CAGbag: Get your questions answered on CAGcast


A couple questions...

Do you guys think that PC gaming is going to become more relevant again now that rumors are circling that Battlefield 3 is supposed to be best played on a gaming computer?

Why do you guys waste time each podcast answering the troll questions? Granted it's funny every once in a while, it gets kind of old ripping on people whom are always complaining.

Thanks Cheapy for hooking me up with RDR via the CAG Marketplace!

[quote name='mbradley1992']Cheapy,

Not to make light of a disaster, but do you find it ironic that literally a day or two before the major quake and tsunami, you were talking about how many earthquakes hit Japan and how people always ask about your family's well being?[/QUOTE]

Thought exactly the same thing.
What do you guys think about OnLive's Homefront promotion? They gave anyone who pre-ordered the game a free OnLive Game System and Metro 2033. Pretty amazing deal.

They're also now supporting voice chat and are set to add a bunch of older Square Enix titles to their PlayPack service.

Does this do anything to sway your feelings about OnLive?
Cheapy - I'm just wondering how CAG has been doing since adding all of the new features and redoing the design. It's a lot different since I first starting visiting - I imagine you've invested quite a bit into the site upgrade. Has it been paying off? Are visitors/referrals up?
As of now Homefront has been receiving some lukewarm reviews, but the amount of press coverage has been much higher than any other THQ game I can remember. Do you think that the amount of coverage will be one of those "any press is good press" situations that leads to significant sales or do you think that the amount of press coupled with the lukewarm reviews will result in an overall failure? Thanks guys.
Hey Cheapy, at times there seems to be alot of people leaving rude, mean or hateful comments about you guys, the cagcast or the site in general, some of which seem pretty ban worthy to me. What is the most egregious thing someone has ever done to get their ass booted from your site.

And speaking of internet outrage, I think that's the first time I've ever heard Shipwreck curse!

Great show as usual.
Cheapy if you are going to praise a racing game could you PLEASE mention if there is excessive rubberbanding. Need For Speed Hot Pursuit has to have some of the worst rubber banding i have ever witnessed in a racing game. It makes it almost unplayable.
[quote name='linkpwns']Cheapy, how much is weed in Japan?[/QUOTE] For an ounce: 5 years, $100k+, and your job if you work for a Japanese company.
Dear Shipwreck,

Sorry to call you out on this forum but I PM'd you a while back and never received a response. Do you check your PM's or is there a better way to contact you? If you were just politely ignoring my PM then no harm no foul, I just thought I'd ask you to kindly explain your fan mail policy on the show in the event that you do or do not wish to be contacted. Thanks for the work that you do on the show along with the entire CAGcast crew.
Hey Cagcast Crew,

Do you think Microsoft will roll out cloud saving support for Xbox in the future since Sony did it for the PS3? If so, when do you think such an announcement will be made?
Hey Guys

I have a couple of questions for Shipwreck
I can't help but admire your gaming collection. I'm a collector myself and buy atleast one game every week so my questions are:
When did you start your collection?
Have you ever been mocked because of it?

Thanks guys and keep up the amazing work
Shipwreck does not swear. Please make him say "fuck".

Further, please have him adopt the catchphrase, "No, fuck that", as in...

Wombat: The thing that I think the game does well, is it allows for players to connect with the character.

Shipwreck:, fuck that.

Thank you.
Cheapy, Wombat and Shipwreck,

A few shows back Wombat spoke about the probability that a lot of people were itching for a new system at this point. While he was referring to consoles, do you think the 3DS may actually end up filling that need. That is, do you think people who wouldn't otherwise buy the 3DS or any handheld may purchase the 3DS just because they haven't bought any other new system in the last few years?
Hey guys, I was just wondering what your (especially Wombats) thoughts were on the Wonder Woman costume? In case you haven't been keeping up they're making a new Wonder Woman show, and they came out with a terrible suit a few weeks ago, and then just the other day they pulled a switcharoo and came out with another one. Personally, I think the new one isn't half bad.
Hey guys,

I'm a devoted listener, and enjoy reading your game reviews. I wanted to know if your blogs are the only place to read them? If so then can you ask Super Programmer John to create a review tab for easier review access?

