microsoft, Sony, Konami, Nintendo or whoever, then why not ask CAG rolandx, the guy who made that US-developed WiiWare game? I bet they'd love more free plugging, and even if they don't want to talk about insider stuff too much, the guy can at least gab about NPD sales data or something.

Edit: and I really was thinking about this before I read thorbahn's post above.
[quote name='gunm']What's the status on having more guests on the show? There's got to be someone out there who either listens to the show or lurks on CAG that you can set up an interview with! If you can't get anyone from Rockstar, Microsoft, Sony, Konami, Nintendo or whoever, then why not ask CAG rolandx, the guy who made that US-developed WiiWare game? I bet they'd love more free plugging, and even if they don't want to talk about insider stuff too much, the guy can at least gab about NPD sales data or something.

Edit: and I really was thinking about this before I read thorbahn's post above.[/QUOTE]

Great minds think alike.
Don't give in to the damn fools who say it's pronounced "carry-okie." But you could stand to shape up on certain other words... it's MAH-ree-o (or, if you want to be really Italian, you'd pronounce the R more like the R in karaoke, closer to MAH-dhee-o) not MERry-o.

On the topic of language — Cheapy, I have a question that has nothing to do with videogames, but I'd be thankful if you could shoot me a short answer anyway. I've been giving serious consideration to pursuing a year-long contract for teaching English in Tokyo starting in the summer of '09. I have a bunch of experience working in schools and I work as an English copywriter, so I think I'd have a decent chance of getting hired, but I don't know any Japanese. Bearing in mind that I DO NOT have a Japanese wife, how well do you think I could get on in Tokyo with almost no Japanese knowledge except for "thank you" and things I can read from a phrasebook? How much trouble do you have when you're out and about, without Shiima to translate the world for you?

The CAGs On News song is awesome. And so is Wombat's live CAGs On [Bags] remix.
bread's done