CAGLS: Madden 25 Fan's League! Season 3 Complete! Jets Win! Thanks Everybody!

You weren't the only one. pitfallharry didn't play his CPU game either. And Kaster checked out a long time ago, lol. There's really not that many people left.
Yeah, I meant to play it last night, but I got busy with other stuff. At this point in the season, playing CPU games ain't too high on the list of shit to do. LOL.

Giants drop a tough one to the Rams, 24-21 in OT. Freaking David Wilson fumbled on the 50 after I forced the Rams to go three-and-out on the first possession of overtime. Probably be looking to trade him in the offseason. Anyway, Giants now need help to make the playoffs, though those last two spots are really muddled just looking at it quickly.

Good game, n8. That type of game is why I play year after year. I hadn't even thought of you not playing your starters until you mentioned it.

Not having Dalton was tough, but, like you said, I guess that's a reason to play CPU games. Josh Johnson wasn't bad. I just kept trying to make Dalton throws with him. Some of them worked, and some of them didn't.

It was a good game overall, and probably the most fun one I've had this year. Hopefully we'll see each other in the playoffs.

Titans - 31

Bengals - 21

The Titans close out the regular season 16-0, after a very hard fought game in Cincinnati. The Bengals grabbed hold of the game in the 1st half and seemed to have Tennessee all figured out. But the Titans defense was able to respond and force 3 turnovers to wrestle back control of the game. That really ended up being the difference in the game, as the Titans offense managed to avoid turning the ball over.

This was a really hard game to decide what to do with my starters. I had the top seed locked up...but a perfect season on the line. And also, I've had so many games lately against CPU teams, I sort of felt like a human vs human game deserved to be played in a competitive way. So, I tempted the fates and left Locker and CJ in until I felt confident that the game was under control...which was with 2:00 left in the 4th quarter.

I did try to play somewhat conservatively on offense...though CJ took a few hits that had me holding my breath. AJ Green is a beast too. Pollard laid a few good hits on him and he just ate them. I think I finally got him to drop a ball in the 4th quarter...but geez, it took long enough.

pitfallharry came to play in this one...even though apparently he lost Andy Dalton in his last CPU simmed game. Shitty thing to happen, but as I told him...I guess that's the reason to play those games (though to be fair, it's not something I've ever really thought about either). EA just seems to have that uncanny ability for twisting the knife. Great game though pitfallharry. I was scratching my head trying to find something that would work for at least 2/3 of the game.


Jake Locker - 6-7, 66 yds, 0 TDs, 0 INTs, 2 att, 20 yds (almost his first rushing TD of the season, but the booth was like "fuck you", lol)

Chris Johnson - 15 att, 173 yds, 3 TDs, 2 rec, 7 yds

Kenny Britt - 2 rec, 31 yds

Michael Griffin - 5 tackles, 1 FF

Jason McCourty - 4 tackles, 1 INT

Jurrell Casey - 3 tackles, 1 sack


Josh Johnson - 21-34, 304 yds, 2 TDs, 2 INTs

Giovanni Bernard - 6 att, 19 yds, 1 TD

AJ Green - 9 rec, 177 yds, 1 TD

Ian Simek - 4 rec, 44 yds, 1 TD

Ryan Swope - 3 rec, 37 yds

Tyler Eifert - 3 rec, 47 yds

Geno Atkins - 4 tackles, 1 sack

Just wondering when we might be advancing? Curious to see if I sneak into the playoffs or not.

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Just wondering when we might be advancing? Curious to see if I sneak into the playoffs or not.
Sorry, I totally forgot what today's date was. I just advanced us now.

It looks like you didn't get in. Both the Rams and Saints got in with 9-7 records. The only human teams from the NFC are the Packers and Redskins...who both got first round byes.

The AFC is all human teams...but the wild card round features the Browns who will be serving the one game suspension against the Bengals. If pitfallharry219 loses to the CPU, Yo Soy El Tiger would be free to come back for the next round). The other matchup is Colts vs Broncos. Kaster messaged me wondering about the playoff situation and whether he should come back for this season or not. I'm kind of torn on it because he has missed a good number of games this season.

I'm not sure if there's a way to get a count on it...but I think if he's missed over half the games (and even that might be generous), he probably shouldn't be allowed to play in the playoffs. Dark Rider (Panthers) was in a similar situation, but I think Kaster having a better team put him in a position to win a lot of sim games, and get into the playoffs whether he played or not. I know I was scheduled to play him in Week 13, and he told me to play the CPU. I could be wrong, but I don't think he's played a game since then...and I'm not sure when the last one he played before that was. Definitely something to think about though. I just want to be fair to everybody here.

