CAGcast #142: Nice Sack(boy)!


Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
[img-l=4668]3078[/img-l][preview]CheapyD gets his mouth on Lips while Wombat takes Banjo Kazooie for a spin.
We also tackle the latest game shopping and industry news, new releases, your questions from the CAGbag and much more!

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[img-l=4823]3665[/img-l]CheapyD's Flickr Page

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Wombat: 2008 Father of the Year!

Also, the McDonald's stuff is weird.

I too have had the same problems with the NXE as Cheapy where it hangs on me, in games especially. I am worried that my system is going to be bricked with a future update, as most of my friends have said this does not happen to them.
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Thanks for reading my question Cheapy. I suppose I could clarify my question a little more for the people who take the same amount of offense from dissing one of their favorite games as to calling their mother a whore. The infrastructure of Little Big Planet is broken, yes broken. I like the core idea of the game but the campaign is really short and once you go online you are of course not ever going to see (or at least I don't) the level of quality on the player created levels. Take the first five pages of the cool levels section. I can guarantee you that 90% of those levels, which consists of far too many trophy levels than I ever want to see again, are not worth being there. Who wants to go online, look for good levels there, and type in each level to the search bar one by one? That is broken to me. Oh, and cheapy I do remember the beta comments but that was on such a small scale from what the final product would cover that it might not have been a best indicator for the final game...turns out it was.
PS. The only thing better than big ass chains is throwing people into helicopter blades while looking like a fat tranny in a thong...BOOYA

EDIT: And how the hell would you convince Wombat to get in the sex chair?!
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[quote name='S1lentTwo']Cheapy uses an ANALOG stick to play Street Fighter...HAHAHAHAHA!

Sorry, couldn't help it.[/quote]

He had a choice on 360 (because we all know he wasn't going to touch the PSN version). His choices were a shitty, shitty d-pad or an analog stick.
Yay a new CAGcast.

I'll get started on a shovelware I guess.

If you have any requests for what section you would like done then PM me.

I was thinking about the whole Wombat and Cheapy spending the day together ;D and that popcorn bag with a hole in it. :bouncy:

Just a thought.
CheapyD you were right on the money with Amazon, they really dominated the Black Friday madness this year.

I'm also glad you touched on the death of the Wal-Mart employee, Jdimytai Damour. I want to be surprised but when I heard the news I wasn't. It didn't really occur to me till you talked about it that his death was for a discount, a meaningless, senseless death.
You weren't imagining your wife's avatar appearing in the new Scene It, Cheapy. I have several profiles on my xbox, one for each of my friends who come over to play, so they all made avatars. Four of us were playing Scene It, which filled the couch, but late in the game there was a very brief sequence that showed my avatar dancing with that of my girlfriend (who wasn't playing the game)! That was a nice touch. More of that and less of the announcers would make the game better.

I have a couple of the old themes, and while the main one is cut off, I can actually see more of the other pictures if I go to the page and scroll all the way over until there is only one menu blocking the left side. Microsoft needs to allow customization so we can get rid of the floor and choose which background goes behind which submenu.

I just wanted to take a minute out of my day to thank you and damn you to hell all in one quick post: based on your recommendation, I bought Saints Row 2 for the PS3, and it has consumed my life.

The "thanks" part: for introducing me to such an amazingly fun series.

The "damn you to hell" part: because every second of gaming time over my 6-day Thanksgiving vacation was spent playing Saints Row 2, rather than catching up on my massive backlog.

Like many gamers / suckers, I bought GTA IV on day one, and quickly concluded that it was simply over-rated, frustrating, tedious gameplay wrapped in a pretty new shell. Now that I'm a Saints Row 2 addict, the flaws in the GTA formula are that much more apparent. The bottom line is: I've played about 40 hours of Saints Row 2, and every minute of it has been REWARDING and FUN AS HELL; it's a game for true gamers, and is a reminder of why I fell in love with videogames in the first place: pure, unadulterated fun.

