CAGcast #63: A Dish Best Served Cold

From personal experience, Nintendo has great customer service. However, none of the companies discussed are going out of their way to maintain customer retention based on anything other than brand recognition. Nintendo loyalists will buy whatever system the Big N sells. As will Sony fans. Nobody really likes Microsoft for any reason. But, the companies are not doing anything to reward that loyalty... other than Nintendo for the Japanese fans... If Nintendo America would give out more rewards for registering games and systems, that would be great. But, all the companies are counting on straight loyalty to maintain their sales... nothing more... no incentives, no rewards.

And, put me down for Phoenix Wright 2. OBJECTION!
Its been awhile since I listened to a CAGcast because of some actual life related things, but it was nice to hear that you all hadn't lost your touch.

Phoenix Wright 2
Great show, I listened to it on a bus ride to a wrestling tournament. It definetly helped calm down my anxiety for the tourny. But I'm totally down for Virtua Fighter 5.
I would love to have Phoenix Wright 2, i love the first one, can't wait to try out the 2nd serving of it. XD

So...Phoenix Wright 2 please!
good show guys, as usual. been listening since cagcast #1. won a prize, 5 months ago (sound making nintendo toy) never got it. but hey whatever.

i'll take Virtua Fighter 5 PS3. thx
I'm starting to feel that there is becoming less and less compatibility between CheapyD and Wombat. It's like they are at two separate extremes. Plus, the way Wombat interrupts by raising his voice over CheapyDs' is really annoying.

Maybe there needs to be another person added to the show. Someone in the middle that can understand both point of views, and possibly even have a broader interest in different types or genres of games.

Oh, Virtua Fighter 5
My Lady friend is in law school and I would really like to give her Pheonix Wright. Can you help me out?

Keep up the good work!
Put me down for Virtua Fighter 5!

Wombat! What do you mean Africa is underused? If you want a game with African wildlife, look at Cabela's African Safari: you even get to viciously murder the wildlife for the sake of "sport".

Alright, that game isn't mainstream enough for you? How about Call of Duty 2? Or did you forget a third of that was set in Africa?

How about Splinter Cell: Double Agent? You even spend your time killing Black Muslims.

Not enough? How about perhaps the biggest game of the century, Halo 2?

Now I agree with you, Africa is a great local, but it HAS been used before.

What I would LOVE to see is a Grand Theft Auto set in Johannesburg. See the movie Tsotsi for refference. The Kwaito music alone would make the game worth a play through. Or maybe a more Adventure oriented game... think Indigo Prophecy controls with South African thug violence.

Also I'd like to say games NEED to be based on REAL LOCATIONS.

The most fun I've had in games, is playing in a location I have been to (or later visit after playing the game). Unfortunately it seems like game developers are too scared to do anything but racing games in real locations.
Oh, and Wombat... Rainbow Six Vegas was reallllly easy. I beat that in about two weeks of occasional play.

Also: why do you guys always say "coming live from Tokyo Japan" and "live from New York"?

You guys do realize that "live" and "pre-recorded" are entirely different things, don't you?
Nice show as usual! I find myself longing for Wednesday episodes of CAG. It's the highlight of my work week.

I'll take Phoenix Wright 2 if I'm drawn!
Great show, this was the first full CAGcast I've listened to, I officially will be listening to them from now on, every week :D

I'm down for Virtua Fighter 5 :)
Great Casting. Lemme get VF5!!

More PSPing during the cast please.

I really enjoy hearing all about your life in Japan. Ive only been listening to the cast for about 2 months now, so I was wondering... What brought you there, and how long have you been residing in the land of Toyota's and Sashimi?
CheapyD mentioned a segment from a TV show he "probably watched on YouTube"... I remember making a mental note to check it out, but I forget what it was about... damn.

Can anybody help me out here?
Phoenix Wright 2.

As far as Wombat's claim that no company is doing a good job in retaining customers:

Also, while I don't think Sony is necessarily doing a great job, its execs are aware of the importance of retaining consumers. All of the higher ups constantly reminds the press of how important the branding - which, by logical, obvious extension, speaks to the Playstation's recognition by its *existing* customers - is to the success of its console. It's simply the execution that's lacking. Also think about the fact that the Playstation 2 has this incredibly long tail and is still sucking in customers (outselling Xbox 360? Really? Wow...) - potential customers that can be bred for a transition to the Playstation 3 when it finally does get cheaper... I'm very sure they're aware. These mega-corps don't hire bona-fide morons for executive positions, and whether or not they're executing properly, they're definitely aware of customer retention.

It's definitely a good point that Wombat brought up, but mroe credit should probably be given to these companies than is being given.

As for God of War 2 being stuck on the Playstation 2? The answer - the easy, obvious answer - is that Sony is trying to balance enticing people to the PS3 while keeping that ridiculously long tail on the PS2 and milking it for all its worth. PS3 hardware IS NOT PROFITABLE for the company currently, but Sony really had very little choice in releasing it when it did due to the huge lead Microsoft would inevitably obtain. Perhaps it made a misstep - which is my belief - in forcing gamers to adopt the Blu-Ray standard for a price they didn't want to pay, in turn causing the company's profit margin on the system to sink to the abyss. Whatever the case may be, it's in Sony's best interest to keep the Playstation 2 alive as long as possible to appease its current "poorer" customers with great games while giving the cutting edge to the early-adopters who do want it. To use a parallel that may not necessarily work, but is still telling of the strategy, video cards for PCs run up to $600 for the top model. But everyone who knows anything about PC gaming knows that the mainstream, $200 card is what pays the companies' bills. Yet, they still need to push out top-tier technology that's only meant for the highest of the high-end consumers to show the market what they're capable of.
Yo Cheapy and Wombat - awesome show as always. Also, been meaning to give big ups to Wombat since he said he went to Pitt a few weeks ago! Please enter me for Phoenix Wright 2! THanks guys - you guys rock!

bread's done