Great show, as per usual. I've been a listener for a good few months now, (I believe the episode I started listening is the episode you guys officially made Boatcrash part of the crew permanently.) but have never bothered to comment. (Don't ask what compelled me to get off my cheap/lazy ass to comment ;P) Overall I love the show, and I actually like how you guys aren't afraid to cuss and make fun of the audience (especially during those awesome live shows you should do more often). I also love hearing all the funny stories about you guys lives (particularly Cheapy and his crazy adventures in Japan. That condom story was hilarious.)
Anyway, Cheapy, I too have been playing some Bad Company 2 and I also am playing as Medic. I love it. I just love running towards a dead body with my defib paddles out, hoping to survive, if only just enough to slam the paddles on the body and get him up. I can't get the hang of vehicles though. The aiming just seems to suck so bad on the tanks, and I my friends with the game are rarely playing it so I have to play by myself most of the time. Which means I'm often the only one in a vehicle. I guess that could be the source of my frustrations with them, but I haven't even ranked up the "Vehicle" bar on the kit rankup screen once. Because I don't have many people to play with, I often play Squad Deathmatch, which I actually like. I refused to play anything other than Free For All in Modern Warfare 2, and I think I"ll be spending a lot more time in Squad Deathmatch in BC1. I just hate objective games because it encourages objective camping. When I am entering the door or hole in the wall to get to a rush crate, I know I won't survive because some guy will be camping just inside with his shotgun or SMG aimed down the sights ready to kill me. I guess there's nothing the developers could really do about it, but still. I hate getting killed by objective campers.