Oh, and here's a hook to get Wombat interested: the character creator in Saints Row 2 is even deeper than Elder Scrolls 4; and being able to make a character that suits your tastes--rather than a someone like Niko that nobody likes or can relate to--makes the entire experience so much more engrossing.

...I have Dead Space, Fallout 3, LBP, Resistance 2, and Valkyria Chronicles waiting for me at home, yet all I want to do is get back to Stillwater City and work on my Hit Man and Chop Shop lists!

Thanks, and damn you to hell ;)
i still think Banjo Nutz & Boltz sucks BIG TIME ...... i know what type of games CheapyD like and that not going to be one of them.

CheapyD Playing with the Analog Sticks guarantee he sucks at ever street fighter game

Wombat are you going to Comic-con Feb.09?
great show! that books seems like it would be an interesting read. also i think the reason with the fighting games in japan are head to head because if it isn't, sometimes players shake the cabinet too much, or they take more room etc.

I had seen the new Indiana Jones movie in theatres, I really didn't think it was all that bad but it could have been better. After listening to your comments on the movie I think I may have realized I may be in denial. The movie really wasn't that great and it was a little over the top even for an Indiana Jones story.

With all this in mind and knowing you read comic books, I think it would have been much better if they went ahead with an already established story. The story I had in mind was Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. This story had both a PC adventure game and a graphic novel. It was obviously fairly popular and I'm sure fans would have loved it.


I totally agree with you in regards to the NXE. I really don't like it at all compared to the old dashboard. I don't understand how they can say that the new dashboard is more user friendly when I can't even find things when I want to. For example, where the hell did the "Free Stuff" category go for themes and gamer pics? Did they get rid of it completely or just hide it in 50 sub menus so that no one can find it? It just seems like there are even more menus than before which makes it even harder to navigate.
Do you guys think that 2008 was the death of the Black Friday 'Running of the Bulls' type sales? In a world were major retail chains advise employees not to say Merry Christmas for fear of offending somebody, will they want to risk a plethora of potential law suits derived from Black Friday disasters?

It would be very easy for somebody to purposefully fall on the outside of mob, get ruffed up while avoiding any big risk, then sue for large sums of money.

That didn't take long.,0,6209651.story
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Hey CheapyD and Wombat,

Another great show as always.

But I'm really starting to get frustrated with you guys and your movie criticisms. I thought Indy Jones 4 was a fun movie. Sure, it can't compare to "Raiders", but then, if you went in to the movie expecting that, then of course you are going to be disappointed. Not too many movies can live up to that classic.

But Indy 4, for what it was, was great. It had action, humour, whips, some good chase scenes - everything an Indy movie needs. Yes, there was too much CG, but that's par for the course these days.

I think you guys need to lighten up a little. I think you've forgotten how to have fun watching a movie.
*Yes Cheapy you are correct about the 360 hanging during random occasions. I noticed some serious freezing during Saints Row 2 and I kept blaming the disc. After finishing SR2, I tried other games and the system continues to freeze about every 2 times I turn it on. It makes me scared and reminds me of times where my past four systems were just about to brick.
It's not just me either. Many friends have contacted me with the same problems.

*Microsoft should be including one of their first-party, quality games in the Xbox 360 bundles that will appeal to everyone and showcase the 360's graphical power, rather than including two licensed games that may only appeal to fans of the Kung Fu Panda and Indiana Jones movies. Perhaps the new Scene It game would show off the use of avatars, and the online community. Or maybe Fable II to bring in the people who were fans of the first game on the original Xbox. Wombat is correct in saying that the 360 should be showing off its quality to make a good first impression, not any random games that publishers probably have stacks of lying around in warehouses.

PS. Cheapy, are you planning on truly completing the story in SR2 by playing the secret epilogue mission? I must say that it's a blast.
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I need to thank you people more for your awesome work.
well, thanks!