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Bummer, but not totally surprising. Had my chance and blew it. Oh well, time to start planning for the offseason, presuming there will be a season 3 and what not.

I said before that if there would he a season 3, I'd play. I wonder, with the other league shutting down, if there's anyone who'd be interested in coming to this league assuming anyone is eligible. Probably not.
I said before that if there would he a season 3, I'd play. I wonder, with the other league shutting down, if there's anyone who'd be interested in coming to this league assuming anyone is eligible. Probably not.
I thought about that...but in addition to the disparity in skill level, I would wager that most of the people from that league that aren't just done with the game wouldn't be terribly interested in the prospect of being assigned a team or adhering to the strict rules that we have here. I think at this point, it probably makes more sense to just ride things out and then see where everybody ends up next year.

There's a 99.9% certainty that I won't be on a next gen console by the time Madden 15 releases, and as much as I love football, if the real life Titans start tearing shit down and acting stupid, I can't even swear how much I'll be looking forward to next season anyway. We'll see what happens.

Quick question about trades with the CPU. Do I need to present it to the committee first, or see if the CPU will accept first? I presume the former.

Quick question about trades with the CPU. Do I need to present it to the committee first, or see if the CPU will accept first? I presume the former.
Scratch that. Forgot what thread I was in, haha. Yeah...for once, if Madden had done things like NHL and made it where commissioners had to approve trades, you could see if the CPU would do it first. But in this game, once you offer them the trade, if they like it, it just goes through.

So, yeah...submit it for review first.

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Nate if you're on the fence about it, then never mind. I believe I stopped playing after week 10 or week 11 but I missed at least 2 games over that first stretch. Darktower, feel free to play against my CPU. Hopefully by the time we get to season 3 I'll be less busy and more excited to play madden
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Nate if you're on the fence about it, then never mind. I believe I stopped playing after week 10 or week 11 but I missed at least 2 games over that first stretch. Darktower, feel free to play against my CPU. Hopefully by the time we get to season 3 I'll be less busy and more excited to play madden
Yeah, that's probably the best thing. I mean...if you're busy, you're busy. Coming back for the playoffs kind of sets a bad precedent.

What the fuck is the point of the Browns putting all their best players way down the depth chart? It's a bitch move and just bad sportsmanship, though I guess I can't be surprised by who it's coming from.

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What the fuck is the point of the Browns putting all their best players way down the depth chart? It's a bitch move and just bad sportsmanship, though I guess I can't be surprised by who it's coming from.
If I had to guess, I'd say he didn't want his starters to get hurt in games he had no intention of playing. Though, as I expressed to him many times, the only game he was suspended for was this one. But basically, as I expected, he didn't play another game after his punishment was handed out. With people already questioning his character, this could have been an opportunity to step up and prove that he was here for more than just running up stats and to be an active part of the community. Instead, things like this amount to pouting.

I don't really know what the angle is here. I don't know if those backups will progress more in the offseason because of getting more playing time...but then his starters could regress because they weren't getting that time. Ultimately, it seems unnecessary...and the fact that we constantly need to question "what he's trying to pull" just says a lot. I hate to be constantly coming down on people...but what is going on here? Why struggle so hard with just doing things the right way?

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It's like that puppy you're trying to housetrain. You've sprayed him with the water bottle, and given him light swats with a newspaper. You think he's finally got it down, but then he walks in front of the couch, looks you square in the eye, and shits on the rug.


That aside, I'm excited for a third season. Even last year, I couldn't beat the CPU in this league, so going 9-7 and narrowly missing the playoffs is a step in the right direction. Now that I've had a season, I can properly evaluate what the Giants need. Hopefully I have enough money to pull it off.

Awesome, just had my internet cycle in the middle of my wildcard game.  Was tied 7-7 in the second as I was driving.  Just a heads up to explain the restarted game.

Lol, just did it again up 7-3 in the 2nd.  Once again right as I was getting close to scoring.  Will try again after hockey tonight or tomorrow.

As much as I would like to blame EA, it's something with Comcast.  Has cycled the modem a couple of times this afternoon, not sure if they are "upgrading" or if it's just a problem with the connection.  Just restarted the modem hopefully that fixes it but I am going to wait until later to try to play it again.