I suppose this goes out primarily to Wombat.

Since you will be some point I assume be getting a 3DS are you worried about the systems chirality. That is to say with the DS there were games that required style and D-Pad but for us lefties they would let you use stylus and face buttons. Games that didn't do that (like Lock's Quest) were 10 times harder to play.

Are you concerned for any games that might use the circle pad and stylus as primary inputs? (since you can't use the face buttons instead of the analog control)
Does GoDaddy know that Wombat has come up with his own catchphrase for their product? If they do, what dot hey think about the "Go fuck yourself" branding?
Let's talk NPDs, I know that NPD already doesn't track walmart, but do they also not track online retailers like amazon? If so, doesn't that make NPD kind of irrelevant? Amazon might even move more video games than Walmart. I have bought many from them over the past few years, as well as newegg.

How say you?
Yo fellas!

Assuming no more apocalyptic events occur, I was planning to visit Japan within the next year or two and thought about going to a TGS. Do you think it's worth planning a trip to Japan around a TGS, or go another time when flights are cheaper? Thanks guys.
Hey guys. Could you please help me pick out a new TV to get please? I've had my current TV for about 4 years and it only supports 720p so a new one is defineately in order. I need to experience Crysis 2 in all it's 1080p glory! I love the show guys keep up the good work! Also, MCMARK!
I was browsing IGN and noticed they have a new feature on the site called IGN Stock Exchange. It's a fun exchange where you buy stocks in games and it goes up and down based on site traffic. So will we ever see the return of VBookie on CAG? I know it's been a long ass time since it's been on the site, five years I believe, but it was a lot of fun. Great show guys and get that damn iPhone app up and running!
This one's for Cheapy. I was wondering what the situation in Japan is right now, is it getting any better or worse? Concerning things such as the economy and the radiation fiasco.
So now that you've lived in japan for some number of years.. can you now tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans now?
I've been listening to the cagcast for a while, but never really posted until now. Cheapy, I know that you and wombat discussed the 3DS for your kids. How worried are you about the technology messing up their eyes? I remember reading somewhere that the 3DS was not recommended for kids under six. Have you guys heard anything about this or am I just being an overprotective father?
Hey Cheapy, I'm headed to Osaka next week to visit the Western half of Japan. Since you visit Osaka often, could you recommend one place to eat, one attraction to visit, and one love hotel? Thanks!
Hey CAGcast crew, I would like to hear an opinion from you 3 on the possibility if Nintendo would have down-loadable Virtual Boy games on the 3DS as part of the classic game downloads.
What is your take on Area 5 releasing an Ipad only video game review/news app?

I realize that Area 5 owes me nothing. However, i have been a faithful fan of their work and feel that they have abandoned a large portion of their fanbase. I am at a point in my life where i cannot justify an ipad purchase for a single app (i have a daughter and a son on the way), so when the whole Area 5 team is patting themselves on the back on twitter all day, all i can feel is bitterness.

As a website owner, do you feel that they made the right move? Personally, i think they should offer the content on the web as well (i would even be willing to pay for it).

EDIT: I just read that they were hired to create and produce this app which makes it an easier pill to swallow.
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IGN is reporting, that starting next year, Microsoft will start offering Free to Play games on Xbox live. Essentially the games would be free but they would have micro-transactions. What is your take on this? And do you see this as the future of gaming?
What did cheapy think of the howard stern interview in rolling stone, being it cost a fortune over there I hope he enjoyed it. I thought it was a great interview, it's always funny to see stern take over an interview but he did reveal some good stuff.

Also, can we get more street values of foods in japan. I always love hearing cheapy bring up the street value of food that wombat has eaten but it hasn't been mentioned lately.