I've tried to temper my enthusiasm these days for stuff far on the horizon. Hype machines can ruin things, sometimes. With so much gaming available these days and so much in the back catalog, I don't have time to ride the hype machines. I just play games that are coming out and manage my Gamefly Q the best I can.
i agree with wombat re: indiana jones 4. my girlfriend and i had the same reaction when the movie was over.
Re: Scene It: Box Office Smash

You can cycle through the avatars to choose which one to play as. It defaulted to your wife's because that was the latest one made. Choose yours and it'll remember.
Re: Pre-order bonuses.

For any pre-order bonuses I never trust the retailers. Having worked at a game store years ago, I know that the employees regularly steal the stuff before the game comes out. Most managers are too busy to care about codes, T-shirts, or whatever. Since has records of what ships and what doesn't, it's a more tightly controlled. I got my code before the game arrived.
cheapy d i dunno if you and your wife get out much due to having a kid and all but heres a place i heard about recently that you may want to check out. they have locations all over and though the music may not be to your liking itd give you and the misses a guilt free night or day out on the town.
I don't see the point of buying themes. Especially when you could get images from the internet and use them as wallpaper on the 360.
Re: Xbox 360 Pack-In Games

The 3rd party companies probably do some sort of business deals to get their games included in the holiday bundles. Money doesn't make sense but I wouldn't be surprised if it meant exclusive titles, downloadable content, or something along those lines in the future. Remember how Marvel: Ultimate Alliance only had new downloadable characters on the Xbox 360 and not PS3 or Wii? Now which game got packed in with the systems last year. Hmmm.

I'm with Wombat in thinking it's a little short sighted not to include the Microsoft Game Studios titles as the pack in games to grow the franchise for their games that well reviewed but haven't been best sellers.

The casual focused Xbox 360 Arcade should've gotten Viva Pinata: Party Animals in addition to the 5 XBLA games included.

The mainstream 60GB Xbox 360 should've come with Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise and Banjo and Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts.

The older scewing Xbox 360 Elite should've come with the first Gears of War and Halo 3. This gets them set to buy Halo 3 downloadable content, Gears of War 2, and the next year's Halo Wars and Halo 3: ODST.
This is by far the funniest cagcast in a while, and i'm not even half way finished. Wombat's rant about George Lucas had me getting looks at work from all my laughing. I can't wait to finish up the show.
sry if other ppl posted about this

About the pre-order thing, if one read your pre-order receipt it says the store is only obligated to hold a copy for 48 hrs, if one goes a week later to pick up the game then one'll have to rely on their luck. this is only true for gamestop/eb; I'm not sure if this is true for other b&m stores
The Shipwrecks are back? I think you guys were mistaken. They show up every once in a while, but I wouldn't say that they're back yet.

I guess you guys misunderstood my question about leaderboards and achievements in community games, as I was mostly referring to the restrictions on just using the terms of "achievements" and "leaderboards" being a cause of de-listing on this supposedly open platform that they're playing a hands-off role with XNA developers.

If you want community games to check out Biology Battle, Lines, Bloc, DUOtrix, and maybe Weapon of Choice. I'm not sure why picked one of the stupidest games out there as your test of the community games' quality.

Thank your mod Linkin Prime for spending over $20 in points on premium themes and encouraging Microsoft to keep charging 250 points per theme.

You should be ashamed of yourself for not playing Uncharted yet. Nobody's surprised by there being a sequel, though some people probably assumed it sold like crap for whatever reason. It was a Naughty Dog game and earned Game of the Year awards, so it deserved a sequel.

LBP doesn't call to you because you suck at it, Cheapy.

Good show.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
If you want community games to check out Biology Battle, Lines, Bloc, DUOtrix, and maybe Weapon of Choice. I'm not sure why picked one of the stupidest games out there as your test of the community games' quality.

LBP doesn't call to you because you suck at it, Cheapy.

Good show.[/QUOTE]

Also funny that the guy who once said he would "buy anything for three dollars," when referring to shitty iPhone games, rails against .99 cent themes and motorstorm helmets, and community games that cost next to nothing and support people out there trying to get started in games. I'm not saying he should be buying themes and LBP costumes, but what's the harm in making them available?