OK, turns out it was a Comcast outage that was causing all the problems last night.  They got it fixed and I had no problems getting the game in today.  Colts over Broncos 45-13.  Luck had a big game and the running game was huge.  Three picks from Osweiler didn't help Denver either., seriously...WTF...the Rams owner apparently just decided he wanted to participate again and played his playoff game? Didn't even post in here or anything. Come on, man. Do you really think that's ok? We JUST finished having a discussion about whether it should be ok for an owner to miss half the season and still play in the playoffs. The Broncos owner (KasterDB) wasn't allowed to play his playoff game because of this. But you play yours without even saying anything? Really?, seriously...WTF...the Rams owner apparently just decided he wanted to participate again and played his playoff game? Didn't even post in here or anything. Come on, man. Do you really think that's ok? We JUST finished having a discussion about whether it should be ok for an owner to miss half the season and still play in the playoffs. The Broncos owner (KasterDB) wasn't allowed to play his playoff game because of this. But you play yours without even saying anything? Really?
He doesn't appear to have been on CAG since 2/2/14, so I'm guessing he won't even see this. Might as well just boot him from the league and move on IMO.

Yeah, that's what I'll do. It just never ceases to amaze me what some people think is acceptable. I looked back and he stopped posting in the thread around Week 10, but yeah...he didn't even respond to PM's from like his last 5 human opponents. I never noticed his other CPU games being "done" before I advanced...but at this point, nothing would surprise me.

We have advanced to the Divisional Round of the playoffs!

Matt Young, feel free to play the CPU as soon as you can. I haven't booted the Rams owner yet, but if for some reason, he's taken himself off auto pilot (that would really add to the wonderment), I'll try to get on and do it tonight. Do not play wtfitstony under any circumstance.

The deadline for this round of games will be 3/19.

Nate, I'm on travel. I am coming back late on the 19th, so I could have played on the 20th. I was hoping the deadline would be Thursday.
Nate, I'm on travel. I am coming back late on the 19th, so I could have played on the 20th. I was hoping the deadline would be Thursday.
Well, the 19th was our standard 4 day cycle. I guess we can wait an extra day though. I doubt anybody would be too up in arms at this point.

Titans - 35

Colts - 27

My margin of victory against the Colts is getting smaller and smaller. If I don't learn some razzle dazzle or something before next season, I'm probably going to get my ass kicked.

The Titans fell behind 3-0 on a long Indianapolis drive to start the game. But they were able to respond and an Andrew Luck pick 6 to Alterraun Verner allowed Tennessee to take a 21-10 lead into halftime...with the Titans getting the ball back to start the 2nd half. The Titans again capitalized, opening up a 28-10 lead as the 4th quarter began.

The Cotls would not go quietly, however, putting together some nice scoring drives of their own, including recovering an onside kick with a 28-20 score and just under 2 minutes left in the game. But another Andrew Luck INT gave the Titans the ball back, and after trying to chew clock, Jake Locker converted a huge 3rd and long to Justin Hunter that Hunter took 61 yards for a TD. Again the Colts responded, scoring a TD with 28 seconds left...leaving them to try one final onside kick that, this time, Justin Hunter was able to hold onto.

Hell of a game. I felt like this was a GSP kind of game for me, lol. After getting a few big plays to take an early lead, I took very few chances, and tried to give up nothing big on defense. It felt pretty razor thin...but I got plays when I needed them, and my only significant mistake was misjudging the timing of when Kenny Britt was getting past press coverage, which resulted in Locker's only incomplete pass of the day...which was an interception.

Good game, Brandon. I really think I need to learn some new tricks. You've got most of mine figured out, and mixing them up is getting harder and harder. It makes for an incredibly small margin of error. Not sure I could pull it off again.


Jake Locker - 7-8, 167 yds, 2 TDs, 1 INT, 2 att, 14 yds

Chris Johnson - 12 att, 121 yds, 2 TDs, 1 rec, 16 yds

Kenny Britt - 2 rec, 33 yds, 1 TD

Justin Hunter - 1 rec, 61 yds, 1 TD

Alterraun Verner - 2 tackles, 1 INT, 1 TD


Andrew Luck - 24-38, 299 yds, 1 TD, 2 INTs, 1 att, 10 yds

Ahmad Bradshaw - 13, 79 yds, 1 TD, 1 rec, 12 yds

Duane Allen - 8 rec, 99 yds

Hakeem Nicks - 6 rec, 62 yds, 1 TD

Da'Rick Rogers - 5 rec, 69 yds

Darrius Heyward-Bey - 2 rec, 26 yds

Darius Butler - 1 tackle, 1 INT

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Nate, thx for holding the advance for me. Just played the game vs pitfallharry. Good game, Bengals!

Bengals - 30
Jets - 38

Back and forth game in the first half. Tied at 7 after 1st qtr. Jets scored two TD in 2nd qtr and held Bengals to one FG to take a 21-10 lead into the locker room at halftime. Back to back turnovers late in 2nd qtr. Jets intercepted Johnson, then on the next play, Geno had a nice QB run of 17 yds, then fumbled. Ha ha.

