i have to start taking notes for things to respond to during the show. it's so long, and then, by the time i get off the train and settle in, i've forgotten what i had wanted to respond to.
here's what i can kind of remember i wanted to say:
forget the clip show. that's for when the producers have to give the writers a break. it is entirely unnecessary, and comes off as cheap most times anyway. if you really want there to be a clip show, it should be short, and feature only the favorite moments from the last 100 shows of the three members involved. if some bored fan wants to put together a clip show, let him, but don't waste time on it, cheapy. you're a busy man what with audiobooing, offloading your kid onto strangers, and dealing with radio interference.
the other thing, which i really don't remember well, was japanese storytelling. i'm not sure, but i think i wanted to say that japanese animation, cinema, and storytelling in general, have dropped in quality considerably. i don't know why this has happened, but i at least partly blame ff7 and an overly comfortable culture for the decline.