They really must suck at LBP, because I am terrible at every game, and I beat every level. I don't see where the hate is coming from. It's a great little platformer, with an amazing art style, and tons of potential. If anything, I was extremely disappointed by the beta, and blown away when I got the final version. Once I hit the Snake Temple, I was hooked. I don't think Cheapy got that far, sadly. Give it another try! Doesn't it seem like the type of game you can play co-op with Mrs. Cheapy? Has she tried it?
Good show. No joke, I preordered LBP from gamestop for that Kratos bullshit and they sent me a used code, I tried redeeming it and zip zilcho. I quickly canceled my preorder as I didn't feel like wasting anymore energy with that focking company and swore them off for the 10th and last time. Btw I disagree with Cheapy regarding Uncharted. I think the game is worthy of the collection. I wonder if Wombat will like the 2nd half of the game seeing his hatred of the new Indy flick. Anyone who beat Uncharted will know what I'm talking about.
[quote name='rogueweapon']Good show. No joke, I preordered LBP from gamestop for that Kratos bullshit and they sent me a used code, I tried redeeming it and zip zilcho. I quickly canceled my preorder as I didn't feel like wasting anymore energy with that focking company and swore them off for the 10th and last time. Btw I disagree with Cheapy regarding Uncharted. I think the game is worthy of the collection. I wonder if Wombat will like the 2nd half of the game seeing his hatred of the new Indy flick. Anyone who beat Uncharted will know what I'm talking about.[/quote]
Did you try the code before the game came out? It wasn't available to download from the PS Store until the day before it came out, so you'd just get an error if you entered it in before.

[quote name='orko60']Also funny that the guy who once said he would "buy anything for three dollars," when referring to shitty iPhone games, rails against .99 cent themes and motorstorm helmets, and community games that cost next to nothing and support people out there trying to get started in games. I'm not saying he should be buying themes and LBP costumes, but what's the harm in making them available?

They really must suck at LBP, because I am terrible at every game, and I beat every level. I don't see where the hate is coming from. It's a great little platformer, with an amazing art style, and tons of potential. If anything, I was extremely disappointed by the beta, and blown away when I got the final version. Once I hit the Snake Temple, I was hooked. I don't think Cheapy got that far, sadly. Give it another try! Doesn't it seem like the type of game you can play co-op with Mrs. Cheapy? Has she tried it?[/quote]
Especially with the free costumes they've been putting out alongside the paid ones, which is nothing new for DLC.

I think Cheapy mentioned that he stopped at one of the Wedding levels because some part of the level randomly broke.
I came on here because i was SO compelled to tell WOMBAT to watch the South Park episode about Indiana Jones. Thankfully I'm not the only one recommending it. PLEASE WATCH IT WOMBAT. you'll understand. We all have to deal with this together.
Thanks for answering my question on the show, guys. It was annoying not getting what I paid for on pre-orders.

Just FYI, I pre-ordered Rock Band 2 at a brick-and-mortar Best Buy, and Banjo-Kazooie Nuts & Bolts I pre-ordered online for in-store pickup at Gamestop. I ran a search on my e-mails for the code based on Wombat's saying his was e-mailed when he did in-store pickup, and I found confirmation e-mails on the order, but no codes. I did, however, receive my code card after a couple weeks of calling and complaining for it. I'm glad I have it, but disappointed that I had to work for it. For Rock Band 2, I ended up getting it elsewhere.

EDIT: On second listen, I realized Wombat pre-ordered his Banjo Kazooie: N&B on, but he suggested ordering online for in-store pickup at Gamestop to get codes e-mailed. I guess he doesn't know that doing so simply lumps your pre-order in with every other in-store pre-order as mine was.
Thank you Wombat for continuing the hate against Indy IV. That movie was a total piece of shit.
I feel like the developers of the community games are really being screwed by MS. I downloaded Weapon of Choice because I had heard some good buzz about it. I browsed through the characters and selected the one I wanted. I started the level and BOOM, times up. I guess they expect people to buy these games on word of mouth rather than by trying the game.
bread's done