Bengals had only score in 3rd qtr with a TD, but failed on the 2-pt conversion when Milliner intercepted Johnson. Bengals stopped the Jets on 3rd down with a sack to end the 3rd qtr. But with the wind at his back, Buehler opened the 4th qtr with a 58 yd FG to open an 8 pt lead for the Jets at 24-16. The Jets forced a fumble on the Bengals next drive and that led to another Jets TD, making the score 31-16. The Bengals scored on a TD pass to AJ Green midway through the 4th qtr to close back to an 8 pt game at 31-23. The Jets recovered the onside kick and eventually scored a TD on a 31 yd run by Goodson to make the score 38-23. The Bengals got a late TD run to again close the game to an 8 pt spread at 38-30, but failed to recover the onside kick and the Jets ran out the clock to seal the victory.

Several players on both sides had very good games. Bengals had huge numbers in the passing game with 396 yds through the air, but only 60 on the ground. Jets had a balanced attack with 208 yds passing and 167 yds rushing. Jets won the turnover battle with one INT (two if you count the 2-pt conversion) and one fumble recovery, while the Bengals had one fumble recovery.

Stat highlights for the Jets:

Geno Smith was 11-11(!) for 208 yds and 2 TD and completed passes to 7 different receivers
Mike Goodson had 19 carries for 151 yds and 3 TD and one rec for 35 yds
Stephen Hill had 4 rec for 76 yds and one TD

Stat highlights for the Bengals:

Josh Johnson was 20-31 for 396 yds with 2 TD and one INT and completed passes to 6 different receivers
Gio Bernard had 7 carries for 26 yds, but did have 2 TD
AJ Green had 7 rec for 184 yds(!) and 2 TD
Nate, thx for holding the advance for me. Just played the game vs pitfallharry. Good game, Bengals!

Bengals - 30
Jets - 38

Back and forth game in the first half. Tied at 7 after 1st qtr. Jets scored two TD in 2nd qtr and held Bengals to one FG to take a 21-10 lead into the locker room at halftime. Back to back turnovers late in 2nd qtr. Jets intercepted Johnson, then on the next play, Geno had a nice QB run of 17 yds, then fumbled. Ha ha.

Bengals had only score in 3rd qtr with a TD, but failed on the 2-pt conversion when Milliner intercepted Johnson. Bengals stopped the Jets on 3rd down with a sack to end the 3rd qtr. But with the wind at his back, Buehler opened the 4th qtr with a 58 yd FG to open an 8 pt lead for the Jets at 24-16. The Jets forced a fumble on the Bengals next drive and that led to another Jets TD, making the score 31-16. The Bengals scored on a TD pass to AJ Green midway through the 4th qtr to close back to an 8 pt game at 31-23. The Jets recovered the onside kick and eventually scored a TD on a 31 yd run by Goodson to make the score 38-23. The Bengals got a late TD run to again close the game to an 8 pt spread at 38-30, but failed to recover the onside kick and the Jets ran out the clock to seal the victory.

Several players on both sides had very good games. Bengals had huge numbers in the passing game with 396 yds through the air, but only 60 on the ground. Jets had a balanced attack with 208 yds passing and 167 yds rushing. Jets won the turnover battle with one INT (two if you count the 2-pt conversion) and one fumble recovery, while the Bengals had one fumble recovery.

Stat highlights for the Jets:

Geno Smith was 11-11(!) for 208 yds and 2 TD and completed passes to 7 different receivers
Mike Goodson had 19 carries for 151 yds and 3 TD and one rec for 35 yds
Stephen Hill had 4 rec for 76 yds and one TD

Stat highlights for the Bengals:

Josh Johnson was 20-31 for 396 yds with 2 TD and one INT and completed passes to 6 different receivers
Gio Bernard had 7 carries for 26 yds, but did have 2 TD
AJ Green had 7 rec for 184 yds(!) and 2 TD
Yeah, it was a great game. I can't even complain about getting Maddened because I know I was outplayed. I think this might be the first time you've ever beaten me. You'd gotten pretty close the first few times, so I figured it would happen eventually. You've definitely improved over the course of this year.

There are two plays I wish I could take back. The read option play when I was down 8 at 24-16 where Bernard got nailed and fumbled was a huge mistake. That was the first time I'd ever run that play all season and it bit me in the ass. I only switched to that playbook because I thought maybe I could run more with Josh Johnson.

I also regret the first onside kick. I think I had 2 timeouts left and the two minute warning coming. I should've just kicked it deep, but I was giving up first downs like it was job. I thought that might've been my only shot.

