CAGLS: Madden 13 Gentlemen's League - We Finished! Thanks for Playing!

[quote name='DarkTower80']Still haven't heard anything from the new colts owner neworlbush25.[/QUOTE]

His internet gets turned back on today he and i were suppose to play in the other league but when he reutrned his roomate hadnt paid the bill or that since they were on christmas leave. And he jiat got back to whwre he lives.
Ohhh a warning strike.....sounds terrifying.

In all honesty the remaining salaries don't even need to be included because the only salaries that matters are the current ones that go against the cap.
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[quote name='DarkTower80']Woukld have been nice to know before today as I have very limited time to play today with work and other things.[/QUOTE]

I'm not even sure if he's accepted his invite to the league yet, based on the main screen only showing 31 owners.

On another note, I'm finally willing to listen to offers on nicks. But I want a comparable player on defense, not picks. I will nix picks for nicks.
[quote name='jza1218']I'm not even sure if he's accepted his invite to the league yet, based on the main screen only showing 31 owners.

On another note, I'm finally willing to listen to offers on nicks. But I want a comparable player on defense, not picks. I will nix picks for nicks.[/QUOTE]

He hasnt yet. I'm watching the join area like a hawk so I can do my trade lol
[quote name='jza1218']I'm not even sure if he's accepted his invite to the league yet, based on the main screen only showing 31 owners.

On another note, I'm finally willing to listen to offers on nicks. But I want a comparable player on defense, not picks. I will nix picks for nicks.[/QUOTE]

What positions are you looking for?
[quote name='ballinhun8']Ohhh a warning strike.....sounds terrifying.

In all honesty the remaining salaries don't even need to be included because the only salaries that matters are the current ones that go against the cap.[/QUOTE]

The rules are the rules. The policies are created to help the league run more smoothly. They're not just pulled out of thin air. They're discussed at great length, by numerous people here. You may think that I just come up with everything on my own, but that is not even close to true.

If you don't care...or aren't smart enough to follow the policies that are stated in the OP, then do everybody a favor and just quit. We don't need your shitty attitude about everything dragging the league down. Complaining about it at every turn is not going to get you anywhere. If you don't like it, leave.

Herp derp..."the remaining salaries don't even need to be included because the only salaries that matter are the current ones that go against the cap". Yeah...except for evaluating how fair the trade is based on the team taking on a huge contract lasting several years. Oops...I guess you didn't think of that.

And good for you. You earned your warning strike. If you want a 2nd strike, keep it up.
[quote name='Docb9110']The ballinhun guy is getting annoying! He seriously picks verbal fights about everything it seems![/QUOTE]

Lets not egg him on. He's been given a strike and was told to stop. It doesn't need to go any further than this.
[quote name='perdition(troy']What's th big secret with everyone releasing and resigning players lately[/QUOTE]

It's a way of saving money I guess.
if you're referring to me and Pickett, I was toying with dropping him as my LE (dont know if I use him enough to justify his salary) but thought better of it afterwards. Resigning him didnt save me any money.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Thanks jva

Also aren't two point conversions banned? Just wondering after looking through some games.[/QUOTE]

depends on the situation
[quote name='perdition(troy']2nd quarter twice. Third quarter. Neither seems like a valid time imo[/QUOTE]

wut was the scoring situation was it to tie the game or to bring the game within a FG
[quote name='perdition(troy']2nd quarter twice. Third quarter. Neither seems like a valid time imo[/QUOTE]

I'd imagine that there are certain situations that would call for it, like going up by seven instead of six, or three instead of two late in a game. Not sure about what you listed though.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Thanks jva

Also aren't two point conversions banned? Just wondering after looking through some games.[/QUOTE]

I sure hope they're not since the commish did one against me last week ;)
It was in the third quarter not second (both tds that quarter were 2 pts) My bad for the typo.