Yea, it's not video game related, go stare at your Deal Wall and complain if you don't like it.
Dear CAGbaggers,

I'd like to point out that, as a long time listener of the CAGCast, I remember quite dire predictions for the DS and glowing predictions for the PSP when they were initially released. Perhaps you guys could go through the old episodes and pull some of the most damning audio clips for the viewers to hear. ;) To be fair, I remember thinking similar things at the time. I just didn't have a Podcast where those thoughts could be recorded. :)
The International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale just upgraded the Japanese nuclear crises to level 7 out of 7, the same level as Chernobyl. Despite reports that dangerous levels of radiation are only seen around the plant the media keeps making it sound like clouds of radiation are going to sweep over the country. I know you've talked about this before, but has the attitude of the government or the people changed since this announcement?
Hey shipwreck,I want to say first I love your reviews they are the only ones I feel are truly unbiased.Lately there have been none,I was wondering if you still get review copies sent to you & if so do you think it's merely wrong to accept games from companies that except you to review them but you don't?I know that giving out a game is not going to bankrupt EA or I am sure others do but the question is do you think it's morley wrong doing that? Maybe you can give some of us advice how to get free games from companies for "review".
I never really listened to cagcast before until after the earthquakes in Japan. Which got me concerned about your safety. It's sucks that I've started tuning in due to bad circumstances but I'm glad I did. You guys are like the threes stooges with you obviously being the bald one. I love every minute of your show. You guys are random at times but thats the best part. I like how you keep it real when you review games and when it sucks you guys speak your mind. Lastly I want to thank you for the free Kinect that i purchased from winning the Gamestop $200 giftcard giveaway. The thing is literally sitting in my living room collecting dust because I'm not into petting virtual tigers. Maybe that's something yall could talk about on the next cagcast. " The future of Kinect games for the hardcore/adult audience " Cause as of right now all it is to me a just a big black book weight.
Hey Cheapy, Shipwreck, and Wombat,

What do you guys think of the LA Noire pre-order bonus controversy that's going on right now? I'm fine when pre-order bonuses are things like special skins for guns, cars, and characters that don't have any real effect on the game, but Rockstar and 2K seem to be going overboard by making actual missions exclusive to certain retailers (GameStop and Wal-Mart). There also seems to be a PS3-exclusive mission that should at least be available to everybody that bought that version.
Hey CAG crew, do you guys think that the battlefield franchise is making a come back with Battlefield 3 on its way or will EA blow their load and ruin the Battlefield franchise?
Why do you think that Microsoft charges the full retail price (and sometimes more) for digital download media? They do not have the overhead, manufacturing, physical distribution, B&M in store marketing, or the markup from the actual retailer. Why do they charge the same price?
Hey. I need to ask, is the Cagcast coming to an end? I only ask because being a longtime listener/fan i feel that the show is lacking spirit that the earlier shows had. When i first started listening it would be a good hour and a half show (maybe more), there would be a great deal of time spent on what you guys had been up to with some funny stories. Now we get a brief insight and an hour show.
This is in no way a dig at anyone involved in the Cagcast, just a general wondering. I say all this because i am a huge fan of the show and would hate to see it stop. Please tell me im wrong and that you guys will be around for a while longer.
Thanks for reading, keep up the good work.
Shipwreck, Not sure if this was mentioned before on the CAGcast but, I'm wondering if you happen to have a spreadsheet posted somewhere of your G.I. Joe collection. Also how's Mrs. Shipwreck been doing lately?

Wombat, I noticed recently that Wendy's brought back their Fish sandwich, so I'm wondering if you have ever tried it and if possible could you spare me one?

Cheapy, it's been quite some time since you posted any "Lunch with CheapyD" videos on youtube. Any chance those or similar segments can make a return? Thanks.
i seen some comments on cag #235 saying that they preferred having just cheapy and wombat. i must say strongly disagree, i personally think shipwreck has the best knowledge about video games and without him i noticed that both cheapyd and wombat were drifting off topics that shipwreck would give us good information about
What did you guys think of the Dragon Age Origins severs going down for 5 days? If you haven't heard the severs went down making all DLC unusable. People couldn't play their game if it was using any DLC. EA didn't release a statement until the 4th day when major game news site started reporting on it. Basically EA stated they were to busy with Dragon Age 2 to notice the problem with the first game.
hi guys,

not sure if any of you watched the program LOST when it was on, but if you did don't you think a sandbox style game would be perfectly suited for the Location of which the show was set? personally i think it's screaming out for a company like Rockstar to make a GTA or Red Dead Redemption style game only swap the gangs and cities for smoke monsters and jungle!

would love to know your thoughts!
bread's done