After playing with Johnson these past few weeks, I really wish I hadn't given Dalton that fat new contract. Johnson can make pretty much any throw Dalton can, and he's more mobile.

Yeah, it was a great game. I can't even complain about getting Maddened because I know I was outplayed. I think this might be the first time you've ever beaten me. You'd gotten pretty close the first few times, so I figured it would happen eventually. You've definitely improved over the course of this year.

There are two plays I wish I could take back. The read option play when I was down 8 at 24-16 where Bernard got nailed and fumbled was a huge mistake. That was the first time I'd ever run that play all season and it bit me in the ass. I only switched to that playbook because I thought maybe I could run more with Josh Johnson.

I also regret the first onside kick. I think I had 2 timeouts left and the two minute warning coming. I should've just kicked it deep, but I was giving up first downs like it was job. I thought that might've been my only shot.

After playing with Johnson these past few weeks, I really wish I hadn't given Dalton that fat new contract. Johnson can make pretty much any throw Dalton can, and he's more mobile.
Thanks, man, really. That means a lot. Yes, this is the first time I beat you in three tries with the current Madden release. The other two were pretty close at the end, but I could never get that stop when I needed it or you did get the stop when you needed it. This game was definitely in the balance after 3 quarters. On that last play of the 3rd quarter, I had a 3rd and long, but wasn't sure about passing it because if it was incomplete, I didn't think I could hit a FG into that wind. But even though that sack pushed me back a bit, it allowed the clock to run out so I could attempt the long FG with the wind. The 4th qtr definitely went my way, but with your insane passing game, I knew I had to keep pushing. If one of those onside kicks went your way, that might have turned things around.

I hope we match up again next season, it's always a fun game and a challenge to play against you. You're a class act.

Titans - 31

Jets - 15

The Tennessee Titans will get to defend their crown. As per usual in these playoffs, the Titans found themselves on their heels on the opening drive. Geno Smith and Mike Goodson marched the Jets offense down the field for a quick 7-0 lead on the game's opening possession. Fortunately, for Tennessee, Jake Locker and Chris Johnson were ready for a game as well, and the 1st quarter ended in a 7-7 tie.

In the 2nd quarter, the Titans made their move, locking things down on defense, and scoring 17 offensive points, capped by a field goal as the clock ran out to take a 24-7 lead into the half. Getting the ball back to start the 2nd half, the Titans struck again, taking a commanding 31-7 lead.

At this point, the Tennessee defense settled into its "nothing big" mantra, and let the clock work for them. The Jets would not go quietly though, and a 10 yd TD pass and 2 point conversion with 2:26 remaining in the game pulled them to within two scores. Having all 3 timeouts, the Jets opted to kick the ball deep. They would not get it back, however, as the Titans offense converted some key 3rd downs and were able to run out the clock.

Good game, Hoo Rox. I think if Jake Locker had not been very on his game (that one throw after he shook off the sack at my own 5 yard line was bananas), this would have been a lot closer. It seemed like you were getting very close to sniffing out my run game, and I was fortunate to be able to keep you honest with the passing. I think I threw more in this game than I have against my last several human opponents.


Jake Locker - 11/11, 227 yds, 1 TD, 0 INTs

Chris Johnson - 16 att, 249 yds, 2 TDs

Kenny Britt - 5 rec, 103 yds, 1 TD

Kendall Wright - 2 rec, 57 yds

Justin Hunter - 2 rec, 48 yds

Delanie Walker - 2 rec, 19 yds

Colin McCarthy - 1 tackle, 1 INT


Geno Smith - 7/15, 120 yds, 1 TD, 1 INT

Mike Goodson - 8 att, 101 yds, 1 TD, 1 rec, -6 yds

Clyde Gates - 3 rec, 66 yds

Jeremy Kerley - 1 rec, 10 yds, 1 TD

Stephen Hill - 1 rec, 28 yds

Jeff Cumberland - 1 rec, 22 yds

Quinton Coples - 3 tackles, 1 sack

Wow...I just looked at the score of the Packers vs Vikings game for the NFC championship...and it was almost the exact same as the Titans vs Jets game. point off. Spooky! lol :lol:

And since those games are done, we have now advanced to the Super Bowl. Titans vs Packers. Should be a good one. The deadline for this game is 3/28.

I'll get some offseason timeline figured out and we can vote on a draft time. At least there won't be as many of us to coordinate, haha.

Is anybody else not interested in playing a 3rd season? pitfallharry has already mentioned being done after this one. And I think Kaster is hoping to be rejuvenated. Is there anyone else I'm forgetting about?

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bread's done