Just for some reason I thought it was a fourth quarter type deal. No biggie to me either way just wanna know what I can and can't do concretely.
[quote name='jza1218']I'd imagine that there are certain situations that would call for it, like going up by seven instead of six, or three instead of two late in a game. Not sure about what you listed though.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it should matter if it's late in the game or not. Kicking an extra point to go up by 2 is pointless at any stage of the game unless you're afraid of getting sacked in the end zone.
Is there anyway to get on a waiting list of some kind? I'll gladly take anyone, I was looking at the Browns last opening but didn't get over to pick up the game until late last week. I finally have it and am ready to go. "

My info - Frankysox - Gamertag: FrankySox
Availability - Mon after 11pm est Tuesday-Friday after 8pm est. Saturday/Sunday OPEN
Dolphins 28 - Raiders 21

Great game that literally went back and forth all game. Got off to a quick 14-0 lead, and a returned fumble was the first of three straight Raider TD's to put me back on my heels. Luckily for two INT's off Cahhson Palmahh, I was able to take a 7 point lead with about a minute left.

Surprisingly, couldn't get much going with my Terrible Twosome of Jennings and Wallace. Jennings had about 70 yards and a TD, with the biggest play a 50 yarder after Oakland put me at the 2 on what seemed like the most perfect punt ever.
[quote name='Wpark83']Dolphins 28 - Raiders 21

Great game that literally went back and forth all game. Got off to a quick 14-0 lead, and a returned fumble was the first of three straight Raider TD's to put me back on my heels. Luckily for two INT's off Cahhson Palmahh, I was able to take a 7 point lead with about a minute left.

Surprisingly, couldn't get much going with my Terrible Twosome of Jennings and Wallace. Jennings had about 70 yards and a TD, with the biggest play a 50 yarder after Oakland put me at the 2 on what seemed like the most perfect punt ever.[/QUOTE]

That punt was awesome, I've never done something like that. But that pass to Jennngs was a killer, my CB's played well in single man coverage up until that point. Actually now that I think about it it wasn't even bad coverage, Jennings is just really good.
[quote name='perdition(troy']What's th big secret with everyone releasing and resigning players lately[/QUOTE]

This was discussed pretty heavily by a few of us on the trade committee this past weekend, since it seems that's what staticz did with a lot of guys on Carolina to fix their cap situation. Essentially, it seems like buying out contracts. What's happening is these players with big deals are getting cut (and thus, any bonus they had is being held against the team), and then they're being re-signed to 1 year deals.

At first, the committee was fairly concerned about it with the idea that these players were being re-signed to long deals. And since all Madden contracts are backloaded, that would basically allow you to "reset" a contract, paying the paltry amount for the first few years instead of the heavy handed latter years.

Then, we remembered that during the season, you can only sign these guys to 1 year deals. Now, what that says for people trying to re-sign these guys to long-term deals at the end of the season, I don't know. I feel like it starts to become a gray area on what's actually a legitimate strategy and what is pushing the bounds of good taste. If anyone can think of reasons this practice needs to be addressed, I'm all ears.

[quote name='GamerDude316']I sure hope they're not since the commish did one against me last week ;)[/QUOTE]

Ha...well, at least explain the situation. After notching a safety in that game, the 2 point conversion was the difference between me being down by one point and the game being tied. If I kicked the extra point, I'd be down by one. If I failed the 2 point conversion, I'd be down by two. No difference there.

[quote name='Konfusion']I don't think it should matter if it's late in the game or not. Kicking an extra point to go up by 2 is pointless at any stage of the game unless you're afraid of getting sacked in the end zone.[/QUOTE]

While I don't think it's wrong to want to change a 2 point lead to a 3 point lead, I think the logic in not doing it early in the game is just that you expect to score more points. So, your 2 point lead becomes a 9 point lead with another TD tacked onto it (though, I guess then, you could argue you want a 10 point lead...which is what it sounds like happened). I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's definitely aggressive...but I could see it backfiring as well.

[quote name='FrankySox']Is there anyway to get on a waiting list of some kind? I'll gladly take anyone, I was looking at the Browns last opening but didn't get over to pick up the game until late last week. I finally have it and am ready to go. "

My info - Frankysox - Gamertag: FrankySox
Availability - Mon after 11pm est Tuesday-Friday after 8pm est. Saturday/Sunday OPEN[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was wondering what happened with you. There was another guy looking for a spot, but you were in here first, and he does have a spot in the other, I think it's fair to give you the first spot that opens up here.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']This was discussed pretty heavily by a few of us on the trade committee this past weekend, since it seems that's what staticz did with a lot of guys on Carolina to fix their cap situation. Essentially, it seems like buying out contracts. What's happening is these players with big deals are getting cut (and thus, any bonus they had is being held against the team), and then they're being re-signed to 1 year deals.

At first, the committee was fairly concerned about it with the idea that these players were being re-signed to long deals. And since all Madden contracts are backloaded, that would basically allow you to "reset" a contract, paying the paltry amount for the first few years instead of the heavy handed latter years.

Then, we remembered that during the season, you can only sign these guys to 1 year deals. Now, what that says for people trying to re-sign these guys to long-term deals at the end of the season, I don't know. I feel like it starts to become a gray area on what's actually a legitimate strategy and what is pushing the bounds of good taste. If anyone can think of reasons this practice needs to be addressed, I'm all ears.


I'm of two minds personally. I think releasing a player and resigning him 10 seconds later would never happen, for obvious reasons. If a player was released, he'd likely start looking at other teams. However, since Madden lacks the ability to renegotiate contracts, this is the closest you can get to that.

In real life, if a team asked a player to renegotiate his deal, the player would either say yes or no. If he said no, the team would have three choices: keep him, release him or trade him. If they released him, it's unlikely (but possible) that the team would resign him. But at that point he's fair game. That to me is a bit of an issue. When a team releases a player, the consequence is that they have a cap hit and they will likely lose the player. Since EA didn't give us the option to redo deals though, this is what we've got. It's not great. I don't know, like I said, I'm conflicted, because I understand the rationale.
Ok...I guess the Cowboys/Eagles isn't getting played? I'm really not sure what to make of this situation. This is the 2nd week in a row that the Cowboys haven't been able to get their game played...but ballinhun8 has been in the thread plenty. Last week, we had the claim that jza1218 just didn't show up. This week, I'm not sure that we've heard anything. And scrub0bk hasn't posted in here since 1/8. With people on the waiting list now, I feel like we need to be more strict with missing games...but then that would include steggy too. Anyone want to weigh in on this?
[quote name='jza1218']I'm of two minds personally. I think releasing a player and resigning him 10 seconds later would never happen, for obvious reasons. If a player was released, he'd likely start looking at other teams. However, since Madden lacks the ability to renegotiate contracts, this is the closest you can get to that.

In real life, if a team asked a player to renegotiate his deal, the player would either say yes or no. If he said no, the team would have three choices: keep him, release him or trade him. If they released him, it's unlikely (but possible) that the team would resign him. But at that point he's fair game. That to me is a bit of an issue. When a team releases a player, the consequence is that they have a cap hit and they will likely lose the player. Since EA didn't give us the option to redo deals though, this is what we've got. It's not great. I don't know, like I said, I'm conflicted, because I understand the rationale.[/QUOTE]

The other problem is that in Madden, there's no negotiating AT ALL during the season. So, it's not like if you cut a guy, and someone else wanted to make a play for him, he would weigh your offer against the new team's. If timed right, somebody could literally swoop in and steal a player right out from under your nose with no resistance. Because of this, considering what EA has given us to work with, I don't feel like I'm against this practice...unless someone can point out some league breaking issue with it.
[quote name='CAGLeagueSports']The other problem is that in Madden, there's no negotiating AT ALL during the season. So, it's not like if you cut a guy, and someone else wanted to make a play for him, he would weigh your offer against the new team's. If timed right, somebody could literally swoop in and steal a player right out from under your nose with no resistance. Because of this, considering what EA has given us to work with, I don't feel like I'm against this practice...unless someone can point out some league breaking issue with it.[/QUOTE]

Right, but that to me should be a consequence of releasing a player. Because how is someone supposed to know, hey I'm just releasing player X for salary relief and am going to sign him.
And we have advanced to Week 5! I would have waited until morning to do it, but I've got a pretty busy day tomorrow, and couldn't guarantee that I'd be able to get to it right away. Week 5 games will be due 1/18!
[quote name='jza1218']Right, but that to me should be a consequence of releasing a player. Because how is someone supposed to know, hey I'm just releasing player X for salary relief and am going to sign him.[/QUOTE]

No, I agree. It's all a messy way of doing things. So, when you jump into that pit, all bets are off, lol.
bread's done